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Wallace Course Announcements — older


EA105 (love) 6/15/2013: Now that I have film selections from all teams:

1. All teams are now working in the blind. You should not speak with your teammates about anything relating to your IA (Individual Analysis) or the films. If you have questions, ask me or another classmate but not a teammate. You can, however, contact each other for the administrative reason of setting up meeting times.

2. You should have received an email from me directing you to a GoogleDrive document. Let me know if you cannot find or edit that document.

3. You will receive from me the form to be used for your IA (Individual Analysis). You qualify for receiving this form by sending to me Extended Film Summaries — the definition for and instructions for this are on the key concepts page accessed via the Announcements Page sidebar — for each of the three films. Place them directly into an email (no attachments) and use the keyword FILMSUM. When I approve your summaries, I will send the IA form to you. (Watch for an email from me; I might request that you redo portions of the summaries.) NOTE: You should do the summaries probably by tomorrow evening, since the IA form is long and will take several days to complete. It rewards additional research (but does not require it) and it is about 15 questions long with all of those questions requiring at least a paragraph to answer and a few of those questions in the short to medium essay answer format. The entire report, when completed, probably stretches over 8-15 pages. So, allow time!! ALSO, most students like to work late at night. I don't. So if you complete something after 6PM it is quite possible you will not receive the form until the next day and if you contact me after 9:30 PM I can guarantee that you will not hear from me until the next day. So, when visualizing a timeline to complete the IA on time, calculate that gap into the mix.

EA105 (love) 6/14/2013: I won't release the next TCP step until all teams have selected their three films. However, in the meantime, for those who have selected their films, the best preparation you can do at this time is a) view the films carefully, b) get background on the films (if they are remakes of other films, or manga, or novels, read/view that), c) get to know your director (might mean seeing other films or at least knowing other films by him/her, d) catch up on the premodern reading. You have a bit more than a week until your IA is due. What is time inefficient? ... beginning film analysis including comparing the films.

By the way, the only thing left from the earlier "to announce" list is:

  • A second at-home assignment on a topic to be announced later, once we finish the relevant film.

This will be released Wednesday evening or Thursday, and will be due on Monday or Tuesday, the following week. So it is 8-10 days away in terms of its deadline.

Finally, as I'm sure you have noticed, you are in the middle of "crunch time" for this class. My the middle of next week, things cool down and stay that way. For example, there is almost nothing you can do to prepare for the midterm except attend class now and pay attention when there.

EA105 (love) 6/13/2013: Just me worrying lovingly for everyone but ... if you have been reading these announcements, you should know that there is an assignment due early Monday morning called Essay 01. And, if you read your syllabus, you know that that essay is 10% of your final grade. So, although I realize you are involved in movie selection, and that needs to happen. Still, the essay needs to happen, on time, too. The time frame is intentionally short. It is "intermediary" — I would like you to put more thought into it than is possible for an in-class assignment, but not as much thought as a full-blown official essay.

EA105 (love) 6/13/2013: Created simple tabs on the Announcements Page and Course Web pages that gives an alternate route to sidebar tabs when you are on a mobile device that does not reveal the drop down menus on those tabs. These workaround pages are linked at the top of the sidebar as "Workaround for sidebar menu items not functional on mobile devices." They are only for the sidebar tabs that have, hidden in them, multiple links. The other, "direct to one page" tabs work as intended. Good luck!

EA105 (love) 6/13/2013: Wow, based on that short converstation just after class I have discovered: Spry menus (which I use all over my Web sites) are incompatible with iPhone, iPad and Android operating systems. Therefore, for example, on this Web page I have "Cross-course policies" as a sidebar tab. When you place your cursor over it ("hover") over it you should see lost of drop down options like this such as "Academic honesty":

... except that you don't because the "hover" command is incompatiable with a bunch of new devices. It will take me a while to remove these menus so that iPhones and such work. In the meantime, please remember the old-fashioned world of laptops! There is good code for mobile devices but I can't simply plug it into corners of the current Web pages. It requires more construction and design work than that. So I will be making boring tabs for now, and thinking about beauty after summer session, when I have more time. :(

EA105 (love) 6/13/2013: a) Published draft of reading assignments for the Japanese premodern segment. The readings associated with Genji, terms, and concepts will be quizzed on Monday. These reading assignment changes represent my interest in comparing Chunhyang (Korea, 2000) and Double Suicides (Japan, 1969). To do so I removed about 200 pages of Genji reading, and replaced that with the Amijima play (much shorter) and added about 20 pages of academic material that had been optional but are now required. b) Changed the Course Outline-Schedule page to reflect these changes. c) Uploaded various docs to bSpace in preparation for this reading.

Here again is the upcoming flow of announcements with items struck out:

  • A rethinking of the assigned readings for the Japanese premodern segment. Please don't read Genji yet. It is likely I will radically reduce the number of chapters assigned.
  • Additional reading for the Japanese premodern segment.
  • Schedule changes.
  • An at home assignment that compares Stone and "Ch'unhyang" (the prose), once we finish the film.
  • An second at home assignment on a topic to be announced later, once we finish the relevant film.
  • Publication of the assignments page.
  • Release of the instructions for the next step in the TCP.

EA105 (love) 6/12/2013: a) Published the official Tests & Assignments page. Access it through the sidebar. On that page is the instructions for Essay 01. b) On the Course Outline-Schedule page, I added the deadline for Essay 01.

Here again is the upcoming flow of announcements with items struck out:

  • A rethinking of the assigned readings for the Japanese premodern segment. Please don't read Genji yet. It is likely I will radically reduce the number of chapters assigned.
  • Additional reading for the Japanese premodern segment.
  • Schedule changes.
  • An at home assignment that compares Stone and "Ch'unhyang" (the prose), once we finish the film.
  • An second at home assignment on a topic to be announced later, once we finish the relevant film.
  • Publication of the assignments page.
  • Release of the instructions for the next step in the TCP.

EA105 (love) 6/12/2013: Over the next few days (probably up through early Saturday) I will be making a number of Web pages, instructions and announcements. Please watch for the below items. There will be a flow of announcements until this list is complete:

  • A rethinking of the assigned readings for the Japanese premodern segment. Please don't read Genji yet. It is likely I will radically reduce the number of chapters assigned.
  • Additional reading for the Japanese premodern segment.
  • Schedule changes.
  • An at home assignment that compares Stone and "Ch'unhyang" (the prose), once we finish the film.
  • An second at home assignment on a topic to be announced later, once we finish the relevant film.
  • Publication of the assignments page.
  • Release of the instructions for the next step in the TCP.

Please note that I will probably continue in class written exercises that check your preparation until it seems we're getting good preparation. This is a good recovery opportunity for those of you who had low provisional class contribution scores at the end of last week.

Please note: There are specific instructions that detail the required content and format of the brief film summaries you are to write. There are specific instructions on how that needs to be delivered to me. Please read the instructions! Your submission will not be accepted unless it meets those requirements.

EA105 (love) 6/11/2013: Thanks to everyone who helped update the links to non-English versions of the core premodern texts. That was very useful! The new version of the Assigned Readings document has been uploaded to bSpace.

EA105 (love) 6/11/2013: Follow-up on today: The cante jondo is part of the flamenco song tradition. I'm interested in it as a expression of love and passion that develops outside of the sphere of Christian Europe, and has the "edge" of pain-as-love or love-as-pain. The flamenco tradition developed, in part, as the expression of a marginal and oppressed society, so, in that sense (oppression expression) there might be some similarities to aspects of Korean pansori as well as another song style we will encounter in the movie Three Times: Southern Chord style music, 南管散曲 (which focuses on romantic pain as a result of the limited options of women). Here's a YouTube example of cante jondo. The first 1:30 will give a full sense of the style: EL GENIO DE A. VARGAS.

EA105 (love) 6/10/2013: Tomorrow we will: 1) do an exercise that focuses on "han", 2) establish context for the premodern text Chunhyang (I'll ask questions about the introduction), and 3) I will make some comments on differences we need to note between the objects of analysis we encounter in our premodern segment of this course and the film segment.

EA105 (love) 6/10/2013: Added to the Web page on premodern Korean material, under the assignment for Wednesday a long passage in italics that explains film modules and what you should do with them, when they are assigned ... and they are assigned :)

EA105 (love) 6/10/2013: 1) Uploaded to bSpace student comments on today's activity. 2) A student wrote that a link on the document that provided non-English reading options for the prose works assigned was dead—the one for the Korean version of Kuunmong. I checked all other links. I removed some and made bold red invitations for extra credit for those links that we still need. I transferred that document onto the other one that has listed all the articles, to consolidate them into a single file. That document, on bSpace, is titled: Assigned readings v130610. Please consider finding some non-English links for us! 3) A student asked after class whether we were still on track with the at home written exercises that substituted for the quizzes I dropped earlier. Based on Thursday's level of preparedness, I felt I needed to quiz. I will look at those quizzes, and see what the level of prep is like tomorrow, and decide whether we go "at home" or "in class" on this. I hope we can make the others home-based.

EA105 (love) 6/8/2013: Created the Web pages for next week, including the reading assignments related to the Korean premodern texts. Good luck! Probably some of this should happen this weekend.

EA105 (love) 6/8/2013: Posted a provisional grade for class contribution so far, titled "Contribution to discussion, prose segment (provisional grade)". I don't normally upload this type of grade but in the summer things move so quickly I feel I need to be extra transparent in grading methods, so you can see how things work early on. These grades could change considerably, up or down. For some of you I have made suggestions; I'll be watching to see if you respond to that. In some cases I have given the benefit of the doubt in terms of preparation but I will grow more skeptical if I don't see good preparation. Preparation for Stone was pretty close to awful. Let's change that. We are 1/3 of the way through the period where this contribution grade is calculated. Next week we have a day of presentations, which won't change grades much unless you don't contribute (it is pretty automatic that you will be prepared and active) but the next three days are key: there is the Chunhyang reading and then we definitely have discussions based on that and the film. Since the question are not about the film but about the film in its relationship to the premodern text, just commenting on the film has no real plus value in terms of the grade. .... Remember that grades are reported on a 12pt system where 12 = A and so forth (see the syllabus). The high for this set of grades was 12 (there were about 3 of those), the low as 5 (there were a couple of those). The rest were in the 9-11 range.

EA105 (love) 6/7/2013: E-books! A student has written: "In an effort to further your eco-friendly mission for this course, I found two great ebook options for Story of the Stone Volume I  (Hawkes) and The Tale of Genji (Tyler). I thought you might want to share this information with the whole class. I found Story of the Stone Volume I through Kobo (, who are partners with Pegasus Books. Kobo can also be accessed through Pegasus' website. I found The Tale of Genji on Barnes and Noble (" Thank you Tayler!

EA105 (love) 6/6/2013: I just came across this YouTube video as an introduction to cultural psychology. The first 12 minutes just happen to cover East-West differences, relying on professors and students at Berkeley and Stanford. It is slow moving, but is a very good overview. The whole video is about 27 minutes long: Cultural Psychology.

EA105 (love) 6/2/2013: Posted to bSpace a doc titled Assigned Readings. I made this to give you a "one place shopping" access to the readings—that seems better than only spreading them over session pages because it gives you a sense of what is there and it is easier to find again later. It is startling in its size, though, if you don't read the paragraphs at the top of the document. Later, if I have time, I'll pull from the Daoism, etc., session pages those titles, too. By the way, these articles really do help with the sense of feeling lost in this course, and they are substituting for the outside research that I have always, until now, required for the TCP individual essay.

EA105 (love) 6/2/2013: Finished minor modifications on the sexuality page.

EA105 (love) 6/2/2013: Published the Confucianism page (Tuesday's session). It is long and the readings are many.

EA105 (love) 6/1/2013: The TCP (Project) instructions are now official. Please read the Film Selection instructions there. Access the TCP instructions from any course page, using the sidebar tab "TCP".

EA105 (love) 5/31/2013: Please read the special note (noted in red font) just added to the instructions of film selection. Also, I am building the project page and will release the official instructions probably sometime tomorrow. (I have a 12:30 meeting, however.)

EA105 (love) 5/31/2013: 1) I have published the film selection instructions. You can find them through the Tests & Assignments sidebar. I suggest your read them ASAP. This is a tough portion of the course. 2) I have revised group memberships. 3) I have added a few more details to the Daoism segment of the Course Basics page (some comments on some of the basic concepts, a definition of yin-yang).

EA105 (love) 5/29/2013: Announced teams. Please see the sidebar of any course page.

EA105 (love) 5/29/2013: Completed construction of the session page for tomorrow and Monday. Reading assignments are on those two pages.

EA105 (love) 5/29/2013: Announced the reading for tomorrow. It is on a partially-constructed page for tomorrow's session.

EA105 (love) 5/28/2013: I would like to make teams tomorrow if possible. So, if anyone is thinking of dropping it would be nice to hear from you tonight ... in that bSpace refreshes around 9 AM which is too late for me to know you've dropped from the class. The first I'll know is actually at class, which is too late to shuffle things around. This is no big deal, though. If you are still on the fence, that's OK, too. And you can talk with me, too, you know.

EA105 (love) 5/28/2013: I have updated today's session page with details of what was presented, if you're curious. I have completed tomorrow's session page, which includes the assignment (which isn't much). I've checked bSpace for missing files related to what I have shown or will show tomorrow, and uploaded stuff here and there. ... There was a request that we have a break midway through this class. I'll try to make that happen most days but tomorrow is not one of those days. Feel free to leave the room, however, if you need to do so. I noticed a little bit of multitasking today; you might want to read my policy on that ...

EA105 (love) 5/27/2013: The new version of the syllabus (version 2) is now on the Web site, and the Schedule-Outline page has been changed, too. I have put a red sidebar next to the three paragraphs that have changed on the syllabus so you don't have to reread everything in case you have read it. Quizzes have been dropped and replaced with about three, short, take-home essay assignments. The number of sessions devoted to the films has been reduced to make space for another film I also want to screen, and to slow down the pace of reading in the first couple of weeks of class.

EA105 (love) 5/27/2013: The schedule and syllabus are being modified. Details tomorrow in class. Please arrive on time (10:10) because we have a full day!

EA105 (love, summer version) 5/26/2013: I have published our course Web site. Please access it through the sidebar of this page. Always go through this page, to read the announcements, before going the course pages. The Web site is in very rough form, but the syllabus is there and our first session is more or less accurately represented. The Course Basics are also accurate. The schedule probably will not change.

EA105 (love, summer version) 5/19/2013: I will probably begin posting announcements for this course on Friday. If I need to reach you before that, you will get notice via a bSpace email.

EA105 (love, spring version) 5/19/2013: Thanks to all of you who wrote concerning your films and whether they would work for other students. The summer students will have serious time pressure in terms of locating films, so this is very helpful to them. Thank you.

Cross-course 5/19/2013: I have reported grades to the University for all three courses. I have also written the various emails related to class to the various students so there is no need to keep watching for any more "business" emails. If I don't have time to write for a while, congratulations to all graduating seniors, you did it! And to all others: happy summer!

EA109 (tea) 5/18/2013: Posted to bSpace essay grades. Apologies ahead of time for any spelling errors -- I did not recheck my rapid typing. It was a hectic day.

EA105 (love) 5/17/2013: Posted to bSpace IE and JCS grades.

Updates 5/17/2013 (in other words, please keep checking this page):

J144 (MB) — 1) I will probably submit grades to the University tonight. 2) I still have a few emails to send to students, please watch your in box.

EA105 (love) (*prior romance course students, can you please read #3 of this paragraph?) — 1) For extra credit now, you are welcome to send an email to me recommending your film(s), or not, for this class. I will start teaching again in about 2 weeks. Use keyword ourfilms. 2) Once I am finished grading, at some point I will post to bSpace the headline observations and conclusions from the JCS. You can get an overview of the strongest class opinions from that. It might be interesting. 3) If you feel this class is one that should continue to be offered, a very brief and respectful email to the EALC Department Chair (Mark Csikszentmihalyi) or a comment to the EALC student adviser (Jan Johnson) might be effective. Why it was helpful to you would probably be the best information to share. This class will not be offered in the fall and is not currently scheduled to be offered in the spring or at any other time either, although spring course decisions, in my case, seem to be ongoing and made from about last month up through November.

EA109 (tea) — 1) Stayed tuned. I hope to grade essays tomorrow but I am running about 1.5 hours late at the moment.

J144 (MB) 5/16/2013: Posted to bSpace essay grades. That was a great set of essays and, except for the time pressure aspect, it was very pleasurable spending the day with them. Also, a couple of you have been concerned about Midterm 02 (the rescoring of the one question). Those new scores do not show on bSpace but they are on the gradebook.

J144 (MB) 5/16/2013: I have finished logging in the J144 essays. I have one student who wrote early that s/he would not be able to meet the deadline. I hope that student submits very soon since I will be grading these today. I have one student whose last name begins with "I" and who sent me an email but failed to attach an essay. Please check your email!

Cross-course 5/15/2013: If all goes well, I will log in then grade J144 essays tomorrow (Thursday) but will probably finish late at night and not upload grades. I have events and appointments through 2 PM so you probably won't hear from me regarding log in unless I can't open or find your essay. Then, Friday, I will grade EA105 IEs and JCSs. I will try to finish these in a day as well. If so, I will grade EA109 essays Saturday. There still remains the calculation of extra credit, the triple checking of excel sheets, some participation grade issues, some individual student issues and uploading to the University. Starting Sunday for three days I have about seven events related to graduation. If I cannot wrap up things before Sunday, I will return to grading on Wednesday. I will continue to make announcements as I go along. You can follow if interested.

EA109 (tea) 5/15/2013: Posted to bSpace Final Exam grades.

EA109 (tea) 5/15/2013: I have safely on my computer all essays for this class, and all were on time. Thank you!

EA109 (tea) 5/14/2013: If you would like your midterm returned, please contact me. I will grade the final for this class tomorrow.

J144 (MB) 5/14/2013: Posted to bSpace Final Exam grades. There are also various statistics in a folder on bSpace.

EA109 (tea) 5/13/2013: Posted to bSpace Midterm 03 grades. See everyone tomorrow bright and early at 8 AM !

Cross-course 5/13/2013: Beginning at 10:30 AM, I am not available by email until after 5 PM today.

EA105 (love) 5/13/2013: I have logged in all IEs and written everyone. If you have not heard from me something is wrong. Wow, that took 2 hours.

J144 (MB) 5/13/2013: Today's exam. If everyone is there by 11:30, we'll start then, otherwise we being at 11:40. No break during the first 2-hour segment so make sure you have done a rest stop ahead of time. Part Two will begin at 1:30. If you finish your essay early, you can leave the room but try to stay nearby because if EVERYONE finishes early we will begin the grammar section early.

EA109 (tea) 5/12/2013: I said there would be no further announcements. However a student was confused about how to cite material so I created an example and, since I've written the exam, also shared what Part 03 looks like. I contacted you via bSpace. You can find the PDF there.

J144 (MB) 5/12/2013: To help you understand tomorrow's essay question since NO ONE who has seen or understands the question will be there during the time you write the answer, I have slightly rewritten the last portion of the question for clarity and created a forum so you can discuss your understanding of it. Go to our bSpace > Forum to see the revised question and ask about it, if you want. I won't answer direct emails on this point.

J144 (MB) 5/11/2013: Posted Session Control grades.

J144 (MB) 5/11/2013: Hi J144ers. I've uploaded to bSpace the 歳時記事典 entry for 萩、はぎ for a classmate who is working on this in her essay. It interested, it is at: Basho session control > Honbun for students > 06 ichifuri - hagi.

Cross-course 5/11/2013: I have written the EA105 exam. I am now writing the EA109 exam. I will then grade the Ea109 midterm. As far as I know, no one is waiting to hear from me or waiting for grades other than the tea midterm. If I am wrong, please email me.

EA109 (tea) 5/11/2013: There will be no further announcements regarding the final. The description on our Web page is accurate and complete and matches my intentions.

J144 (MB) 5/11/2013: I have posted to bSpace a description of the final exam. There are additional resources in that folder to use, or not, as you wish. I have changed the description that was on the Assignments & Tests > Final page to say, essentially, go look at the bSpace document. Therefore many of the statements there about knowing the Basho bio and such are no longer valid.

EA109 (tea) 5/10/2013: Posted RRR Week Presentation grades to bSpace.

EA105 (love) 5/10/2013: Posted MT02 grades to bSpace.

EA109 (tea) 5/9/2013: I have responded to all early draft submissions. If you didn't get a response from me by now, something is wrong. Please email me.

Cross-course 5/9/2013: I have had all three classes meet for all RRR periods so, from that perspective, this was like a full week of class sessions for me. I tripled my office hours and I have given paper guidance to early submission essays. This has made for slow grading. Here's my work flow, probably, over the next few days, since I know some of you are waiting for grades:

ongoing: the log in and distribution of IEs, the JCS form and so on for EA105

hopefully today: finishing commenting on two tea essays, continue work on the EA105 midterm which is about 30% graded

tomorrow: finish the EA105 midterm and post the grades, post information for the J144 final (quick note: in two parts — concepts/links for passages of Oku then grammar points; the first part will be open book, open laptop and essay style, the second part will be closed book but the JDS chart is OK), post information for the EA109 final (comprehensive and probably my post will be no more than that instructions already written are all that there is to work with), post the grades for the EA109 presentations

next day: finish what wasn't completed the day before, then begin grading the EA109 midterm, which will take about 2-3 days to grade ... about that midterm for those of you stressing about it — the basic grading question is "did the student read the material on Japan and get something out of it?" (a number of you worried about the gongfucha aspect of the test but, if you recall, I said this was to be a test about Japan and it is)

EA105 (love) 5/9/2013: Completed the JCS instructions.

EA105 (love) 5/8/2013: I have published a draft version of the JCS instructions. You should look at that right away.

EA109 (tea) 5/7/2013: I have written the description and requirements for the final exam. You should read them ASAP. See "Assignments & Tests > Final exam".

EA109 (tea) 5/5/2013: Provided a "grade estimator" for this class. You can access it from any course Web page, sidebar "Assignments & Tests > Grade estimator".

Cross-course 5/5/2013: I will not be holding my regular office hours during RRR week, but I am available for meetings, and I am watching emails.

J144 (MB) 5/5/2013: I have published the interview schedule. You can find the link to it at various places on the course Web pages, titled "RRR Week Interview Schedule": Course / Outline Page, RRR Session Page, Assignments & Tests. (You might need to refresh your browser.) Take a look at that PDF. If your name is on the list, I have approved your meeting. If your name is not on the list, I have either not approved a meeting or we failed to communicate for some reason. I suggest you email me, if concerned.

EA109 (tea) 5/5/2013: I have published the presentation schedule. You can find the link to it at various places on the course Web pages, titled "Presentation Schedule": Course / Outline Page, RRR Session Page, Assignments & Tests. View that PDF to learn when you present and what you should do. Your slides are projected by me. The PPT does not stop so you need the schedule to know when to go to the front of the room, and get promptly set up, ready to speak.

EA109 (tea) 5/4/2013: I have logged in all submissions for the RRR presentations (the PowerPoints) and all Essay Portraits. There were a few issues with some of the PowerPoint submissions. You should check you email and see if you have a reply by me to your submission that has, in the subject line REQUIRES ACTION and gives specific details of what I need, in the email itself. I have also posted to bSpace a "grade" called "Is the PowerPoint in Good Form?" The 999 is just to permit an upload of the comments. The comments either say "yes" as in I have everything and it looks great, or it has details of what wasn't quite right and whether I fixed it, left it as is, or bounced it back to you for resubmission. Please check those comments today.

EA109 (tea) 5/3/2013: The final will be open book and open laptop. However, laptops are to be used to access course materials only. Any thing else, even for a minute, would generate an "F" for the exam. The exam is not just essay questions. It will take the full three hours.

Cross-course 4/30/2013: I will be available tomorrow at 2:15 for office hours, if you contact me. (I will otherwise not be in Dwinelle.) I will probably have additional hours on Thurs / Fri. Watch for an annoucement or try emailing me. Tonight, however, I am unable to do any further work.

EA105 (love) 4/30/2013: I will open the room early today so we can get set up. Please help set up then you are welcome to check your Web connection, etc; however, I will be reseating students so don't get too comfortable with everything spread out on a table. Remember to print out the one sheet. Remember to bring something to connect to the internet, if you want access to short films or for other reasons.

Cross-course 4/30/2013: The issue requiring that I be at home continues and, like yesterday, I will not hold office hours but will try to respond to student emails, or discuss matters by phone at your request. However, I will be unavailable until about 6 or later. Again, I apologize for this. If it weren't very important, I would not be away from my office during office hours.

Cross-course 4/30/2013: I received a request to announce the below at the beginning of the tea class but I denied the request. I did say, though, that I would post their information. If anyone feels this is a group I should not be helping in the dissemination of information, please let me know. I know of it only what I can read below:

Berkeley China Forum 2013 will be held this November. We are welcoming participants and interns!

Berkeley China Forum (BCF) is a non-profit forum initiated by Berkeley Chinese Student and Scholars Association (BCSSA). It is sponsored by General-Consulate of China, San Francisco and supported by Berkeley International Office and Institute for Chinese Studies. BCF focuses on discussions of contemporary issues on social movement, business opportunity, progress and problems in China. We aim to create a platform for students, scholars and entrepreneurs to discuss on-going events, opportunities and challenges in China.

Our team is dedicated to encourage the alternative narratives about the stories and the social conditions in China. We are committed to bring up in-depth and sincere conversations and would like to invite audience who are curious about China, open to different perspectives, and able to critically engage in the conversation.

Last fall was our first event and we had many amazing speakers. Among them were Jack Jia (founder, chairman, and CEO of Baynote.Inc), Andrew Ross (business columnist of SF Chronicle), Qiming Huang (president of Silicon Valley China Wireless Technology Association) and many more. Here is the last year's BCF website, where you subscribe to receive event reminder of BCF 2013:

If you are interested in joining our team, please send an email to

EA105 (love) 4/29/2013: Reminder: the example I provided as an answer was meant to illustrate the answer structures "observation-conclusion / reason" and "content-rich, not topical". It was not meant to be a model of how to use concepts for analysis and it does not refer to any real film that we have covered. There will be no more announcements, but I will continue, as best I can, to watch for email tonight up until around 9:30 PM.

EA105 (love) 4/29/2013: Critical midterm announcement (third of three, so scroll down!): I have made available, on bSpace, some of the instructions for tomorrow. You should most definitely read those ahead of time. They are complicated and represent only half of the instructions / questions. You should also read carefully the model questions provided earlier. They appear in similar forms on the test. Doing these two things now will save you 20 minutes of precious time.

On that sheet I note that it is open book. Please do not print out a bunch of stuff for this exam. It is very unlikely to help you at all.

Having a device with internet access is very useful and I recommend it. However, I have a Plan B for those who do not own such devices, or in case AirBears itself is off line for some reason.

Arriving on time is critical. I will first pose a choice at 9:40 and you must answer on the spot. If you are not there, I have a default choice for you already. Further, the next thing I will do is screen the short film. If you are not there you will miss the screening. If you are not there for the screening, and also do not have an internet enabled device to view it then on your own, you will need to take a makeup test with me. It will be challenging, so I suggest you do what is necessary to be there on time.

Remember that there is a sheet on bSpace to print out and bring to the exam (the one page PDF with the film details on it).

EA105 (love) 4/29/2013: Critical midterm announcement (second of two, so scroll down!): I might allow internet access, including access to all the additional films, during the midterm, so please be sure to bring a device that allows you to do that. You should also check this Web site again, today. If I make further announcements about the test it/they will be before then.

Cross-course 4/28/2013: A personal matter requires that I leave campus after my 1-2 PM midterm tomorrow (Monday) and return to my house. However, once here (around 2:30) I will be at my computer. If you email me I can give you my cell number and we can talk by phone.

EA109 (tea) 4/28/2013: I have written the midterm. It matches the content promised but, if you are interested, here is part of what you will see tomorrow (everyone will have the same question): "Relying on the readings on Japan assigned since the last midterm, and further supported, as secondary information, by material presented in class, answer this question as deeply and comprehensively as time allows: (question will be here)." Good luck!

EA105 (love) 4/27/2013: Critical midterm announcement: Consider viewing ahead of time the films on the following playlist (a total of about 1:15). You will need to use at least one of them for the final: EA105Sp13 Final. (Email me if you cannot get access!) Of course they will be shown on test day (I will select two from the list) so if you don't want to bother you can see them then. They will be shown once, then silently looped after that (probably). Also, there are questions in a bSpace folder (EA105Sp13 Midterm 02) for the exam. While they were written for specific films, I have hidden the film titles so, at this point, you do not know which questions might be for which films. There will also be other questions, unannounced at this time, that you can choose from. To prepare for those, just refresh in your mind the premodern readings and class films. Also, there is a sheet to print out and bring to the exam. Notice that there is a space for you to write notes into (about films, books, character names, whatever). Except for that space, this is a "closed book" exam.

EA105 (love) 4/26/2013: I have dropped the RRR presentation and replaced it with a file-sharing system. I did this to give you more time to complete your IE, to give you greater flexibility in when to meet to finish up the TCP completely, and to give more detailed access to other essays, beyond a quick, in-class PowerPoint presentation. I suggest you consider finishing your IE early enough to use the RRR periods with me, but that is a team choice. The final segment is going to emphasize drawing on essays within the team, of course, but also outside the team and will point towards the question "So, what are some general things we might speculate to be the case about ..." (that is, the "simple, elegant, beautiful propositions" that appear they might explain a lot with few words)? Keep this in mind when writing the IE but especially when writing the JCS (Joint Comparative Statement). Details:

  • I have dropped the RRR period presentation (and created a file-sharing system described elsewhere)
  • I have dropped the planned PowerPoint slide submission that would have been part of that presentation, because there is no presentation :-)
  • I have converted the two RRR periods to times when I am in the room for individual consultation and as a time that student teams can meet to work on or complete their final TCP step and noted that on the Schedule / Outline Page AND I have held the room for one day during finals week and that date-time is on the Schedule / Outline Page, too.
  • I have adjusted the grade weights of some components of the TCP to absorb the 5% that would have been assessed to the presentation and those changes are on an updated syllabus and an updated grade estimator; however, they are minor enough that you probably don't need to bother to check them (biggest change is the final submission is now 15% instead of 12%).
  • I have created the form that you will use to submit the IE. The instructions indicate how to download it.
  • I have written the instructions for the IE. You should check that now, since there are things you are allowed to do with your team to coordinate the IE submissions.
  • I am still writing the instructions for the final step but, as a heads up, it is not quite like what I have said in class recently ("divergence / convergence / emergence").

J144 (MB) 4/24/2013: Posted to bSpace gloss for next section.

EA109 (tea) 4/25/2013: I have made changes to the assignments related to the essay and their due dates: the instructions are on the Assignments & Tests page, the forms are on bSpace, the deadlines are on the Schedule / Outline page. Enjoy! You should look over these materials ASAP, to see what needs to get done.

EA105 (love) 4/25/2013: Posted TCP Progress Report 02 (IE) grades to bSpace. Please be sure to read the comments box; it was made to help improve the completed IE score, which has a significant percent weight attached to it. Progress Report grades are minor, in the big picture. Apologies for holding this since I'm sure you wanted feedback on your projects. The grades, however, did improve, the comments became a bit more focussed and I caught two mathematical grade errors ...

J144 (MB) 4/24/2013: 1) I have made the RRR week "defense" of the essay into an optional interview. 2) I have made the deadline for submitting the form for the RRR period interview one day earlier. 3) I have written the instructions for the RRR interview (and tweaked the instructions for "Essay" itself), see Assignments & Tests. 4) I have uploaded to bSpace the form to be used for the submission. 5) I have changed the due date on the Schedule / Outline page to reflect the above change.

Cross-course 4/24/2013: There are adjustments I am making to the romance class, the tea class and the Basho class in terms of up-coming assignments. These are important announcements. Please watch for them.

EA105 (love) 4/21/2013: Janet shares this interesting tidbit: "I don't know if you already are aware of this or if this is relevant information for the class at all but Kiko Mizuhara who plays Midori in Norwegian Wood is actually half Zainichi Korean and half American (she was born in Texas). I just thought it might be interesting because we talked in class about the "global" quality of the film itself."

EA109 (tea) 4/21/2013:

Tweaked the syllabus: Had provided a revised chart that showed the new grade weights, due to the additional midterm but did not chart a second chart elsewhere on the document. Fixed that. Also changed a statement about the final exam from "the questions are usually provided ahead of time" to "the questions might be provided ahead of time."

Provided details for the essay. See Assignments & Tests > Essay.

Provided details for Midterm 03. See Assignments & Tests > Midterm 03.

Added this due date to the schedule:

Apr 30 (Tu) — Extra credit: Short Video Day submission, 11 AM (see Assignments & Tests > Participation: Short Videos Day)

Cross-course 4/21/2013: Added a new sidebar tab. It is the one at the top on the left.

EA105 (love) 4/19/2013: I have closed the poll on how much time students in this class are recommending to students in the next generation of this class should be spent to initiate research, develop ideas and be ready to present in class the IE. ... I might add that you probably noticed that I felt some students had not spent enough time on the project. I want to thank the 19 of you who responded. As you know, I don't know who you are except the one or two who wrote their real names. Here's the results:

4 students selected 2-3 hours
4 students selected 3-5 hours
3 students selected 5-7 hours
3 students selected 7-9 hours
2 students selected 9-12 hours
1 student selected 12-15 hours
2 students selected more than 15 hours

Cross-course 4/19/2013: I have added a new sidebar tab "Cross-course policies > Concepts over facts". I feel I have had some difficulty this semester persuading students about how serious this issue is for me. Perhaps this policy statement will help. I suggest you read it, if you are interested in aligning yourself with my course goals and/or scoring well in any of my classes.

EA109 (tea) 4/19/2013: Posted MT02 grades to bSpace. Stats (12pt scale) Average: 9.88 (10=B+). Median: 10.20 (10=B+). High: 12.60 (12=A). Low: 5.20 (5=C-). Weakness was primarily in concepts. Keeping working on those in prep for MT03.

J144 (MB) 4/19/2013: Posted gloss and readings for the next Basho section.

EA109 (tea) 4/17/2013: Instructions for where to go on museum day and how to participate are on the session pages for those days.

Cross-course 4/17/2013: "FACES (Forum for American/Chinese Exchange at Stanford). FACES is a faculty-advised, student-run conference under the aegis of the Center for East Asian Studies at Stanford. .... Each year, we organize a two-part conference program on US-China relations, referred to as On Common Ground.  The first part of the two-week long conferences takes place in November at Stanford, and the second is in April at one of our chapter universities in China. ....  In order to make our application as need-blind as possible, part of airfare to the conferences is subsidized, and FACES covers all food and hotel costs for the conferences. Additional coverage is available based on needs." More ...

J144 (MB) 4/16/2013: ROOM CHANGE: Hi everyone. We have been moved to room Dwinelle 156 today! Can you let others know please?

