Top / J155 Spring 2012 / Session details



❖ Testable topics and materials
◊ Other topics and materials
✓ To be completed by class time

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Session 14—Th, Mar 1: 昭和(戦前):川端康成、かわばたやすなり (1899-1972) (1 of 3)

Topics for this session

❖ 余情 よじょう
❖ 掌の小説 てのひらのしょうせつ : 「日向」ひなた (1923)
❖ 掌の小説 てのひらのしょうせつ : 「弱き器」よわきうつわ (1924)


* Please note that 「日向」 and 「弱き器」 do not have glosses, and all Kawabata HONBUN use 旧仮名遣い(きゅうかなづかい) and 旧漢字(きゅうかんじ). Please rely on the sound files. (Two sessions from now there will be one more story without a gloss: 心中.)

At the level of sentence structure and vocabulary, Kawabata appears simple. But while it might be easy to "get through" a sentence, to grasp what he really is saying requires very active, almost empathetic reading. As part of that type of reading, we will discuss 余情, so please study the following definition:

余情(よじょう): (1) 物事のあとにも、心に残って消えない情緒(じょうしょ)。言外の情趣(じょうしゅ)。 (2) 表現に直接は表されず、その背後(はいご)に感じられる気分・情調(じょうちょう)。特に、和歌・連歌・俳諧(はいかい)などで尊重(そんちょう)した。

Required—to be completed for today's session

✓ Read 「日向」and 「弱き器」.
✓ Memorized passage checked during this session.