Restorative Resources Training Calendar Fall and Winter 2011

Facilitating Restorative Dialogues

Transforming conflict and making things right

An intensive training on how to prepare for, facilitate, and follow up after restorative conferences in response to victimizing crime and incidents. The training examines the needs of victims, offenders, and the community. A range of restorative dialogue responses is considered, with discussion of how to choose one that is appropriate for the situation. The training is highly experiential, encouraging participants to practice facilitation by working with each other on their own experiences of victimization and/or witnessing harmful events. No pre-requisite.

more information | register | location

Restorative Resources is a nonprofit organization that has been providing restorative justice-related services, training and consultation since 2002.

Restorative Justice brings victims of crime and their offenders together in a dialogue that builds understanding, explores impacts, and develops agreements for what will be done to make things right. The result: truly meaningful justice for all involved; justice that heals.

Restorative Schools build and maintain networks of right relationships that connect all members of the school community. They support the social and emotional learning needs of students. We assist schools in exploring restorative methods to enhance responses to challenging behavior. The result: trouble transformed into learning; schools that transform challenging behavior into learning and emotional growth.

Restorative Communities link skilled circle keepers with community groups as diverse as commercial businesses, faith-based groups, non-profits, government and more. Circle keepers use the unique power to help groups that find the transformation they are seeking. The result: individuals perspectives transformed into group wisdom; communities that learn and grow.

Restorative Training develops the core skills of restorative principles and practices, emphasizing circle keeping and its application in many settings. Our trainings are highly experiential and immerse people in direct and intimate experience of what it is like to be in circles. We guide them through a process of discovering the power of circles. We teach how to conduct circles effectively in a variety of settings. The result: a growing network of persons trained in restorative principles; sowing seeds of cultural transformation.

For: alternative dispute resolution professionals, volunteers, educators, and justice personnel

September 21,22,28,29

Santa Rosa CA

The Circle is the Teacher: Introduction to Circles and Circle Keeping

Learn the fundamentals of circles and circle keeping.

Our foundation course. An immersive training that allows participants to learn from experiencing being in a circle. How to set up a circle, using rituals and symbols to mark the beginning and end of circle time, using a talking piece, sequencing activities to deepen connections, high-quality questions to guide the work of the circle, role of the circle keeper, the circle keeper’s inner dialogue, trusting the power of the circle, transparent communication, other topics that emerge during the training. Each training is unique because it unfolds in response to the needs of the circle participants; therefore we encourage attending multiple trainings. This training is a Prerequisite for most of our other trainings; required of all volunteer applicants.

Dates: Saturdays October 22 | November 19 | December 17

more information | register | location

For: Everyone interested in experiencing how circles build positive connections.

20 participants maximum per day, register early!

7 hours; $45-$70, self-determined sliding fee.

The Circle Is the Teacher Level II

The restorative power of circles.

An intensive training that explores aspects of circles not covered in The Circle is the Teacher (which is a prerequisite prior to taking this course). This training delves more deeply into how we incorporate restorative principles in circles. We discuss using circles with the eco-soul-centric developmental framework to support development at all ages of life; multigenerational circles; awareness of process; and more practice with being in and leading circles.

Dates: Sundays following The Circle is the Teacher | September 18 | October 23 | November 24 | December 18

Dates: To be announced. Please contact us for a priority space on the interest list; space is limited.| register | location

For: People committed to using circles in any setting. Limit 20 participants.

8 hours; $45-$110self-determined sliding fee.

Classroom Circles

Build positive connections that support high quality learning

This training is primarly for teachers and others who lead circles in classrooms. Topics include: how to set up and conduct circles; sequencing circle topics and activities; using circles to create and sustain authentic community agreements; impromptu circles for responding to incidents; the relationship between circles and authority; integrating circles with curriculum; building whole-classroom ownership of circles and shared responsibility for their functioning and effectiveness; responding to specific challenges in circles; limitations of and realistic expectations for classroom circles.

Dates: Scheduled per request from school sites | more information |

For: teachers and others who lead classroom circles

6 hours; $120 o group fee for up to 24 participants

Facilitating Learning Circles for Supporting Change in School and Organizational Culture

A strong foundation for lasting change

This training calls upon participants to be in circle together and share ideas and wisdom about how circles can be integrated into the life of an organization or school at all levels. Our trainers assume that you have the knowledge and wisdom you need to achieve your goals. We organize circles around the high-quality questions that will help you articulate your wisdom and put it to work. Pre-requisite: prior experience or training circle keeping.

Dates: Scheduled per request from schools, school districts, businesses, other organizations

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For: principals, administrators, human resource professionals, managers and consultants

6 hours; $1200 group fee for up to 24 participants

Restorative Peacemaking Circles

building and healing relationships


Peacemaking circles are used to heal conflict and misunderstanding. They are often the best option for supporting individuals and groups who wish to heal difficult relationships. They can be formal circles arranged in advance, or in some settings such as schools they can be done on-the-fly when playground or classroom conflicts occur. We recommend completing "The Circle is the Teacher" prior to taking this training.

Dates: To be announced.

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Peacemakers, Alternative Dispute Resolution Professionals, Activitists, Community Leaders

6 hours; $65-$110 Sliding Fee

Coaching and Consultation

Putting it all to work

Coaching conversations that help you to focus on your goals and progress while supporting your ongoing inquiry and learning. These conversations will help you to rapidly deepen your practice in classroom circles, facilitating restorative dialogues, restorative justice process, and circle keeping. By telephone, by appointment. $50 per 30 minutes.

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For Circle Keepers and School Site and District Leaders in Restorative Practices


Open registration trainings
are held at the
Restorative Resources Offices:
3440 Airway Drive
Santa Rosa CA 95403