EA105 (love) 4/16/2013: I think the IE submissions have been high quality. I plan to do this assignment again in the summer. I would very much appreciate if you could complete this simple, one-question, anonymous poll. This is not about your grade but rather collecting data so I can make a good suggestion to the summer students as to how much time they should expect to spend on getting to the Progress Report 02 stage. The poll will ask for a name but you can put in anything there (code name that I wouldn't understand). How much time should a student spend to complete this assignment?

EA109 (tea) 4/15/2013: Extra credit opportunity. The museum visit will be better for everyone if we even out the numbers between the two sessions. Extra credit for the first three students who move their name from Friday to Monday. Leave your name on the original Friday list, add to Monday plus the word switched, and I'll clean up the doc from this end in a little bit. I may repeat this announcement during the week, soliciting another round of switching.

EA105 (love) 4/15/2013: When office hours wrap up today around 3:30 PM I am going to begin sending acknowledgments for the PPTX submission. Remember that this must be on time. I have up until about 5 PM to check and acknowledge all documents. It is a narrow work window so on time submission is absolutely essential. "F" otherwise. Watch for my acknowledgment because some are making errors in the submission and you need to have a chance to correct today. Thinking before hitting the submit button. I make no promises whatsoever that I can catch, use or grade a second, revised submission. My bConnected workflow is different than my old Apple Mail program and I have not yet built in a way to catch easily multiple submissions since I do not read my emails consecutively, as they come in, when I am logging in work. I don't have time to open and read "conversation" threads. I grab whatever is on the top when your name comes up.

Cross-course 4/14/2013: I am using a sign-up system for office hours tomorrow (Monday). Click on the "Office Hours" sidebar tab to sign up.

EA105 (love) 4/12/2013: Posted the TCP-Progress Report 01 grade. This covers the film summaries, the individual NDT, the group NDT in its content and meeting quality. The group NDT is an important governing grade but individual effort in the film summary and individual NDT categories create different grades within the team. There is a brief comment for each student; sorry that I don't have time for more extensive notes. You should pay attention to the film summary grade. Although it was at the top of the list in terms of this grade, it is a good indicator of whether you will watch your films with enough care to dig into them to their interesting, less obvious levels. (Hopefully those exist in the films chosen!) All summaries, individual NDTs and group NDTs (not the revised versions) were read multiple times. Still, if you feel something is not right, please schedule office hours. *Gradebook item names on bSpace match grade category names on the grade estimator available via the sidebar. You can plug this grade into that estimator. Enjoy "3-Iron"! *The grade average was 10.68.

J144 (MB) 4/12/2013: I have tweaked the assignment details for the session control presentation, vocab gloss and readings. If you haven't run a session yet, please read these. I have tweaked the description of the final to reflect my current thinking. It may yet again change.

J144 (MB) 4/12/2013: The Hiraizumi reading has been posted.

EA105 (love) 4/11/2013: I have placed in the TCP folder a small doc called NDT favorite meeting notes, which shares the notes of two of the NDTdraft meetings. This should give you a sense of what can be done when describing the meeting. (You will do this again for the final step of the TCP and the meeting notes will be very important to the grade.)

EA105 (love) 4/11/2013: By the way, I thought the ideas on the GoogleDrive doc and in today's exercise were very thoughtful, showed good discipline, and were interesting.

J144 (MB) 4/10/2013: The Hiraizumi gloss has been posted. Since this is a long assignment, I suggest you start working on it in stages.

EA105 (love) 4/9/2013: Discussion for Thursday

EA105 (love) 4/9/2013: Uploaded to the TCP folder on bSpace the PPTX that you will use for the in-class presentation. It is quite simple, but please try to avoid messing with the format.

EA105 (love) 4/8/2013: I have posted the Final NDTs and the deadline for revision has passed. Check now to make sure your NDT and mine matches, because mine, as posted, trumps your unless you contact me. The document is a PDF titled TCP-05B-NDT FINAL2 130408. I can now turn to sorting out NDT phase grades. This will take some time.

EA109 (tea) 4/8/2013: I have uploaded a PDF that I will use today in class. It might be convenient to have a copy to write on. Not required, of course. It is titled: Tea idea transfer and modification 1304 [bSpace, PDF]

EA105 (love) 4/6/2013: Opps. Earlier when I said there were no modules for "Norwegian Wood" I meant no modules like the earlier core movies (the extensive comments on director, scene summaries, etc). When I was adding, just now, lyrics to the "Norwegian Wood" page it just occurred to me that you might have misunderstood my comment. It was far from clear. Sorry!

Cross-course 4/7/2013: I am giving a makeup exam on Monday, 2:15-3:30. My office hours, for that day only , have been moved to 3:30-4:45.

J144 (MB) 4/6/2013: I have updated on the assignments page these items: Final, Essay—defense, and Essay. You will notice a comment about the "un-tested" sessions; I am getting a sense at this point that too many students (by that I mean 4-5) are not preparing thoroughly the Oku reading passage, in its original. This leads me to needing to test that during the final.

EA105 (love) 4/6/2013: I have completed the instructions for the next TCP step. I've not yet uploaded the PPTX, however, since I might tweak it a bit more and don't want multiple versions floating about.

EA109 (tea) 4/5/2013: A student sent me this interesting email:

This is kind of a random anecdote, but I thought you might find it interesting. Considering the antagonism at tea and coffee seem to be approached in class, I was wondering if you have heard of the drink called Kopi Cham/Yuanyang (鴛鴦). It's one of my favorite drinks that is actually a mixture of black milk tea and Hainanese coffee (at least that's how it is in Malaysia). I knew it only by the latter name because that is how its called in Malaysia/Singapore, but I only recently found out that it was also popular in Hong Kong; to the point where it has been featured in the Hong Kong Government Leisure and Cultural Service Department . They use a different coffee in Hong Kong however. As for Malaysia/Singapore, it is rather popular to the point where they have made 3-in-1 instant packs of them. I also thought it might tie in to our whole "art and tea" theme in class as the name "鴛鴦" is reflective of the Chinese symbol of conjugal love; i.e. the male and female Chinese ducks that look distinctly different but often swim together. Unfortunately, there is not much writing (at least in English or Malay) on this drink as its mainly only served in the cheap, open air coffee houses scattered all over the country that we call kopi tiam, which admittedly is not exactly where Malaysians/Singapore associate literacy and academia towards.

Thanks Shaun!

EA105 (love) 4/5/2013: I have updated the TCP instructions to cover, now, my expectations for the essay. You should read this right away. 2) I have changed the due date for your next submissions (that's plural—two are due that day). Here is your next deadline for the TCP: Apr 15 (Mon) — TCP: Progress Report 02 (on IE) PowerPoint slide and, also, Script for Presentation due at 4 PM. That is 10 days. You do not have to have finished your essay, but you will need to have made significant progress in research, reading research located, and sorting through your ideas on what you want to write about.

EA105 (love) 4/5/2013: Uploaded a few more comments on the group NDTs to bSpace in the TCP folder.

EA109 (tea) 4/4/2013: I have no more comments regarding the test except these two: 1) I use the phrase "semiotic sign" in a question. By that I mean the various meanings and attributes affixed or associated with tea, along the lines that I often discuss in class. You should know this term and how I use it already. This is a courtesy headsup. 2) You should put some time into thinking of the overall themes of how I am covering tea culture. Good luck with your studies and I'll see you tomorrow at 1 PM. ... For those of you who asked about dicionaries, the answer is, no, you will not be able to use dictionaries.

EA105 (love) 4/4/2013: One thing I can say now about the IE is that it is not a regular essay and that one component is that you do research (using credible sources, nothing from the Web except from academic archives on the Web) on "love" in a category relevant to your IE. That is something you can start on now since I will require that that research be done before you write the essay and might even require a report about it before you write the essay. Another heads up, I might ask that you submit timesheets up through the moment that the revised NDT is submitted. There's a 50-50 chance of that.

Cross-course 4/4/2013: My workflow for those waiting to hear from me: 1) compose EA109 test—if I have anything to add it will be tonight by 9PM, 2) generate IE guidelines for EA105 which will take all of Friday and probably all of Saturday, 3) make a decision on guidelines for the essay in J144, hopefully to announce on Saturday but more likely on Monday, 4) I won't grade/comment on EA105 NDTs until after the submission deadline for the revision just to keep the playing field level among all teams.

EA109 (tea) 4/4/2013: Posted new version of Song lecture support notes.

EA109 (tea) 4/4/2013: I have made notes, imperfectly, for Song but I need to put in the underlining and sidebars for a few remaining sections. Off to teach, so I come back to this at 3:30 and will probably upload around 5 or 5:30.

EA109 (tea) 4/4/2013: Between now and 2 PM and am going to see if I can post any further support notes for Song. Please watch for an announcement then. If I don't do it by then you can assume there is no further additional data presented. However, if I finish the test by tonight at 9 PM (unlikely) I might make an announcement about it when I'm finished.

EA105 (love) 4/4/2013: About the groups — of course you can still watch the class films (Norwegian Wood) and such together as a group. And of course you will need to meet as a group to revised your NDT if you plan to do so. In both cases, just avoid discussion of your IEs (individual essays).

EA105 (love) 4/3/2013: I just added this to the definition of NDT—"Special note: I usually require both an individual NDT and a group NDT. The individual NDT should be made by you from the perspective of what you, personally, would most like to investigate. You need not / should not consider the interests or abilities of your group for the individual NDT. (This comment is not valid for Spring 2013. In that case you can go either direction, but if you have not yet written your individual NDT, please write one with the above comment in mind.)"

EA105 (love) 4/3/2013: About Thursday's presentations: I have decided that you simply put your NDT on the white board and hang it by 9:50. After that groups will field questions about their NDT from other students and me. There is no presentation beyond writing, clearly, the NDT (in a format that I will give on Thursday that includes Group Letter, parameters, etc.)

J144 (MB) 4/3/2013: Aimee writes: "a software developer for the NY Times created a robot that generates haikus from news articles. It's no Basho, but certainly an interesting distraction. Here's the link:" ... and these are indeed fun reading. Thanks Aimee!

EA105 (love) 4/2/2013: Updated snapshots and posted a new email list for students that now has all emails. It is in the TCP folder. I will not comment on individual NDTs at this time since the result would be some teams would have feedback from me before their group meeting while others would not (because I don't know the group meeting schedules).

EA105 (love) 4/2/2013: Towards the end and after class a number of students were asking whether there would be feedback on the NDT. While I made various comments, I've thought it over and here is my decision: For individual NDTs, no. (No time between your individual NDTs and your team meetings.) It will simply be considered as part of the grade that will be given at the end of this NDT segment. For the group NDT, yes, IN CLASS, during your presentation. You then have a chance to revise your NDT. However, the graded version is the one you submit before class, so do your best. I was confusing in using the term "rejection": for the individual NDT, I will only send it back if the submission rules have not been followed. However, you will be free to meet as if you have submitted. For the group NDT I will request resubmission until I get an NDT that I think won't interfere with a fair shot at a good grade. However, again, the graded version is your first submission, not the following revisions.

EA105 (love) 4/2/2013: I'm not sure it is particularly helpful, but I posted to bSpace in the TCP folder today's NDT exercise.

EA109 (tea) 4/2/2013: Unlocked the museum signup sheet. Sorry about that!

EA105 (love) 4/2/2013: Updated snapshots.

J144 (MB) 4/1/2013: For those of you who submitted translations related to the midterm, don't forget to bring in your midterm tomorrow.

EA109 (tea) 4/1/2013: Sophia sends us: Charleston Tea Plantation and History of South Carolina Tea Farms Thanks Sophia!

EA105 (love) 4/1/2013: Updated TCP snapshots.

Cross-course 3/31/2013: Important! Beginning immediately, I have changed my subject line requirements. Before sending me any more emails, please read "Subject lines" inside "Cross-course policies" (sidebar on this page).

EA109 (tea) 3/31/2013: I have created the signup sheet for the museum visit. You can find it as a link on the sidebar, on any of our Web pages.

Cross-course 3/31/2013: I have given due times for all essay assignments for all my classes. You can see them on the Schedule / Outline pages.

Cross-course 3/31/2013: I have been migrated to bMail. This is causing quite a bit of inefficiency so please be patient. In addition, one student's email was marked as spam, so please write me again in 3 days (earlier if it is time sensitive) since I am not always remembering to check my spam. In addition, bMail search treats subject lines differently than Apple Mail. Many of you are not arriving in the folders I've set up. I'm trying to track this but please be vigilant on your end as well. For EA105 I've set up a reporting system that uses a graphic representation of whether I have your submission or not. I've haven't yet had to do that for other classes, but please watch for a response from me when you submit, to confirm we are communicating with each other.

EA105 (love) 3/31/2013: 1) Updated FLMSUM snapshot. 2) Relocated and retitled the folder that has these snapshots. Look inside the regular TCP folder. 3) Updated the definition of brief summary, providing an example. If you have not yet written your summary, please take a look at that first. Things will go more smoothly.

EA105 (love) 3/29/2013: I have posted into the TCP progress folder student emails, titled: Email list 130329.rtf. Thank you for sharing. Feel free to contact each other about interpretive ideas, or to ask more about something a group said during presentation, etc.

J144 (MB) 3/29/2013: Posted to bSpace the gloss and readings for the next Basho section. Again, although the reading assignment says have the material read by Thursday, please remember that you need to have the material read by Tuesday instead.

EA105 (love) 3/29/2013: I have created a new bSpace folder titled "EA105Sp13 TCP progress". In it are snapshots of student submissions for various steps towards the first NDT presentation, indicating whether I have received an email from you or not, and whether I have accepted it. Everyone should check these to see if we agree on your submissions, since late penalties are involved. I will update these, probably every few days and announce here when an update has been posted.

EA105 (love) 3/28/2013: I hope to soon work on the "Three Times" session pages. But if I do not get a chance to do so, since I must leave EA105 issues for a while, I think you understand the routine pretty well by now.

EA105 (love) 3/28/2013: I have looked at only one film summary so far, but it is clearly modified from a summary on the Web somewhere. I haven't looked at it closely enough to make a decision, but this MUST be written by you, based on the definition online. You risk an "F" for this stage of the TCP and perhaps removal from the group. You will then be on your own for writing an essay (and there will be additional work to mimic the lost dialogues that would have happened with your team). As stated in the instructions, this entire system is based on an honors system and only works when that system is honored, so my tolerance for fudging on the rules is very low. If you feel you should resubmit, I suggest you do so before I begin reading and grading the flmsum submissions.

EA105 (love) 3/28/2013: I have received very few emails from students about their TCP. Remember that your group presents a week from today. Before you can do that you have to select in the blind two films, watch them, write a summary, send it to me, meet to select the two films, watch THOSE two films, write an NDT, send it to me, meet to create the group NDT, and decide how you will present (i.e., make the presentation)—all BFORE Thursday. There is no in-class prep time.

Please read all instructions and definitions then, if you have questions, by all means please ask.

EA109 (tea) 3/28/2013: Posted Qing notes to bSpace.

Cross-course 3/27/2013: I have been away from my email since Friday. I'll be checking and answering emails tomorrow.

EA109 (tea) 3/27/2013: I have been constructing Web pages for our class. While I am not quite finished, I have posted the readings for our next session. Please check the Qing dynasty session page.

EA109 (tea) 3/21/2013: Posted to bSpace in the "Lecture support files" folder a draft of today's lecture notes titled Yuan and Ming notes DRAFT. Although I'm not finished with this document, the idea behind these support files is that they can be printed out and made the basis for note-taking in class for that day. So, I've uploaded a version and you can give it a try if you want. I may or may not revise further this document this semester.

EA109 (tea) 3/21/2013: Posted MP3 of Tuesday's lecture to bSpace titled EA109Sp13 March 19 2013 lecture on tests and essay. Here is a short key to the main segments of it: 03:18 to 05:40 "I want to give a third midterm …" and why; 06:08 beginning to work from the excel sheet (it is projected) to explain the schedule all the way to the end of the term, session-by-session; 15:51 grade weight changes (but these are on the new syllabus now); 17:13 to 42:00 details on the essay and, after that, until the end of class I'm fielding questions on the essay.

J144 (MB) 3/21/2013: Posted to bSpace the key for MT03.

EA109 (tea) 3/20/2013: 1) I have uploaded to bSpace a document titled EA109Sp13 Schedule revision that presents the schedule changes covered in class today. 2) I have updated and uploaded the syllabus, to reflect the change in grade weights. Version 3 is now the current version. 3) I have updated the course schedule / outline page to include the new due dates for things. 4) On that same page I have highlighted the area of the schedule that is now out of date. Please use EA109Sp13 Schedule revision until I have time to do this web construction, probably towards the end of spring break. 5) I have an MP3 recording of today's discussion. If you need it, let me know.

EA105 (love) 3/19/2013: Posted Q01 scores. Full credit is 1 pt. I gave 0.5 for those in the room who took the quiz but either seemed unaware of key narrative developments or didn't follow instructions.

Cross-course 3/19/2013: I will be out of town when the University migrates my email from CalMail to bMail. I expect this to go smoothly but I suppose there is a chance I'll be out of touch for a few days, May 23-May 27ish.

J144 (MB) 3/19/2013: I have added to the Announcement Page sidebar (not our course page) under Research two new links. The first is a link to an excellent online classical dictionary. The second is a link to a very good online J-to-J (kokugo) dictionary.

EA109 (tea) 3/18/2013: Posted a summary of today's lecture titled Kamakura notes. It is in a new bSpace folder called "Lecture support notes."

EA105 (love) 3/14/2013 [REPEAT OF PRIOR ANNOUNCEMENT, LATE PENALTIES INVOLVED]: We are now getting into that portion of the course where you can begin contacting non-team members on things you are thinking about doing for your IE. I need, from you, an email address that you don't mind sharing with the class. If you are concerned about giving out an email address, please create one that you plan to then throw away later. This list, once complete, will be a doc on bSpace, giving your classname, group letter, and your email address. Please submit using EA105_LASTNAME_classname crosscom. Deadline: Sunday 5PM.

EA109 (tea) 3/17/2013: I have uploaded to bSpace a document titled Song notes 130317.pdf. This is the early portion of the promised terms page. I now have to turn to other matters and probably will not complete this project until spring break, if at all. I thought I should give you as far as I have progressed, at least, since there are some good paper topics on this document: Wuyi Mountains, etc. This is a module that will be ready to go for the next generation of this class and hopefully for this group, too. The idea is to create a document with white space that can be printed out and notes taken directly on it, during lecture. I will at least, in one form or another, get the terms to you.

Cross-course 3/17/2013: Dear Teach-netters, A reminder that the Doe Library offers individual research appointments for undergraduate students. These are quite valuable for students writing papers and creating other projects that involve finding high quality information. Librarians also help guide students into more focused research topics and questions. Half hour appointments are available by signing up online at Please mention the service in your classes. Lynn Jones / Reference and Instruction Librarian & Reference Coordinator [Interim] / Doe & Moffitt Libraries

EA109 (tea) 3/16/2013: I have now posted the official Midterm 01 grades.

I have been able to calculate the A+s, so a couple of you will see a different grade than yesterday.

The test average was 9.99, the median was 10.25, the high was 13, the low was 2. There are extensive statistics for this test. If you want to know more, please make an appointment.

Please remember, read the key carefully before contacting about your grade.

The curve was "compassionate". Please get more specific in your study so not "a monk" but rather "Xiangmo" and so on.

Some of you need to spend more time thinking about the general flow and theme of the course (the semiotic sign content for tea, why we look at certain things, the implications of the information we share, etc).

The grade comments box provides the letter grades I gave each of the four questions. It also gives the points totals for each question as they are in the gradebook. If you were to do addition, your results should match these numbers.

However, a few of you received "summary grades" (see key) for a question and, in that case, there is nothing in the column for point totals so the comments box just skips it, and makes it look like there is a gradebook error. There isn't. Example: "Question letter grades reported with 12pt scale. Test score is average of these. Q-1A: 7; Q-1B: 6; Q-2: 10; Q-3: 12. If you want to check my addition, the grade book says you have 1.9 points for Q-1A, points for Q-1B, 4.7 points for Q2 and 12 points for Q3." The " points for Q-1B" has no point value because this student received a summary grade on that question.

EA109 (tea) 3/15/2013: Posted Midterm 01 grade and key to bSpace. This is an initial upload. Each question (total of four questions on test) received a letter grade and the average of those four letter grades is the test score. Those letter grades are not written onto the exam that I will return today (I ran out of time). I will post them to bSpace tomorrow. The rest of my day today is already scheduled.

Cross-course: I heard about this on NPR yesterday. Perhaps some of you know it already. It is an interesting Web site where people have submitted their experience with race using six words: the race card project

J144 (MB) 3/14/2013: Posted the gloss for 02 Nikko.

EA105 (love) 3/14/2013: I have written details on pop quizzes that I will sometimes give at the beginning of class. The explanation is on the Assignments and Tests pages—look under the "Midterms" column at the top of the page, or look under the explanation for Midterm 02 if you just want to scroll down. Most regretfully I have not been able to persuade the students in this class to arrive on time, ready to do. If you have a reason why you are not able to be here on time, please share it with me. I understand some of you have long commutes, 8AM classes and so on.

EA105 (love) 3/14/2013: I have written details on how we will continue with the type of exercise such as today's. They are specific. Please read them today as I will likely announce over the next few days a new assignment, to be done in Tuesday's class. They are on the Assignments and Tests page, under Participation—"Instances" presentations.

EA105 (love) 3/14/2013: We are now getting into that portion of the course where you can begin contacting non-team members on things you are thinking about doing for your IE. I need, from you, an email address that you don't mind sharing with the class. If you are concerned about giving out an email address, please create one that you plan to then throw away later. This list, once complete, will be a doc on bSpace, giving your classname, group letter, and your email address. Please submit using EA105_LASTNAME_classname crosscom. Deadline: Sunday 5PM.

EA105 (love) 3/14/2013: The "Important Dates" area of the Schedule / Outline page has been updated and is now accurate.

EA105 (love) 3/14/2013: Just a reminder that, although you are to read and consider the questions on the modules, any assignments on those pages are for the previous class (and for this summer's class) and are not in effect for Spring 2013.

J144 (MB) 3/13/2013: I suggest that all groups working on their session control material, except the next group up to bat (for Nikko) halt preparations since there is a good chance that I will need to redesign the course and your work will not be used. Stay tuned. (If this announcement doesn't make sense, it means you have not yet read the announcement at the top of the Schedule / Outline. Please do so immediately.)

J144 (MB) 3/13/2013: Please read today an announcement at the top of the Schedule page. TODAY. It will be in red font.

EA105 (love) 3/12/2013: Was finally able to create the session pages for 2046, and update the outline page.

EA109 (tea) 3/11/2013: I have made my eBrary folder accessible. See sidebar tab "Key Support Pages". This might be helpful for your essay research.

EA105 (love) 3/11/2013: I have submitted midterm grades for this course. I don't know how long it takes for the University to process them. If you received a midterm grade of "D" or "F", I recommend that you contact me to set up an appointment and discuss your situation. Most of the difficulties in this course can be fixed relatively easily.

Cross-course (but especially EA105): I have updated this Announcements Page as part of a process of pulling the follow of critical information to this page, to encourage that students check it frequently.

... If you have not yet read my course policies, you should, and they are now available via a sidebar tab here.

... The terms page is quickly growing into a mini-guide as to what I expect in terms of essay style, etc., and so is not accessible via a sidebar tab on this page.

... The most recent addition to the terms page is "analysis" and, for EA105 students, this is yet another way of explaining what should be the content of your TCP and, in particular, IE. Please read it.

****For those of you in EA105 who did not perform well on Midterm 01, you should definitely read "analysis" as well as "terms slippage" "compare" and "relate" as this four should help clarify my expectations for the course.

J144 (MB) 3/10/2013: I have posted Midterm 02 grades to bSpace. The top score was 11.6; the average was 10. A great number of you ignored grammar on poem #2, leading to low scores on that poem and bringing down the overall scores. I have very often, in J120 and again in this class, emphasized the importance of grammar, not just assembling a sentence based on its keywords and your cultural expectations derived from that combination of keywords: 刺をつかむ蛍 is the firefly that clings to the thorn. No one is hunting fireflies; there are no humans in that poem at all. I will return the tests on Tuesday. They have notes and sub-grades for each poem.

Cross-course: Students are not checking this announcements page with enough frequency. I have therefore discontinued the practice of using bSpace to send out an email when a resource has been uploaded to make this the only source of announcements, period. Many of my announcements on this page are grade-relevant.

J144 (MB) 3/10/2013: Both the gloss and the reading assignment for 01 Fukagawa have been posted to bSpace. Please check the Outline / Schedule page for an important announcement about deadlines and such. Class preparation is both preparing the text in full, with grammar questions already identified by you to ask without delay AND reading the assigned readings. There will be no excuse accepted for lack of access to eBrary, JSTOR, etc.

EA105 (love) 3/9/2013: Posted Midterm 01 grades to bSpace. Tests will be returned Tuesday. Posted Comments to the test and the test to bSpace as well. I suggest you read this before looking at our grade.

EA105 (love) 3/8/2013: 1) I have posted the Initial Presentation grade to bSpace. 2) I have updated the Assignments & Tests page for the Initial Presentation and Progress Report 01 segments, to reflect the goals and grading rubrics of those assignments. 3) I have posted a "grade estimator" to our Web site. It can be accessed via the sidebar. I am now turning to grading your midterm. Yours was the first given; I just finished giving the fourth and last one to a class yesterday afternoon. Now that midterms have been written and administered, I can finally begin the grading process.

EA105 (love) 3/7/2013: I have now made live the link to the next set of instructions for the TCP. While the deadline might seem in the distant future, this is because it can take a very long time to locate excellent films. Do not let the deadline fool you!

EA105 (love) 3/7/2013: It might be tomorrow before I can post all the instructions for the next step in the TCP process, and you will want to start this weekend. But here is the first step, which you can do now, without knowing the rest of the process:

TEAM WORK — communicating about each member's comfort zone in terms of violence, sex and, in particular, sexual violence

While I built teams with this in mind, based on the survey completed by students early in class, the process is far from perfect. In one form or another, BEFORE you begin searching for films, everyone should be aware of everyone's tolerance in this regard. You should never pressure a team mate to watch films beyond his or her comfort zone, nor should you ask one other your opinion in a manner that makes it difficult to answer honestly. Sort this out, then move to the next step.

EA105 (love) 3/7/2013: Little blue and red pills were left behind in the room today.

J144 (MB) 3/6/2013 1:20 AM: Posted details for Midterm 03, on the assignments page.

J144 (MB) 3/5/2013: I have posted to bSpace the key for the worksheet and a map, sort of messy, that shows topography of Japan + the Oku route. ... You do not need to turn in the map worksheet on Thursday. By the way, it is unlikely that I will make any announcements regarding the midterm beyond the casual comments in class today. However, if things go better than expected, and if I feel there is something that should be said, that announcement will happen before 6 PM tomorrow.

EA105 (love) 3/5/2013: The Course schedule / Outline has been modified. TCP days have changed, possibly affecting the day you will present on TCP work.

EA105 (love) 3/5/2013: I have opened the link to Thursday's session.

EA105 (love) 3/5/2013: I have updated today's session notes. Please read them before class if you have twenty minutes. If not be sure to read them before the next movie is screened.

EA105 (love) 3/3/2013: I have now published to the Web site the official instructions and deadlines for the first part of the TCP. On any course page, at the sidebar, you will find a tab "TCP". This will take you to the Overview page. Each of these pages starts with the full workflow description, so you can see where you are in the process. Of that workflow, the overview page and the initial presentation page (the presentation you will do on Thursday) are complete. The other pages do not yet exist. ... By the way, yes, the process is complicated, but it looks worse than it is. Basically you are picking films, writing an individual essay on them, and comparing your essays, writing a report to me that shows what you have discovered. That is the core work. But it looks complicated because I separate teams at certain points so they work truly independently, and there is a lot of cross-talk with other teams, to help improve your own work.

A number of you have emailed me with questions. I have not yet read those emails. I'm going to do that now. I might make instruction changes as a result of reading those, or write those students, or just announce something here. You should check back in about an hour.

EA105 (love) 3/2/2013: I have posted an important document to bSpace Deadlines and duties that are at hand. This PDF refers to reading, on the terms page, entries such as *East Asian countries. If you cannot find these entries on the terms page, either you are on the wrong page or your browser is showing an old version of the page. Go to course page sidebar "Support Pages > Common terms used in my classes". The entry at the top should be "access", in red.

EA105 (love) 3/1/2013: I have posted to bSpace a document Early notice about team projects that you should look at right awy.

EA105 (love) 3/1/2013: I have updated Session 13, our class on Tuesday. This is an important update that should be viewed today. Remember that we begin the discussion of films on Tuesday and that you are required to have seen (not sometime in the past but now, for the purposes of this class) the film before class begins. My notes on the session page suggest not that I will formally quiz but that I will informally quiz to see if we must begin quizzing the films. I am very concerned that students do not prepare the films well. As you know, many students do not read these announcements. That can put you at risk. Please spread the word about the announcement and the need to arrive fully prepared on Tuesday. ... You have been aware from the beginning of class that you need access to the films. If you do not yet have such access, you should solve this problem today. Access details are NOT on the Session 13 page but are on the Spring 2012 session links that are on our Session 13 page.

Tomorrow morning I will post details about your projects. You will be presenting an early draft of your project direction to the class on Thursday. You might need to talk with each other Saturday night or Sunday, thus my need to get details to you by noon tomorrow. I have a brunch, however, and so if I can't beat the clock, I'll complete the work mid-afternoon tomorrow. Watch for announcements.

J144 (MB) 3/1/2013: Since the first session control group had a deadline of March 7 and since that is the day of Midterm 03, I have moved the deadline. You can see the details at the deadlines tab. However, I do think you will find it hard to pull everything together if you wait until after the midterm to get started. You should have an initial meeting to organize yourselves and such, very soon. Probably some of the vocab work can be done off and on now. ... There will probably be no other J144 announcements this morning.

J144 (MB) 3/1/2013: I have completed on the Assignments page "Oku Session Control: Reading Assignments". I am now going to decide on the deadline for the first group.

J144 (MB) 3/1/2013: I have completed on the Assignments page "Oku Session Control: Overview" and "Oku Session Control: Vocab gloss". In particular you should very soon look at the gloss instructions. I have also updated the Course Outline. I am now working on the readings instructions.

J144 (MB) 3/1/2013: I have gone back to Session 13 and cleaned up the draft. The instructions are now complete. The other English version of Oku is now available, too. I am now working on the Session Control instructions ... and deciding if the deadline for the first group will change.

J144 (MB) 2/25/2013: Posted to bSpace grades for Haikai Sheet 2. You should look at these brief comments before submitting Haikai Sheet 3.

J144 (MB) 2/24/2013: Posted to bSpace group grades for sabi definitions, and statistics. Perhaps more usefully, posted a document Sabi Definitions-all that annotates and arranges the definitions as to what I think might be good to keep in mind when doing the exam. Very on-point is bold-red, on-point is red, off-point is gray.

EA109 (tea) 2/24/2013: On Friday I asked questions of some students in the front of the room. After class, talking with a student, it seems that some of you thought those would be good examples of questions to review for the test. That was not the case. Instead those questions were simply meant to be quick to ask and quick to answer. Just thought I should share that.

J144 (MB) 2/24/2013: IMPORTANT: Posted to bSpace J144Sp 13 Midterm 02 details. This is REQUIRED READING for Tuesday, by class time. There is also an important note added to the Assignments page > Midterm 02.

J144 (MB) 2/23/2013: Posted to bSpace Haikai Sheet 3.

EA105 (love) 2/22/2013: With the upcoming test in mind, I have reviewed and edited Session pages 02-11 over the past four hours. I have also uploaded a few more documents into the Story of the Stone folder. I have also created a new link in the sidebar: "Support Pages > Common terms used in my classes" A student had asked how to read Story of the Stone for class (and, by extension, for the exam). The answer to the question you might have "What are Wallace's expectations for the level of careful reading of the premodern texts, for the test?" can be found there, under "careful reading" :-)

EA105 (love) 2/21/2013: I have posted the details for Midterm 01. You can find them on the Assignments page. You might need to refresh your browser.

EA105 (love) 2/21/2013: I have updated Sessions 10 and 11. You might need to refresh your browser.

EA109 (tea) 2/20/2013: I have updated the session pages. Everything is in its proper place, I think. I'll probably review tomorrow. I have also revised and uploaded new versions of 04 Very Early Encounters, 07A Some non-Han tea practices and 10 Buddhism and Tea in Tang China. The reading for Friday is related to Buddhism, but it is not that long, about 10 PPT pages. The reading for Monday is much longer, so budget time accordingly. That reading is quite important and might, therefore, be pop-quizzed. Take your guidance on how to read from the session pages.

J144 (MB) 2/20/2013: I have graded Haikai Sheet 1 and posted to bSpace the results. I have uploaded to bSpace (Resources > Haikai Sheets) a Haikai Sheet 1 comments doc that must be read to make sense of the comments on the grade given on bSpace.

EA105 (love) 2/20/2013: I believe all whiteboards and powerpoints from yesterday have been uploaded to bSpace. I created a new folder "Presentations" and placed them in a sub-folder "Genji-Kuunmong presentations". Email me if one of your submissions is missing. And good luck reading Story of the Stone!

J144 (MB) 2/20/2013: I have modified the instructions for the Haikai sheets, beginning with the one due tomorrow. I have put those changes in bold, so you can quickly locate and read them. ... There will be no more J144 announcements this morning.

J144 (MB) 2/20/2013: I have added details on what I mean by "Participation" for the sessions we are now doing, the haikai sheets sessions, and for the upcoming work on Oku no hosomichi, when reading in the original. These details are presented as several paragraphs, on the Assignments page, under the "Participation" subheading and beginning with the phrase: "*Participation during the core portions of this class—"

J144 (MB) 2/20/2013: There is a change in how to prep for tomorrow, not yet written into the "Participation: Haikai sheets" description. That change: when submitting the first sheet, please also have on that sheet your first translation effort.

J144 (MB) 2/20/2013: I have posted information on the Assignment page about Midterm 02. I will also, later this morning, be making further announcements that you should read before tomorrow's class.

J144 (MB) 2/20/2013: I have a Lewis and Clark black 傘 left in class yesterday.

J144 (MB) 2/19/2013: I didn't finish but I made progress on outlining the work for the Session Control session that you will be responsible for. There is a description ("Session Control Overview") on our Assignments web page. Start there (don't go to bSpace first). And, this is going to be the single largest project you do for this class. Get started early!! Some passages, esp. perhaps Matsushima, are going to be a real challenge to prep. Also not yet written but your vocabulary list MUST be based on 古語辞典 not any other sort of dictionary. Part of the assignment is to have you kicking around inside a 古語辞典 for an extended length of time. So it is just about the product, the process, too, must be 古語辞典 intense.

EA105 (love) 2/7/2013: I have added a sidebar tab called "Time Sheet" that I will explain in class today, but you can download it any time.

EA105 (love) 2/19/2013: I have added to the deadline the details on how to submit today's material, in case you want to double-check against what I projected on the screen during class.

