JES06 & JES06R — PCS 02: writing premodern-to-modern comparison then responding to your partner's PCS
General comments
I am interested in how viable premodern values are not for the reason many might think (as an answer to the question: "How is the process of modernization going for X country?") but rather to explore issues of identity (how do countries maintain distinct, meaningful identities in an age of global economies and the internet?) and because I believe the in some subterranean way traces of premodern worldviews continue to create differences of interpretation (this is why we discuss context as influencing interpretation) and that these differences are NOT self-apparent and hobble one's understanding of a culture until one can see some of how these very old ways of thinking and old ways of predicting human behavior (= "values", what people are expected to do) can make for important (small or huge) differences.
This exercise gives you the opportunity to try to find links with the past, or understand the position of your film with the past.
However, in addition, this exercise introduces the very difficult film-to-film comparison process. The next exercise (JES07) takes this farther and your ICE is supposed to be the supreme statement on it, although that will be mediated with the final joint statement. Film-to-film comparisons fall quickly into superficial observations if you don't stick to your guns and look deep into the values and worldviews that help create and constraint their narratives.
How to complete the JES06 & JES06R steps
Use the same sending / exchanging process that is described in JES05 & JES05R.
Here is the Form-JES06.