Top / Cal Courses, Announcements / EA105 / Film: Three Times, release and box office data

Three Times release and box office information

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Director: HOU Hsiao Hsien (Chinese-Taiwanese, Taipei)
Year released: 2005
Running time: 2:06
Settings: 1) 1960s industrial town, countryside, 2) 1911 courtesan's establishment, 3) 2005 Taipei
IMDb: Three Times
Release data (Box Office Mojo): Three Times

Kaohsiung 1966

  • Chen: main male protagonist who loves May
  • May: the main female protagonist
  • Haruko: a pool girl who works briefly at the place where May will work

Dadaochung 1911

  • Mr. Chang: main male protagonist, diplomat involved with Taiwan's struggle for independence
  • Ah Mei-1: main female protagonist, a courtesan who is beginning to age
  • Ah Mei-2: a younger courtesan originally scheduled to take over the duties of Ah Mei-1
  • 10-year-old girl: to be trained as a courtesan

Taipei 2005

  • Zhen: main male protagonist, works in a digital photoshop and has a girlfriend names Blue
  • Jing: main female protagonist, a singer with epilepsy
  • Micky: Jing's female lover

Topics of focus for this film:

Context: Role of cultural contexts in shaping these romantic narratives (place, socio-economic group, time periods)

Layering: Is its use indicative of something cultural in Taiwan or East Asia or not?

Modes of communication, especially "letters" (in whatever form).

Role of music in the three stories.

Film segments / Film modules

Module 01: Scenes 00-06 (42 min.)
Module 02: Scenes 07-13 (39 min.)
Module 03
: Scenes 14-18 (45 min.)

On campus availability

Media Center (Moffitt) — DVD 6514