J144 (MB) 2/17/2013: A note about the haikai sheets: These will not be graded and returned to you, nor will there be any feedback. Instead, a key will be released on bSpace immediately after class. Therefore, if you want to check your own work, you might consider making a copy of what you submit to me, to have at hand (at home) when the key is released.

J144 (MB) 2/17/2013: I have posted to the "Deadlines" tab a chart that has now assigned each group to a particular Oku no hosomichi section, and listed the various deadlines associated with that. The earliest deadline is for Group G (groups were randomly distributed), and is March 7. BUT since all team members are required to be present on the day for which they are responsible, and since I am allowing a switch to a different team if you know you cannot be there that day, AND because I am requiring TWO weeks advance notice to both your group and the group you switch with, the earliest deadline is actually Feb 28 for a switch request. Therefore I suggest you take a look at the schedule now, and see if you have been scheduled for a day for which you cannot attend class.

J144 (MB) 2/17/2013: I have posted to a new bSpace folder titled "Haikai sheets" the Tuesday assignment. You can use the .docx or .pdf, which ever is better for you. I have written the instructions (complicated, read carefully!) onto the Assignments & Tests page under a new heading titled "Participation: Haikai sheets".

EA105 (love) 2/16/2013: I have contacted everyone but Lucy regarding the timesheet. If you have not received an email from me, something is wrong.

EA105 (love) 2/16/2013: I have created a page explaining timesheets, since there were so many non-submits, late submits and submission problems. You can find it under the sidebar tab "Timesheets". Late penalties, in the future, are severe, so please take a look. I have also added timesheet deadlines to the sidebar tab "Deadlines", to which I have now opened a link. I have also typed into the three participation grade descriptions on the assignments page how timesheets factor into the participation grade. The short answer is that they are used "to help me judge" participation. They do not, in an other themselves, receive a grade. You might find that you need to refresh your browser to see some of these additions.

EA105 (love) 2/15/2013: I have once more tweaked the timesheet, so that the time total at the top of the sheet is functional.

EA109 (tea) 2/15/2013: I have this.

EA105 (love) 2/14/2013: I think I have fixed the time sheet so it accepts hours:minutes:seconds. You might want to download this newer version. Timesheets are due Friday 2AM.

EA105 (love) 2/14/2013: I have added a new sidebar tab "SUBMISSION GUIDELINES" to resolve the problem of tracking down everyone's submissions, and determining deadlines for submissions.

EA105 (love) 2/13/2013: I have posted to bSpace, in a folder named "Kuunmong presentations" my comments on Tuesday's presentations. Please read all comments, not just those about your own presentation. Although I tried to move the "comments for all" onto a general comments page, I ended up making some general comments under the group headings, too. I want to thank all presenters for good work and excellent time managment.

EA109 (tea) 2/12/2013: Just so you don't worry: I'm aware that a number of the Session 10 links are out of date. Work with what you can and don't worry about the dead links.

J144 (MB) 2/11/2013: I have posted MT01 scores to bSpace. There were five questions. Grades were determined by giving the weight of 8% to the lowest score of the five, then 23% each for all the remaining scores. The high was 12.43, the low was 8.05, the average was 11.01 and the median was 11.45.

EA105 (love) 2/10/2013: I have updated session pages to clarify a bit what we did on Thursday and what you are to do on Tuesday.

EA109 (tea) 2/10/2013: I have added an assignment to be brought to class tomorrow. Please see the details at Session 09.

J144 (MB) 2/9/2013: There is now an assignment for Thursday's session. See the details on that session page.

Cross-course 2/9/2013: I have a 3 PM appt at my office Monday. Just letting everyone know in case you were planning on dropping by for OH. I'm not available after 3 that day.

EA105 (love) 2/8/2013: I just bumped into this YouTube video. "Nine Cloud Dream" Described as — AsianArtMuseum: "Uploaded on May 28, 2009 Digitized from VHS, this video re-tells a popular Korean folktale using a beautiful Korean screen from the collection of the Asian Art Museum."

J144 (MB) 2/8/2013: I added a new page that has basic information on the Teimon and Danrin schools, since a student asked about this. This is just a grab from JapanKnowledge. You can access it via the sidebar "Support Pages > Background Info for Basho's Career".

J144 (MB) 2/8/2013: I have posted an assignment due Tuesday at the beginning of class, and which might involve your team. Please read the details at Session 07.

EA105 (love) 2/7/2013: The "Teams" tab on the sidebar now leads to a page with team membership names.

EA109 (tea) 2/5/2013: Who goes to which day is posted on the Session 07 page, by the way.

EA109 (tea) 2/4/2013: Team memberships have been published to the Web site. Use the sidebar tab, then under the first section there is a link to an excel sheet.

J144 (MB) 2/4/2013: Posted presentation and chronology grades.

EA109 (tea) 2/4/2013: I found a little extra time this morning to rewrite the rules for tea submission, trying to make them more clear. There are no changes in what to do, just a rewording of the instructions. Reminder to pickup volunteers: new location and time for today's meeting. See the GoogleDoc.

EA105 (love) 2/4/2013: I have updated the session for Tuesday. My thoughts on Buddhism are there and reading them ahead of time will make that session less puzzling. However, there is no official assignment for Tuesday. Keep reading Nine Cloud Dream!

EA109 (tea) 2/3/2013: We are doing Tea Brewing day. You group has a scheduled time, so please go to Session 08 (whoops, session 06, that was a type pure and simple) and read the details there. Volunteers, I have typed onto the GoogleDoc some notes for each of you. Please read them. In particular, the pickup location has changed.

EA109 (tea) 2/3/2013: After 5PM today I will check the volunteer sheet one more time and decide what type of class we will have on Monday. There will definitely be specific instructions for everyone, so please check this Web site between 7 and 10 PM for those instructions. I can say now, though, that if we do have Tea Identification day on Wed and Fri that your contribution of tea should happen tomorrow at class, during my Tuesday office hour or at the beginning of class on Wednesday. The instructions are online, under Assignments. The timeline is a bit off, since I didn't get the ball rolling on this as early as usual.

J144 (MB) 2/3/2013: I have posted to Assignments & Tests the details for the sabi definition, due at the beginning of Session 06. Research involved. Consider books that have "Japanese aesthetics" in their title as part of your search method.

J144 (MB) 2/3/2013: I have posted to Assignments & Tests the details for Midterm 01.

J144 (MB) 2/2/2013: I have posted to bSpace all student submissions, consolidated into a single PDF. I have made some corrections. I have added kanji here and there (just for your information, not for memorization). Now it is your turn to work with the information and make sense of it. I will test what is particularly relevant to Basho within the approach to him described elsewhere. I am guessing that you will need to read biographies to help sort out what is the most relevant, and get a good overview of the major segments of his life. This PDF is not going to to that for you.

EA109 (tea) 2/2/2013 -Just so you don't get a surprise later: I cannot run Monday's brewing day without volunteers. If we do not get enough volunteers I will need to cancel the activity and have regular class.

EA109 (tea) 1/31/2013 - I have posted the link to the document that seeks volunteers for Monday, for extra credit. It is listed under the sidebar tab of the course pages "Assignments & Tests > Tea Brewing Day."

EA109 (tea) 1/31/2013 - REMINDER: Starting tomorrow (Friday) we meet in Barrows 56. That's downstairs.

EA109 (tea) 1/30/2013 - Random tea link. A student sent me this. I've only watched the first 10 for now, but it looks quite nice. I'm pasting in her email—

While watching the Tuesday lecture video, I was reminded of a documentary I watched on Pu-erh tea when the video talked about the Ancient Tea and Horse Road. I thought I'd like to share with you the documentary since it somewhat relates to the recent lectures. Here is the video URL:
It is the third episode of the award-winning NHK/KBS series entitled, "Asian Corridor in Heaven." If you have the time to watch it, I hope you enjoy it!

J144 (MB) 1/30/2013: I really enjoyed watching the presentations yesterday :-)

EA105 (love) 1/29/2013 - Some students seem to have missed this note, although it is right at the top of the schedule: Reminder that the Korean reading must be completed by Session 06, the Japanese reading by Session 08, and the Chinese reading by Session 10. I'm going to develop a page now that gives the details.

EA105 (love) 1/29/2013 - I have asked Jan Johnson to enroll all students who are on the waitlist except those with these SID (last four digits). Two are still thinking about whether to join or not, one skippped class today, one has never been in class: 9354, 9554, 7732, 2841. ... If you are still worried whether or not you will be enrolled, or if your SID happens to match one of the above but you thought you were being enrolled, please email me and I will send an email to you, giving you a written record of my intention.

EA109 (tea) 1/29/2013 - On Wednesday (tomorrow) we will meet in our usual room. Begining Friday (Feb 1) we meet in Barrows 56. This means Jan can begin processing enrollments. At this point all are welcome. If we get close to 60, that will change.

EA105 (love) 1/27/2013 - Posted details for Tueday's session.

EA109 (tea) 1/27/2013 - Monday's class will be like Friday's: there is reading assigned but if you are on the waitlist and cannot access portions of it, you can catch up later. The charts might get an update, but I'm not sure I can get to it. Attendance is useful in that some of the material is visual and presented only this once, in class, with, as far as I know, no way to access it online. However, I am not tracking attendance anymore for waitlist / enrollment reasons.

EA105 (love) 1/27/2013 - While I will probably update the Web site today for Tuesday's class. There will be no reading assignment to do before that class (there is an optional, post-class reading). Attendance, however, is critical. Please let me know if you are sick. I would probably make a soundfile anyway but would definitely come ready to do so if I know someone will miss the class. ... I have a raw soundfile for Thursday's class. I might post that later, but it is down the priority list a bit.

Cross-course 1/26/2013 - About the flu. While the flu is projected to be severe this year I am not sure that is confirmed yet for our area. However, I am taking a more proactive position than usual, just in case. Please, please, if you are coughing due to a sore throat or have other flu-like symptoms, please consider not coming to class to reduce the spread of infection, and to contact me. We can work something out in terms of missed material. Colds tend to be in the head, flu tends to be lower respiratory in its symptoms. "Stomach flu" is a different thing, and isn't part of my comments above but, of course, if you are sick for whatever reason, please stay and home and get well, and write me if you can.

EA105 (love) 1/26/2013 - [I updated this later on the 26th, after an email from a student, adding the all in caps stuff] About enrollment. Those of you who have been attending regularly will be able to enroll in this class. I didn't create orange cards for you so I'm not sure yet whether Jan Johnson will want cards or can work from a list. I'll be writing her this weekend. There are a few of you who joined late and there are a few who have waitlisted themselves but not contacted me. I cannot take all of these students. I have answered emails from most and they know what they should do. If you have joined the waitlist SINCE THURSDAY but HAVE not contacted me NOT ATTENDED CLASS YET, you definitely cannot join this class. If you are thinking of joining that class you must be in the room Tuesday to be considered for enrollment. However, as mentioned above, I cannot enroll everyone.

E109 (tea) - 1/26/2013: About enrollment. I have asked Jan Johnson to request a larger room for us. I imagine that we will get something; I am also guessing that we might not know for a while and that it won't be a great location. However, it does mean that — if we get a new room assignment — I will be able to take all students still showing an interest in this class, unless the number climbs up to closer to 60. The mechanics of enrolling students will be a bit complicated since not everyone can get on the waitlist and we will need to shuffle you through. Further, we won't begin the process until Monday at the earliest and probably later. On Monday, though, I'll give the orange cards to Jan Johnson and she will begin the process when she is able to do so, although I'm guessing she will wait for a confirmation on the room before starting.

Cross-course - 1/25/2013: For waitlisters. As the syllabus says, there are two Web sites relevant to my classes. The main Web site is this one. Materials, however, are on bSpace. I understand that, as waitlisters, you do not have access to bSpace and so cannot do the assignments mentioned on this primary Web site. That will sort itself out soon. Unless you are a concurrent student or have some other sort of special situation, I don't manually add you to bSpace. I wait until you are enrolled and the system gives you automatic access.

EA105 (love) - 1/23/2013: Enrollment announcement — If you were in the room yesterday, submitted a survey and submitted the quiz (J Yang, you did not put your name on your quiz but I have identified it) then the odds are good that you will be enrolled in the course. Of the group "waitlisted or off waitlist but in room Tuesday", which totals about 30 students, I might need to drop one student. However, we had several no-shows and a few who dropped overnight (thank you for the prompt decision) and one student considering switching to taking the summer version of the course. So, if you were in the room yesterday and attend tomorrow, your chance of being able to enroll is not perfect, but excellent. ***Those of you who could not get on the waitlist but attended class yesterday should keep trying. Spots have opened up, unknown students might grab them, and you have to go through the waitlist to get to enrollment.

J144 (MB) 1/23/2013: Posted team membership. You might want to double-check that I got the membership correct for your work group, since you do, after all, share a grade. Access via course page sidebar. Ayaka is joining us; she is in group E.

J144 (MB) 1/23/2013: There will be no reading assignment for tomorrow. However, later today I will make an announcement about presentations that begin Tuesday.

EA105 (love) - 1/21/2013: REMINDER: EA105 meets in Dwinelle 127. I will be there from around 9:15 AM or so.

J144 - 1/21/2013: The J144 sidebar syllabus tab was navigating to EA105. Sorry about that. I've corrected the problem. Thanks Cynthia!

J144 - 1/21/2013: I have released a draft of our primary Web site which you can access through the sidebar tab of this page. (I have also created the secondary bSpace site.) The syllabus is there and most of the Web pages. That being said, it is a draft. There is no work to be done for the first session, but I don't hand out the syllabus should you should look at that ahead of time so you can ask questions. See you tomorrow!

EA109 (tea) - 1/17/2013: I have released a draft of our primary Web site which you can access through the sidebar tab of this page. (I have also created the secondary bSpace site.) The syllabus is there and most of the Web pages. That being said, it is a draft. There is no work to be done for the first session, but I don't hand out the syllabus should you should look at that ahead of time so you can ask questions.

EA105 (love) - 1/15/2013: Please note that this class does NOT meet in the room listed on the class schedule. It meets in Dwinelle 127. The first session is very important. Please make sure to go to the correct room.

EA105 (love) - 1/15/2013: This class was added to the course schedule late and I was unable to order books for it. Details on what you need to purchase are on the syllabus and the dates for when you need that material are on the course Web pages. Do not delay! I have placed all three main texts on library reserve, as an emergency, but few of you will find this option useful. I've kept it at 2 hours loan periods and the works are long.

EA105 (love) - 1/15/2013: I have released a draft of our primary Web site which you can access through the sidebar tab of this page. (I have also created the secondary bSpace site.) The syllabus is there and quite a lot of details on the Web pages about the class schedule. That being said, it is a draft. I have been working on the course for quite a while but cannot pull it together in time. I need to turn my attention to the other courses now.

Cross-course - 1/15/2013: Happy New Year to everyone! I hope you had an interesting and stimulating break. I look forward to seeing many of you again this semester.

Cross-course - 12/17/12: I have submitted grades to the University. I am now "handing off" the announcements back to bSpace. There is no need to check this page for J7A, J120 or J130 announcements. Any further announcements will go out as emails via bSpace. I enjoyed teaching all of you. I look forward to seeing some of you next semester. In the meantime, have a wonderful break! .... For those who just graduated, CONGRATULATIONS !!! I will miss you. Come visit :-)

J130-うた - 12/16/12: Posted PG category grades to bSpace. I graded the remaining submissions but did not send anything back to you. There were no missing PGs.

J130-うた - 12/16/12: Posted final exam grades and key.

J120-文語 - 12/16/12: Posted final exam grades and key.

J7A - 12/14/12: A student has written quite reasonably asking that I don't use googledocs for uploading comments since cross-talk among students might make some of those identifiable. So, I won't do that. However, that means that I will need to manually break down the comments into individual finals and send them to individual students. I'll do this if I have time. I do think it is good to get the comments out there to those interested and only to those interested, but I will probably have to wait until grades are submitted to do that. Since I go on break beginning the 18th, it might be after Christmas ... Nevertheless, please continue to send emails per the instructions below if you are interested.

J7A - 12/14/12: Posted final exam grades and stats.

J7A - 12/12/12: I am reading and grading anonymous essays. Consider these things (or skip straight to the "Action" paragraphs below), then respond if you wish:

  1. This grade is 5% of the essay grade, thus 1% of the overall course grade.
  2. I am writing, and I have asked the GSIs to write, very frank comments on the essays. I have also asked them to grade very frankly, since this is more a diagnostic grade than something which could affect the final course grade. (For example, whether to give an A or C on the essay is the difference of a 9 or 6, 3 pts, of 0.5% since there are two graders.)
  3. Grades are split into an interest grade and a credibility grade. Comments, however are a blend of the two.
  4. The comments are longer than expected so they will probably be uploaded to a googledoc based on the writer's code, not the secure bSapce comments box. The grades, though, will be on bSpace as an assignment grade.
  5. You will not know who gave you which grades, but you will know that they are not by your mentor.
  6. Comments are optional for us graders. You may have only grades even if you request comments.
  7. If I can get these out shortly after we finish grading on the 15th, I'll do so. It is possible, however, that I won't have time to upload these until after I submit course grades on the 17th. If I use a googledoc, you will have access via your bSpace email address.

So, given the frankness of the comments, I've decided to give you the option of whether you want to know this grade or not and whether you want to see the comments or not.


The default is that I will NOT report the grades or the comments to the student. If you want to see your grades by the non-mentor readers, and if you want to see their comments on your essay, send an email by Saturday, noon, using the usual J7A_LASTNAME_classname and include the keyword yepshowemtome. Then paste into the email this form:

Your codename: (required)

Do you want to see your "interest" grades? (Yes or no)

Do you want to see your "credibility" grades? (Yes or no)

Do you want to see your comments? (Yes or no)

*NOTE: One student does not know his codename, he will need to write me. Two students have either unicorn-man[yoshu] or unicorn-noh, they will need to write me, too, or just figure it out from their essay titles)

J7A - 12/12/12: I have logged in all Step 04 that I know of. If you submitted and haven't heard from me, something is wrong. I am missing a few submissions for Step 04. It is required of all students.

J130-うた - 12/11/12: Nope, no more announcements. Probably should check tomorrow a bit, to be on the safe side.

J130-うた - 12/11/12: Stay alert for one more possible announcement. There is only a 50% chance that I'll announce. If you don't hear from me by 8PM tonight, I'm not making any other announcements.

J130-うた - 12/11/12: I have finished adding notes to Assignments & Tests > Final. See you tomorrow! My car will be parked behind Dwinelle, so I can give anyone a ride afterwards, to home, BARt or wherever. You are welcome to eat during this exam as long as you don't bother others. No alcoholic beverages, please. There are 13 poems. You will translate them all, and answer questions about most of them. You will mark 上の句/下の句 and 切れ字. You will give syllable count. I'm not sure how long this will take, but probably more than 2 hours.

J130-うた - 12/11/12: I have created a new section on the Assignments & Tests page, titled "Final" and have put a new note there. I might add further anouncements later today.

J120-文語 - 12/11/12: Thanks to everyone today. I thought you were very cooperative in facilitating the exam. It was a bit complicated for me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness.

J120-文語- 12/10/12: You need to tell me by 8 PM tonight if you want a left-handed desk. I don't want to waste time in the morning moving people around on the seating chart.

J120-文語- 12/10/12 (2:15 PM): Made the final comments (labeled Dec 10, 2:03 PM) and will now distribute all midterms to students. That will take about 30 minutes so be patient please. ... Some of you out there are checking my web site a lot right now. I can't get on to make this announcement :-)

J120-文語- 12/10/12: As long as their are no interruptions or new difficulties, I will be able to deliver midterms and final comments for the final by 2 or 2:30.

J7A - 12/10/12 (6:24 AM): I've accepted all Step 04 submissions that I am aware of. If you have submitted and not heard from me something is wrong. Please email me. ... Of course this is an early announcement. The deadline has not arrived!

J120!! J7A - 12/9/12: There is a new note on the Assignments & Tests page, under Final, and titled "Special notes added Dec 9, 9:23 PM." Sorry J7Aers! (6:04 AM on the 10th)

J120!! J7A - 12/9/12: I suggest you read the new note on the Assignments & Tests page, under Final, and titled "Special notes added Dec 9, 7:31 AM." Sorry J7Aers! (6:04 AM on the 10th)

J7A - 12/9/12 (6:38 AM): Posted the Midterm 03 Part A key. I thought this was already there but a student question from yesterday stimulated me to recheck this morning. BTW, I have multiple MT03s that were not picked up. I had made an offer both in class and online to forward those scans but there was a deadline on that offer. I forwarded to those students who asked then closed the offer. Unfortunately, I will not have time now to scan those. I will bring the exams to the final and you can pick them up if you want.

J7A - 12/7/12: While I generally like to log in Step 04 submissions as soon as possible, when building exams and when grading I get involved and forget to check email. Don't worry if you don't hear from me right away, although I'll try to catch your submission.

J7A & J120-文語- 12/7/12: In the morning I will finish assembling the J7A test and will begin grading the J120 midterm. While I would hope to finish that grading within the day, this isn't likely. I'll announce here when the grades are posted.

J7A - 12/7/12: I have made an update to the information for Part A of the exam. Access information about the exam through the Assignments & Tests tab. "More on Part A added 12/7/2012". It is unlikely that there will be further announcements but to be on the safe side, I suggest you continue to check this page twice a day up until the exam. The exam will start on the hour, not at ten past the hour.

J7A - 12/7/12: I have made an important update to the information for Part B of the exam. Access information about the exam through the Assignments & Tests tab.

J7A - 12/7/12: A student asked if the summary at the end of the essay is still part of the submission. Yes, it is.

J7A - 12/6/12: Posted description of the final. Go to the assignments page and scroll down to the section on the final. If it does not say "Fall 2012" refresh your browser.

J120-文語 - 12/6/12: I have made multiple important announcements about the mechanics of test day on our web site. Go to assignments and tests and scroll down to "Final" section and read them there.

Cross-course - 12/6/12: I am on campus most of the day. If you would like to chat, email me and we might be able to work something out. Sometimes I'm busy, other times I'm free, we can see.

J7A - 12/6/12: RRR appointment schedule now posted. See the RRR period session page for location and instructions.

J7A - 12/5/12: Margi's and Shelby's RRR appointment slots are now full. I still have open slots. I will be closing the signup period at 11 PM tonight.

J120-文語 - 12/5/12: Posted to bSpace a PDF describing the final exam. Please watch this announcements page. It is possible there will be further announcements between now and the time of the exam.

J7A - 12/3/12: Reminder that once you receive your Step 03 response from your mentor you can request a meeting during RRR period. The instructions on how to do so are on the RRR Session page. The appointment schedule is there, too. You request a meeting; I assign the time.

J7A - 12/3/12: Published instructions and forms for Step 04.

J130-うた - 12/2/12: Posted Provisional Quiz Category grades to bSpace.

J130-うた - 12/2/12: Posted Midterm 02 grades to bSpace. The number in the comments box is the score for Ueda's article. These scores were low because I often could not find a link between your comment and the article, even if it was a generally correct comment. Later, when you have the midterm, you can remind yourself of the answer, check the article and, if I have missed something, I'll rescore. EC was factored in to the final score. Matching poems did not factor in although I was ready to use it to round up someone right on the borderline. There were no such cases.

J7A - 12/1/12: Uploaded to bSpace KEYS for MT03. I am attending the NSU culture show and will be doing no more work tonight. I might be able to log in some S03 but it is more likely that is early morning work tomorrow. Please watch for an email ACCEPTING (or not) your submission. Please follow instructions for the footnotes; I continue to reject submissions. You need a regular MLA footnote, then an accurate locator for your information, and scanned files has a predetermined title. Please use it.

Cross-course - 12/1/12: Updated my office hours page for next week.

(for earlier/older announcements, use the sidebar)

J7A - 12/1/12: I have been rejecting a number of essay submissions. Please be sure that your footnote location information is very specific and also accurate. Please watch for my ACCEPTED after submission and be ready to resubmit in the case that I have bounced your submission back to you.

J7A - 11/30/12: I have uploaded a new Step 03 form, based on recent emails from students. If you have already used the old form, that OK but if not, please download this new one. I have also tweaked the Step 03 instructions a little bit for clarity so it will look somewhat different than before, here and there.

J7A - 11/30/12: I have added these sentences under the bibliography section of the style requirements since I am getting a lot of questions about whether the how I accessed it / how I used it, etc portions are required (yes they are but read this):

*It might be possible to cut-and-paste from an earlier submission to complete some of these items. BUT, ask yourself if it was well-written the first time around or whether it can be improved and reconsider the "how I used the source" section since, in theory, there are now some changes. Please do NOT paste in extended reports! Reduce them to the appropriate size.

J7A - 11/30/12: I have created a sign-up system for discussing Step 04 with your mentor during RRR week. You can read how to get an appointment on the RRR session page (access it through the usual schedule page, it's been added). None of us will have regular office hours during RRR week, I"m guessing, but you can ask your mentor. I won't be keeping regular office hours but will make appointments. (However, if it is about the essay, you need to use the signup system, no special meetings on the side for that.)

Cross-course - 11/30/12: I have typed into the schedule pages of all my current classes the time and location of the final.

J7A - 11/27/12: Posted a variety of Midterm 03 scores to bSpace. These should match the numbers written onto your exam, first sheet. I will later provide further key and comments online. If you are not in class today, but want your exam returned, I will send a digital copy. Use this subject line: J7A_MT03_LASTNAME_classname examplease ... and expect it to be around Sunday for the delivery.

J120-文語 - 11/29/12: We have no special plans for the day except an informal revisiting of some aspects of the course. Attendance optional.

J7A - 11/27/12: Uploaded grades for Midterm 03, Part A. I ended up tossing three questions, details are on the key. The grade report is the number correct; it is just a coincidence that the number correct is 12. It is NOT a 12pt scale, letter grade report: there were 15 questions, I dropped three of them. However, the letter grade IS in the comments box on bSpace. This will average against Part B, which is still being graded. I have also uploaded statistics to bSpace.

J7A - 11/26/12: I have modified the Style Requirements page to reduce somewhat the number of scans required of students when submitting the essay. The new part is in italics, and is the result of a student question earlier today:

If it is a physical object that you used, you will need to scan the location AND if it is part of a larger argument, you might need to scan 2-3 pages. (You do not need to scan the stories or plays you refer to, or poems if there will be many of them, and so on. The concept behind the request for scans is to see how well you are referring to, and using, complex information such as a scholar's thesis on your topic, or analysis, interpretations, conclusions and so on. When in doubt, provide the scan, but try to balance that against avoiding too many documents, too much scanning, over-sized emails. This is not relevant for online sources; in those cases ALWAYS indicate location. This reduced requirement is in light of the complications of making, and sending, scans and is only for scans.) If you can mark directly on the document, that's great, otherwise give us the same search cues as for a paginated online source ("middle of the second full paragraph" etc).

J130-うた - 11/23/12: I have updated all of our session pages through the midterm on Monday, but there are no substantial changes. I have uploaded to bSpace the bios for Issa and Buson. I have made more specific (slightly) the midterm content. See that day's (Monday's) session page.

J120-文語 - 11/21/12: Posted grades for Q08, Q09, Q10 and posted, too, the category grade for quizzes since we are finished quizzing. As it turned out, we did 10 quizzes at 10 points each. I calculated as if 90, not 100, was a perfect score, that is, as if all of you had missed a quiz day for one reason or another. Also, I gave full credit for chunking of Q08, assessing that one question as worth 5 points. That made the Q08 scores on the high side but I was OK with this. The stats are in bSapce > Resources. Have a nice break every one!

I will now turn to J130 and create that test since they did not get a review as did you guys. I probably will have little or nothing to say about your upcoming test but, if I do, it is likely to be on Sunday or Monday. (J130 tests on Monday.)

Cross-course - 11/21/12: (forwarded announcement)

My name is Ederlyn Peralta and I am an editor of the Comparative Literature Undergraduate Journal (CLUJ) here on the UCB campus. I am reaching out to you because we want to give your students the opportunity to join one of the top undergraduate journals, not only on campus, but around the world. We have had a great shortage of editor applications from students knowledgeable in Japanese. Under the circumstances, we are afraid we won't be able to solicit or publish any submissions in this language which would be truly unfortunate. Could you please forward this email to your students and let them know of this project?

Experience in editing and evaluating -- both in Japanese and in English -- can be incredibly useful, and it's an opportunity to engage with language and culture in a truly meaningful way. Units are available in the form of a DeCal.

What are we?
The UCB Comp Lit Undergraduate Journal publishes original undergraduate research in the field of comparative literature. Our submissions come from all across the world -- including Europe, Asia, Latin America, and Africa.

What do editors do?
Editors (no experience required) are trained to read and evaluate the quality of the submissions that we receive. If editors are fluent in a foreign language, they are also encouraged to solicit and evaluate submissions in that language. In this sense, editors would be more aptly called 'evaluators.'

For more information of what being an editor entails, please visit our website ( or email us at

J130-うた - 11/26/12: I have graded all poem reports and posted the Poem Report Category grade to bSpace. There were some excellent reports!

Cross-course - 11/25/12: I have updated the Research Resources page, adding this:

Using Oskicat is pretty intuitive but there are two search methods that I would like to point out.

1) You can limit your search to online sources only. Oskicat will check its many (in the thousands) digital databases all at the same time and find results among them. This is very time efficient. Use the drop down menu and select "Available Online" (this note was written Nov 2012, but Oskicat is constantly updating its search methods):

J7A - 11/21/12: I have posted Step 03 rules and Style Requirements. You should read these right away, it will help you budget your time. You will discover that there are a number of requirements that slow down the writing process and that you will need to set aside more time than usual to complete the assignment. The instructions are actually a hybrid instructions-teaching module and I expect that you read in full both the Step 03 instructions and the Style Requirements. ... But while these may seem extensive, they are just the basics for good essay writing. They are things that if not yet already second nature to you should become so during your tenure here at Berkeley.

Cross-course - 11/20/12: IMPORTANT TO SOME. I have been invited to use the high-tech Dwinelle 127 room next semester if I can schedule my class successfully. Later I will be emailing all students registered and waitlisted for J144 about times they might be able to meet. PLEASE read that email and respond to that survey. That is a very nice room; you would enjoy having the opportunity to use it but I won't make any scheduling changes unless EVERYONE can meet that new time slot.

Cross-course - 11/20/12: Happy Thanksgiving! to all of you who are skipping out of town already and probably have no intention of checking this announcements page for a while. :-)

J130-うた - 11/20/12: 1) Bring food or drink for tomorrow if you want. 2) Please watch for a crib sheet for the NHK program on haiku that is similar to the sheet I sent out for tanka when we did that program. That might happen tonight but probably will not get made until tomorrow morning.

J120-文語 - 11/20/12: Please watch for Q08, 09, 10 grade postings soon (today or tomorrow).

J7A - 11/20/12: 1) GSI Margi Wednesday morning offices hours have been cancelled. 2) Please watch for Step 03 instructions soon.

J7A - 11/19/12: While not perfect, I've updated our session pages quite a bit. I've already created and added to bSpace a diagram on bushido that I will cover tomorrow. It is fairly complicated, you might want to look at it ahead of time. I'll walk through some, but not all, of it. You should have gotten a bSpace notice around 11:40AM on this.

J7A - 11/16/12: Friendly reminder ... for Step 03 and for Step 04, too, you should never just shelve your essay waiting to hear back from your mentor. It can take us a long time to create responses. Instead, if you have ideas or have reading left to do, etc., you should definitely definitely not let us control your work flow. Forge ahead!

J7A - 11/16/12: I have just come back from a seminar on copyright and electronic resources that mentioned among other things the Hathi Trust Digital Library. This is a web site that collects various digital libraries around the country, including any book that has been scanned by Google. Sometimes the full book is online; sometimes it only tells you how many times a term you have searched is in the book (which can be useful, and it will tell you where the resource is in libraries in that case). I've just uploaded a QuickTime movie that shows the web site, then a broad-based search for "yugen" then a limited search to only books that are fully online. It's in the Misc folder and is titled HathiTrustDigitalResource example. I haven't used this tool myself, but plan to in the future. It seems like a good option. I'm sharing the info and apologies to those who already know about it. (GoogleBooks uses algorithms to put towards the top certain books but the criteria are secret and you should not assume it means "this is the best work". Hathi feels very random compared to a Google search engine but has limiters by press, year, language and such on the sidebar. One of the problems I have been having with students is that many quote the same resource because many select the same first hit GoogleBook or first hit JSTOR article and these haven't always been the best resources for what they are wanting to discuss.)

J7A - 11/15/12: I have posted some further clarifications of Step 02 directly into the Step 02 instructions. For most of you, reading these paragraphs might save some time and help you in your resource search. They start with "Added Nov 15 (hastily written but better than nothing I suppose): " and are on the Step 02 instructions page, towards the top.

J120-文語 - 11/15/12: I wrote this email to a student this morning who asked last evening about the missing session page instructions. Unfortunately, I didn't check email last night:


Yes! There was a very unfortunate error. Yesterday, after finishing the page, I tried to upload it but it timed out. In the meantime I worked on other pages for another class, uploaded those and forgot about the timeout for the J120 page. I noticed this morning at 6:30 and uploaded. I AM going to quiz according to those session page notes but I am also going to give some time back to you guys, given that some might need to cram at an awkward time today. Thanks for writing.

J120-文語 - 11/14/12: I have posted the vocabulary gloss for tomorrow to bSpace. I have written into the session page for tomorrow the details of tomorrow's quiz.

J130-うた - 11/14/12: I have settles issues of what we will do after Issa through the end of the term, and made changes to session pages accordingly. This includes coverage details of Midterm 02 (see that page). Today I will assign presentation slots so if you have a preference, go look at Sessions 39 & 40. Each student will do one for each day.

J130-うた - 11/13/12: I have a meeting in Durant from noon to 1PM. I should be at our classroom on time but if not, please begin comparing the Issa poems to those by Buson and see if you can identify meaningful differences.

J7A - 11/12/12: With regard to a below announcement a student has written with a question that others might also have to I'm posting here:

Student: I could not find the file titled, "Materials covered for Midterm 03". I looked on bSpace, but the only file in the Misc folder in resources was the GSI Contact information document. Am I looking in the wrong place?

My reply: There is no such document. It is just a note typed into the top of the Texts, People, Places ... page which is our little mini dictionary accessed via the sidebar tab: Key Support Pages.

J7A - 11/12/12: For Part B of the exam, just be familiar with sabi and yugen, well enough to write a decent definition and use it in evaluating some objects that will be presented to you. ... And sorry for the multiple typos on the Terms page. I'm rushing things a bit, unfortunately.

J7A - 11/12/12: I have completed the update of the Texts, Peoples, Places, Terms page for the exam and I have placed a note at the top that indicates which sections should be studied.

J130-うた - 11/11/12: Posted Wednesday's assignment. It is on that day's session page.

J7A - 11/09/12: Posted RQ07 grades to bSpace. Uploaded to bSpace Midterm 02 stats, keys, etc. Posted Midterm 02 grades to bSpace.

