ASTR 253
Galactic Astrophysics
Spring 2004
MWF, 1:10-2:00 PM, Stevenson Center 6105.
M3, taken with the 14" Bergquist Telescope at Dyer Observatory, 2004-February-13
Prof. Robert Knop
SC 6912
Office Hours: Tu 10:00-11:00; W 2:00-4:00; Th 10:00-11:00
- Syllabus
Available in PDF format. Current revision is Revision 3 (2003/01/20); make sure the one you're working from is up-to-date.
- Reading Questions
Click here to respond to reading questions, or to review your earlier answers.
- Mailing List
A mailing list for the class. I will send out announcements to this list. You may also post to it if there is something you wish to discuss with me and the rest of the class in E-mail. (Everyone in the class is subscribed to this list.)
- Textbook
The textbook for the course is Galactic Astrophysics by Sparke & Gallagher. You can find errata for the book at the authors' page: These errata are important!
- In-Class Group Problems
Below are the group problems that you've done in class, together with solutions I've written up. Feel free to challenge me if you think one of my solutions is wrong.
- Problem Sets
- Exams
Exam 1: Monday, March 1
Exam 2: Monday, April 12
Final Exam: Saturday, May 1
- Toys
Spiral Galaxy Rotator: see what would happen to the spiral arms in a galaxy given the differential rotation of the galaxy if arms were "material" arms.