Energy & Matter: Our Quantum World
Version 0.29, 2012-03-31
This is a textbook that I wrote for the course Energy and Matter: Our Quantum World at Quest University Canada. It's designed as a mathematically rigorous introduction to quantum mechanics for all students at a liberal arts university. While it does demand that students be comfortable with algebra (a demand that, if we are to be realistic, is not met by many studnets), it does not require any prior study of physics, nor does it require any calculus.
This text may be freely copied and used under the CC-BY-SA 3.0 license. You may copy it, print it, post it anywhere, use it in your classes or anywhere else, as long as you include a statement of the license on it and give me attribution. You may use pieces of it in your own work, as long as your own work is available under the same license. Follow the link about the license at the bottom of this page for more information.
- Full Text: enma-0.29.pdf
- Contents &
Preface: enma_v0.29_0.pdf
- Chapter 1, Units & Dimensionality: enma_v0.29_1.pdf (102K)
- Chapter 2, Energy: enma_v0.29_2.pdf (87K)
- Chapter 3, Momentum and Angular Momentum: enma_v0.29_3.pdf (117K)
- Chapter 4, The Spin-1/2
Particle: enma_v0.29_4.pdf
- Chapter 5, Dirac Notation: enma_v0.29_5.pdf (74K)
- Chapter 6, Amplitudes and Probabilities: enma_v0.29_6.pdf (141K)
- Chapter 7, The Collapse of the Wave Function: enma_v0.29_7.pdf (169K)
- Chapter 8, Operators and
Eigenvectors: enma_v0.29_8.pdf
- Chapter 9, Vectors and Matrices: enma_v0.29_9.pdf (73K)
- Chapter 10, Pauli Spin Matrices: enma_v0.29_10.pdf (64K)
- Chapter 11, Noncommuting Operators and Uncertainty: enma_v0.29_11.pdf (100K)
- Chapter 12, Multiple Particle
States: enma_v0.29_12.pdf
- Chapter 13, The Schrödinger Equation: enma_v0.29_13.pdf (115K)
- Chapter 14, Atomic Orbitals: enma_v0.29_14.pdf (2.7M)
- Chapter 15, The Periodic Table of the Elements: enma_v0.29_15.pdf (148K)
- Chapter
16, Matter: enma_v0.29_16.pdf
- Bibliography: enma_v0.29_bib.pdf (21K)

Energy and Matter: Our Quantum World by Rob Knop is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.