J130-うた - 11/08/12: I have added to our course outline page, towards the bottom, some ideas on what to do on the open days. I will pick something myself, from that list, if I don't get feedback via email. (If you see something like Teika vs Shunzei you are looking at the updated outline page, and in the right place) I'll make this decision by Sunday, so write me if you want to steer us in any particular direction.

J120-文語 - 11/04/12: I have updated the session pages, indicating my decision regarding quizzes.

J7A - 11/04/12: Posted RQ06 grades. This took us a while to grade since we all graded a question each. I asked the GSIs to include comments to help point you towards better analysis and such. The "average" grade is the one used for calculations but I have given you the grades for every question so you can see how you are doing when three different individuals are looking at your work and thinking of it in terms of analysis. The key is on bSpace.

J130-うた - 11/04/12: I have updated the session pages for this week. Please use them to prepare for class.

J7A - 11/04/12: Important. I have updated the essay process web pages extensively over the past three days. You still access the material via the sidebar tab "Essay Process" but your "Overview" page (and all other essay process pages" should have a long list of sidebar tabs: "Overview & Deadlines" "Step grade weights" "Step 01" etc. If not, please refresh your browser. The work to be done for Step 02 is substantial. You should start ASAP, including today if you can.

J7A - 11/01/12: I have posted today's PPT but I want to work further with these materials. I have temporarily put everything into a new folder titled "Sabi wabi and tea". I need to remove material that is duplicating information and provide a heirarchy so you can easily see which are the main files and which are support files just for those interested. This will take a while. Today's PPT is called, at least for now Sabi wabi explorations.

Cross-course: I will be leaving for home after class today at 2PM, therefore cancelling office hours. Please email me if there was something pressing you wanted to discuss. I'll be checking emails. Sorry about this but I just can't seem to shake this cold I have.

Non-academic (not class related) announcement (info on Prop 30, 32, 38): I have added a link, above, that provides a very short list of the main points of Pro 30, 32, 38, written with students in mind. See Quick list, above.

Cross-course (for, I suppose, those interested in polishing their advanced academic writing skills): I just had to share this email because a) I am very interested in the academic writing process and b) just had to smile at the cute way the email began. I might be there for this one:

The Giants have a World Series Parade every two years. No big deal. But Wednesday noon may be your only chance to hear Tyler Stovall, Professor of History and Dean of the Undergraduate Division of L and S, talk about his writing process. Details below:

Wednesday, October 31, 2012
12:00-1:30 p.m.
Morrison Room, 101 Doe Library

Professor Tyler Stovall will be the featured writer this fall in the Berkeley Writers at Work series on October 31, 2012 from 12:00 to 1:30 pm in the Morrison Room, 101 Doe Library at UC Berkeley. Professor Stovall will read from his works, be interviewed about his writing process, and answer questions from the audience.

J120-文語 - 10/30/12: Posted the reading and vocab gloss for Thursday to bSpace.

J130-うた - 10/30/12: Posted to bSpace the prep sheet for tomorrow's appreciation session. Remember that we meet in Dwinelle. The file is called NHK Tanka student prep version.

J120-文語 - 10/29/12: I have spent a few hours updating individual session pages, making changes beginning with the first session after Midterm 01. In particular I have given instructions for how to prepare for the Heike sessions. I will assume you have read these comments. I have added grammar, vocab and other notes for all the Oku passages. I have provided English translations of the Atsumori passages, to appear as we finish the session.

J120-文語 - 10/27/12: I have calculated for you your current letter grade on quizzes. I uploaded to bSpace grade your current percent, your current letter grade (in comments box on current percent), your current total number correct. I also tried to put the following into the comments box for current number correct, but it was corrupted on the upload. Here is the correct message:

Quiz percent through Oct 26 is 53 divided by your total. Although there have been 60 possible points, as explained in the syllabus, the number used for calculation is somewhat less than that. Letter grades are the math result of your percent as measured on the "percent correct" table on the syllabus. There will probably be about 2-3 more quizzes in this class.

J120-文語 - 10/27/12: Uploaded to bSpace grades for Q06 (this was the quiz on Oku - 遊女, where you had a text with numbers next to parts of the text and I split you into groups A, B, C and D and you answered 5 questions from a list). Uploaded stats for Q06. Uploaded "grades" for the punctuation extra credit on Oku - Ryushakuji. You printed out the text, marked it up, and submitted it. It will say in the comments box whether you received extra credit or not.

J7A - 10/24/12: Uploaded RQ04 and RQ05 grades. Sorry about RQ04 grades! I noticed they had not been uploaded when I was checking the RQ05 grades.

J120-文語 - 10/24/12: Added the missed haiku to the full list and uploaded again (2:59PM).

J120-文語 - 10/24/12: Whoops, missed 5 haiku cards. I'll add those later ...

J120-文語 - 10/24/12: Uploaded to bSpace "grades" for the exercise done yesterday to re-assemble the first four sentences of Heike. The "999" is meaningless. The comment box says yes or no meaning whether I felt you had done enough successful work to indicate a basic grasp of the passage, given that you were to prep it (so you should know, given all the hints you had, the vocabulary).

J120-文語 - 10/24/12: Uploaded to bSpace the results of the haiku exercise of several days ago, with comments and rankings.

J130-うた - 10/22/12: All the materials for Wednesday are now ready for you. The instructions on reading are specific. They are on the session page.

J7A - 10/22/12: I have added to the "Terms" page, at the top, comments about love in Buddhism, Confucianism, Daoism and the Kokinshu.

J7A - 10/22/12: There are two documents on bSpace in the Midterm 02 folder that give some idea as to the type of questions on tomorrow's exam. You should have received bSpace noticed when I uploaded them.

J120-文語 - 10/21/12: I have updated session pages for Tuesday and Thursday and the materials for Thursday have been uploaded to bSpace. (The Tuesday materials were already there.)

J130-うた - 10/21/12: Posted tomorrow's assignment to the session page, uploaded material to bSpace.

J7A - 10/20/12: Updated the terms page.

J130-うた - 10/19/12: Updated today's session and the one for two days ago. Added to today's session the "karumi" poem and the original Japanese of the paragraph we read.

J7A - 10/18/12: I have responded to all Step 01 submissions that I am aware of. If you have not heard from me, something is wrong.

J7A - 10/18/12: I have updated the Assignments & Tests page to provide details for Midterm 02 (given this upcoming Tuesday). Updated the Schedule / Outline page to point more accurately towards the essay process deadlines. Remember you have a deadline coming up and I do not send out reminders. That new line on the schedule sheet is up at the top, with the short list of important dates and reads: "*For essay or project deadlines, see sidebar link "Essay Process" or click here"

J130-うた - 10/17/12: Updated TODAY's session page. Do what you can of the reading but don't stress over it. Do look at the pics on the session page, and don't under-value the scent link. We are going to discuss smell. (The fragrance comments are at the bottom of that linked page.)

J7A (Heike Reading Circle) - 10/16/12: Reminder that that Heike Reading Circle meets at 5:30-6:30, tomorrow (Wednesday) for the first time in the East Asian Library, Numata Room (one floor down from the circulation desk, ask there if you are not sure of the location).

J130-うた - 10/15/12: I am giving a talk on Friday. Although it should be over in time, please meet as usual and run the class yourself if I am late or absent. That is an appreciation day. Get a group consensus on favorite Bashō haiku and why, plus Bashō haiku that best represents sabi and why. Submit this in writing to me.

J130-うた - 10/15/12: Friday class meets in the regular Dwinelle room, NOT the library.

J130-うた - 10/15/12: Added a reading assignment for Wednesday.

J130-うた - 10/14/12: Updated pages for Monday.

Cross-course - The department has kindly added the "romance" class to the spring schedule. I am teaching, next semester, as follows:

EA109 "Tea" MWF 1-2 185 Barrows
EA105 "Romance" TTH 9:30-11 385 LeConte
J144 "Narrow Road" TTH 2-3:30 223 Dwinelle

Further informal details about these classes: here

J120-文語 - 10/12/12:

  • Posted midterm grades to bSpace. There is a total grade, used for final course grade calculations, titled MT01 GRADE. The other grades are letter grades for subparts. In the comments box for Parts 01-02 are the number the student missed. In the comments box for Parts 03-08 are the number the student got correct. (These numbers can be used to check our work, once the tests are returned.) The cutoffs and statistics are also uploaded to bSpace.
  • Posted MT01 KEY to bSpace as a PDF.
  • Posted MT01 Report (grade cutoffs and statistics) to bSpace as an excel sheet.
  • I will return tests on Tuesday.

J7A - 10/11/12: I now have the full set of Essay Process Step 01 instructions up and running. These pages can be accessed throught the sidebar "Essay Process" (if the tab says more than just that, you still have an old page of the a course page loading because I changed the title, shortening it to "Essay Process" only).

Cross-course - 10/10/12: The JET information meeting is at:

Monday, October 22, 4:15pm - 5:15pm
70 Evans Hall

J7A (Heike Reading Circle) - 10/10/12: The Heike Reading Circle will have its first meeting Wednesday Oct 17 (not today), 5:30-6:30 at a location to be announced later. Please contact Margi or Shelby for further details.

J7A - 10/10/12: Posted mentor pairings and essay topic assignments to bSpace "Grades". Posted the full list of topics to bSpace "Resources>Essay process". If you want to switch topics or develop a topic, consider looking at Kodansha Encyclopedia of Japan, or Cultural Atlas of Japan, or kick around in my eBrary folder: J7A Course concepts, text anthologies, etc.

J120-文語 - 10/9/12: Updated our session pages up until the last of the 奥の細道 sessions. Added additional materials to bSpace that support the readings. Some are available now, some become available after the session is finished. So there is now material for the Preface that wasn't there before, for example.

J120-文語 - 10/8/12: Posted details on how to prep for class and the structure of each session.

J120-文語 - 10/8/12: Posted new quiz format details.

Cross-course - 10/6/12: Just sharing part of an email I received this morning (bold face added by me):

"Please share this information with students and other individuals who might be interested in our language grant program.

2013 Blakemore Freeman Fellowships & Refresher Grants for Advanced Study of Asian Languages

Blakemore language grants are awarded to individuals pursuing professional careers in fields such as business, academia, journalism, law, science, medicine, architecture, engineering, the fine arts, public service, etc. who would benefit from improved fluency in an East or Southeast Asian language.

The Blakemore Foundation is now accepting applications for its 2013 Blakemore Freeman Fellowships and Blakemore Refresher Grants. The postmark deadline for applications is December 31, 2012. For application forms, eligibility requirements, grant guidelines and instructions see the Foundation's website at

For 2013, the Foundation plans to award approximately 12-15 grants for the advanced study of Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Thai, Vietnamese, Indonesian, Khmer and Burmese. The grants cover tuition and a stipend for related educational expenses, basic living costs and transportation, but do not include dependent expenses.

The Blakemore Freeman Fellowships fund an academic year of advanced language study at the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama, the Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing, the International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University in Taipei, and similar programs in other countries of East and SE Asia. ..."

J130-うた - 10/5/12: I have created special instructions for the glossing of haiku. go to Session 21, look over the poems, then follow the link to the special instructions. Allow a little extra time for your first haiku due.

J130-うた - 10/5/12: I have written MT01. I worked from the green bold face items as presented on the schedule page (not individual session pages) as of 9:30AM today. You might want to make a note of those now because later today or over the weekend I might add more green bold face items but they will not be on the test. Your best strategy for this test is to know key information on these items very well, and the significance of that information. In addition, you should think both of the vocabulary of the Kokin love books and what each love book means in terms of a stage of love.

J130-うた - 10/5/12: Session 20 (Wednesday), Appreciation Day, meets in the Numata room, as before.

J120-文語 - 10/3/12: It seems that some of you were unclear whether we quiz tomorrow or not. Given that ambiguity, yes, we are going to quiz, but it will not be graded. It will give you a sense of the new format.

J7A (Genji Reading Group)- 10/3/12: The GRG will meet for the first time at 3:40PM on Monday, Oct 8, in the E. A. Library, downstairs in the Numata Room (Rm 241 I think, might be 214). If you arrive before me, you can ask to have the room opened by telling whomever is at the circulation desk that you are one of the students for the J7A class by Wallace.

J130-うた - 10/3/12: I have updated our Web pages through Midterm 01, including details on midterm content and coverage.

J7A - 10/2/12: Posted Midterm 01 stats, keys and grades to bSpace.

J130-うた - 10/1/12: I have a meeting from 11:30 today. In case that meeting runs late, please take the quiz on your own, on the honors system. It is on bSpace in a folder "In case I am late" (set to unhide at 1:10) and is provided as either a .docx or .pdf. Surely someone in the room will be able to access it. You can just use a piece of paper to answer the questions. I would have given you 6 minutes. You can take up to 10. Leave the cards on my desk in the front of the room. If I am still not there, begin discussing the first poem, and have an answer to why this is better as a Book IV than Book V question. If I am still not there, discuss your answers on the quiz but do not change anything on the quiz. And, if I am still not there, begin discussing the second poem of the day, then the third, then go home :-)

J120-文語 - 9/30/12 9AM: I have finished writing the test and sending out study guidelines. You can find the guidelines inside a "Midterm 01" bSpace folder. I do not plan to make any other announcements about this exam unless a student asks a question relevant to everyone. Please arrive on time! Happy Harvest Moon :-)

Cross-course: An update to JapanKnowledge. I just received this email via a computer list I am sucscribed to and I am sharing because for those of us looking at a lot of premodern Japanese, this is a wonderful extension of the database that I have wondered about and waited for:

Dear All,

Many of you will already be aware of some of the dictionaries, encyclopedias, and other content available on JapanKnowledge (
top/freedisplay). However, for PMJS readers the most exciting new development is the addition of Shinpen Nihon Koten Bungaku Zenshu. 84 titles in the series are available already, with more being added, I presume. This makes it so much easier to search than with printed editions, as you can imagine. The pages look exactly like the printed pages, with headnotes, text, and translations.

As you may know, JapanKnowledge is not only available through libraries, but also offer personal membership. One of the advantages of this, perhaps, is that one can also access the materials with an iPad or iPhone (beta).


Machiko Midorikawa

J130-うた - 9/28/12: The details about quizzes is on the Assignments & Tests page, right at the topic, under a category (blue font) saying "Quizzes". If it is not there, try refreshing your browser. A student asked this morning and I reloaded that page in question. According to that sheet, today's quiz can (and does) test material from Session 05 so I suggest you take a quick look at it (the actual session page, not the links of other web pages — ideally you should do that but for today, because of my worries about page inaccessibility, just the session page is enough).

J7A - 9/27/12: My next work window for the J7A midterm is Sunday. If I finish grading on Sunday I will post grades and return the test on Tuesday. If I do not finish until Monday I won't post grades but I'll still return the test. Announcements will be made here.

J7A - 9/27/12: I have re-confirmed that the online version of Genji remains available. I added a couple more notes about that on the "What texts to purchase" page (navigate through the course pages side bar).

J7A - 9/26/12: Posted Genji Reading Group info. You can access it through the cours page side bar "Genji Reading Group". You might need to refresh your browser.

J130-うた - 9/26/12: I have added a new page: "Quiz procedures and fact catchup schedule". You can find it via the Assignments & Tests page.

J130-うた - 9/26/12: I have posted schedule changes to reflect the midterm dates. See our schedule page.

J7A - 9/26/12: I have posted RQ04 questions to bSpace.

J120-文語 - 9/24/12: I have updated the session page for tomorrow. Please definitely read it ASAP. I have uploaded to bSpace a document — JDS mu.beshi.ji.maji — which is the basis for a large part of tomorrow's class.

J7A - 9/24/12: I have added to bSpace a document — Kokinshu love poems with notes for J130 students.pdf — which I developed over the weekend for my poetry class as they prepare to read love poems. It is the same document that has been assigned to you, but it has notes on it on how to think about each of the poems. The vocabulary comments won't be useful and might even be confusing but the summary statement of what the thrust of the poem is might help understand the poems, so I'm sharing. Not required, of course.

J7A - 9/24/12: Reminder that you need to give me a hardcopy of possible meeting times for the Genji Reading group on Tuesday (tomorrow) at class. See sidebar tab "Genji Reading Group Info". I look forward to sitting down with some of you and discussing this very interesting work.

J130-歌 - 9/22/12: Heads-up. I will be posting an 11 page anthology of poetry that I will want you to read for the first day of love poems, and that might be quizzed. I will post this later today, or tomorrow sometime.

J130-歌 - 9/21/12: Class on Monday will meet in the Numata Room, in the EA Library, as we did once before.

J120-文語 - 9/18/12: I have posted onto the overall schedule my plan for the next four sessions, leading up to the midterm. I have not adjusted the individual pages since I may still make more changes. But you can get a sense of what we are doing for these two weeks based on the course web page "Schedule / Outline". There will be no quizzes during this stretch.

J7A - 9/17/12: Posted RQ03 grades to bSpace. Three of you need to make appointments so check your "Comments" box.

J7A - 9/17/12: I have posted information on the possible Tale of Genji Reading Group. You can access it via the course pages sidebar tab "Genji Reading Group Info" (it is the bottom-most tab).

J7A - 9/17/12: Since it might be confusing some of you: the total possible points as typed into the RQ03 form is incorrect. The correct total is online under the rubric. While it is possible to score a 4 on the first question, that is the rare A+. You should consider a 3 to be full credit for your answer.

J7A - 9/16/12: I have updated the "Texts, people, places, terms" list in preparation for the midterm. There will be no more additions or alterations to that. Remember, you can access this direction through the course pages side bar "Key support pages". It is a major source of questions for Part A of the midterm...but not all of it, read the specifics under the Midterm 01 description ("Assignments & Tests").

J130-歌 - 9/12/12: I have posted details about the midterm on Friday. You can find them under "Midterm 01" via the "Assignments & Tests" tab.

Crosscourse - 9/11/12: Unfortunately, I must again cancel office hours tomorrow. I will make myself available on Thursday and Friday to cover for this.

J7A - 9/11/12: The RQ03 questions have been posted to bSpace. The instructions are on the document.

J7A - 9/9/12: Posted to bSpace a new version of the long PDF Lyricism II. The content is the same, so please don't worry in case you already read the assignment. This version cleans up the language and formatting some, and refashions a few descriptions in the interest of clarity.

J7A - 9/9/12: Posted RQ02 grades to bSpace.

J7A J120!!- 9/7/12: More about Tuesday's quiz.

1. Since it is very challenging to figure out these questions within 45 seconds, you should know the example slides very very well already. That is the point of the exercise; to encourage you to review the slides with care and learn the material in them.

2. Examples of questions asked on the quiz slides: I have a sentence or phrase at the top of the slide, I include vocabulary when necessary, then I pose a question (with multiple choice answers) — "Find all the 助動詞" "What is the subject of this clause? (If the example was a sentence, I say "sentence"; when the example was a partial sentence, I say "clause". We are NOT yet working with subject/predicates inside modifying clauses, so this is the typical "find the main subject / predicate pair question.) "What does this clause mean?" "What does に mean?" etc.

J7A J120!!- 9/7/12: I have made the quiz for Tuesday. You should know these things. I consult the "Brief and partial description of key items" section of the session pages before writing the quizzes. I draw on the examples in the Jodoshi examples and explanations PPT, both those covered and not covered in class. I keep most vocabulary associated with a slide but drop vocabulary that is in brown font (to-be-memorized material). So, for example:

You will have a longer time for each slide. Probably 45 seconds this quiz, 40 seconds next quiz, settling on 35 seconds after that.

I cover cultural points, including graphics.

Random comment: I checked the width of Suzaku Boulevard (朱雀大路). It was 85 meters wide.

The quiz will start promptly at 2:12 (that's not a typo). All notes must be put away at 2:10. 助動詞表 is OK. Do NOT put quiz related answers on your 表!

J130-歌 - 9/7/12: The first due date that will be strictly observed for poem gloss submissions is Wednesday Sep 12 for poems that will be used in class Monday Sep 19 (Session 10). The individuals who need to submit work that day are Hosung, Jason and Kim. Until then, please just try to get poems to me relatively quickly.

J130-歌 - 9/7/12: Poem gloss notice — If you go to GoogleDocs "J130 poem gloss" you can see an example of how I would like you to consolidate entries at ちる. I put Andy's row in purple so you can find it easily but I have moved all his information into Virginia's entry. In a few days, I'll erase Andy's row, but I thought you might want to see what his original looked like.

J120-文語 - 9/4/12: Please remember that you can only put information about the six bases on the card you use for the quiz Thursday.

J130-歌 - 9/4/12: Bring your 古語辞典 to class on Wednesday.

J7A - 9/3/12: Below are, basically, the questions that will be asked tomorrow. You will have 15, not 20 minutes, and we will get started promptly because we have a full day:

1. (application of concept slot) What does (a session topic is plugged in here) have to do with text-title-will-be-here?
2. (main points slot) What is a main point (the overall intent or effect, not the summary of content) of text-title-will-be-here?
3. (puzzlements slot) Note briefly something that puzzled you about text-title-will-be-hereand explain why you think, if understood, it would be helpful in understanding more broadly the culture which seems to be the context of that story.
4. (open question slot) (question withheld until tomorrow)
5. (likes / dislikes slot) Note briefly something that you either liked or didn't like (but not both) about text-title-will-be-here. Speculate on whether you think a contemporary reader would react the same way, where "contemporary reader" is defined as someone like XXXX in this story.

J7A - 9/3/12: Posted RQ01 scores to bSpace. The comments box lists all the grades you received for the exercise. The official grade is the highest of those.

J7A - 9/3/12: Sometime this evening I will post the RQ01 grades. I need to hold them before release a bit long. Every RQ was graded by 2 or 3 of us, and, for this first time, you will receive the highest grade from that set. Beginning with our RQ tomorrow, you will have one grader. For details about tomorrow's in-class RQ, please see an earlier announcement on this page.

J130-歌 - 8/31/12: Andy, Chieko, Hosung - as you know, the three of you have poem glosses due 1PM on Monday. If you are unclear about the assignment, be sure to email me with your questions in time to complete your work by the deadline.

J120-文語 - 9/1/12: Posted to bSpace Q02 results. The average was 9.1, the median was 9.

J130-歌 - 8/31/12: Updated web pages for last time and today.

J7A - 8/31/12: Just to be clear, our next RQ is Tuesday, as announced below, and it will be done in-class, which was unclear below.

J120 - 8/31/12: Posted Q01 grades to bSpace. Average was 7.74, median was 8.

J7A - 8/30/12: On Tuesday we did an RQ in class. Based on the grading of that RQ, including discussion with the GSIs, I have added to the description of this type of assignment. The description can be found via the course pages, sidebar, "Assignments & Tests".

I suggest you reread it. I might make further changes during the weekend. (I'm considered adding some RQ01 actual examples of answers that worked and didn't work.)

Our next RQ is Tuesday. It will be based NOT on the readings for Tuesday but on the readings for today (Session 03), plus comments made in class. The first RQ was an example of how I ask questions about readings alone. This next RQ will be an example of how I try to bring together your reading with my lectures on it.

If I still do not have a proper RQ from you by the end of the next one (either you left the first one blank or did not take it or I disallowed it because of wandering eyes, etc.) you will need to complete RQ03 in my office during office hours.

J7A - 8/29/12: I have added to this public space the readings for tomorrow. Uses the "secret" link "2012" at the bottom of this announcements page.

J130 - 8/29/2012: How to sign-up for poem reports. Since it was a GoogleDoc, I thought you guys would invent your own system, if I just gave you the poem list. But since several are reporting confusion, I've edited the poem list with an official sign=up column. All you need do is put your name somewhere, sometime, following the rule: three times total, once from the red block, once from the blue block and once from the black block. Here's a pic of what the column looks like (scroll to the right on the doc): here

J7A - 8/27/2012: Posted details on what is an RQs. See course pages, sidebar: Assignments & Tests. That might help in preparing for tomorrow's RQ. Arrive on time. Have a pencil or pen. This is closed book so there is absolutely no point in printing out any of the assigned readings (in keeping with my green policy).

J130 - 8/27/2012: Sent out GoogleDoc share notices to all students, for three documents. This means you are now able to choose which poems you want to do reports on. Note that once a choice is made and indicated on GoogleDocs, you cannot change the choice. (Honors system here!) And that once someone has selected a poem, you must find a different poem. And all students are expected to select one poem from each of the three blocks: red, blue and black. And, finally, it would be time efficient for your to choose a poem for which you are also doing the vocabulary since a poem report requires a vocab list and will accept the one done as the assigned vocab work.

J130 - 8/27/2012: Posted instructions for poem reports. You can read them via the sidebar tab "Assignments & Tests" but you cannot yet access the GoogleDoc.

J130 - 8/27/2012: Posted instructions for vocabulary glosses. You can read them via the sidebar tab "Assignments & Tests" but you cannot yet access the GoogleDoc.

J120 - 8/26/2012: Tossed current, then uploaded new version of PDF Kyukanadukai also wyi and wye v120826 (was v120805 I think). There is just a minor change to the む/ん comment , last row of second table on that doc. Thanks Jason!

J7A - 8/26/2012: Fixed the right hand sidebar links to point to this course, not J120. Thanks Athena!

J130 - 8/25/2012: Published to our web pages the official syllabus. There are significant changes in grade weights. Please read.

J130 - 8/25/2012: Uploaded to bSpace site the full list of poems for the course, student version. There are still probably some typos in the all kana portion of that poem list.

Listed next to each poem is the individual responsible for the vocabulary for that poem. More details later (using Google doc for this, how graded, etc.)

The poems are in three major blocks: red, blue and black. Those blocks represent the area within which you will submit a poem report. You must submit one report for each block, but you are free to choose any poem in that block ... more or less. There will be a sign up sheet and each student must do a poem that is different from every other student. More details later. (The form to be used, how graded, signup sheet, etc.)

J130 - 8/25/2012: Added to the session page for Monday some notes on optional reading to prep for that day. Related to that — uploaded the doc mentioned there to bSpace.

J120 - 8/25/2012: I do not require that you own a 古語辞典 (こごじてん、 classical dictionary) for this course. However, since many of you will be taking two semesters of 文語, and since digital versions are available for both iPhone and iPad, and on electronic dictionaries and such, and since these come in under 25 dollars, you might consider buying something now. Please refer to the notice for the J130 students immediately below this announcement.

J130 - 8/25/2012: Outlined your options for accessing dictionaries for this course. See course pages, sidebar "ACCESS OPTIONS FOR CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES".

J130 - 8/24/2012: 1) Published draft of syllabus to our Web site; 2) pulled files from J120 to our bSpace, for those who want to review stuff.

J7A - 8/23/2012: On Tuesday, all students will complete a graded RQ in class. It is based on the reading assigned for that session. The readings are on bSpace. Therefore, if you do not have access to bSpace for whatever reason, please contact me so I can get the readings to you. bSpace access problems do not excuse you from the assignment.

J7A - 8/22/2012: Wallace's favorite animal is the emu.

Cross-course - 8/20/2012: Announced office hours. (See sidebar tab "OH & EMAIL ME".)

J7A - 8/18/2012: Published to the Web site the syllabus.

J7A - 8/17/2012: Published the J7A Web site although there is still quite a bit missing. The syllabus should show up over the next several days, perhaps later today. Other aspects will take longer. Some of the schedule is still messy.

J130 - 8/10/2012: Published the J130 web site. Looking for additional students—come join us!

J120 - 8/6/2012 Published to the web site the course syllabus.

J120 - 8/6/2012 Except for the syllabus, the J120 Intro to Premodern Japanese Lang (Bungo) web site is now up and running and the files are on bSpace. Look forward to seeing you in a few weeks!

J130 - 8/6/2012 I have published the J120 web site and I am now returning to work on the J130 web site. It should show up in a week or two.

J7A - 8/6/2012 I will publish this website last, after J130 is complete. It will probably only become available just before classes begin.

And the URL for this web page is, obviously:

However, still points to my web site because my files still reside there, despite the new domain name. But please bookmark the set as I'm not sure whether the redirection is temporary or not.

CrossCourse - 8/1/2012: I have migrated my web site to this new URL (if you cut-and-paste this notice that I have inserted a space after tabine/ to break the line, erase it): This looks a lot like the old address so please keep the addition of "" in mind.

Also I have kept my old email account after all.

CrossCourse - 7/31/2012: I have made the web pages for the first few weeks of J120 and J130 and will begin to publish information soon. However, before I do that, I will need to migrate this site to a new web address. I will be leaving (although they have been a wonderful company for me). I might become temporarily difficult to find this page. I'll use bSpace for courses until I'm sure I have a good web site up and running. This will all get concluded before Aug 15, hopefully. I'm not sure when I will publish the course information but for now I'm hoping to get things out there by Aug 15. Please use my email to contact me, since the email will be cancelled at some point soon.

EA105 - 7/2/2012: Submitted grades to Cal. I'm "handing off" the announcements to bSpace. You don't need to check this page anymore. I'll post the other pics late today or tomorrow. I have afternoon appointments most of today. I enjoyed teaching you very much. Have a nice summer!

EA105 - 7/1/2012: I have posted JES09 grades & comments, JES10 grades & comments and the overall JES GRADE. For JES09 comments I started with the following format and then revised only when necessary: "FORM: Correct or close enough. ESSAY: Length-OK. Formal matters-Good. Content-Good. BIBLIOGRAPHY: Selection-no outside resources. Use of outside resources-not relevant. Style-Good." The JES09 average score was 9.76. The JES10 average score was 11.44. The overall average score was 10.79. Some of you needed to have reread with greater care course definitions. I very much enjoyed reading your work over the past three days! I will be submitting to the University final grades tomorrow morning. I still have calculations to do, including extra credit.

EA105 - 6/29/2012: Posted MT03 grades to bSpace. The three questions were not of equal weight. I gave slightly more weight to your highest scoring answer and slightly less weight to your lowest scoring answer, on the principle that if you can show me somewhere that you have the analysis right you more or less have it universally correct and a weak answer means that, under the time pressure, something didn't fall into place. The weight is like this 45% / 30% / 25% from top to bottom. Also the MT03 GRADE score has the EC value in the comments box. You could receive between 0 and .3 points (on the 12pt scale), added to your score after other calculations, for extra credit.

EA105 - 6/28/2012: I have posted a "grade estimator" to the web site. You can find it under the sidebar tab "Grades". (I had to refresh the browser to get it to work.) I have posted to bSpace provisional AMQ grades. These can fluctuate a step up or down (step = A to A-minus, etc) but not much more than this unless an issue of academic dishonesty pops up unexpectedly. Grading schedule over the next few days: first the midterm, and I will post those results, hopefully late tomorrow (Saturday). I then begin grading the JES09-JES10 set. I open both JES09s of a team, and the JES10 and read these all at the same time. Each team set takes 45 minutes - 1.5 hours to grade. I fatigue after about 3 of these. So it will take some time. Still, if possible, I will submit grades to the University by Monday 5PM. This means, given the time crunch, that I will probably only grade JES09-JES10 for the grade itself, determine course grades, then put some brief comments on the work out there for you, either by bSpace or on the docs themselves, or in an email. Remember: your end of the deal is that you are NOT finished until you submit your JES10 and I accept it with something like ACCEPTED, YOU'RE DONE!. And I will be making announcements during the weekend, perhaps. Once there will be no announcements expected, I will say that here on this page. Until then, expect there to possibly be something here. AFTER I get grades out, I will post more of today's pics to bSpace. Sorry I can't do that sooner (although I might try doing that during a grading break). I put the basic one up, though.

EA105 - 6/28/2012: I will miss this class :-(

EA105 - 6/25/2012: Harry shared these thoughts after class today (Thanks Harry!)—

In today's lecture, I strongly agreed that Korea's unique values, thoughts, and emotion could be well represented via "Jeong" and "Han." (In most of Korean public schools, their Korean Literature text books almost always mention Han and Pansori together as "one set" to explain Korean classical literature.) In addition, I would like to add the concept of "체념" (Chae-nyum, a word originated from 諦念). Although it's difficult to seperate this concept from "Han", "Chae-nyum" is their distinctive restrained reaction/attitude induced by "Han." I think it can be described by using other words such as 분수 (Boon-soo, 分數, limitation as a human being), 단념 (Dan-nyum, 斷念, giving up one's will to do accomplish something ), and 감수 (Gam-soo, 甘受, enduring hardship). For example, 서편제-Sopyonjae (Korea, 1993. ( ) is a movie considered to be one of the best Korean movies that shows "Han," and it is mainly
about "Pansori" and "Chae-nyum."

Also, I have a random comment about 3-iron! When I watched 3-iron in class today, I was reminded of a movie "Poonsag" that I watched last summer in Korea because there were many similarities between them. The male protagonist of "Poongsan" also does not speak at all throughout the entire movie. (He reminded me of the guy from "3-Iron.") And this man also rescues a woman from a man who forces her to do things for him. But this movie is more violent, serious, and dark; It's a R-rated movie. Here's a trailer of "Poongsan" for you : are many other interesting things to observe in the film "Poongsan," so if you're interested in Kim Ki-duk's films, I highly recommend you to watch this movie!

EA105 - 6/25/2012: Cynthia did research on the songs performed in Segment 2 of Three Times. She sent me this information over the weekend but I wasn't able to get a good enough network connection until today, when back on campus, to check everything. I've posted her information on Three Times, Module 02. To me these are really cool songs, the genre is really interesting, and the songs seem to be key in telling the story of Ah Mei-1. Than you Cynthia!

EA105 - 6/25/2012: Updated 3-Iron Module 01 with regards to the opening image.

EA105 - 6/24/2012: I have added to our web site the midterm questions I will ask and included details that will help best position you to score well. This addition is under the ASSIGNMENTS & TESTS > Midterm 03, Summer 2012 section and is titled:

(Added Sunday, June 24) Here are the questions I think I will ask

Contact me if you cannot find this important section.

EA105 - 6/23/2012: Posted the details for the last midterm. You can access it through the ASSIGNMENTS & TESTS tab on the sidebar.

EA105 - 6/23/2012: Updated all 3-Iron pages. There is no AMQ for this film BUT for the first session it would probably help you understand my opening comments if you at least looked at the director's information AND if would definitely help you interpret this movie if you read the special note on Bukchon Hanok Village that is part of Module 2.

EA105 - 6/22/2012: Posted to bSpace AMQ-Dolls grades, with comments. Comments include the raw grade. 6 points were possible on this quiz. This was converted like this 6=12, 5=11, 4=9, 3=6 below 3=0. I was generous in the naming of the three story lines.

EA105 - 6/22/2012: Posted to bSpace AMQ-2046 grades, with comments. Comments include the raw grade. 6 points were possible on this quiz. This was converted like this 6=12, 5=11, 4=9, 3=6 below 3=0.

EA105 - 6/22/2012: Posted to bSpace AMQ-Three Times grades, with comments. 3 (D) means there wasn't enough there to convince me that you read the lyrics or read them meaningfully. There were too many of these.

EA105 - 6/22/2012: Posted to bSpace JES08 grades, with comments. The "informal NDTs" is an individual grade. The "everything else" is a group grade. The JES08 grade is an average of these two grades.

