JES Step 01: Selecting countries
Basic description
First face-to-face meeting with partner to decide, then report, the EAST ASIAN COUNTRY that each student will be responsible for when selecting one of the two films that are the objects of analysis for the JES.
What to do
Preliminary work:
- Review General Instructions on JES Top Page
- Read instructions for JES02 and decide whether you want to do these two steps at the same time.
Then do these things:
1. Students meet face-to-face — no substitutions for this — to decide which two countries the team will compare and which student plans to search for films from which country. Do NOT talk about specific films. Just talk about which countries or which countries' films interest you from the perspective of comparing values.
Headsup: By a future step, you will need to veiw in full two films as two possible choices and be ready to discuss them in a general way in a future meeting.
- You need to know the two films well for two reasons. First, experience has shown that relying on memory is terrible for this process. You need to look at films anew, from the perspective of this class. This will help you in your analysis later. (Seeing just one film is too narrow an experience.) Second, you will need to harmonize your film offerings with those brought to a future meeting by your partner. Having two films at hand that you know well makes is possible to work out a good pair of films to compare.
- WARNING: Do NOT discuss specific film titles or content with your partner at this time. Most of the JES process is "blind". Read the definition in the sidebar now.but you will only share general characteristics with your team member. You need to know the well to help harmonize with the films the team member is offering . But you will speak only in general terms to avoid pre-prejuding your team mate about the interpretation or meaning of the film. This "blind" process is the basic approach for most of the JES.
2. Student A cuts-and-pastes (no attachments!) the below into an email, completing it to faithfully represent that meeting. I recommend that this be done AT the meeting with both students watching, just to be sure. This is an irreversiable decision that is being made.
Group number: typehere
Student A name: LASTNAME, classname — country of film
Student B name: LASTNAME, classname — country of film
Group number: 03
Student A name: CHEN, Jonathan — China
Student B name: KIM, Jessica — Korea
3. Student A sends the report:
- on time (late penalties are sometimes individual and sometimes shared by the team)
- to both me and the partner at the same time
- using this subject line:
EA105_JES01_groupletterstudent number_LASTNAME_classname
4. Both students watch for an ACCEPTED from me within 48 hours (sooner in the summer). If the submission was rejected for some reason, respond promptly. Slow response might incur late penalties.
5. Students do NOT begin to search for films yet. It will be a waste of time.