Omar's In Nomine Campaign
This is the face-to-face In Nomine campaign I ran with a couple of friends in Nashville, TN back in 2009-2010.

Player Characters
- Jarebai (Role: Jason Perry), Kyriotate of
the Sword
- Duke, German Shepherd, Servant to Jarebai
- Madian, Seraph of Judgement

House Rules
Square the degree of disturbance to get the Base Range in yards (or meters). Whether or not you hear it is a straight Perception role, modified by range. Use the In Nomine Disturbance Calculator to calculate the penalty, if you wish.
Range | Per |
0.1×Base Range | +3 |
0.2×Base Range | +2 |
0.5×Base Range | +1 |
Base Range | +0 |
2×Base Range | -2 |
5×Base Range | -4 |
10×Base Range | -6 |
20×Base Range | -8 |
You can take a penalty to your target number up to your level with a skill or song in exchange for a bonus to the check digit. (For resonances, we'll stick with the -1/+1 in the main rulebook.)
Character Development
You cannot buy Forces with earned experience points. However, if you buy enough attributes (at 3cp/attribute), you will gain a Force "naturally".
Superiors will not hand out character points, but they will occasionally hand out specific boons.

Alexander Smith : aka Alexander Darkmoon. A sorcerer who had summoned Ummah and was making undead animals. In John Brown's town.
Bernard Franks : a Soldier of Greed, a sevant to Lannie Perkins
Buck, Djinn of Greed, associated with the Greed tether in Portland.
Chelsea : Mercurian of Dreams, seneschal of the Dreams tether in San Francisco.
Don : a powerfully strong homeless person in Portland who is very confused and speculated to be a remnant celestial of some sort... and who turned out to be Thor, the God of Thunder.
Euodias : a Bright Lilim of Creation who had been in service to flowers. Jarebai facilitated her transfer to be in service to The Sword.
Gulestrupniel, aka Gil Balter : Cherub of Lightning, seneschal of the tether at Blue Lightning Digital Research.
Hazana : Kyriotate of Protection, seneschal of the tether at the Haight-Ashbury Free Medical Clinic.
Ian : Renegade demon of Technology. Tracked down and killed by Madian and Jarebai in San Francisco.
Invictus, Elohite Vassal of the Sword. Met in Portland. Old, originally served Uriel.
Japhia : a demon of the War, encountered by Jarebai during the No Dinero affair.
John Brown : Mercurian of Judgement, Seneschal (Role: prosecuting attorney) of John Brown's Courthouse.
Joyherunai, aka Joy Herun : Seraph of Creation. Seneschal of Rickie's, a tether to Creation in New Orleans.
Lamalamaniel, aka Father Moses Johnson : Elohite Friend of the Lord's Troops, the Angel of St. Louis Cathedral, seneschal to that tether to the Sword in New Orleans.
Lannie Perkins : a Habbalite of Greed who had had a Role as a homocide detective in Portland. She was vessel-killed (thereby destroying the Role) by Loki and his skinheads.
Lao Chin : Malakite of Trade, seneschal of the Trade tether in San Francisco. Hasn't had very good interactions with Madian....
Loki : the Norse God of Mischief, against whom Madian and Jarebai fought in Portland.
Mariniel, Seraph of Trade in Portland, OR. They ran into him while he was working of dissonance at the Protection tether.
Maggie : a dissonant and discordant Outcast Ofanite of Creation who killed two of the Roadrockers. She was tracked down by Madian and Jarebai and turned over to the Flowers tether for return to Heaven.
Malbers : demon in service to Fate (believed). Was leading a gang of teens and 20's in New Orleans. Vessel Killed 2009 June 5.
Malleus Seraph of War. Rather a jarhead. Met in Portland.
Mariniel, Seraph of Trade in Portland, OR. Was at the Protection tether working off dissonance.
Marusha, aka Martha Stesson : Mercurian of Destiny. Killed local human Louise Vinnet
Mulidispiel : Kyriotate of Destiny. Seneschal of the small tether to Destiny in Monroe Library at Loyola University in New Orleans.
Oakland Gluttons : at Danny's Cafe in Oakland, CA, across the Bay from San Francisco. Includes the seneschal of the tether (a heavy, hairy man), a tall thin man, and a short stocky man. No names or Band identifications obtained.
Pete : Cherub of Stone, the angelic patron of the Roadrockers.
Portland Protection Servitors : associated with the Tether to Protection there:
- Ahazia, Cherub of Flowers, seneschal.
- Alexius, Mercurian of Flowers, vessel-killed on 2009 June 24
- Jeffrey Coolidge, Soldier of Protection, street artist.
- Zeke, Ofanite of Protection
Roadrockers : a motorcycle gang based in Oakland, California, overseen by Pete. Most of the humans in the gang don't know about the war (with the exception of one Hank, who has some vague ideas).
Samuel Crane : a PI in San Francisco, and a Soldier of the Sword with a Vassal distinction. Local section leader of the Purifiers.
San Francisco Flowers Servitors : associated with the Tether to Flowers there:
- Alastair, Cherub of Flowers. Was attuned to Euodias, then escorted Maggie to heaven.
- Hallaren, Ofanite of Flowers, seneschal of the tether.
- Pollofyto, Kyriotate of Flowers.
- Soren, Seraph of Flowers. Not the easiest one to get along with.
- Thessin, Ofanite of Flowers.
San Francisco Gamesters : three servitors of the Game, tracked down and attacked by Madian, Jarebai, Thessin, and the local Purifiers.
- Unknown in a well-groomed male vessel, vessel-killed.
- Calibite in a discheveled female vessel, vessel-killed.
- Shedite, escaped.
San Francisco Judgement Triad
- Naran, Seraph of Judgement
- Verandia, Cherub of Judgement
- Isorropiel, Elohite of Judgement
San Francisco Purifiers : a section of the global organization of Soldiers of the Sword, led by Samuel Crane. See In Nomine San Francisco.
Sharon Press, Soldier of Judgement. Assistant DA in Portland.
Tank : a remnant angel of Purity in Portland, who is (for unknown reasons) obsessed with following and ultimately destroying Don. He turned out to be the remnant of Tancred, whom Invictus remebered as the Malakite of Purity who had led the expedition against Thor during the Purity Crusades many centuries ago.
Thessin : an Ofanite of Flowers, the one of the "San Francisco Flowers Servitors" who interacted most with the PCs.
Thor : the Norse God of Thunder, who has positive feelings toward Madian and Jarebai because they reunited him with Mjollnir, and hence restored his full mind.
Tragan : the Angel of Car Wrecks, an Ofanite of the Wind in service to Lightning.
Ummah : A Calabite, who had been working with Alexander Smith.
Yolanda : a woman who had been unfairly convicted of shoplifting in San Francisco. Was freed on appeal by Madian.

San Francisco (and the East Bay).
John Brown's Courthouse : a small tether to Judgement. Located in a small town in Arkansas.
No Dinero : Focus of much of the Thor/Loki bruhaha in Portland, but almost certainly a celestially uninteresting red herring.
Samuel Crane's Offices : PI offices in San Francisco. Served as Madian's and Jarebai's base of operations while they were there.