EA105 - 6/22/2012: Posted to bSpace JES05R-07R grade, with comment. Film summaries were graded at this stage, as announced. Most of you have only a simple: "Very good." or so in the comments box. This means your responses were very good. I did not grade responses for quality very strictly. If you wrote responses of adequate length and depth, if you actually responded rather than just stated your own opinion, this was good enough for a decent grade. A few of you had your grade pulled down due to something in the film summary. If so, that is noted in the comments box with something like "1pt deduction for ..." I have made, in that comments box, some requests for changes for a few individuals. Therefore I suggest you log on and take a look, to see if you are one of those for whom I have made a request. It will be in the comments box and will look something like "Please redo" or such.

EA105 - 6/21/2012 9:09AM: I have just updated Module 02 for today. It adds a new question about communication. It adds a story summary that I will say in class (or have you read on screen). You don't need to bother with either of these if you don't have time, but things might go more smoothly if you add the communication question and give the story (complicated!) a quick read. Segment 01 was so simple; Segment 02 is the opposite of that.

EA105 - 6/20/2012 3:49PM: I have posted JES05-07 grade to bSpace with a genel comment. I have sent back to you JES05-07 with a few margin comments. Some of you have 2 docs returned, some of you have 3 docs returned. I tried to make at least two comments on each document but restrained myself from going much farther than that. This already too forever to grade.

EA105 - 6/19/2012: 1. I have added pictures of Beat Takeshi to the director's page (Dolls). 2. I have added a link to an article on Doi's concept of amae. It is optional reading because of the late posting. But a quick review of it might be helpful for tomorrow or for some of you for youer ICE. It is on Session 29. 3. I have updated all the session pages for Three Times.

EA105 - 6/18/2012 7AM: Reminder that despite the Session 28 requirement to submit a document to me, I have said in class that we are not doing the written assignment during the summer, unless students aren't bringing in the questions. The point of the assignment is to insure that students are engaged in the film closely, so discussion is of high quality. As long as we can do that we don't need the written assignment (since summer is busy enough already).

EA105 - 6/18/2012 7AM: After numerous false starts over the weekend, I believe I have now hit upon how I want to respond to JES05-07. I will finish these today or tomorrow. My margin comments will be relevant to your ICE but please don't wait to hear from me since this is going to take a while: there are 150 documents to review. I am making just a few notes in the margins as I read, then a summary note and grade that will go to bSpace when everyone has been read. There will also be new notes into the "definitions" page when the margin comment would be relevant to most students. (Instead of writing the comment over and over, I'll say "Please refer to ...") This is my fourth run at getting these graded. In the past I have simply not even tried, giving just a grade and a once sentence response or so. I do think JES05-07 are good exercises for you, so I want to keep them, but they nearly impossible to respond to at my end.

EA105 - 6/17/2012: I have added to the Tests and Assignments > Assigned Materials Quiz (AMQ) a section on what to do if you miss an AMQ. I've posted this since we have some students who will miss these due to the new summer session beginning on Monday. I would have liked to have moved the AMQ to include students who have started another summer session and have a course conflict because of that. But I have exactly the same number of students missing the first half of our class as the second half of our class so moving the AMQ to, say, the second half of the class makes no difference, in terms of total benefit. So, instead, I have given advice on how best to recoup the loss of the AMQs. It is valid, however, for anyone who has missed an AMQ or arrived late and only been able to partially take an AMQ.

EA105 - 6/16/2012: I have sent responses to each team regarding the final NDT proposed. Please take a look. Also, now that you are headed into ICE territory, please remember to make them as interesting as possible. Risk towards interest is rewarded, even if the ICE isn't perfect. Safe, no-errors, ICE that are boring score lower. Beat the Average Joe. Enjoy! Oh yes, I think this is in the instructions somewhere anyway but the very nature of the ICE is pretty frustrating; there is simply not enough space to say all you want or to argue fully. But the upside is that you end up with a document small enough that JES10 becomes more interesting. ... And one other point, I put up that "Analysis" doc. That described the IDEAL. Please don't feel that you need to achieve everything on that sheet. That is just the high goal to point towards ....

EA105 (but not specifically class related) - 6/15/2012: I have posted to bSpace > Misc folder a doc titled "Analysis". It collects some thoughts I regularly make about what I think analysis is and so what I expect of students. I did, in fact, write it earlier today for your benefit (since JES09 is coming up) but it morphed into a general statement I want to make for all my classes. Looking at it might help you understand my expectations. It is long, however. This is just an early draft and hasn't had spelling or grammar work yet. I will let this sit for a while, rewrite in probably after this class is over, clean up the layout, and post it to my web site as a regular, cross-course statement that will probably be linked to all my classes.

EA105 - 6/15/2012: If you submitted JES08 before 7 PM last night, I have read your submission. If you did not get an email from me about it by 8AM Friday, it means it is a workable NDT and you can start on JES09. I may still include some minor suggestions when I grade and return JES08 tomorrow but there was nothing important enough to warrant a special email at this time. If you have not yet submitted, you should read, before writing and submitting your NDT, the "JES08 warnings" text file that was posted to bSpace just now. I probably cannot respond to any more early submissions today so be extra careful in putting together your JES08. Though I might be able to look at one or two later today, at this point the plan is to grade and respond tomorrow morning, when all JES08 are due. Be careful not to submit this late! After the work early tomorrow morning, I will probably not do further work related to JES08 until Sunday sometime so you will lose quite a bit of the weekend for starting your JES09 and you will also receive a severe late penalty, probably 50-70% grade reduction, and it is a team grade. JES08 was set at Friday to give you the weekend to begin the challenging JES09.

And, if I may, alow me to restate the obvious: Checking in with this page at least once a day helps protect your score in this class.

EA105 - 6/14/2012: Reminder: the "thoughts" on the sessions pages are always assigned and the questions on the film module pages are the quickthinks. Please remember to print them or write them out before each session.

EA105 - 6/14/2012: I will not log in JES08 until Saturday morning so for those of you who have already submitted or plan to do so soon, please don't worry if you don't get an accepted from me until then. However, if I have enough time I'll take a quick look at these early tomorrow morning, before my various appointments.

EA105 - 6/14/2012: I have some students who are enrolled in a conflicting class beginning Monday. I have a couple of students who are involved in regular interviewing for jobs. I would like all of these students to email me their exact "Can't be there" schedule by Saturday midnight but sooner would be very welcome. Use the keyword "lovetobetherebut". Having this information by Sunday is very important to me for structuring the class, and important to you for your grade. I look forward to your email.

Reminder to everyone to arrive to class on time please.

EA105 - 6/14/2012: I have made the links to JES09 and its form available. I have not done this recently since some students approach the assignment "backwards" (they look at JES09 to decide what to do for JES08). This messes up JES10. So, you can take a look to see what will be expected of your essay but if you try to tailor a project around a vision of where you want to go with your essay things will probably go wrong. You should be asking, at the JES08 stage, what is interesting to you, not what will make a good essay.

EA105 - 6/14/2012: About the midterm just returned: the key, stats and grades are on bSpace. The numbers scribbled next to each question should match the bSpace grade. There has, however, been one student who's reporting an error so I suggest everyone measure their numbers against the bSpace number. Squiggle lines means area of concern that probably had something to do with your grade. Check marks are good things, "X" means "not correct enough" or such, "—" is in between a check and an "X".

EA105 - 6/12/2012: Made JES08 instructions and JES08 links live. ALSO added a new definition on the gray sidebar: values / worldviews. You can check it out. You might need to refresh your browser to it will show (it should be right after "romance").

EA105 - 6/10/2012, 5:45 PM: I am signing off for the evening. I will make no more announcements and will not be checking emails. You should check mid-morning for an announcement though at the present moment I don't expect to make any.

EA105 - 6/10/2012: Posted JES04 grades to bSpace. JES03 is 5% of the JES grade. Some of you have comments. The JES04 grade is a combination of the individual grade at JES04A (where you made possible pairings and said why; that plus the summaries were what was graded primarily, formatting issues sometimes matters) and JES04B (where the team reported on its decision; meeting details were what were graded primarily).

EA105 - 6/10/2012: Posted JES03 grades to bSpace. JES03 is 10% of the JES grade. Some of you have formatting issues that are commented on in the comments box. These are relevant to all submissions so please read the comment.

EA105 - 6/10/2012 9:08 AM: I have written Aileen, James, Sees and Haiying about JES06 submissions that need attention. The rest of you either received notices that don't need a response or no notice at all (arrived on time in good form and is "accepted").

EA105 - 6/8/2012: I have posted provisional grades and comments to JES05 and JES05R to bSpace. The comments include these words and should be thought of as in this ranking:

  • excellent (on of the best 5 or so submissions) A
  • very good (better than most submissions) A or more likely A-
  • good (safe, solid) B+, possibly B possibly A-
  • fine (acceptable but close enough to a lower grade that, on a different day, I might grade it lower but probably not) B or maybe B-
  • OK (still acceptable but getting risky) B to C range

Everyone needs to read the JES page, gray sidebar definition of "academic credibility".

Some students received specific guidance by my returning their doc to them with margin notes.

EA105 - 6/8/2012: I have accepted all JES05R. I have written the few students who I needed to contact.

EA105 - 6/7/2012: I now have all three English translation versions of the Korean spoken by Mong-nyong to the ex-governor regarding Chunhyang with additional thoughts by the students who submitted them. It is interesting; please take a look at Chunhyang, Module 03.

EA105 - 6/7/2012: I will post responses to JES05/05R tomorrow by 2PM. I'll start in the morning but since it will be a bSpace upload I can't upload until the whole class is complete. These will be very brief comments in most cases. I will put most of my time/energy into giving advice to those who don't seem on track yet. If I say nothing or very little it means "keep doing what you are doing, it is looking good". I will announce here the status of these responses. I will not do this for JES06/06R. This is just to catch misconceptions about the assignment ASAP, hopefully before you have written JES06.

EA105 - 6/7/2012: I have all JES05 and logged them all in as on time. I have written those students that I needed to write. The rest of you will not get any notice except this announcement that your JES05 has been accepted.

EA105 - 6/7/2012: There has been a complicated issue students have been asking me about with regard to film summaries. To clarify, I have rewritten the JES04 instructions (there is a new section under JES04A about film summaries and when they are graded) and I have rewritten extensively the "definition" of film summaries that you can access from the gray sidebar (of the JES pages). Here are the essential statements:

The film summaries are graded lightly at JES04A, are simply cut-and-pasted for JES05 and JES06 (and so you can borrow your partner's summary for these steps), need to be revised (if you are not satisfied) at JES07 where they are graded more carefully and you receive an individual grade on them. They are then cut-and-pasted for JES08 and JES09 but only graded as to whether they are there or not. JES10 does not require summaries.

At JES07 (actually JES07R, I wait until the final response is in), I give a grade on the full set of original JES05-07 and the full set of responses to JES05-07. This single grade is 25% of the JES grade. I have ADDED another grade, one specifically for the summaries. It is 5% of the JES total grade. In order to do that, I have pulled the ICE grade down from 30% to 25% of the total JES grade.

In the past I have graded the summaries at JES09 but I have felt that confused the individual essay grade too much. Anyway, you are supposed to know your films well before you write your individual essay (JES09) so JES07 is a good place to do that. (JES08 is a group grade; that won't work.)

I have revised AGAIN this morning the JES deadlines page to reflect my intention to grade the summaries at JES07R. And I have changed grade weights appropriately. NOW the current version of the deadlines page is v120607b. Sorry about that!

EA105 - 6/7/2012: Made minor changes to the JESdeadlines page—clarified languages in the comments box for JES05 and JES05R, clarified percent of grade comment in the JES07R box, added percent of grade to the JES10 box (it has been missing). JES10, the last step (the joint report) is 20% of the overall JES grade. This new page has a version number: v120607.

EA105 - 6/5/2012: Added some notes to "Thoughts" Session 15 that summarize several of the main points made today in lecture regarding analysis. Tweaked the gray sidebar to reflect the fact that we are one session behind. Basically today's comments took over the general discussion scheduled for later. The course outline reflects this change, too.

EA105 - 6/5/2012: Made available instructions and forms for JES05 through JES07.

EA105 - 6/4/2012: I have made the below change to the testing schedule. This also shows now on the Course Outline / Schedule page and on the gray side bar. Please also notice that the second half of Wednesday is open to discuss in a free-ranging way all three premodern texts assigned. Bring questions to help prep for the midterm if you want.

  • June 7 (Thursday) AMQ on House of Flying Daggers
  • June 11 (Monday) Midterm 02 (Premodern readings analysis)
  • EA105 - 6/4/2012, 3:34 PM: I have posted Midterm 01 grades to bSpace. You can see the grade for each part and the total grade for the test. The total grade is titled "Midterm 01 GRADE" and if you received extra credit the point value shows in your comments box. (It is on the 12 pt scale and is already part of your overall score.)

    I have posted MT01 statistics to bSpace.

    I have posted AMQ-Premodern Japanese materials statistics to bSpace.

    EA105 - 6/4/2012, 2:52 PM: JES04 instructions link has been made live and Form-JES04A and Form-JES04B are now available.

    EA105 - 6/4/2012: I spent my morning updating the Course Basics page. The day session details were set aside for that. I hope to update those pages (Sessions 12-14) later this afternoon.

    EA105 - 6/4/2012: I will invite you to email me on a specific topic. I'll explain that in class today. (Those who miss today should ask me in class tomorrow, this is too long for an email.) This is just a record of the keyword I would like you to use: minilect.

    EA105 - 6/4/2012: I have made three major additions to the Course Basics page. These are a result of midtern errors that I read over the weekend that linked up with problems that I remember recurring on the essays from last term. Hopefully this will help your grade. The three additions are: 1) Under the "Rules regulating interpretation that need to be kept in mind:" I have added a paragraph that starts with "Special terminology request" and discuss how the word "value" is used in this class. 2) I have added a section titled "SOME THOUGHTS ON BASIC BUDDHIST PRINCIPLES". 3) I have added a very long note at the end of the "SOME THOUGHTS ON BASIC CONFUCIAN PRINCIPLES" that discusses the confusion between duty, loyalty, propriety, faithfulness and so on.

    EA105 - 6/3/2012: There are still a few missing JES03. I will check one more time around 9:30 or so. Please do not miss the 11PM deadline!

    EA105 - 6/1/2012:

    I have tweaked the JES deadlines to give you an extra day between JES03 and JES04.

    I have also added this note to the deadlines page for JES03:

    This is a two-step submission. Submit the first time by the deadline; resubmit ASAP after I have told you to submit again OR 5 minutes past this deadline if I have not yet responded. NOT LATE SUBMISSIONS!

    The new version of the deadlines page is available and its title (inside the document) reads: JES deadlines (v120601).

    I have also changed around the wording some for the JES03 instructions, to clarify. Regarding when to submit the second time for the JES03 I have written:

    ASAP if I have said in my ACCEPTED email that your partner has already submitted but not before (so your partner does not know your choices until after he or she has reported to me his or her choices) OR automatically, 5 minutes after the JES03 deadline has passed. (In other words, I want you to know your partner's choice as soon as possible so if you submit early and your partner does as well, you complete this step early and are OKed to move on. If you submit right at the deadline the assumption is that your partner has also submitted so the two of you can not send film options to each other without hearing from me. Of course you MUST meet the deadline for the process to work.

    EA105 - 6/1/2012: You will get notices today about the sound file uploads. You will also get notices today about 2-3 readings from a book called Love and Emotions in Traditional Chinese Literature. We will discuss qing on Monday and looking over some of this material would be helpful for that. One of the articles is very helpful for Chapter 5 of Story of the Stone and understanding the story line of Qin keqing. Another of the articles is helpful in understanding the flexible and evolving nature of the term "qing". None of these readings are assigned. I am just making them available online because some student always checks this book out and others cannot access it. I have the library copy now but will return it to the library soon.

    EA105 - 5/31/2012: Contrary to the statement in the instructions, I am OKing teams to contact each other about their films once I receive the second of two submissions from the team. When I get that second submission, my ACCEPTED includes a note that the team can now exchange film titles. In the regular year there was too much email traffic for me to work this closely with you as you submitted. I'm finding more time during the summer.

    EA105 - 5/31/2012: When submitting JES03 please be extra careful about the subject line content. JES03 is submitted twice, and the subject line is different for the two times.

    EA105 - 5/28/2012: I have now settled on our official test and quiz schedule. You can access it via DEADLINES > Tests & Quizzes Schedule (sidebar). There are a number of changes.

    EA105 - 5/28/2012 7 AM: I am going to leave the Outline / Schedule page unchanged on the following point (since during the regular year I won't make this switch) but announce here that the AMQ for Story of the Stone will not be on Thursday but rather Monday after next weekend (so June 4). This will give you a chance to read more carefully and will also give you more than just 24 hours to adjust to how I gave the Genji AMQ since the AMQ on Stone has a similar in structure. That being said, please come to class on Thursday having at least made good progress on Story. I will be drawing cards and asking questions to confirm that.

    EA105 - 5/27/2012 8:30AM: I have been adjusting web pages for the upcoming week. I have added this suggestion for where to focus when reading Genji:

    The Tale of Genji reading should track, in particular: Genji's mother, Fujitsubo, Murasaki, Yugao, Rokujo, Aoi. Genji Women for EA105 and the Genji Basic Genealogy should be helpful in this regard.

    EA105 - 5/25/2012: Updated JES deadlines to include grades weight and fix prior errors.

    Cross course - 5/25/2012: : I found the Stanford student responses in the below link interesting. This was on Stanford political science Professor Rob Reich's blog pag:

    Last week I posted a link on my Facebook page about a short article by Ezra Klein that blames the flow of graduates of selective universities into finance and consulting jobs on the failure of the liberal arts to teach skills. It's not the massive recruiting efforts finance and consulting companies make, and it's not the high salaries. In short, Stanford is to blame for offering so many liberal arts classes that are interesting but teach students no, or few, real skills.

    There was a quick and impressive response to my post from current and recent Stanford students. Wanting to open the conversation up, I'm re-posting the thread here, stripped of the names of commenters (except for those who agreed to be identified).

    Link: Is the Liberal Arts to Blame for Sending so many Stanford students into Finance & Consulting?

    EA105 - 5/24/2012: I have posted to bSpace the JES pairings PDF in a new folder called JES Summer 2012. I have also added them to the web site. They can be accessed vai a sidebar tab called "JES pairings". I have also slightly revised the information for Midterm 01 to clarify the issue of the place of Western concepts in the exam. Look for the tag "Summer 2012:"

    EA105 - 5/24/2012: I have also now uploaded to bSpace a couple of items into a folder titled "Wagner". You are welcome to look at the lyrics doc but please do not view the film short which is entirely optional in any event. I need to make a content announcement about that in class (it has graphic sex and violence) and it should really be viewed, if at all, AFTER the original material is presented in class today.

    EA105 - 5/24/2012: When I finish uploading an audio file set for a session, I set bSpace to send a notice of that upload. You can ignore this; it is just my way of saying that a certain day's audio files are now available.

    EA105 - 5/24/2012, 7:39AM: In an effort to create more discussion time, following the request of last semester's students, I have developed a movie-clip / powerpoint packet to view before class. Again, since this is a late announcement, you are not required to do this before class. However, it deals with the difficult issues of layering" and the role of death in romantic narratives so if you can go through the powerpoint, view the short film, and ponder the questions, it probably strengthens your understanding of today's materials and definitely helps going forward. It is on bSpace > Assigned materials (other than premodern works) > Korngold. NOTE: The powerpoint should NOT be viewed in full screen mode; it is assumed that you read the comments in the box. It doesn't make much sense without them.

    EA105 - 5/23/2012: The Midterm 01 information is now correct for our class. Please read it soon. The story you need to read is not a bSpace resource. It can be accessed through the link in the midterm instructions. BUT, learn how to access eBrary!

    EA105 - 5/23/2012: I have posted the deadlines for the JES. The first one is tomorrow night at 11 PM but it will probably be easiest to do it just before or after class tomorrow. It is quite simple, but it requires that you meet your partner in person. All JES instructions are accessed through the sidebar. JES01 is the assignment due.

    EA105 - 5/22/2012: First things first: There is a reading assignment for tomorrow! This is not tested so if you can't get it done there is no issue with scores but it mimics what we do on the midterm and if you read the tale (about nine pages, humorous storyline), work out some answers, and contribute to discussion (or just silently test your answers as we discuss) you can get a good sense for the midterm. See Session 5: Review.

    Then: These changes happened because I was able to postpone my jury duty. Thus we will have class on Wed, May 30. Thus we have an extra session to work with -- and that changed the entire semester schedule, including moving the review session up to tomorrow. (Might not make immediate sense to you but ...)

    EA105 - 5/21/2012: Please do NOT print out the Ishinpo. It is NOT necessary to do so!

    EA105 - 5/21/2012: I have to leave campus promptly after class tomorrow. If you would like to talk with me about something, please email me and we can meet before class.

    EA105 - 5/21/2012: I have completed the Session 3 and Session 4 pages. Session 3 has a substantial reading assignment. Sorry the reading took a while. bSpace was CONSTANTLY kicking me off. It took more than 1.5 hours to build, then upload.

    EA105 - 5/21/2012: Posted "grades" for QT01. 999 means you were in the room, I got your cards. 0 means you were absent. Comments: The standard comment was "This is fine." That means you seem to be on track for method in this class. Sometimes I wrote "This is very good." That means something interesting of yours caught my eye as I quickly read these cards. Others of you received comments from me, sometimes details, as to method problems that you will need to solve. Please read these. I won't often give this much feedback. I read this more for "troubles" than for "exceptional work" so there isn't much praise but there is quite a bit of constructive criticism. I will not return your cards, so you need to work with the comments. Michael M and Hui Z, you are not yet in the system. You can contact me about your QT01 if you want.

    What for further announcements today. In particular there is a reading assignment that might take about 30 minutes to an hour to read. I haven't finished making the file yet, however.

    EA105 - 5/21/2012: One student wrote on her QT01 card today that, on her computer, she could only get audio for "Clean-up", no image. Did anyone else have this problem? (I made a new clip so this is its first "test run".)

    EA105 - 5/21/2012: I have uploaded the audio files for today's session. I am breaking them into 4 segments since I can't upload a single file (quota limit on bSpace). These are labeled EA105Su12 120521A, EA105Su12 120521B, etc. This means "EA105 Summer 2012 2012 May 21 - A (first 30 minutes)", "EA105 Summer 2012 2012 May 21 - B (next 30 minutes)", and so on. Actually, while I clip the file at exactly 30 minutes I don't start the recording exactly when class begins so it won't match to 10:10 plus 30 minutes or whatever, of course. Also, although I clip at the 30 minute mark, I start the next segment at the 29 min 30 sec mark, to create a 30-second overlap for continuity. So "B" is actually 30 min 30 seconds long, etc. .... Except this is complicated so I mess up here and there. I don't know if I will continue making the files. Let's see how it goes.

    EA105 - 5/20/2012: Posted the syllabus to our web site. The sidebar link is now live.

    EA105 - 5/20/2012: I have completed the details for Sessions 01 and Sessions 02 (the two sessions for tomorrow). Both sessions include activities that need to be done before 10AM tomorrow. Please read the details there. These are in addition to the assignment noted below. I have also correctly the misdirected links on the Outline page. I will make no further announcements today. Please check this page once around 9 AM if possible in case something unexpected comes up. I look forward to seeing everyone tomorrow!

    EA105 - 5/20/2012:

    I have published our web side. You can access it through the tab on the sidebar of this page.

    I have posted to bSpace, Misc folder, an excel file titles "EA105_LASTNAME_classname_qnn". Please complete this and return to me by 7PM tomorrow, Monday, May 21 and has severe late penalties. It is a simple assignment; set aside about 15 minutes start-to-finish. Some student enjoy thinking longer on the questions, however, so take a quick look at it now to see what is expected of you.

    I might release the syllabus later today; I might wait until tomorrow. I'm still rethinking some aspects of it.

    EA105 (Summer!) - 5/17/2012:

    Welcome everyone to our summer class! It is going to be busy, but, hopefully very interesting.

    This is where all announcements will be posted. When I say so, please beginning checking this page twice a day, short before class and in the evening. For now, please check once a day.

    I have posted to bSpace an excel sheet that I am using to set up the class schedule. It might change around some, but it is basically as is.

    This class is VERY BUSY at the beginning. Do NOT miss the orientation and expect to read like crazy until the first midterm. In fact, I am posting this announcement now so that you could begin reading immediately if you like. We will read Tale of Genji (abridged), Story of the Stone (volume 1 in full) and Chunhyang, in that order. I test each of these AT THE BEGINNING of the sessions when we turn to that text, not after we have discussed them. In other words, you need to front load them. The quizzes I give on these are typically some of the lowest scoring quizzes: students read too quickly or don't take the assignment seriously. You need to read carefully and in full. More details later, but you can start. Genji and Story of the Stone are available at Analog books. And electronic version of the full Genji and all of Chunhyang are available on bSpace. Also on bSpace is a document that leads you to other language versions of this assignment if you want to read in your native language.

    J7B - 5/16/2012 3:33PM: Posted Final Exam, Part B and Essay grades to bSpace. Sent final course grades to the University. I hope you all have a wonderful summer!

    J155 - 5/15/2012 12:22PM: Posted Final Exam grades to bSpace. Sent final course grades to the University. This, for me, was the best J155 group ever. Thanks to each of you!

    EA105 - 5/15/2012 9:54 AM: I have posted Midterm 03 grades to bSpace. I have sent each of you your graded JES09 and JES10 in one email. Sorry that I wasn't able to write personal notes into that email! I have sent final grades to the University. I miss you guys already! Any more announcements will be via bSpace. You no longer need to check this Announcements Page. Good luck to each and every one of you this summer and going into the future. PS: My mail program was a bit glitchy this morning. If you got an email from me with the tag JES09JES10 GRADES & COMMENTS but no attachments, let me know! They should all be there. It was triple-checked but I was getting a "Plug-in Missing" icon irregularly.

    J7B - 5/14/2012: I will be unable to post J7B essay grades tonight.

    EA105 - 5/14/2012 4:10PM: I have just now finished reading all JES09/10 and grading them. However, I must turn immediately to J7B essays to meet the 9PM deadline for that. I cannot send out results now. I will prep and send those packets tomorrow. It will be mid-morning because making the packets (emails with attachments) will take about one hour or more. Also, unexpectedly, movers are coming tomorrow or the next day to relocate me within Dwinelle. So I'm pretty much unable to respond to any emails, etc.

    EA105 - 5/13/2012: I am reading JES09 & JES10 as a set, going though each team. One team takes about one hour; there are 16 teams. I will not finish this work before I have to pause and turn to grading J7B essays. And I will not release grades until all teams are graded. You will, at that time, on Tuesday or Wednesday, receive an email from me that has attached your JES09 and JES10, both with margin notes. I will also, at the same time, upload those grades.

    EA105 - 5/12/2012: Posted JES08 grades & comments to bSpace. Grade formula: 30% NDTs brought to meeting, 30% meeting details, 40% NDT decided upon. Comments for all these categories are provided separately. "JES08, Grade" is, as you would think, the grade.

    EA105 - 5/11/2012: Posted JES07R grades & some comments to bSpace.

    EA105 - 5/11/2012: Posted JES07 grades & comments to bSpace.

    EA105 - 5/11/2012: Posted JES06R grades & comments to bSpace.

    EA105 - 5/11/2012: If you have time, please let me know if your films did or did not work well for this class, as advice to the next group of students. Use this form: EndtermFilmComment201205

    Cross course - 5/11/2012: I don't usually post these things but the endterm traffic jam this year is unique due, mostly, to continuing other issues. My apologies but I don't have full control of my schedule right now. I am grading EA105 beginning this morning. That will take 2-4 days. I have parked J7B essays for a day or so but will meet my own Mon 9PM deadline. Once EA105 is finished, I move to the J7B final. Then the J155 final. Then I turn to grade reports to the University and probably in this order: J155, EA105, J7B. My deadline remains 5/16 but if I can't make it by then, I might be requesting an extension. I am not meeting students on an individual basis, nor answering some of my emails, until I have submitted grades. I am around this summer, however. I begin teaching May 21, MTh, 10-noon, in Dwinelle.

    J155 - 5/11/2012: Forgot! If you can send me the names of the songs you used for the final, I'll post the results. Please use the keyword sndclptitles.

    J7B - 5/10/2012: A student has asked whether Midterm 02 is returned. I will be happy to send you a scan of your midterm if you request it. Use the keyword "midscan" please. I won't be able to do this, however, until I've wrapped all my classes for this semester, set up my summer class, and settled into that course—so sometime after about May 25. Things are a bit too busy right now.

    J7B (essay writers only) - 5/10/2012: I have told the GSIs that they can send back your essay with comments, or just send you an email with comments or simply report a grade to me. In any case, they are not to send you a grade, just comments. When all grades are in, I will post them to bSpace. We plan to finish grading my Monday, 9PM. Grades, however, might not get posted until Tuesday morning.

    J7B - 5/9/2012: Reminder that essay rewrites are due promptly at 11AM tomorrow—that's 11 in the morning folks, not nighttime! Late submissions are not accepted. We simply keep the grade from the first submission. I will send out ACCEPTEDs mid-day, after the final is over, so watch for that.

    J7B - 5/9/2012: I have written our final.

    • We meet tomorrow, Evans 60, at 8AM sharp.
    • Because it will be disruptive to other students for me to reexplain instructions late, there is a substantial grade penalty for late arrival. Plan your morning well!
    • You have until 11AM to complete the exam. You can leave when you finish but I do think it will take a couple of hours to get through the test. Given that, you will have one opportunity to take a rest room break at about the 1.5 hr mark. You will have to have completed up to a certain point in your exam, however. Please keep this in mind.
    • You need only bring what you like as a writing instrument. I provide paper and time control. If you write in pen it will be easier should you need to leave the room at break time. (Otherwise we will do something else to lock certain answers in place.)

    J7B - 5/9/2012: Posted Midterm 02 (MT02) grades and stats to bSpace.

    J7B - 5/7/2012: Posted Quiz Category Grade.

    • The grading scale is on the syllabus.
    • The comments box has the percent correct and it is this number used on the grade scale to generate the letter grade.
    • The formula is one of these two (depending on whether you indicated you did or did not want to use Q01 — if you recall I asked you to make this decision before taking the quiz): a) sum of Q01-Q08 after dropping the lowest score / 42 or, b) sum of Q02-Q08 after dropping the lowest score / 36. "42" because there are 8 quizzes at 6 points each (48) but one is dropped so, to get a percent of correct points earned it is necessary to divide by 42. Of course "36" is the same method, just with one fewer quizzes to work with.

    J7B - 5/7/2012: I have sifted through all "gradeissue" emails, tracked down missing RJEs noted in those emails, etc., then graded when necessary, and wrote in all instances students when I did grade. As far as I know, there are now no missing RJEs or Quizzes so if you think there are, you need to email me.

    J7B - 5/7/2012: Posted to our course page (sidebar) a "grade estimator".

    J155 - 5/6/2012: Further hint: basically your grade is determined by the 60 seconds or so you will be talking (read the instructions) so have something good to say. We are practicing putting in words what is difficult to put into words so a comment such as "I don't know, it just felt right ..." is about the worse answer you can give.

    Cross course - 5/6/2012: Grading work flow — I have been wrapping up my J155 class over the past several days. I am now turning to J7B issues. EA105, most unfortunately, is scheduled to be the last class I will work on. (J7B students have a final to take and papers due and they need to hear from me first.) Grades are due 5/16 and it may well be that it will take me right up to that day to finish all grading, scoring and such. I am on campus Monday 11:30-2:30 and Thursday 8-10 for exams. If you need to meet with me, one of those day is best. I will set aside time if I can, but grading gets first priority.

    J155 - 5/6/2012: As you know, we have plenty of volunteers for tomorrow, so the party component of our exam is definitely ON! I will be in the room from about 11:20.

    J155 - 5/6/2012: I have posted details for the final exam. Go to ASSIGNMENTS & TESTS > Final exam. I have put, for now, in red bold new information that is critical to the exam. You need to attend to that or you may well not score high on this test. Notes:

    • The instructions are written with future classes in mind so some of the things about the sound clip submission and such look different than when you submitted; don't worry
    • The test, on paper, sounds scarier than it is. It remains a relatively informal test. In the future it might be as strict as is sounds on paper, but not this time around. Also, reading all the details makes it look scarier than it is. This is a complicated test to run, that's all.

    J155 - 5/5/2012:

    Posted Midterm 02 grades. There are three: the overall grade which is the average of Part 1 & 2, Part 1 (with comments), Part 2. Part 1 had three questions; each was given a letter grade, then an overall grade for Part 1. Comments were made to give a sense of how I approached the test. Part 2 was graded organically. One letter grade for the entire part. Diversity like this in grading generally gives stability in grades and evens out oddities.

    Finished writing the exam. The exam has two parts. As earlier stated, the best preparation is just having a position on the non-discursive aspects of the stories that you are able to share, if asked to do so. There are real grades on this exam so I suggest you think for a while on what you think of the stories in this area of tone, mood, ambiance, theme (not plot), and so on.

    Received all sound files, opened and tested all of them. Shortened one at the request of the student. Waiting for submission from one student.

    J7B - 5/4/2012: Posted to bSpace a count of how many RJEs I think each student is missing. You might want to check it to see if your count and my count matches.

    J155 - 5/3/2012: Posted Post-Reading Analysis page with comments, to bSpace. I really enjoyed reading these.

    J7B (Makioka Sisters EC students only) - 5/2/2012: REMINDER. In order to get credit for Makioka Sisters, you need to pass the oral quiz. In order to pass the oral quiz you need to come to a designated time slot during our RRR period. (See 4/23/2012 announcement below.) And we meet at Evans 60, not my office.

    J155 - 5/2/2012: Rush-posted the basic directions for making and sending a sound clip to me. I'll polish these later. Anyway, go to our course page, sidebar "ASSIGNMENT & TEST DETAILS"

    EA105 - 5/1/2012: By the way, EA105ers, I will not be publishing JES06R-09 grades until all JES10s are submitted since those of you working later in the RRR week (and have not yet submitted JES10) might gain a slight advantage from feedback that others have not been able to see. Of course in a much better world, up through JES08 would have been graded before JES09. This just wasn't that type of semester for me, unfortunately. This is the first time I have not been able to get that grading out in time. I apologize.

    J155 - 5/1/2012: 4:56PM — problems fixed. Remember that all the new exercises feed into one single midterm grade and are not mathematical in the computation. All are taking as reference grades. I will generate a midterm grade based on them. However, I haven't finished the Post-Reading analysis grading so there is, of course, no midterm grade yet either. Also uploaded just now "memorization" grades for those who did this in class when called upon. Also, some of the "13"s in one assignment because "12.5"s as there was one student well ahead of the group of +!00%ers.

    J155 - 5/1/2012: bSpace hung on me at 3:41PM in the middle of grade uploads. Until I say otherwise, anything you see there is suspect. It is going to take a while to reconfirm everything.

    J155 - 5/1/2012: Posted Yoshimoto 1st paragraph grades to bSpace.

