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Winter NAMM| Summer NAMM


Academy Awards telecast 2004:

Eugene Levy (as Mitch, of Mitch and Mickie) used a Shubb Capo on A Kiss at the End of the Rainbow, from A Mighty Wind.

By the way, "Mark Shubb," in that film, is no relation. Anybody know how they came up with the name? If so, let me know.)   ...Rick

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Winter NAMM 2004
(Anaheim, Jan. )

rick and dave
Dave Coontz, Rick Shubb
This was Dave's first public appearance since selling his mustache to his wife

raul, rick, bob
Jam at the booth: Raul Reynoso, Rick Shubb, Bob Wilson. Mary Wilson at the table listening.



Who is this guy?

This was Kelly Jordan's third NAMM show,
but her first since officially coming on board with the company.

30 years? The COMPANY, not me!

Raul Reynoso's experimental use of a capo.

new west
New West at our Friday night event: Raul Reynoso, Mike Fleming, David Jackson.

rick and bob
Dick Hardwick, Bob Wilson, Rick Shubb, Charlie Warren

rhythm bros
A reunion of the Rhythm Brothers: Raul Reynoso, Charlie Warren, John Jorgenson

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Summer NAMM show 2004
Nashville, TN. July


John Jorgenson spent some time at the booth
meeting with his fans

hillbilly jim with kelly
Kelly Jordan with pro wrestler Hillbilly Jim

james burton with gary
Gary Mobley with guitar legend James Burton

hanna & mceuen
Jonathan McEuen, Rick Shubb, Jamie Hanna

rory block
Rory Block, Rick Shubb
john and rick
Me introducing John's Quintet onto the stage at the Station Inn

brian sutton

Flatpicking star Brian Sutton was on hand with some hot licks. John had assembled an all-star bluegrass group to close our show at the Station Inn. John played mandolin in that set, and Brian took over the lead guitar spot. Earlier in the evening , Brian showed us a lesser-know side of his guitar chops, as he took the rhythm chair in John's gypsy jazz quintet.

john capo

John introduced a new jazz tune he'd written that uses a capo. Quite unusual, and naturally I was pleased. He had not yet titled it, but it would later be named Ultraspontane, and would become the title tune of his quintet's second CD.

Since then he has played Ultraspontane at each of the concerts we have presented, often to close the show, and it continues to bring the house down.

I suspect he might have been thinking of me when he decided to put the capo on while writing this tune. If so, thank you, John. It is a great tune, and a great showcase for my capo in a style and context where you don't expect to see one.

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