New Eclipse for 2007

Eigertek is delighted to announce the new 2007-model Eclipse 3-weapon scoring machine. The changes to the original model include the following:

New Microcontroller

We redesigned the circuit board to support a new microcontroller. The new microcontroller is programmable by Eigertek for easy—and free—updates should the FIE make further changes to the timings. Unfortunately, the original microcontroller is no longer manufactured and cannot be updated. However, Eigertek will provide free upgrades to the Doha 1.3 firmware through 31-Dec-2007.

New Foil Program

The new Doha 2.0 firmware uses a “fencer friendly” foil program that virtually eliminates the problem of non-registering touches due to “micro-breaks”. Firmware upgrades will continue to be free with the new 2007 Eclipse.

Additional Static Protection

We added circuitry for more static protection. Static can be a problem in cold, dry environments, especially when fencing on plastic tiles or carpet (which we advise against).

Louder Buzzer

We replaced the buzzer with a louder one and repositioned it for better resonance. The result is a sound that’s noticeably louder, but still polite.

Sale Price

After eight years, we are raising the price of the Eclipse a little. The suggested retail price will increase to $375 starting December 2007. Until then, you can buy the new Eclipse at the original price.

Upgrade Offer

Finally, as a special offer to existing Eclipse owners, you can send in your old Eclipse to American Fencers Supply, and we will upgrade the circuit board to the new one for $185. We will even replace the faceplate label at no extra charge if it’s damaged!

The new 2007 Eclipse is available now from American Fencers Supply (

Copyright © 2007 Eigertek.