    Cross course - 5/1/2012: Hello to everyone at the EALC luncheon. Eat something yummy for me. I'm here grading!

    J7B - 5/1/2012: Graded Final, Part A. Posted stats and grades to bSpace. The number in the comments box is the number missed. Nope, haven't graded Midterm 02 yet. I thought most of you would like to see this Part A sooner rather than later. I accepted just about any credible connection on Part A.

    EA105 - 4/28/2012:

    • About JES09 — I had accidentally given the subject line for JES09 as "EA105_JES10 ..." but of course that should have said JES09. It does now.
    • Abour JES10 — Posted JES10 instructions and form.

    Cross Course - 4/28/2012: RRR Week schedule: Monday OH hours are as usual. Thursday OH hours are already books. J7B Tuesday RRR session cancelled due to lack of interest; J7B Thursday RRR session devoted to Makioka Sisters EC quizzes; J155 RRRs cancelled due to change in final exam content; however if you want to meet either of those sessions it is OK by me if we get at least three people involved; EA105 RRR meets MWF for specific individuals. See the original listing of who your partner is to determine your RRR day.

    EA105 - 4/26/2012: Midterm 03 hint: Keep your answers essential and short. Rushing and trying to cram in a lot will create confusion in your answer and I grade down for confusion. Further, rushing on one question might befuddle you for the next question. So don't try to do too much. "Much" is not the point. One good observation is the point.

    Cross course - 4/26/2012: As of today I have ten assignments lines up that need grading in my three classes and will soon have 14. I am thinking I'll publish the list here (the heading area of this page), in the order I plan to grade them, and then erase them as I move forward, so that you can see when to expect to hear back on something. If this happens, it will be tomorrow morning.

    J155 - 4/26/2012: Thank you "codename"-ers. After class today some students asked if they could request NOT getting certain stories. At the time I thought I might do this but I've changed my mind on that. However, if there is a story you particularly liked, you can do two submissions instead of one. Since you will get points based on students correctly guessing your 30 seconds of music, this doubles your exposure and works to your benefit, but is not required. ALSO, I am switching to "between 20-30 seconds more or less" since some songs get their point across quickly, others need more time or just have a good breaking off point at, say, 32 second or whatever. So you have some flexibility but, really, try to keep to 30 or less so we can manage the size of the event.

    J7B - 4/26/2012: Contrary to instructions elsewhere, I have decided NOT to require students to resubmit all the RJEs as a single document. My filing system is working just fine at this end and I can work with the emails as is.

    EA105 - 4/24/2012: Posted JES06 grades and stats to bSpace. Haven't finished JES06R but so far it looks pretty good and the "R" grades tend to run higher than the initial submission grades.

    J7B - 4/25/2012: Posted to bSpace in a new folder titled "Final" a PDF that has the instructions for tomorrow's exam, and an example. The instructions are not difficult but are probably not something you see often. I strongly suggest you read them now. In the stress of test day they may make less sense and, anyway, you can get started faster on answering the questions if you already understand the instructions. They will not change from this, although the wording will be slightly different. The example on this page will NOT be on the exam and, without the example, it is more challenging to understand the instructions.

    EA105 - 4/24/2012: Please read the important comments on the "traditional" house the we saw in Monday's segment of this film. It is on Module 02. Please read the important note about questions for this film that has been added to Module 03.

    EA105 - 4/24/2012: Posted to bSpace Midterm 03 details, prep suggestions and advice.

    J155 - 4/24/2012: I have dropped #1 (sound) from the Thursday midterm. The online description of the midterm will now show only two questions. I have uploaded presentations; you should have received a bSpace notice. I am waiting for one more presentation (Yoshimoto graphics); I'll send it your way once I have it.

    J155 - 4/24/2012: Just posted a fairly complete description of Thursday's midterm. See course pages, sidebar "ASSIGNMENTS ..." > "Midterms". We will cover this in class but yo might want to take a look now so you have a chance to formulate questions, if any. We'll not spend much time on this.

    EA105 - 4/23/2012: Wendy provided 3_Iron scene summaries. Yea!

    J7B (Makioka Sister EC students only) - 4/23/2012: If you have not yet completed the oral quiz with me and still would like to receive extra credit for Makioka Sister, you will need to take the oral quiz with me during RRR week, in our usual classroom, at the usual time. Please use the sign-up sheet here. All time slots are Thursday, May 3.

    I am considering being present on Tuesday, May 1 (regular class time and place) for essay consultation or just chatting about the class (but no questions about the final answered). If you like this idea, email me in the next 48 hours. Use keyword RRRessay.

    EA105 - 4/23/2012 8:40AM: This week's schedule, in case I can't update any of the pages in time:

    Monday: 1) 3-Iron segment 2 of 3. No specific questions yet, although I might post something in the next hour. 2) Student evals. (So we only have 5 minutes of discussion time.) ... Could take quick questions on the midterm. (I would prefer to do this today than take up our solid discussion block for the film on Wednesday.)

    Wednesday: 1) 3-Iron segment 3 of 3. 25 minutes of discussion time, focusing on comparing with other films.

    Friday: Midterm 03

    RRR Week: Every team has a scheduled day that are invited to use (but are not required to use). See the original PDF that lists team members. Which day is there.

    EA105 - 4/22/2012: I have received, read and OKed all JES08 NDTs. I am announcing that here; I have not sent out emails. Team 08, you need each to rewrite your NDT to use the film titles in the NDT and use those titles correctly, and spell correctly. Team 09, fix the first five words of your NDT. For both of these teams, you do not need to resubmit BUT when you submit JES09 your working must match exactly. Since you are changing independently, please put a note on your JES09 form that I had told you it was OK to not cross-check your exact working.

    EA105 - 4/22/2012 9:40AM: Posted JES09 instructions. They are long. Posted the JES09 form. Revised the "academically credible" definition to include research links and such. Gave you a little bit more time on your JES09 by moving the deadline from 4/29 11PM to 4/30 3AM. This means, however that those scheduled to meet during RRR period on 4/30 will need to read his or her partner's JES09 quickly that morning. This deadline change is not noted elsewhere, so make a note of it now.

    Cross course - 4/21/2012: Just noticed that eBrary has an app for iPad /iPhone.

    EA105 - 4/21/2012: Posted AMQ06 grades.

    J155 - 4/21/2012: Posted to bSpace all "Phrasing" and "Sound Recogniztion" grades and overall grades for those two catergories.

    EA105 - 4/20/2012: Posted JES09 Preliminary information.

    EA105 - 4/20/2012: So I have completed all the updates for today's film that I can do.1) Read today's session page, definitely that part that gives background to the two film clips I will show. We do NOT have time in class for me to give the background and without it the clips will seem really weird. With the background they will just seem weird :-) 2) Read director's info 3) Read Module 1 since it explains the opening sequence of our film

    EA105 - 4/20/2012: Oh goodness! Just to be clear. There is NO AMQ today! Please just read the director info and look at the topics in the gray sidebar.

    EA105 - 4/20/2012: Posted Midterm 03 details. Posted the drafts of all the 3-Iron modules. No questions yet, but please look at the topics for this film listed on the sidebar. **Please read the director information. Working now on today's questions. If time I will then post preliminary info on JES09 but I don't think I'll get that far.

    J7B - 4/18/2012: Posted preliminary details for the final exam. Access via the course pages sidebar.

    J155 - 4/18/2012: Two breaks is the correct number I want you to work with for the phrasing exercise. Puzzle it out.

    J7B - 4/18/2012: I have written Midterm 02. It follows exactly the format of Midterm 01. Therefore the test details are the same, the preparation strategy is the same and so on. I've posted to bSpace Midterm 02 with the old Midterm 01 questions plugged into where the new questions are.

    J7B - 4/17/2012: I have updated all the session pages through to the end of the term. That includes the reading assignment for Thursday. I have not posted details regarding Midterm 02 or the Final, Part A.

    J7B - 4/16/2012: Tomorrow we screen the film from 11:10-11:35, discuss from 11:35-11:45 and begin the second portion of the class, the part where everyone should attend, from 11:45.

    J155 - 4/16/2012: No passage to memorize for Yoshimoto.

    EA105 - 4/16/2012: Posted today's questions.

    J155 - 4/16/2012: Logged in all Abe post-reading analysis submissions and wrote the four students that needed to be contacted.

    EA105 - 4/15/2012: I have posted the JES08 instructions. I have posted the JES08 form. I have made major changes to the gray sidebar that had definitions. I have created a new, and very long, page that covers in detail definitions for the course or, for now, for the JES. Access it through the "short" list of definitions in the right-hand gray sidebar, clicking on the various "More ..." phrases.

    EA105 - 4/15/2012: I have changed the deadline for JES08. I have posted provisional instructions for JES08. Both of these can be found on the JES08 page.

    EA105 - 4/13/2012: Posted JES04B grades with comments. Please read the comments carefully. Remember, this was a team grade. I also uploaded stats to the JES folder on bSpace, too.

    EA105 - 4/13/2012: I have posted the JES07 instructions and form. JES07 is thought-intensive. Get started right away.

    EA105 - 4/13/2012: JES06R should have the keyword premodtomod but the form accidentally had ctoc (now corrected). I'm logging in both keywords so no problem there but please don't be confused when I post JES07 and it really does have the keyword as ctoc. That is correct.

    J7B (essay writers only) - 4/12/2012: There is now a "How to Submit" section under the "How to Communicate with Us" portion of the essay rules page.

    J155 - 4/12/2012: Posted Abe First Paragraph Comparison grades to bSpace.

    J155 - 4/12/2012: For the "1st Paragraph Comparison" — Please read Yoshimoto's first paragraph without consulting the English at all. After that, you can prep as you wish. Also, in general students are answering the "paragraph structure" portion by simply describing the components (short phrases, commas, etc.) but not talking about how they work together to create structure. Also, the whole exercise is to explore tone and style in general. Make all comments relevant to that and say how so.

    J7B - 4/12/2012: Posted RJE08 Personal Matter grades to bSpace.

    J155 - 4/12/2012: Posted sound recognition quiz results.

    EA105 - 4/11/2012: There were 20 submission errors on 32 submissions. Please check this to see if you were one of the students who missed something and keep that in mind when you submit JES06/JES06R. If you have already sent a JES06 but it has an error do NOT resubmit. Hope that your partner will correct the problem for you because I don't intervene on JES06 submission—I check everything once the JES06Rs are submitted.

    EA105 - 4/11/2012: I have completed the session pages for Three Times. Please note "Thoughts" for each of the session days for this film. By the way, you might have noticed that I put Three Times ahead of 3-Iron. ... Please be careful to get your name into the correct areas of JES06 and JES06R as you go forward. I am coming across many mistakes on this. I do, however, have everyone's submissions and there are no late penalties ... yet anyway. But do NOT let this file exchange process slip out of control!

    EA105 - 4/10/2012: I have posted the questions for tomorrow. I have fixed the director links (some were outdated). I have fixed the links to the lyrics, added a note about the lyrics, and added YouTube versions of the songs if you want to hear them ahead of the film. Definitely read the lyrics and think about them.

    EA105 - 4/10/2012: If I have announced this in time for you, please use the new JES06 that I just uploaded (Tuesday, 7:10PM).

    EA105 - 4/10/2012: I added a question to the Module 02 of Dolls. You can answer that if you want but basically I put it there for the next time I teach the class. I'll accepted submissions either way, with no grade difference between them.

    J155 - 4/10/2012: Also uploaded new version of Yoshimoto's RASEN (v1204a), to include phrasing.

    J155 - 4/10/2012: Uploaded new version of Abe's BO (v1204) that has the phrasing for Thursday. Sorry Leah, I just contradicted myself :-)

    EA105 - 4/9/2012: Published early drafts of all the module pages for Three Times. We will NOT quiz on Wednesday but please read these things: special note on characters on the characters page, a little bit about the director if you want on via the links on the director page, and definitely the set up info on the Module 01 page (setting, characters) and READ THE LYRICS. (I will draw cards on this one and quiz you.)

    Cross-course - 4/9/2012: In light of Telebears being off and running, I have posted very quick & simple descriptions of J120 and J130. Jan has asked for descriptions for these courses and I have not yet given her anything. I should do that soon but assume for now that the department description is not authored by me but I generally work within its outlines. Use the sidebar link "About upcoming courses by Wallace".

    EA105 - 4/9/2012: Published the JES06 & JES06R instructions page, with link access to the form.

    EA105 - 4/8/2012: Posted AMQ05 scores to bSpace.

    J7B - 4/8/2012: Posted Q07 (Woman in the Dunes) and Q08 (Personal Matter) quiz scores to bSpace.

    EA105 - 4/8/2012: Posted JES06 form.

    J7B - 4/8/2012: I have extensively updated the "Essay basics" page. It now has everything or most everything in terms of the requirements for the essay.

    Cross-course - 4/6/2012: I am offering EA105 ("Romance") in the summer and the fall timetable, as of today, lists me for J7A, J120 and J130.

    Cross-course - 4/5/2012: I missed OH this morning! I have talked with two of at least three students who waited for me. What was on your mind, other students?

    J155 - 4/5/2012: I have revised the page Sidebar: Preparation & Participation by adding a bullet list of the typical flow of the class. You can take a look if you want.

    EA105 - 4/5/2012:

    1) I have posted the discussion questions for Module 3 (Friday). Please refer back to the new question posted on Module 2 to get a sense of where I am headed on that question.

    2) Please note on the session page the special discussion preparation required for the discussion only day, after we have finished the film. There are things to do before class.

    3) Correct scene summaries for Segment 02, just finished. I am typing during the film. I'll do this again on Friday and post those corrections, too.

    4) IMPORTANT: I finally noticed a recurring error in the final questions for the document your submit to me. Please note that one question is about "values" and one question is about "worldview". This should always have been true. (Now corrected Flying and 2046.) Sorry about that! ... You can ask what I mean about "worldview" on the full discussion day if you want.

    J7B - 4/5/2012: Fixed access to the "Action" GoogleDoc.

    EA105 - 4/4/2012: I am missing a JES04B submission from Team 01. All others have safely arrived.

    J7B (essay writers only) - 4/4/2012: Please note: The last day to ask about topics is April 7, the last day to ask about resources is April 9, the last day to ask anything at all is April 11, the paper is due April 16. If you ask questions after April 11, I make no promise that we will answer in time to be helpful or even answer at all. I can't predict what sort of last minute flood of questions we will get. We are here to help those who are not doing things last minute, our best energy will go there. You can try asking topics questions after the topics deadline and so on but, as far as I'm concerned, they will be second priority. I'll answer them after I have answered other questions, and if I have time.

    J7B (essay writers only) - 4/4/2012: We stay with Plan A, so April 16 remains the firm date for a completely complete submission. Treat it as if there is no second chance. It will be graded. The ratio of emails was 5 for Plan A, 3 for Plan B with the arguments for Plan A beings, hands down, the stronger arguments. Watch for updates to the instructions by Sunday, hopefully much sooner.

    J7B (essay writers only) - 4/4/2012: I have added to the "Research." section of the essay basics important comments that you should look at now since developing a good topic goes hand-in-hand with developing the secondary sources on it.

    EA105 - 4/3/2012: There will be no questions for tomorrow since our time will be filled by quiz and returning of the midterm. But, if you have a high tolerance for bad art, you can check out the YouTube video that is the full version of the song you will here in class tomorrow (and that you heard on Matsumoto's cell phone on Monday). Did down through the scene summaries, the link is near (somewhat above) the lyrics.

    EA105 - 4/3/2012: Published the new shedule of JES due dates, finally.

    J7B - 4/3/2012: I have logged in Personal Matter RJEs. If you submitted and didn't receive an ACCEPTED, something is wrong.

    J7B - 4/3/2012: I have published content to the Black Rain sessions (both of them). It clarifies how much you need to read, what should be the coverage for the RJE, and how the schedule works over the next few sessions.

    J7B - 4/3/2012: You can contribute to the "action" spreadsheet now. It is a Google doc here:link. Available until 11PM tomorrow night (Wednesday, 4/4).

    J7B - 4/3/2012: You may continue to contribute to our "actions" page for extra credit under these conditions: a) the subject line has the usual content plus the keyword actn [see announcement, immediately above this one] b) you were on the stage already when I turned you away c) you coordinate with your group so I get only one email from the group d) the standard of acceptability will be higher e) the deadline is 24 hours after I announce that the document is available as a Google doc (watch this announcements page).

    EA105 - 4/3/2012: Published JES05 instructions and the form. I suggest you begin immediately on this form since it requires specific research that you document into the director's background and in the past students have told me that this is sometimes very time consuming. Remember that in all cases in this class you are to work with academically credible sources. The definition is on the sidebar of the JES instructions.

    EA105 - 4/2/2012: Posted to bSpace Midterm 02 grades (average of the three questions asked), stats for MT02, key for MT02.

    EA105 - 4/1/2012: I have completed the schedule page for tomorrow and added the questions for tomorrow on the first session module page, usual location.

    J7B - 4/1/2012: I have created a new page "Essay Basics" that outlines my basic expectations for your essays. You can access it through the side bar.

    J155 - 4/1/2012: I have uploaded Mishima Phrasing grades.

    EA105 - 4/1/2012: I have uploaded to bSpace a very short video I would like you to watch regarding Japanese traditional puppet theater (bunraku). I am still working on the content for tomorrow's questions. You will need to check back for that. And the quiz is still on Wednesday, not tomorrow. It will include the video but I would really hope you would read the General Statements and watch the video before you see the film tomorrow. It should help orient you.

    EA105 - 3/28/2012: Uploaded brief comments based mostly on the final paragraph of your submissions. It is in the gradebook titled: "Response to Daily QT questions after 2046" NOTE: 1) I have requested that everyone include the question, not just the question number. I found I needed this. 2) Please remember to use the most current form. You need to move everything over to it. I won't change the form again this semester. Remind me (extra credit) if I forget and accidently do so!

    EA105 - 3/28/2012: Published the basics for the Dolls pages.

    EA105 - 3/28/2012: According to the schedule, I would test you on the background content of Dolls on Monday. I am moving that to Wednesday because of Spring Break. I know there is a lot to do as you finish up Spring Break and I think we can manage with the meanings and interpretations of the movie OK even with the slight delay. The daily schedule will NOT show this change prominently: I want to keep it as is for future classes.

    EA105 - 3/23/2012: We had outsiders in the room today so I couldn't talk about your midterm. Anyway, I've put more time than I expected into writing advice in the margins and I've been entangled in issues about scheduling for Fall 2012. The combination made it impossible to return midterms today although I got up very early intending to finish and distribute. So, if you would like to see your midterm before the end of the break, I can send a scan. Otherwise I'll give it to you a Monday's Monday from now. I'll announce the posting of grades, of course, when it happens. ENJOY YOUR SPRING BREAK! You all have earned it!

    J7B - 3/21/2012: I have posted to bSpace grades a "grade" called "Final or Essay? (With mentor's name listed)". It shows my understanding of who is taking the final, who is writing an essay or working on a project. It also lists mentors for each person working on something other than the final. If you have recently asked me a question about an essay or such, please re-ask the question, contacting the correct mentor and only that person, using this subject line: J7B_essay_LASTAME_classname. That includes me — I won't answer your previous emails. Sorry, they are just too buried in other email stuff.

    More detailed instructions will become available soon, or at least during the first couple of days of spring break. But you can get started now ...

    J7B - 3/21/2012: About Makioka Sisters (this is the official and only announcement, it is no where else) — To receive extra credit for Makioka Sisters, you will need to pass the 15-minute oral quiz with me about it. I have created some time slots post-Spring Break for those of you who want to read over Spring Break then be tested while the work is fresh in your mind. It is a limited number of time slots. Please go the following link, read carefully the instructions, and decide if you want to sign up: If you cannot sign up, you will need to meet with me during the RRR period, during our regular class meeting. No other options for this, unfortunately. My schedule is just too crowded. I had wanted to form a reading group, but I couldn't find the time to do it. However, if you want to connect with each other, say so during class and I'll ask for a share of hands and you might be able to share contact info.

    EA105 - 3/21/2012: I have published the instructions and forms for JES04. You should look them over ASAP since there is quite a bit of work to be done.

    EA105 - 3/20/2012: Just quickly: I will be saying what is necessary for JES04 later today or tomorrow but you will need to have seen all four films by then. Therefore, to those of you who offered to burn copies, etc., you should get this done in time to hand this off tomorrow or on Friday to your partner when you see them in class...unless both of you plan to be here for spring break. The due time is just after spring break.

    EA105 - 3/18/2012: I have done one round of logging in JES03-towallace submissions. It is due tonight at 11PM. If you have submitted but have not heard from me it means either your partner has not submitted yet or I bounced the submission back for corrections (check your in-box!). 50% of the submissions have left the ACCESS SUGGESTIONS TO YOUR PARTNER portion blank. That must be completed in order for me to accept your submission. EVERYONE should watch their in-boxes after they submit to make sure I have accepted the submission and not sent it back for reworking. Logging in is complicated but I'll try to get all of these done in the morning. I will not be checking again today.

    EA105 - 3/18/2012: I have completed updates to all the 2046 sessions pages (daily schedule pages) and module pages. I went back to the module where I asked about soundtracks and included song titles and links in those questions where we were to compare Lulu's theme song with that of Wang Jing Wen and Bai Ling. If you're curious, you can check out the YouTubes, etc., that are there now.

    J155 - 3/17/2012: Posted to bSpace grades for the first paragraph comparisons (Mishima). I also yet again updated the instructions for this assignment a little bit (in the "How I Grade") section.

    J7B - 3/17/2012: I have posted to bSpace the results of student choices for stating whether they will write an essay or take the final. CHECK THE "GRADE" AND CONFIRM THAT I HAVE RECORDED CORRECTLY YOUR CHOICE. THIS IS YOUR ONLY CHANCE TO CHANGE IT. The deadline was 11AM today. I did not hear from many of you, or did not find your email, and I have assigned you to the final. However, you have until Tuesday 5PM, no later, to email me that you want instead to do the essay. Students who has asked questions about the content of their essays: Please wait until after Tuesday for responses.

    J7B - 3/17/2012: I have made gads of changes on all the sess-by-session pages but the one most relevant at this time is the one on the Abe Kobo page. It describes how I would like you to do the reading.

    J7B - 3/16/2012: Posted RJE06 (Golden Pavilion) grades to bSpace.

    EA105 - 3/16/2012: This is for my romance class but anyone welcome. Awh....

    Spurned Fruit Flies (NYT 3-16-12)

    J155 - 3/16/2012: I have updated the FIRST session page of Mishima so you can read my introductory thoughts on him. Please check it out. I've updated others through Abe, by the way.

    J155 - 3/16/2012: I have added a question to nearly all of the templates that students use to grade the presentations. Please use it beginning Tuesday. Also, I remind students to reread the instructions for their type of presentation before making it / giving it. I sometimes change or add things for greater clarity.

    J7B - 3/16/2012: After March 17 I will review who has elected to take the final exam and who has chosen the essay path. There will probably be announcements shortly after that so please watch for it/them. Meanwhile: just as a clarification — you need only say which you plan to do, not what you plan to do. Those who miss the deadline will automatically be signed up for the final. However, I would much prefer to hear from you and not assign you a task from my end. ... Just so you don't feel you are getting surprised by a essay deadline change. I am contemplating switching around the deadline where the first deadline (April 16?) is optional one and the second deadline (May 10) is the only required one. This depends on how many papers we are looking at grading and other factors. I may or may not make the change. I would prefer you make your choice not based on deadlines but on what you want to do, but I'm sharing these provisional thoughts.

    EA105 - 3/16/2012: There still seems to be some confusion about the form you submit to me after watching a film. I have made yet another version of the form, to clarify. Please use it (version120316). But, to save you from rereading the whole form, here are the two changes on it.

    The first change is in the DEADLINE paragraph: "You will submit this form a total of five times, after House of Flying Daggers, after 2046, and so on." Some of you submitted the form last night but we don't do this after every class, we do this after we finish every film.

    The second change is in the HOW TO SUBMIT area and just asks you to check before submitting to be sure you are using the new form and to cut-and-paste into it your old comments if the form was updated. Hopefully the kinks will be worked out of this form soon, if not already, and I won't keep making new versions.

    EA105 - 3/14/2012: Posted AMQ04 grades to bSpace.

    EA105 - 3/14/2012: I have logged in the submissions for Flying Daggers. I have sent ACCEPTED to most. I have asked two students to resubmit. I am missing three other submissions. You should check to see if I received your submission. You should submit today if you haven't yet.

    EA105 - 3/14/2012: I have added this to the list of topics we cover across the term (sidebar COURSE RULES > Main list of love topics):

    Communication: full, partial or little to no communication by choice or by circumstance; easy to difficult in the ability to communicate; honest to deceitful in content; vehicles of communication such as poems, letters, spoken words, eyes, actions meant to be taken as statements, etc.

    EA105 - 3/14/2012: I have rearranged the order of our films after 2046, so don't be surprised if the outline looks different than you remember it.

    Cross-course: Today marks the anniversary of the earthquake and tsunami in Japan. I am very sad that so many people have had tragedies in their lives and that the road to recovery looks very long and despairing. While I am sad, and while many Japanese think otherwise, I feel that the country will find a way to full recovery, except for the pain of personal loss. ... And I remind myself that while I know this disaster better than most such events, and while it is personally close to me for many reasons, there are, in the world, many other similar sad events that I am less well-informed of, or know nothing about. My heart goes out to everyone, with their many challenges. I wish life could be easier for everyone.

    J7B - 3/11/2012: Posted to bSpace Quiz 06 (Golden Pavilion). I found a mix of great and not-so-great answers on this quiz in terms of trying to answer, for me, the question as to whether you had read the text with some care. However, I in most cases I could not definitely determine an answer and gave you the benefit of the doubt.

    J7B - 3/11/2012: Posted to bSpace recent RJE grades. Also sent out some individual emails to students — you should check to see if you got something from me today. Also sent out the extra credit notices to the students who submitted "Spider Lilies" analyses. If you submitted and did not hear from me, something is wrong.

    EA105 - 3/11/2012: I am surprised more students aren't sending to their partners thoughts they had on movies. Remember that you are to copy me on this and that you can only give the information as limited by the instructions.

    EA105 - 3/10/2012: Changed wording: "Extra credit anytime between now and the end of the last day of RRR week, for correcting or completing scenes." This used to say "the end of class" and some thought that meant class on that day.

    EA105 - 3/10/2012: I have published the session page for Wednesday, with its required reading (that is quiz day) and I have published all 2046 film pages (except Modules 02-04). There is quite a bit there; don't put this off until the last minute.

    EA105 - 3/10/2012 6:30AM: Yow! I am working on the modules for 2046 and how embarrassing to discover that I have found a way to add an additional discussion day to each film. I have not done this in the past and forgot that before the semester began I squished the concepts portion of the class enough to make these open days. SO, two things: Monday we discuss Flying Daggers (that session page is now published) AND that means I want the Responses on Daily QuickThnk Questions due 48 hours after that session so, in this case, Wednesday. ALSO, I have heavily edited the Responses on Daily QuickThink Questions in terms of the instructions (made them more explicit) so you need now to work with version 120310. The other one didn't even have a life of 24 hours. Sort of sad ... By the way, there is a sidebar direct link to the document now so it can be accessed from nearly anywyere. .... 2046 modules not yet ready to go.

    EA105 - 3/9/2012: I have adjusted the instructions on the QuickThink Responses to Daily Questions (version120309) form. It includes the assignment tag that should be in the subject line of the email and some other minor comments.

    EA105 - 3/9/2012:

    a) Still looking for ways to efficiently use our brief discussion times. To that end I have created hierarchies in the discussion questions. I have underlined those that will be discussed in class and I have broken up the list into segments so that, for your written submission, you do not have to write on everything, just some things (with some amount of freedom of choice). These changes reduce what to take notes on / what to think about during the film itself (and later, when writing your analysis).

    b) As you know, the written analysis will come due after we finish today's session of Flying Daggers. BUT, you do not need to answer questions from all Flying Daggers sessions, you need only answer using the fourth session questions.

    J155 - 3/7/2012: I have posted grades for the homeworks: 1st Paragraph Comparison (Kawabata) and Phrasing (Kawabata). NOTE — These grades do not count. Further, I have graded them as if you should know what to do for the assignment as we clarify things (so, as if this were the second or third time we did this particular assignment). That seems kinder than giving a soft grade when it doesn't calculate towards anything then lowering the grade when it does (Further, I have expanded the word limit to 150. Many of you were graded low on not going beyond the initial two categories or having a very short final sentence. Again, these were graded as if the word limit were 150. NOTE — The instructions to 1st Paragraph Comparison and Phrasing have both been tweaked, not that I have seen the first submission. This will be true of the others, as well, I'm sure, so remember to recheck the instructions before completing the next similar assignment.

    EA105 - 3/7/2012: I have made a major change to Session 22 (also noted on Session 19) that affects your grade. Please read it ASAP.

    I have created a new sidebar tab: COURSE RULES, CINEMA BASICS & OTHER KEY LISTS. This gives you direct access to a number of the main lists and guidelines for this course. I made this because the two key lists are split across two Web pages (Course Basics, Cinema Basics) and this eliminates the need to remember which list is on which page.

    I have adjusted the basic topics for the course. See sidebar COURSE RULES, CINEMA BASICS & OTHER KEY LISTS > Main list of love topics.

    I have created a simple "map" of how I cover the film primary films, by topic. See COURSE RULES, CINEMA BASICS & OTHER KEY LISTS > Overview of topic/film pairings.

    EA105 - 3/5/2012: I have now officially logged in the JES01 and the JES02. I have either accidentally accepted your submission then sent an email explaining what happened, or rejected your submission. You should look for an email from me that was sent between 8-9AM this morning and see if there is work to be done. If you submitted incorrectly and I accepted it, please do not resubmit.

    J155 - 3/4/2012:

    1) Reminder that all the honbun files and all the English translation files are now in a new folder on bSpace titled Spring 2012 new files versions (honbun and translations).

    2) I still need EIGHT to respond to the poll. This is a required assignment. Reminder: the deadline is Monday, noon. Thanks very much to the fifteen who have completed the work. If everyone hasn't completed the poll yet, those of you who have completed it will probably be able to leave early on Tuesday while the others complete the poll in the classroom.

    EA105 - 3/4/2012: I have published the House of Flying Daggers remaining modules, with questions for the day, to the Web site. Sorry this took a while; it was complicated.

    J155 - 3/3/2012: I have created new versions of all the English translations of our stories so that it is less tempting to read ahead. The Kawabata stories are not broken up into segments but after that you will see a Mishima Shi o kaku ... Sess01, then a Mishima Shi o kaku ... Sess01-02, file and so forth. Sess01 means that only the English translation for Session 01 is on that file. I have either blocked out additional text or thrown away pages. Then Sess01-02 means I have added the English translation for Session 02. The file has the Session 01 and Session 02 English but no more. And so on. The folder for all the new files (Japanese honbun versions and English translation versions) is called "Spring 2012 new file versions". You still need to go into the old folders to retrieve glosses and sound files.

    I have also updated the sessions up through the "midterm" day.

    Thanks to the EIGHT of you who have completed the poll. Please remember, this is required and needs to be finished by Monday, noon.

    J155 - 3/2/2012: I have posted all the new homework and such assignment details. Please go to the assignments page and read through that material. There is quite a bit. For this class we will begin with:

    • Tuesday: Phrasing is due since Tuesday is the second session of Kawabata. It is located in the newest version of Kawabata Kanariya v.1203 (not v1202). (Yubiwa and Kanariya are the two texts for Tuesday, by the way. That will show up on the session page by tomorrow morning.)
    • Tuesday: the First paragraphs comparison exercise is due. Use any or all of the four first paragraphs that will belong to Kawabata by then.
    • Thursday: We will do the Memorized passage on the third session of Kawabata.
    • After Thursday: The Full text analysis is due at the time described in the instructions.
    • We will NOT do the 30-second sound file excerpt recognition until our next author because, by luck of the draw, it is embedded in the first day's session and we have already passed that point.

    J155 - 3/2/2012: Thank you to the FIVE of you who have completed the poll. We need eighteen more!!!

    J7B - 3/2/2012: Posted Quiz 05 grades to bSpace.

    J155 - 3/2/2012: The poll is ready for your answers beginning at 8:00 AM this morning. Please read the questions carefully; slight wording change makes a big difference! Also, I might use this as a "baseline" survey, asking the question every couple of years, so please answer conscientiously. Also, please answer all the questions or the statistics begin to lose value. When you go to the poll, SORT BY QUESTION please and answer them in the order that they are numbered. (This is mostly because the questions change slightly and this reduces reading error chances.) Set aside 20 minutes or so and consider this as a homework assignment. I'm delaying one of the homework assignments so that you can actually take the proper amount of time for this poll. Thank you!

    EA105 - 2/29/2012: I have published the House of Flying Daggers modules to our Web site and updated the assignment for Friday. Comments of what is quizzed is on the modules.

    EA105 - 2/28/2012: Clarification for tomorrow's midterm. "Phase I" means "Phase A", the first stage of love, not the inner circle on the "love circle" diagram. Big difference. Also, since the presentation in class, I had been modifying that diagram for the next interation of this class. It is still draft, but I just uploaded it to bSpace and you should have gotten an email indicating that. The resource is titled RelationshipPhases v120206 [bSpace, PDF].

    Cross course: Our Chancellor writes: "We urge faculty to be flexible about providing make-up opportunities to students who miss classes or examinations that may have been scheduled for March 5th." So, if you would like to protest, please know that there is no grade downside to missing class on Monday. However, I would like you to write me to state that that is the reason you are absent from class, and asking others later about class probably would be a little helpful, although "Flying Daggers" in not a difficult movie to understand.

    EA105 - 2/27/2012: I now have uploaded the correct QuickThink 03 to bSpace. Sorry about that! I had an earlier exercise which I decided not to use and forgot that I had numbered it as #3 when I grabbed it from my finder.

    J155 - 2/27/2012: A student had missed the session at the beginning of the term when we talked about sound. So, I've just decided to post the draft of the page I had been working on. It isn't finished and isn't exactly what I want to say, but, anyway, you can access it through the sidebar tab SUPPORT PAGES > Basic statement on sound.

    EA105 - 2/27/2012: 1) I have added to our COURSE GOALS & RULES (Course Basics) page a new section, towards the bottom, titled SOME THOUGHTS ON BASIC CONFUCIAN PRINCIPLES. I did this because one of the questions on the midterm will ask you to rank Confucian principles in a certain way for a certain situation. I will name the principles I want you to rank in the question itself but, when I did that, I realized how messy our treatment of the terms is, because, in part, of English translation confusion. So, please review those terms for the exam. 2) I have added to our COURSE GOALS & RULES (Course Basics) page a paragraph that tries to clarify the "low-high love" rubric a bit. I did this not because I am hinting that the midterm hits it hard but rather because a late-joining student is still not clear on the concept and many seem to have misunderstood it.

    J7B - 2/26/2012: Quiz category grade reminder: The scale used to convert your total quizzes percentage correct to a letter grade from the Quiz Category grade can be found through the ASSIGNMENTS & TESTS tab. You can calculate your total quizzes percentage (up to now) with this formula: (Q01 score + Q02 score + Q03 score + Q04 score)/24 OR, if you had indicated you would not use the Q01 score then (Q02 score + Q03 score + Q04 score)/18.

    J7B - 2/26/2012: Posted to bSpace Q04 grades.

    J7B - 2/25/2012: I have made these important changes to the Web site:

    • Changed the sidebar tab "DEADLINES" to a deadlines sidebar tab that leads to two different deadline pages (sorry I couldn't consolidate!).
      • The first is the one you are familiar with (for all the RJE deadlines, etc.) However, I have cancelled out all the Essay Step deadlines on that page and added a note about Final, Part A being given on the last day of class.
      • The second deadline sheet gives deadlines and other details for managing my expectations for those taking the final and those writing an essay. Please read it carefully.
    • Added a new sidebar tab FINAL OR ESSAY? that helps you decide which of these choices you want to make, by giving details regarding grading policy, essay expectations, etc. Please read it soon since you have a mid-March deadline when you must tell me whether you want to do an essay or the final. EVERYONE MUST MEET THAT DEADLINE. There are severe late penalties that will be assessed to either the essay or the final. I suggest you read it now since you probably need to explore some ideas before committing to the essay. Once committed UNLIKE J7A, you cannot switch out and take the final.

    EA105 - 2/25/2012: Modified Module 03 of Chunhyang. Please work with this new module when we screen the film on Monday. REMINDER: We do not discuss the midterm in class. If you have question email me. I am less busy this weekend, perhaps, than during the first half of the week, so you might consider reading the test details now and writing me over the weekend.

    EA105 - 2/24/2012: Finished and published the instructions for JES01 and JES02.

    EA105 - 2/24/2012: Published details for Midterm 01. You can find them via the sidebar tab "ASSIGNMENTS & TESTS".

    J7B - 2/24/2012: On Saturday, or Sunday at the latest, I will post details on the essay / final for this class in terms of essay deadlines and comments that will help you decided between taking the final or writing an essay. These is a deadline on that decision, soon, probably March 15. But watch for details.

    EA105 - 2/24/2012: On Saturday I will publish further information regarding the JES process. I don't think I can finish today. However, there is a deadline soon upon us, so watch for an announcement this evening before 5PM or tomorrow.

    J7B - 2/24/2012: Please note the changes I have made for the last day of class.

    J7B - 2/24/2012: I have posted the details for our midterm. You can access it through the session pages or the outline page, sidebar "ASSIGNMENTS & TEST DETAILS"

    EA105 - 2/22/2012: I have updated the Teams PDF to include which of the RRR days you are able to come to class if you want to participate in that final session where you write the last segment of your paper with your partner with me in the room to give on-the-spot answers to your questions. While RRR days are different, the deadline for the final segment is the same for everyone. You can only attend the RRR day which is next to your name but you don't have to attend at all if you don't want to; it's optional.

    EA105 - 2/22/2012: Modified thoughts on today's session page.

    EA105 - 2/22/2012: I have put on the sidebar a new link "CINEMA BASICS" that I would like everyone to read carefully. If you are short on time before today's class, at least read the first few lines that have to do with the rules in the classroom during film screening. Then read the rest before Friday.

    J155 - 2/19/2012: I have posted the reading for Tuesday.

    EA105 - 2/19/2012:

    1. I have published session details for Wednesday, Friday and the following Monday (the three sessions based on Chunhyang). You can find reading assignments there.
    2. I have published the teaching modules on Chunhyang. This is film background information and discussion questions and is required for each class.
    3. I have given details on how to prep for class for the rest of the term. See Session 15 (the first day of Chunhyang).

    There is a lot of reading for Wednesday, quite a bit of reading for Friday, and light reading for Monday. Reading MUST be done ahead of time. See the session details for the assignment, and the film modules for what types of questions will be asked in class.

    We test, then, the next session (Wednesday after we finish Chunhyang). Once that midterm is over, the heavy reading for this class ends. Hang in there!

    I have uploaded new versions of all the PDF files for Chunhyang. If you have already downloaded this or, gasp, printed them out (unnecessary!) there are no huge differences. I have just clarified the titles to match the in-class reading assignments and put in the margin a few notes that synchronize places in the text with places in the film.

    Chunhyang is the full translation. This is for in-class use only. Do NOT distribute this text for any reason. You will be breaking copyright law.

    EA105 - 2/18/2012: I have begun to release Joint Essay Set (JES) details. You can see the list of deadlines through the session page sidebar link "JES (Joint Essay Set)" and you can see the beginnings of the instructions BUT THEY ARE STILL IN DRAFT FORM.

    J7B - 2/18/2012: Posted RJE03 grades.

    J7B - 2/17/2012: I have logged in RJE04 (Snow Country-2). You should have heard from me; if you submitted and didn't, something is wrong.

    J7B - 2/17/2012: I am aware of the extra credit submissions for "Spider". Responding to these is more or less last priority for a few days so please don't worry if you don't hear back from me for a bit.

    Crosscourse: The Kendo Club had wanted to come to class to advertize their existence and such. I denied that request for most of my classes but did agree to post something if they sent it to me, so, here it is:

    Looking to join a martial arts club with a rich culture in Japanese customs, etiquette (reiho), and personal development? Kendo club is recruiting new members!!! We strive to promote the way of Kendo among our campus affiliates and students. Through rigorous and proper training, our club aims to teach members discipline, integrity and respect to cultivate both the mind and the body.

    Check out our club video at [...was sent a corrected link, which is]: ATP://

    And refer to our website for further information! -->

    J7B - 2/17/2012: Posted Quiz 03 grades to bSpace.

    J7B - 2/15/2012: Posted Quiz 02 grades to bSpace.

    J7B: 2/15/2012: I have logged in the first Snow Country RJE (RJE03). You should have received some sort of response from me. If not, something is wrong.


    • RJES are your work! You should not have anyone help you rewrite it for better English and, if you draw on outside sources, they must be cited. You do not need to draw on outside sources. Read. Think. That's all.

    J155 2/15/2012: Posted APP hypothetical grades to bSpace, and put an explanatory PDF on bSpace as well (called "APP..." inside a new folder titled "Misc"). This should give you a heads up of how I am grading your attendance / preparation / participation (APP). Remember that for preparation and participation the default is 3, not 4, so for me to score you as a 4 at the end of the session I need some sort of definitive action on your part during class to justify it. It doesn't need to be much. The score on bSpace is on the 12pt scale (so 12 = A) and the number in the comments box is your current total. The highest possible score was 70.

    EA105: 2/15/2012: Posted AMQ02 grades.

    J7B: 2/14/2012: The subject line put on the board today was: J7B_Kawa_LASTNAME_classname

    EA105: 2/12/2012: The quiz for tomorrow is exactly the same format (2 questions, 4 minutes each). You should do OK if you follow the advice that is on the first premodern Chinese texts session page and think of the relationships between the various characters, and are able to spell them.

    EA105: 2/12/2012: I have posted AMQ01 grades to bSpace. Many of you have comments on one or both of your question answers. "AMQ" means "Assigned Materials Quiz" -- it is "Materials" not "Texts" because in some cases assigned video segments might be tested. I have also posted to bSpace inside a new AMQ folder the AMQ01 questions and the AMQ01 statistics.

    EA105: 2/12/2012 12:07PM: I am beginning to grade the Genji test/quiz. I will then write the Stone test/quiz. I will then think about tomorrow's lecture content. Any of these three things might generate further announcements today. I suggest you check back around 3PM, then again around 6PM, in case there are test hints or an exercise assigned for tomorrow. I will also publish to bSpace the Genji test/quiz results.

    J155: 2/12/2012: Two more things about presentation grades. 1) Jaime has done a good job of identifying her sources but I need footnotes or in-line citations so that I can tell which part of the presentation is associated with which source. (Jaime, you don't need to resubmit! This is just for upcoming presentations.) Chii has specified this (see her last slide -- by the way, converting a PowerPoint to a PDF is a perfectly OK solution as long as we have not lost important notes that are inside the "Comments" box. 2) Some of you submitted presentation grades using the wrong template. I did not accept your submissions. I feel that grades given without even knowing what the graded questions are cannot be valid. So, please be careful. Know the type of presentation you are listening to, and use the correct set of questions, please.

    EA105 - 2/11/2012: I have determined the student teams for the Joint Essay Set. Each student has a companion and you will work together, sometimes, and independently, sometimes. Details later. The pairings can be accessed through the sidebar link "TABLES & TEAMS" (used to be just "TABLES"). Enjoy! As I said before, in most cases I attempt to pair students who have differences in country affinity, analytic style or so forth. I do try, however, to pair students who have stated that they are less comfortable viewing sexual content scenes or talking about sex with one another. So, if you stated that sort of position on your initial white sheet, it is likely that your partner feels similarly so please don't worry on this point. In any event, it is a standing class rule that both students must be fully comfortable with the two films they will chose, in all ways (sex, violence, etc.)

    J7B - 2/11/2012: I have posted to bSpace the RJE01 and RJE02 grades. These should match what you received via email. Those who submitted both Naomi and Makioka Sister grades received a particular treatment of the grade. That should be reflected in this grade.

    J7B - 2/10/2012: I have logged in all Makioka Sister RJEs. You should have received an ACCEPTED from me if you submitted. If not, something is wrong. NOTE TO ALL: I will be assessing penalties for incorrect entry format for the RJEs. Please recheck the instructions for the exact form but, to jog your memory, it needs mention of title, where you are in the book, date/time, in a particular way. Go check it out please.

    EA105 - 2/10/2012: Posted to today's schedule page lengthy notes that cover the topics I presented.

    EA105 - 2/10/2012: I have posted to bSpace, in the Misc folder, in a folder titled "Midterm 01" these things:

    • PPT that is has the key to reading the marks on your exam, stats on the exam, and advice for next time
    • PPT that was the essay questions
    • PDF that was Part One (the desk drawers exercise)

    In addition, I have opened special office hours slots next week to discuss your midterm. You can sign-up through the OH & EMAIL ME sidebar link. All details are there and this is the only way to contact me about your midterm.

    EA105 - 2/8/2012: I've been switching around the topics for the Japanese premodern reading. The schedule reads as it should for the next time I teach this class, not the current class. The topics are the same but the days are different. You might need to look around (among the three sessions for Japanese premodern readings) a bit to find information or "thoughts" on a topic.

    J155: 2/8/2012: Reminder that there are penalties for not submitting presenter grades ...

    J7B - 2/8/2012: I have logged in all Naomi RJEs. You should have received an ACCEPTED from me. If not, something is wrong.

    J155: 2/8/2012: Our graphics presenter was unable to be in class yesterday. She might be in class tomorrow, giving the graphics presentation. So please be ready to grade both a graphics and an "other" presentation.

    J155: 2/4/2012: I have ADDED a requirement regarding presentations, and reread / rewritten for clarity the full presentations page. Please read it carefully when preparing your presentation. The are major changes of "My rubric" that explain how I grade, a new section titled "How the category grade is calculated" and a important new requirement for all presentation submissions, a time-consuming one by the way, that is identified under a new sub-section titled "Documentation".

    EA105: 2/3/2012: Posted some support documents to bSpace, to help with reading Genji.

    EA105: 2/3/2012: Clarified on the Session 9 schedule page (for Monday) how you should read the Kokinshu.

    EA105: 2/2/2012: One more test hint: As you think about concepts, think about whether that particular tool would be used a lot, some, or a little. (The course rules are sort of different: they are in place all the time so they are simply to be "used" 100%. I'm talking about other stuff such as Buddhist impermanence, etc.)

    EA105: 2/1/2012: I have sent out email notices to those who received extra credit for either the short story or the comparison of Aristotle and Confucius. If you didn't get an email and think you submitted something, then something is wrong. Talk with me about it.

    EA105: 2/1/2012: I have posted some of the student submissions that compare Aristotle and Confucius. They are on bSpace, inside the misc folder.They are pretty good and might help you with your own thinking but they are not required reading.

    J7B - 2/1/2012:

    Revised the required for tomorrow to read:

    ✓ Read "Poetry Reader One" [bSpace, pdf, it is possible that an old title "PoetryOne" has slipped through — anyway, read just the one file, not everything in the folder]

    EA105: 2/1/2012: This is why in our class we cannot assume that writing artists are simply mouthing the common values of their society. This is what popper up on my random quote of the day window this morning:

    "Love is a dirty trick played on us to achieve the continuation of the species." (William Somerset Maugham)

    EA105: 1/31/2012:

    1) I have changed my mind about seating. Expect a new table setup and sit at your table.

    2) Here are the questions I will ask about "Discretionary Tale" tomorrow:

    If we imagine the author and reader embrace the same values, and if we posit that writers sometimes deliver "punishment" to characters in their narratives for breaking social rule (and the readers enjoy reading of the punishment / misfortune) then …

    • Who is being punished?
    • For what is s/he being punished?
    • What shape does the "punishment" (or misfortune, etc.) take?
    • How does Buddhism contribute to the explanatory world-view of the narrative (the reasoning behind the cause-and-effect progress of the narrative)?
    • What role does Confucianism play in this story?
    • From the perspective of the writer, what is love?

    When thinking about the above, don't forget the"Average Joe" and "all about love" rules for the course.

    J7B - 1/31/2012: I added this to the top paragraph of the instructions on the RJEs, since there was some confusion (because one of the assigned readings has so many chapters):

    Some books have many short chapters or break things up into only very large units. My expectation is that there be 2-4 entries as below per submission because I want to see how you are reacting to the work as you go along. Please use your own judgment as to appropriate places to split things. For short stories just one entry is enough; it seems rather silly to split it into tiny bits. The basic point: show us your thoughts as they develop.

    EA105: 1/31/2012: I have published the session details for yesterday's class, tomorrow's review and Friday (test day). You should read these session details now. Waiting until shortly before class tomorrow might be too late.

    By the way, we will set up the room as usual but it is free-seating. Still, please be responsible for setting up your table even if you end up not sitting at it.

    J7B - 1/29/2012: Posted to bSpace RJE00B grades. NOTE: RJE submission is very messy this semester. I have spent nearly three hours of my Sunday sorting out submission and grading issues of all types. Penalties begin from here on out. Get it right, please.

    EA105: 1/29/2012: Posted to bSpace the short story for Wednesday's review. It is called "Discretionary Tale" and it is inside the premodern folder. By the way, the eBrary version of the text that is being used for the test is HEAVILY footnoted. Of course you can read those notes but I do not require it.

    EA105: 1/29/2012: I have published the details for Midterm 01. You can read them from the session pages, sidebar "Assignments & Tests". I suggest your read them today. I will post the practice reading assignment later today, and perhaps other details. ... You should get a message when hovering over the women's faces. If not, please email me.

    EA105: 1/28/2012: I have posted to bSpace inside the readings folder a file — GenjiReadingAssignment — that indicates what parts of the book to read. Tomorrow I will also post a family tree and short summaries of the chapters you skip. Tomorrow I will also post the short story for Wednesday and further details about the test. No reading assignment for Monday BUT it is likely I will offer an extra credit question on the Friday exam based on the first nine chapters of Genji, so you might want to get started. Also, there is an additional reading assignment besides Genji — some poems that will take about an hour to read. Again, details tomorrow, later in the day probably.

    J7B - 1/28/2012: Posted Tuesday's schedule.

    J7B - 1/28/2012: Uploaded to bSpace Quiz 01 grades and Quiz 01 key (to a new folder called "Key").

    J7B - 1/28/2012: To those of you who indicated that you did not want the first quiz counted and then erased the number after the quiz: I suggest you never do that again.

    J7B - 1/28/2012: Clarification — Each of you needs to decide whether you will read for this course Tanizaki's Naomi or Tanizaki's much longer but (I think) brilliant Makioka Sisters or both. Go here for details—Naomi or Makioka Sisters?—and check the deadlines page for deadlines.

    J7B - 1/28/2012: I have finished logging in RJE01. I have seven students who have not submitted. I have sent out ACCEPTEDs (or not) to everyone so if you has submitted something and not heard from me, something is wrong.

    Also, just so you don't worry: The RJE instruction revisions about a specific format do not count for RJE01 obviously. They become relevant with the next submission.

    J155 - 1/28/2012: I have updated the Presentation schedule. Please recheck it to make sure you understand when you are to present. Andy, I've given you Mishima graphics. Please let me know if you are not comfortable with multimedia presentations and we can switch you.

    J7B - 1/28/2012: I have rewritten the RJE instructions since most of the students I graded for the first Kokoro submission did not write separate entries after each part. I have now provided a required format, so please check it out. Please remember to explore the assigned text, not fill your submission space with extended comments on your personal life values or discoveries, or your own experiences. It is good to have these, but the RJE is to explore the text.

    EA105: 1/27/2012: The midterm on Friday will, in part, be essay question(s) based on a Tang short story that you need to read ahead of time. There will be no access during the exam. This is an early notice (formal details will be on our Web site later). It is "The Tale of Huo Xiaoyu" and can be accessed as an eBrary text inside the book Tang Dynasty Tales: A Guided Reader (Tale 6) that is inside my folder EA105 Midterm 01 (you will need to use a University computer or proxy in because eBrary is a subscription service). You can of course read other translations of the tale, or read it in other languages. Please check to to confirm that you have access and let me know on Monday if you don't. If I don't hear from you by Monday, I assume you have access to the tested material.

    The review for the midterm will be based, in part, on a short story that I will announce over the weekend.

    EA105 - 1/27/2012: To any of you who have submitted Aristotle / Confucian comparisons: I am having problems tracking these submissions and so I'm experimenting with using the bSpace "Assignments" tool. Could you give it a try? You submission is valid anyway, but it would be nice if you could resubmit to that location.

    EA105 - 1/27/2012: Completed rewriting Session 5 (today's session).

    EA105 - 1/27/2012: I have updated the Table Assignments PDF to include our new students: Rachel A and Yujin. Please recheck the PDF to determine where these students should sit. Because we now have two Rachels, our first Rachel is now Rachel T and our new Rachel is Rachel A. Please use these as your class names.

    EA105 - 1/26/2012: The Session 5 page is not ready to go and probably won't be finished until after class tomorrow. (I'm doing some major reconstruction and will focus on making teaching materials.) However a) there is no reading assigned, b) attendance is required, c) I have published an extra credit offer on the page.

    ALSO, I have written extended comments into "Thoughts" for Session 4 that work more or less as an outline of my notes for that day (since we do not have podcasts) and I made a comment about possible student anxiety, also under thoughts.

    J7B - 1/26/2012: I completed the schedule for today. It includes noting that Kokoro needs to be read in full by this session. Sorry not to post earlier but the news is self-evident anyway.

    I'm not sending out many ACCEPTED on the RJE Kokoro-2 (RJE01) so as not to get it confused with the grades-pending RJE00B. Don't worry if you don't get an ACCEPTED for a day or two.

    EA105 - 1/26/2012: If you are considering dropping this class please read this in full, others can skip it: There has been considerable movement in the past few days on enrollment for this class. As things now stand, we have 31 enrolled. I am meeting with a number 32 at 12:30 and will get an answer from that person on the spot, I hope. But there is a number 33 also intent on joining. So, if I meet the first student at 12:30 and the student wants to join, we hit the perfect 32 figure and I say no to number 33. BUT IF ONE OF YOU IS THINKING OF DROPPING it would be so nice to hear before 3:30 today, even if it isn't a final decision, so I don't turn away number 33 and then ending up facing a difficult enrollment figure of 31 from an unexpected drop. 31 students means one of the teams will work as a threesome.

    EA105 - 1/24/2012: Completed schedule session page for tomorrow.

    EA105 - 1/23/2012: Posted QuickThink01 grades, with extended comments, to bSpace. Please read these comments. They set the analytic direction for the course. The grades are on a scale of "as if" you had become familiar with the expectations of the class, so they are a peak into the future (if you were to answer similarly, say, three weeks from now) not a measure of how you are performing in the class right now.


    From The New York Times: Online Map Shows Biggest Greenhouse Gas Emitters—Officials hope that making such information available, in searchable online form, will eventually lead to pressure for emissions cuts.


    Dear Professor,
    The Los Angeles Unified School District will be in the Bay Area interviewing credentialed teachers to teach in the high-needs secondary subject areas of Science, Foreign Language Korean, Foreign Language Mandarin, Special Education, Deaf & Hard of Hearing, and Speech/Language Pathology.

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    EA105 - 1/22/2012 (Sunday): If you are curious, here's a pie chart built from the sheet completed on the first day, using the enrolled students' information on the questions "I have an affinity to (China, Japan, Korea) ...": I have an affinity chart

    EA105 - 1/22/2012 (Sunday): I have published to our Web pages the table configuration for Monday (called "X-form") and who is assigned to which tables. These are working groups, probably permanent for the full semester. I have made groups with these criteria in mind: a male at every table, someone with a strong association to a single country at every table, someone with a completely even association with all three countries at every table, then as much as possible a China, Japan and Korea enthusiast at every table and, finally, disassociation with friends (sitting with students you don't know well), as much as was possible. The table map and assignment information can be found through a sidebar link, on individual session day pages, called "Tables". (The Outline page doesn't have the link yet -- gotta fix that.) Please arrive a little early and get your table in order, matching the map, and, of course, please sit at your table.

    There will be no more EA105 announcements today.

    EA105 - 1/22/2012 (Sunday): The Web page for Monday is now published. It has an exercise on it, due tomorrow. You should read the page in full, and complete the exercise, before class. Please continue to watch this page today. I am now working on a seating chart.

    EA105 - 1/22/2012 (Sunday): I am working on Web pages, table assignments, enrollment and such but just so you don't worry there is no reading assigned for tomorrow. There might be optional things you can do for that class and there will definitely be a topic that you should spend 15 minutes thinking about before class, but nothing major. Watch for announcements later today. Please don't skip the announcements because if all goes well there will be a map of the room, a location for you in the room, and a duty assigned in terms of helping to set up the room.

    J7B - 1/21/2012: I have posted RJE00A grades to bSpace. The comments box notes whether we received your submission ("OK"), or other details. RJEs that were bounced back and not resubmitted received "zero". There are three students who we have not yet graded, but I went ahead and posted the grades anyway.

    J155 - 1/21/2012: I have published the presentation rules, grading rubric, schedule, etc. This is important to everyone, not just the presenter, since students listening to the presentation submit a grade. Therefore EVERYONE should go to the Assignments & Tests page and read the information on Presentations that is there and, for the presenter, position himself to score well (take care regarding grading rubrics) and, for the other students, download the set of questions that you will answer during the presentation.

    J155 - 1/21/2012: Later I will publish a sheet with everyone's name on it, paired with the presentation I expect you to do, but, for now, I have posted the presentation schedule slots. They are on the course outline. Doppo bio and graphics are both scheduled for Tuesday. That means Jason is up to bat. Medina has until later.

    EA105 - 1/20/2012: It turns out there were two open slots in the course. I have contacted two students, inviting them to join and I expect them to. Unless there are more who drop, and that is possible, the class will not have any more enrollment changes. Still, it is indeed possible that one or two more will disappear over the weekend or so. If you want to invest the time and energy on the outside chance that there will be more slots, you will need to follow the announcements here, do the assignment given (if any), and show up on Monday. The students I emailed have SIDs ending: 4779 and 9200.

    EA105 - 1/19/2012 11:11PM: It is late so, for now, I am going to list here only those students whom I have selected from the waitlist to enroll. I invite everyone who submitted a blue card to consider this class again in the future. It was a strong stack of cards. Also, there was one enrolled student who did not come to class on the first day. Perhaps that student does not intend to take this class, in which case one slot will open up shortly. Also, rarely, a student drops after the second or third class. You can keep in touch if you want by watching this announcement page. If there are open slots they will be announced here. Below are the students who should come to class tomorrow I send the rest of you my best wishes for a great semester:

    Rlhui6, nickk4, SID ends 5187, 112358, 121888, 211535, 861229, 938383

    EA105 - 1/18/2012: Reminder: We meet in Dwinelle 127, not whatever the timetable lists.

    J7B - 1/18/2012: Reminder (just this one time): you have an JRE due for tomorrow. I added this to the schedule page for our next session, since there is some confusion about the assignment:

    ✓ RJE00A (see All Deadlines). This is graded but the grade is not included towards the RJE category grade, so this RJE and the next one, are "practice".

    J155 - 1/17/2012: I have published the course web site and opened the bSpace files.

    J7B - 1/17/2012: Students not yet assigned a discussion section need to sort this out quickly.

    EA105 - 1/16/2012: I now have enough volunteers. Thank you everyone!

    EA105 - 1/15/2012: Looking for volunteers to help me set up Dwinelle 127 (move chairs and tables) for the first day of class, to meet at 127 at 12:30PM on Wednesday. Students need to be either enrolled in EA105 or waitlisted for EA105. I will post here when I have enough volunteers so please recheck this page after you have written me. I don't plan to answer emails once I have 2-3 students listed up.

    J155 - 1/14/2012: I have begun working on the Web site for J155. It is only semi-likely that it will finished by Tuesday our first class. If not, I'll give basic information in the first session. There is no material to purchase for this class. We read excellent short stories in Japanese. I have the texts and audio files for all stories. First session attendance is required.

    J7B - 1/14/2012: I have published the J7B Web site. The syllabus is there as well as the schedule and other grade related information. What books will need to be purchased is listed on the syllabus. There is an assignment for the first day (Tuesday) but it is no big deal if you can't get to it. Attendance, however, is important.

    EA105 - 1/09/2012: I have published the EA105 Web site. It has important information you should read for class, and optional assignments for the first day. The syllabus includes General Extra Credit opportunities. Also note that the room is Dwinelle 127, not whatever the timetable lists.

    Crosscourse - 12/28/2011: I have begun building web sites for J7B, J155 and EA105. EA105 is first up. I hope to have substantive announcements, and perhaps even a reading assignment, posted well before class begins. I'll update this page maybe once before the end of the year or around Jan 4-5. I am on vacation Dec 31-Jan 3, at least.

    EA105 - 12/26/2011 Expect the first day of class to start promptly on time, and to be very busy, and you will need to take notes. Also note that the room is Dwinelle 127, not whatever the timetable lists.

    J7A- 12/20/11: I am now "handing off" announcements to the bSpace system. I don't expect there to be any more announcements but if there are, they will arrive as a bSpace messages, not here. Thanks to all of you for making in an interesting semester!

    J7A - 12/20/11: 1) I have posted the grades for the final exam (GRADE was the score used to computer the course grade, the others are segments of the final exam: Part I 40%, Part II 40%, Part III 20%), or Step 04 of the essay/project to bSpace. "9,999" just is a space saver so ignore it. 2) I have also submitted course grades to the University.

    J7A - 12/17/11: I have begun working on the final stretch of J7A grading. Details will be announced here when appropriate.

    EA109 - 12/17/11: I am now "handing off" announcements to the bSpace system. I don't expect there to be any more announcements but if there are, they will arrive as a bSpace messages, not here. Thanks to all of you for making in an interesting semester!

    EA109 - 12/17/11: 1) I have posted the grades for the final exam or final paper to bSpace, including a general comment. 2) I have also submitted course grades to the University. 3) Over the winter break, please contact me for getting your notes back. Once next semester arrives I will store them in the office and you can pick them up during regular office hours.

    EA109 - 12/14/11: More pickup times for your EA109 notes — Thurs 11-11:30AM, EA Library (if you email me by 9:30AM that day); Thursday 1-2PM, location unclear (if you email me by Wednesday ahead of that day by 8PM); Friday 8-8:20 AM (if you email me by 7:30AM that day), 2 LeConte; Friday after you finish the J7A final if you are taking it (if you email me by 7:30AM that day); Friday 11-Noon (if you email me by 7:30AM that day). As earlier explained, the notes are too large to just constantly carry around so I would like to know ahead of time to be sure to leave the house with them.

    J7A – 12/13/11: I HAVE CHANGED THE START TIME FOR THE EXAM. IT IS NOW TEN MINUTES EARLIER. WE START AT 8:30AM. I have finished writing the test and I feel you need an extra 10 minutes to complete Part II.

    Also, I will have the last midterm with me. If you come early or if you wait until after 11AM, you will be able to pick it up.

    J7A – 12/13/11: Part II of the test might seem challenging when you take it. Just basics is enough. I have added these sentences to the Final description, in the part about Part II:

    You will be asked questions like "What are one or two of the major events near the end of The Tale of Heike?" You will have about seven lines of space, maximum, to work with.

    I sent out a bSpace notice earlier today about the list of testable texts for Part II. The list is in the Misc folder.

    EA109 - 12/12/11: I am ready to return notes. I have to meet a student at 3PM tomorrow so the first opportunity for a return is between 2-3PM tomorrow, at the EA library, if you email me by noon tomorrow saying you want to meet (the whole set of notes is too heavy to carry around in full; I'll bring to campus only what is requested). I will also be available on Friday since I give an exam that day. In between there will probably be another chance. Watch for an announcement; I'll probably set up a bSpace poll and set the time that gets the most votes. Anyway, I'll try to get them back to you soon. ... By the way, I didn't pry into your notes. I just took a very quick look. And, A.S., I didn't "peek" :-) ... But, can I say?, I did feel, very strongly, the class's honesty and studently enthusiasm and it was dear.

    J7A – 12/10/11: I have just added an important note at the beginning of the description of the final. It is labeled "Note added Dec 10". It is information about what texts will be on Part I, and what type of answer will be most effective, gradewise.

    J7A – 12/9/11: Posted Step 04 instructions and forms.

    EA109 - 12/6/11: Posted Midterm 02 stats and such to bSpace Misc folder. Start there for learning about your exam.

    J7A – 12/5/11: I have posted details about the final exam. Please use the sidebar from the course schedule to navigate to "Assignments & Tests".

    EA109 - 12/4/11: I have rewritten the comments about the final exam. This is the announcement I suggested I would make, so you can go back to studying now. I would only add that the example questions are examples of comparative work, not examples of actual questions for this exam.

    While I wish I could just point you to the new areas, they are too scattered about in the paragraphs for that. So, please review the whole set of comments. This is true for those who are writing papers as well. And note that the deadline for paper submission has been moved forward to "12 hours before the beginning of the final exam period" which, in this case, is 11:30PM next Sunday (Dec 11).

    Crosscourse - 12/4/11: CalMail just delivered 62 emails to me dated Nov 29-30. Just in case you had sent something then and wondered why I hadn't answered ...

    EA109 – 12/4/11: I am about 60% finished reading the midterm. This means the grades will be posted probably on Tuesday, if I don't have a lot of student appointments. I have some thoughts about the final based on the reading so far. I will announce this later but, for now, unless this is absolutely the best time to be preparing for that final, I would put your work on hold for a couple of days.

    EA109 - 12/4/11: I have added several important sentences at the very bottom of the instructions for the essay that sometimes substitutes for the exam. Go to the "Final" section on the assignments page and read that last paragraph, if you are writing an essay. Further, if you have not followed subject line instructions when asking permission to switch to the essay I will not approve your request until you do so, if at all.

    Crosscourse - 12/4/11 - I have updated my OH page for RRR week.

    EA109 – 12/3/11: Annie shared this YouTube link for tea falling outside the pattern of tea as we have been studying it. It's fun: Ranma Season 5 "Martial Mayhem" - The Gentle Art of Martial Tea Ceremony

    EA109 - 12/3/11: Uploaded the last few minutes of "Rikyu" to bSpace > Misc. I made the files Wednesday and was uploading that day but an appointment intervened and I had to cancel the upload. This was my next chance. Sorry about that!

    EA109 - 12/2/11: I have added two links to the sidebar for our course, both under "Research Quick Links". One leads to a page that has my short list of the best online sources for academic articles and books (ProjectMUSE, JSTOR, EBSCO, etc.). The other is a list of videos in our EA library related to tea, with descriptions by students as to whether it is useful to ours class. (Yes, they looked at ALL the videos, a team of 12 students working for six weeks if I recall correctly.)

    J7A — 12/2/11: Students working on essays or projects — If you accidentally submit to the address of your mentor or me, and if I do not receive it on time even if your mentor receives it (and I won't because I am not checking my berkeley account), your submission is still treated like any other and will incur late penalties and perhaps and "F" if we do not receive it promptly. If you submit using your own account we are not responsible for you not receiving your mentor's comments or grade.

    Crosscourse — 12/1/11: If you have not yet read it, please scroll down and read the important announcement of 11/29/11 4PM regarding alternate email addresses.

    J7A — 12/1/11: Two changes for the paper:

    The submission deadline for Step 03 is changed to Tuesday, Dec 6, regular time.

    Essay and project students: You do not need to submit scans of ALL sources cited that are not accessible online. You only need to scan up to three, but select places where you reference ideas, not data where possible.

    J7A — 12/1/11: I have posted Midterm 03 grades to bSpace. If you would like your exam you can ask for electronic delivery. Subject line "J7A_LASTNAME_classname m03please". Remember to use a email address. OR, I will be carrying these around next week when on campus and we can probably arrange a drop off.

    Crosscourse — 11/30/11: Students might find this notice useful. It is on the IST Service Status page (which is also the best source of information about our CalMail problem): Tuesday, November 29, 2:00PM: Students interested in forwarding, please click here, you can set forwarding now.

    J7A — 11/29/11: I have posted Step 03 instructions.

    J7A — 11/29/11: I am working on Step 03 instructions. The short form of them: "Step 03 is your essay entirely complete. It will be graded for content and form."

    Crosscourse — 11/29/11 4PM: I am going to build an email database for J7A and EA109 students that has alternate email accounts to the students' account. If you do not send me an alternate email, you are still responsible for any announcements I make using it. As you know, I use this page for announcements. However, in the case of last minute changes that are important, especially those affect student grades, I have in the past used the bSpace channel, especially near the end of the term. So, if you do not send an alternate email to me, you are at risk of missing a short-notice announcement that affects your grade and there will be no excuses accepted.

    If you would like to send me a email, send it to with this subject line "Fall2011_LASTNAME_classname PLANB". (The Fall2011 instead of J7A etc is because some of you are enrolled in more than one of my classes, and this generates one email for all classes.) Do this today. Now if you can.

    If you are involved in an essay or project you MUST do this. If your mentor is me, it is the same process as above (but read the last sentence of this paragraph). However, if your mentor is SooMi or Brendan, then first go to bSpace (Resources > Misc > "Non berkeley-dot-edu GSI email addresses") and download his or her email, then send him or her an email with the above process but include my address. If you do not include me, you will not be in the database and will still be responsible for missed communications. Then, in the email it would be very nice if you tell us whether you received your graded Step 02. All Step02s have been graded, some have been sent into cyberspace unsuccessfully, others are being held back waiting to hear from you.

    I continue to have problems with email. I am not checking any emails sent to

    Crosscourse — 11/29/11: I continue to have problems with email. I am not checking any emails sent to Use I have not heard encouraging things about the full recovery of Calmail. Probably tomorrow I will require information from you. Watch these announcements.

    Crosscourse — 11/28/11: Although Calmail announced that it was back in service, I am having problems with it. I have a Plan B in mind but I want to watch the system for 24-48 hours first. Please visit this site frequently to see if I have required something from you. It will affect your grade. In the meantime, I think it is safer to use my email address to reach me and you might consider writing not using your address so you can be sure that if I hit "Reply" my response will travel safely to you.

    Crosscourse — 11/28/11: I am using for OH this week. Please check the OH page for sign up.

    J7A—11/27/11 6:54AM: The GSIs and I have all completed the grading of Step 02. Because of the Calmail situation, some of your reports might not have arrived or might not have been sent at all. So if a) you submitted a Step 02 that was for an essay or a project and if b) you have not heard from us and if c) you would like to hear from us quickly (that is, before Calmail is up and running again), please email me (not your mentor) using the email address you want the response sent to. (Remember, there will be a grade on the report so you probably shouldn't borrow a friend's email account.)

    Crosscourse—11/25/2011: Perhaps all of you have seen this announcement on the Calmail page but if not:

    "A key component of the CalMail system has experienced a serious hardware failure that will prevent all account holders from logging in. Email messages within mailboxes are protected and incoming mail is being deferred. The database that maintains account holder information has been corrupted and must be rebuilt. That process is lengthy and will require extended downtime. Calmail is expected to be available Monday morning, November 28. Please check back to the system status page for the latest information as updates become available."

    I am working from my account. You can reach me at

    EA109—11/20/11: ETS fixed the panel in our room so, yes, we meet on Wednesday.

    J7A—11/19/11: Updated daily schedule pages.

    Crosscourse (announcement repeat)—11/17/11: I have created a signup system for office hours for next week Wednesday, Nov 23, the day just ahead of Thanksgiving Break. I will only be in my office for those who sign up, so no drop ins please. I will leave if there are no signups. If interested follow this link, read the instructions, and make your choice:

    I have also updated the OH page regarding office hours for the remainder of the term.

    EA109—11/20/11: I have just posted to bSpace the instructions that will be on tomorrow's exam. You might save yourselve a few writing minutes and confusion if you read them ahead of time.

    Crosscourse—11/19/11: Rooms have been assigned for finals.

    The final for EA Lang 109 is scheduled for Monday, December 12, 11:30- 2:30 pm in 88 Dwinelle.

    The final for Japan 7A is scheduled for Friday, December 16, 8-11 am in 2 Leconte.

    EA109—11/19/11: I have posted some details about the final exam to the Assignments & test details page. It includes some comments about the essay option.

    J7A—11/19/11: I have posted the reading to the OUTLINE, not the daily schedule pages.

    It might take a long time for me to update the schedule in detail, so I have listed the reading assignments now, for your convenience. Please go to the outline, not the daily schedule, to see the assignment for all reading up to the end of this course.

    J7A—11/18/11: I have changed the Step 02 instructions slightly to point more clearly to the page that has all the course style requirements on it. This link was already there on the essay / projects instructions page, right the top, under "Links" but it is not explicitly named in the Step 02 instructions. It is also on the sidebar for quick reference (a hint as to how important or useful I think it is). It is the very bottom item on the sidebar and is called: FOR ESSAYS AND PROJECTS: REQUIRED STYLE DETAILS & EXAMPLES

    Crosscourse—11/17/11: Hi everyone. I'm passing on a CJC announcement:

    This is a friendly reminder for Japanese Tea Ceremony tomorrow (11/18 Friday)! We will begin with an explanation/demonstration of steps of the ceremony at Berkeley time. Please be courteous of others and be on time. We look forward to seeing you tomorrow :) 11/18 Friday 7-9pm Dwinelle 179 Dress code: Anything comfortable is fine, expect to be sitting on the ground for some time.

    Crosscourse—11/17/11: There are multiple announcements that I made this morning for both of my classes. Please be sure to scroll down to see all announcements relevant toyou.

    J7A—11/17/11: About Step 02 log in. I will not be contacting you if I do not get a Step 02 submission. I will just assume, at that point when your submission would become "very late" that you have elected to take the exam and not bothered to tell me. So, watch for an ACCEPTED from me after you submit. However, if you don't bother to submit a Step 02 and had planned on a paper, late penalties apply so it is better to submit the form and just tell me you have opted out. For those of you who have already opted out, I have that list so I don't need to hear from you. That includes the several students who have written me in the past couple of days that they have changed their minds about doing an essay or project.

    Crosscourse—11/17/11: I have created a signup system for office hours for next week Wednesday, Nov 23, the day just ahead of Thanksgiving Break. I will only be in my office for those who sign up, so no drop ins please. I will leave if there are no signups. If interested follow this link, read the instructions, and make your choice:

    I have also updated the OH page regarding office hours for the remainder of the term.

    EA109—11/17/11: You might have noticed that the Wednesday schedule for next week has become a class that would be possible to miss if you want. Also, extra credit offer: Identify by Tuesday 5PM for me (keyword utwoboo), and send as a link, a YouTube of excellent quality that shares something about contemporary culture of tea in China/Taiwan, Korea or Japan. Suggest only one link and be ready to explain in class on Wednesday something about it including why you selected it. No submissions showing tea ceremonies please. I already have a zillion of them. You receive extra credit if I select your YouTube which will be decided based on relevance or interest (especially interest) and compared to other submissions.

    J7A—11/17/11: This announcement is for Stacy, Ryan, Leticia, Elise and Jiyeul. Please go to the below link, read the description, follow those instructions, take an action on the poll or not, and email me about what you have done using the keyword m2makeup. Thanks. Here is a map to the Heyns Reading Room: here

    EA109—11/17/11: At 9:11AM I sent out a bSpace notice that a new resource had been uploaded to bSpace. That is what you should work from for the exam. While I will continue to update web pages as I can, this is now not first priority work. So, rely on the information just uploaded. ... Also yesterday, I uploaded the last of the sound files for this class.

    J7A—11/16/11: I have changed the Step 02 instructions at one place to now read:

    Use one of the following forms: If it is an essay, there is only one form — J7A Step 02. If it is a project there are two forms. The first is due 48 hours after your mentor has responded to Step 01. The second is due at the same time as the regular Step 02 due date and time: J7A Step 02 preliminary project report and J7A Step 02 (Project). I strongly recommend that those working on projects look ahead to the actual Step 02 form they will use in order to complete the preliminary Step 02 form. It has comments on it that are not here regarding how project Step 02s are graded.

    And so, I have moved the due date for those submitting projects to Monday, Nov 21, 10PM because I want you, at this time, to complete the J7A Step 02 preliminary project report and send it to your mentor and me, who will respond quickly to it. It can be a bit messy and informal, because this is late notice. It is NOT a graded submission. If your mentor has required things for Step 02 that contradict what it seems I want from you, complete the form as I request it but add what your mentor said you should do, to remind him or her.

    EA109—11/15/11: Thanks to Patty, Joonghae, Crystal, Diana and Aimee for your offer to volunteer to help screen "Rikyu". I think, however, that Friday is now OK, and tomorrow is settled as well. Crystal, in my rush this morning I misunderstood your email and thought it was for tomorrow. Sorry about that! Kamakani and Elena – you should expect a video handoff tomorrow from either Chris, Victoria or Maggie.

    EA109—11/15/11: There's an error on the schedule which I don't have time to fix now but the "first twenty" is from a year ago when I had a larger class and needed to regulate attendance. We don't need it this time around. You can just go tomorrow or Friday, depending on your group.

    EA109—11/15/11: Hi EA109ers. I still need two volunteers for tomorrow. Anyone out there?

    Cross-course—Tomorrow, as you know, has been designated as a day of student strike. If you strike, and therefore miss the midterm, you will be able to make arrangements with me to take an alternate test this week. I will not be able to give the same test, and I will not be able to write a new, complex test, but I will be able to assign an essay question that will request text details similar to Part I & II and analysis along the lines of Part II & III. I only ask three things, please: a) please do not abuse this—take the test at the regular time if you are not participating in the strike, and b) email me ahead of time or you will not have a makeup option, (use nov15strike as the keyword) and c) please be very flexible in arranging meeting times with me for a makeup, which might include very early morning hours (7:30AM or so). This second item is not designed to dissuade you from participating in the strike. I think students should exercise their power of expression now as well as in the future when contributing to communities in their many diverse capacities. It is just that my schedule is so full, and that we might need to coordinate multiple student schedules, that early morning is a likely time to be open for everyone, or many.

    J7A—11/14/11 7:40PM: I talked with some students this afternoon about the exam and that led me to make a few changes and additional comments on the description. I'll list them here to you don't have to reread everything on that page looking for the new part:

    • Added "genre" to what needs to be listed when you identify the passage.

    • Shifted the grading weights of components to include genre, reward identification slightly more, and reduce the sabi / yugen component slightly, and • added this summary comment since the percent chart might be a bit too complicated:

    The below chart, in short, says, 21% is devoted to simple identification of texts based on passages, so read the texts, keeping in mind the basic content and theme of it. That is your best clue. 20% is simple text-related information, so memorize it [the one sheet I sent out earlier covering the texts and which is on bSpace > Misc]. About 20% is understanding the primary value and strength of the texts, how they fit into the larger themes of the class, the flow of the development of culture, and such. The remaining 40% is nuanced understanding of ushin-yoen-yugen (or just yugen) and hie-sabi-wabi (or just sabi-wabi as an interrelated, single unit) as shown through analysis. Show off a bit even if it isn't completely necessary for analysis.

    • And, I would like to add this clarification for Part III: I am interested mostly in whether you understand some of the more complex aspects of sabi and yugen and can relate that to their expression within literature. That is different than saying I am interested in a good, strong interpretation of a passage, using them. So, when you do the interpretation make sure I can conclude that you have a good grasp of the concept and make you second priority the brilliant analysis of the passage AND, IMPORTANT, I quote a passage to identify a whole text. You do NOT, should not, try to interpret just the little bit of text I quote. Rather, you are free to discuss any aspect of the full text, and even bring in other texts as secondary examples, if you want. ... If you understand what I am getting at in this paragraph, you should conclude that Part III is not all that difficult. You can do part or all of the readings and powerpoints related to sabi and yugen but you are not tested on the content of the readings. You can read a little if you think you understand or a lot if you feel you want more complexity or help in understanding.

    Cross-course—A number of things have come due all at once so I'm very behind with emails. If you wrote after Nov 1, it is likely I have flagged your email but not had time to respond yet.

    J7A—11/14/11 5:47PM: Uploaded basic information on the No plays and Narrow Road. It is in the Misc file and titled: Basic dates etc on midterm 03 assigned texts. I still plan to make another announcement tonight.

    J7A—11/14/11 4:53PM: I have one more important update to make this evening regarding the exam so please watch for it. It will include dates and authors for the No drama texts, among other things.

    EA109—11/14/11: Hello neglected EA109ers. I am now working on materials for this class. Watch for announcements. I have updated the schedule through to the next midterm. The museum visit details are on the schedule.

    I need four volunteers.

    Volunteer A-1 needs to a) be a member of Group 2 (goes to the classroom on Wednesday), 2) be able to meet me on campus sometime tomorrow (Tuesday) to get the DVD from me, 3) needs to promise not to lose the DVD :-), and 4) and needs to know how to project a DVD to the front of the room. Volunteer A-2 needs to a) be a member of Group 2 (goes to the classroom on Wednesday), 2) needs to know how to project a DVD to the front of the room if Volunteer A-1 is having difficulty. Volunteer A-2 is also the backup person in case something happens to Volunteer A-1 (so the two of you need to share contact info).

    Volunteers B-1 and B-2 are exactly the same as above except they need to be members of Group 1 ( going to the classroom on Friday) and need to work out with Volunteer A, not me, on how to hand off the DVD although it is OK with me if Volunteer A gives it to me on Wednesday during my OH and I then give it to Volunteer B.

    Please use "rikyuvolunteer" as the keyword. Deadline is tonight 9PM so I can get, read, organize, and reply to emails related to this tonight, since I might be meeting early morning with the volunteer.

    Elena, your group is designated to go to the museum on Wednesday and be in the room on Friday so, if you plan to go to the museum you would be a B-1 possible volunteer and someone in your group could be a B-2. Let's see who emails me.

    J7A—11/14/11: I have posted the description of Midterm 03. The details are can be found, as before, through the sidebar link "Assignments & Graded Events". I will work on the terms page from 1-5PM today. Anything that is not there by then you will need to find on your own, through your lecture notes. Even if I write a term, I plan to refer you back to lectures or reading assignments in many cases. I will not be writing things that can substitute for those things.

    J7A—11/12/11: The GSIs report that they have completed grading S01. I am also finished. If you have not heard from one of us, something is wrong and you should write me, not your mentor. If you have received two reports, something is wrong there, too. You should write me about that as well, but your grade will be the one given by your mentor.

    J7A—11/12/11: I have updated all session schedules and I have posted to bSpace (misc folder) a list of what assigned materials will be covered by the exam. I have NOT created new terms on the terms page and might not have time to do this. I must now switch to continuing grading S01. I'll return to terms work if possible, but it's a dim hope. What at least will happen today or tomorrow is a one-page description of the structure of the exam that is along the lines mentioned in class on Thursday.

    J7A—11/12/11: I am still working on updating the web pages but I have completed through Session 21. That means that all the tea-related readings are now available. Some of you had worried about these, so I'm making this interim announcement.

    J7A—11/11/11: I have written and published the Step 02 guidelines. I have also uploaded the Step 02 form. I have also made changes to the essay instructions page (hyperlinks) to help in navigating it with a hot-linked Table of Contents. I have also written and published a page that covers essay style issues (do I count off for spelling, etc) and documentation issues (when to footnote, correct form, etc.) It is titled Comments on style & grammar | Comments on rules of documentation for J7 essays. I suggest you read the Step 02 instructions right away since there are unexpected requirements that you need to know now, not when the deadline is close.

    J7A—11/08/11: Posted to bSpace the mentor-mentee pairings for essays & projects. It is in the misc. folder.

    J7A—11/08/11: Posted to bSpace a running total of penalty points accumulated so far on the essay / project / final track. Please submit on time and please follow submission instructions. ALSO, edited the grade estimator to include a note to remember to calculated penalties when making a course estimate. Current grade estimator version is 02.

    EA109—11/08/11: About those ungraded "chill" written exercises. The first series was to check to see if you did the reading; the second series was more to emphasize the main points of the article since it was clear from the first exercise that it was fuzzy with many of you. So, if you did well on the first but not so super on the second, please don't worry. Only about two students answered the second one entirely correctly and I was really just putting the main points on the table in an interactive way, so help you get a handle on the reading, not checking how well you had read. That was the first exercise only. Still, the main point is that "hie" is the foundation for this segment of the class.

    J7A—11/08/11: Published to bSpace Midterm 02 statistics and a sheet explaining score markings on the exam that will be returned today.

    J7A—11/05/11: I stopped logging in Step 01 at 5:26PM. So if you submitted after that, please don't expect an ACCEPTED (or not) until after 3PM tomorrow.

    J7A—11/05/11: Posted Tuesday's reading assignment (as well as next Thursday's assignment). However, I have not written the schedule pages. I will return to this later.

    J7A—11/05/11: I have uploaded the midterm 2 grades, with a comment on the essay portion. Here is what is on bSpace —

    • Midterm 02 GRADE (A, B average) is the grade used towards calculating the final course grade. Part A and Part B were of equal weight.
    • Midterm 02 Part A (number missed as crosscheck) is the number of questions missed as recorded in the gradebook and should match the red number on the actual exam, once returned.
    • Midterm 02 Part A score (12 pt scale) is the letter grade given on Part A. It uses the 12pt scale to indicate a letter.
    • Midterm 02 Part B score (12 pt scale) is the same as above

    J7A—11/04/11: I will update our course schedule tomorrow morning. I will then continue with midterm grading. I believe I will finish early afternoon. If not, I have to set it aside until Sunday later afternoon. So what for a 3PM or 4PM announcement tomorrow, if not earlier.

    J7A—11/04/11: Just a friendly suggestion. Step 01 is due at 10PM on Saturday. I will not be online anytime after about 4PM that day. So you might want to check the instructions, forms and such now so that you don't end up in a situation where you need an answer from me after 4PM tomorrow in order to meet the 10PM deadline.

    J7A—11/03/11: I have added to Step 01 instructions some advice for finding an analytic perspective for your essay or project. I have also added a brief comment about project steps going forward and about specificity in your Step 01 proposal. Please review Step 01 instructions.

    EA109—11/02/11: I have uploaded a comment on today's card. 999 is just a number to let me upload things. The range of response was "excellent" "good" "average" "weak" "did not submit" "absent". I used the back of the card to sometimes increase the evaluation when I felt that helped make sense of the front of the card.

    EA109—11/02/11: I have moved Midterm 02 to Mon, Nov 21. The course outline page now shows this.

    EA109—10/28/11: I have published all upcoming Japan schedule day pages. They aren't polished or complete, but you can see the topics and the upcoming reading load.

    EA109—10/28/11: Korea Mass Games here and in multiple places on YouTube: here. Check out the card action in the back.

    J7A—10/28/11: I have published the Step 01 instructions and the Step 01 form. Remember, everyone must submit. Many of you had difficulty proposing ideas that were within the boundaries of this class. I have made more explicit the "Boundaries" section of the instruction, so you should reread that, as well.

    J7A—10/27/11: Having now planned my two No drama days, Tuesday will be a video intense day. This does not yet show on the schedule. Remember, I test video material.

    J7A—10/27/11: I have uploaded Midterm 02, Part A grades to bSpace. Your Midterm 02 grade will be the average of the Part A and Part B scores. I have not graded Part B yet. I have uploaded a key to Part A. It includes statistics at the end. I have uploaded the new version of the syllabus. The only change is the one mentioned in class earlier regarding grade weights (since I collapsed the final exam and essay/project into a single category, giving students the option to select one or the other). I have uploaded a "grade estimator". You can find it via the sidebar "Assignments and Graded Events". It should help give some sense of a final grade. Beyond this, I cannot really give students individual advice regarding the P/NP option. I think students know better than I how much energy they plan to put into the class in general and the final essay/project in particular. There are some further comments on the grade estimator.

    J7A—10/26/11: I was interrupted before I could get the web page up but tomorrow I will be talking about the two No plays Atsumori and Aoi no Ue. They are assigned. Please take a look at them if you can, but I am not requiring that they be read by tomorrow. The web page, if lucky, will go up later tonight.

    J7A—10/24/11: 26 of you got blank (as in no comment from me) documents today as a response for your submission. Sorry about that; I was attaching from the wrong folder. I will resent those this evening.

    EA109—10/23/11: I knew there was one more thing I wanted to ask today at lecture. I prepared the summary sheet for the poems and Cha lu / Cha lun and it is ready to post to bSpace. However, because of how some students submitted, some passages have student's full names. I need to know whether you want me to remove your name before I post. I you DO want me to remove, please tell me by email using the subject line keyword "zapit" or tell me in class on Wednesday. I'll post the sheet after Wednesday's class.

    J7A—10/23/11: I have logged in Step 00. I have either accepted your submission (ACCEPTED, ACCEPTED AS LATE), bounced back your submission for resubmission (NOT YET ACCEPTED), or written you when I could not find a submission (missing?). Everyone should have received an email from me. I you have not, something is wrong. Please note that ACCEPTED means I have received your submission in good form. It does not mean I have accepted your proposals. You will hear from me again later. When I have finished responding, I will announce that, so until you see an announcement here please sit tight. It means I'm still working on them.

    EA109—10/23/11: I have updated and/or created schedule pages Sessions 22-27. They are not perfect, but they are workable and have all assignments on them. I have matched the various bSpace files to them.

    EA109—10/23/11: I liked what we did with the paintings, but Song ceramics got squeezed out. Monday is not that crowded a day. I plan to cover the Song Ceramics PPT and take 3 minutes on the Ming manuals. From your perspective, there is not that much to do for Monday (the PPT is simple). You might consider using this open time on the EA109 schedule to do some catch up: Kissa Yojoki, Ming manuals. They will anyway get tested, so just putting that out there for your consideration.

    EA109—10/23/11: I have dropped the "compare Kissa Yojoki to Ming tea manuals" that I said on Friday would be the Monday assignment. Instead, I have uploaded a question sheet on the Kissa Yojoki to help you prepare for the exam later, and to help you get through it more quickly. The Ming manuals were to have been assigned for Friday. The PDF looks long, but isn't. Mostly it is the Chinese versions of the texts, for those interested. Take a look at it and bring questions for Monday if you want. It is pretty straightforward. Note the emphasis on loose leaf tea.

    I will be working with EA109 materials throughout the day (except when in the city lecturing). Watch for updates between 7AM-9AM, then 3PM-7PM.

    I have started grading the midterm.

    J7A—10/22/11 5PM: I have given a quick once-over of emails coming in about the Step 00 submission. To those of you who have not submitted yet, please read and follow the instructions. To everyone: I will log these in tomorrow afternoon. My time is blocked out until around 3 or 4 PM. At that time, many of you will receive a "not yet accepted" email so please check to see whether it has been accepted or not. The first time around is always confusing.

    J7A—10/22/11 5PM: It isn't perfect, but I will make no more changes to the schedule pages or the terms page for the exam. Remember that the "ushi and yoen" lecture is NOT on the exam.

    J7A—10/22/11 12:52PM: I have started to update the "terms" page. I am working A-Z and will upload whatever progress I have made every hour or so. I will stop before 5PM and make no more updates.

    Cross-course—10/22/11: My computer is restored. I have need seen emails since about 8AM yesterday (Friday) morning. Please be patient.

    J7A—10/20/11: I will mention this only once, and just here, not during class: it is your responsibility to track and meet all essay/project deadlines and that late penalties are a part of all deadlines even when you have nothing to submit. Please read the instructions carefully.

    Cross-course: For those thinking about next semester, I have added comments about EA105 "Romance". Use the sidebar to navigate there.

    Cross-course: (Forwarding email content): "There was some interest a while back in the pet therapy dogs we (Tang Center) periodically bring to campus. As part of Mind-Body Awareness Week, the dogs will be back on Sproul next Wednesday. ... Get a pet hug."

    J7A—10/19/11: There will be more announcement here today. Please watch for them. For now:

    • a) I have announced the reading for Thursday. Please go to the schedule.
    • b) I have moved around a lot of files on bSpace, please don't be surprised.
    • c) About test dates: As I hope you noticed I really, really don't like to move test dates. I appreciate students who plan their studies and try to do their best on my exams. I want to accommodate these two groups of students: those that were geared up nicely to take the test Thursday and who feel it is a disadvantage to them to take it Tuesday and those students who have texts next week (Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday) that are tough enough that you feel it is a negative either to my test or those tests to take our midterm on Tuesday. If you are one of these two groups, read on, otherwise, I'll see you Tuesday.

    For those who seek to take the exam on Thursday: First, watch for an announcement this afternoon. If I can create a test in time, I'll say so. "Making" the test means first updating the terms page, the schedule pages and the schedule sidebar, then, I can write a test. So it is a bit tough. Second, if I do manage to create an exam for you, and I hope to, you will take the test during Thursday's class, then use the open time on Tuesday to listen to the podcast of the Thursday session you missed. I wouldn't do this if I felt it was one of our critical sessions, but it isn't. Third, you need to write me that you are interested, today. Even if you have written me already (since, having read the above, you might change your mind). "Today" means by 5PM or so if at all possible. Use "gradeissue" in the subject line or I am sure to miss the email.

    For those who wish to avoid Tuesday because of other exams: Please write me by 5PM tomorrow, using "gradeissue" in the subject line. In that email, state exactly when your other tests are, what they are, and how significant they are for your grade in whatever class. Then list all possible times you could set aside 1.5 hours for an exam, on next week Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, between the hours of 8AM and 5PM (ending by 5).

    If I do not hear from students, even those who have already written me, by 5PM tomorrow (for the early birds by 5PM today) I will assume you are taking the exam on Tuesday. Please do not be late in writing me.

    J7A—10/18/11: I have replaced the usual outline page with a new one. It looks about the same but might not behave properly. Please let me know if links are misbehavin'.

    J7A—10/18/11: I just placed this on the description of Midterm 02: (Here is the 5PM update: The midterm will be given on Tuesday, next week. Watch for a reading assignment for Thursday. Watch for other announcements regarding the test on the announcements page, not here, although I plan to add some more comments to this area in the near future. I'll announce it when I do.)

    J7A—10/18/11: Published details of Midterm 02. See, as before, under sidebar "Assignments & Graded Events".

    J7A—10/18/11: Fixed the broken link to the form Step 00.

    J7A—10/17/11: I now have the basics up on the essay/project page. I'll probably rewrite some of it, soften some of it, but it won't change a great deal.

    J7A—10/17/11: I am now working on the essay/project details. I planned to do this over the weekend but was sick. Sorry about that.

    J7A—10/17/11: The next midterm is Thursday, Oct 20 not tomorrow Oct 18. The sidebar on the outline page still had the old date of "18". I fixed that.

    EA109—10/03/11: Uploaded a ppt to bSpace > Misc titled "Jianzhou" that helps with the location of this ancient area. Thanks Daniel and Debbie!

    EA109—10/03/11: I have updated many of the upcoming schedule days. As noted in class, Friday is a heavy reading day so please plan ahead for that. In addition, Monday has an at-home exercise associated with it that is easier to do if you know about it ahead of time (not wait until late Sunday night) so I suggest you take a look at the Monday schedule page.

    Cross course—10/04/11: I have added a tab on the sidbar of this page that leads to comments on upcoming classes I will teach soom.

    Cross course—10/04/11: Details for the Genji Reading Group can be found via the J7A course sidebar, under "Other Jumps".

    Cross course—10/04/11: The Genji Reading Group will have its first meeting next Monday, 3:10-4:10PM, at the Numata Room (Rm 241) in the East Asian Library. Please remember that this is a library and conduct yourselves quietly when waiting for entrance to the room.

    J7A—10/04/11: Midterm 01 grades have been posted to bSpace and a pdf explaining grades and giving statistics is in the bSpace "Misc" folder.

    EA109—10/03/11: I have added a link under "Key Support Pages" to a new web site page "Tea-related Bibliography" which has only one item on it, and may never have any more, but I hope to add to it.

    EA109—10/03/11: There is a slide titled "A paragraph summarizing the place of tea within the Tang dynasty literature we reviewed" in the powerpoint titled "Tang China various" that solicits a paragraph from you, with instructions on how to submit that paragraph. This is extra credit, not a required assignment.

    EA109—9/30/11: I have uploaded a new version of the "10 Buddhism and Tea in Tang China" PPT. You do not need it for today but you definitely need it for the exam. I don't usually announce new versions but in this case the new version number looks a lot like the old one (old: v1009, new: v1109) and I've tossed the old one accidentally already so you wouldn't be able to see two side-by-side in bSpace, which would be the usual headsup.

    EA109—9/28/11: Hi wonderful EA109ers. Several students told me after class that there had not been an assignment on the schedule for today. How true. On checking, something was wrong with the sync and though the server told me the web site was fully updated, it wasn't. I manually uploaded the next couple of days just now. You can see what today was supposed to look like, and what Friday is. Sorry about that!!

    J7A—9/28/11: For reading Genji, NOTE THIS RESOURCE, especially "current rereading of work": here

    Cross-course—9/28/11: It seems my tech problems are resolved. Announcements should continue to be here, not bSpace. (This announcement is testing the software.)

    Cross-course—9/27/11: My office hours tomorrow end at 3PM.

    J7A—9/27/11: I have updated the course outline; I have posted web pages up until the next exam. These are not yet written but the assigned chapters for Genji, then Heike are informally stated at the top of the page. I did, however, have time to add some details regarding comments made today (the kanji for koi, etc.)

    The poll for determining weekly meeting times for a Genji reading class is at:

    J7A—9/26/11: I have been very carefully working over our semester schedule. I cannot publish it to the site yet, but I plan to move the next midterm from Tue Oct 18 to Thurs Oct 20.

    EA109—9/26/11: Uploaded recent sound files (last week Wed, Fri, this week Mon).

    J7A—9/21/11: I've finished writing the exam. All 25 questions for Part A, as it turns out, were derived from the terms page.

    J7A—9/20/11: Posted today's PPT to bSpace.

    J7A—9/19/11: I have posted an update to the "Terms" page (available via the sidebar>key support docs). This covers, in one way or another, all the specific terms I would expect you to know for the exam. I do not expect to add anything but when I begin to review the materials to write the test I might come across something. If anything significant is added, I'll announce. ... My program crashed during a spell check. I don't know exactly how many of the spelling corrections have been kept. Apologies for goofy spelling! REMEMBER: You do not need to know everything on that "Terms" doc; only items before the year 1100.

    J7A—9/15/11: There will be no additional readings assigned for the exam for Thursday; therefore, what can be tested are the regularly assigned materials and the "for practice" materials.

    J7A—9/15/11: I realize that completing the "terms" page is critical for studying for the exam. I am working on it. I am still considering adding readings for the exam. If they are to happen, they will appear by Tuesday night, although my more ideal target date is Sunday. Early posting is not necessarily what you want to see, as study creatures, since I will post more if on the early side and less if it gets close to Thursday :-)

    J7A—9/15/11: I have completed drafts of upcoming sessions through the midterm day and I have given details instructions about the midterm, including what to study, what to bring, test-taking strategies and so forth. That is accessible through any schedule day Sidebar>Assignments.

    J7A—9/15/11: I have created the schedule page for today. The reading assignment was announced via bSpace Tuesday night. This is just a restatement of that assignment with a few additional comments.

    EA109—9/15/11: I have updated the schedule page for Friday under "Thoughts" (switching gears in this class, increased reading load) and "Required" (being a bit more specific about how to prep the "Physicals" PPT).

    J7A—9/13/11: Reminder regarding the "practice" questions listed below: we covered uchi-soto in a variety of ways, including purity, and lyricism ≠ emotions—it's more complex and subtle than that. Refer to the Lyricism I PPT.

    J7A—9/13/11: I have posted to bSpace > Misc a file, Uchi-soto and lyricism practice, which I mentioned today in class and which gives you passage upon which to practice exam questions.

    J7A—9/12/11: I've now corrected all handouts and put them on bSpace. You'll see the file name tag v110912. The changes are primarily to add a bit more explanation. It would be good to look at these now, even if you have read the others, but, if you don't have time, do remember to use them for the exam.

    J7A—9/12/11: I've now posted the version of the Izumi reading that has my notes typed into it. I would prefer that you read that version is you haven't done this reading yet, or just download it for the notes. It is: Izumi Shikibu tenarai v110912b.



    J7A—9/11/11: I've run out of time so the provided readings are a bit messy. Use bSpace "Lyricism II" as the main text. In that document it tells you when to refer to "Lyricism II-Manyo poems" etc. I'm make a proper schedule day later, and probably clean up this set of files, too. Consider this a draft, although it might end up being the final version. Be ready to answer questions like this: "What is the role of nature in X poem, given the three basic choices outlined?"

    J7A—9/11/11: Tuesday's readings will be posted between 3-5PM today.

    EA109—9/8/11: I have posted which groups attend which Tea Identification here. Check out the fun team names. One group is currently "Yellow Box" because I couldn't find an email from them. I might have missed something ...

    EA109—9/8/11: Added a brief note about whether or not you must bring tea on Friday. See instructions.

    EA109—9/8/11: Forgot to include in announcements! — Friday, all 50 students taste tea. While I wild be bringing about 15 cups, and we could be washing these as we go, if you bring your own cup you can avoid other students' germs :-) I've updated the instructions to clarify this.

    EA109—9/8/11: There has been confusion about who brings tea when. So, to clarify: Friday (tomorrow) I would hope that everyone or nearly everyone bring a marked bag of tea for next week's tea identification days. (I need to take these home and sort through them over the weekend, make answer sheets and such.) It is just coincidence that on Friday we are brewing and tasting tea. Three students are bringing tea for that event, but that is separate from the class-wide exercise next week. So, everyone, please bring tea on Friday. And, for the three volunteers, please bring tea in marked bags on Friday, too, if you want, but I sort of feel you have already contributed enough by bringing Friday's brewing tea.

    EA109—9/7/11: Since I have only 5 of the 10 or so group names so far, I won't be announcing groups and what session they will attend until the morning. Hope everyone has submitted by the time I wake up :-)

    J7A—9/6/11: Posted Thursday's schedule page. It has the reading assignments on it. Uploaded various readings to bSpace at same time.

    J7A—9/2/11: Posted a draft of Tuesday's schedule page. It has the reading assignments on it. Uploaded various readings to bSpace at same time.

    EA109—9/2/11: My impression on Friday was that several of you have not yet read my multitasking policy. You need to do that. It affects your grade.

    J7A—9/1/11: Uploaded today's powerpoint to bSpace.

    EA109—8/31/11: Tea crafting steps as flow chart [bSpace, PDF] is now on bSpace in a misc. folder. That is the document I had on screen today.

    J7A & EA109—8/30/11: Changed office hours.

    J7A—8/30/11: Posted the schedule page for Thursday. It includes the reading assignments. The assignments themselves have been uploaded to bSpace, or are in the anthology you purchased.

    EA109—8/30/11: A number of you have reported having problems accessing the web pages for tomorrow (Chinese nomenclature, etc.) I have re-uploaded the pages and things work at my end. Write again if you can't connect but try clearing your cache first please.

    J7A—8/30/11: The webcast folk have replied to my question regarding the missing podcasts like this: "Thank you for your e-mail. We apologize for the inconvenience. We launched a new website over the Summer and there have been a few kinks that we are working on ironing out. All the Fall 2011 courses should be published to the website by tomorrow morning. In the meantime, you can find your course lectures at the following URL: here (link opens in iTunes)

    J7A—8/27/11: I have posted the reading assignment for Tuesday to the schedule. Many things are still under construction.

    J7A—8/27/11: I have decided upon, but not finished scanning, the Tuesday reading. It will be about 20 pages.

    EA109—8/25/11: Just a reminder to everyone that class meets tomorrow (Friday) at 11AM. For a period of time the Course Home Page wrongly had "Noon-1PM".

    J7A—8/25/11: Published a draft of the syllabus. I want to reread it one more time but I thought there might be some of you who want to see it now.

    J7A—8/25/11: By 5PM tomorrow (Saturday) I will post next Tuesday's assignment, if any.

    J7A—8/25/11: I was unable to complete the syllabus before class today. Details at lecture time.

    J7A—8/24/11: The course outline, syllabus and such for J7A is almost ready. I hope to publish this in the morning before class but you do not necessarily need to review the material before class. However, if you look at the syllabus, you will be in a better position to ask questions.

    EA109—8/24/11: Published course outline, syllabus.

    J7A&EA109—8/24/11: Announced office hours.

    J7A—8/23/11: I have published an overview of our schedule, which includes exam dates. Use the sidebar to navigate to it.

    J7A—8/19/11: The Web page for this class is not yet available.

    EA109—8/19/11: Welcome to EA109! Please watch here, not bSpace, for course announcements. The Web page for this class is not yet available.

    J7A—8/17/11: Welcome to J7A! Please watch here, not bSpace, for course announcements.

    I pull announcements from the current announcements page and store them here. For the most recent announcements use the sidebar link "Current announcements".