Gary Mobley couldn't make the summer show this year because of a family emergency. Right up until a couple of days before the show we still thought that Gary might make it, but that was not to be. I was already in Austin, at my hotel room, when I got a call from Raul Reynoso, at home in California. I'd spoken to him a few days earlier about being shorthanded for the show. I knew he had plans for that weekend, and was reluctant to ask him to come to Texas, but he could sense my need in spite of me. The next morning he was on a plane to Austin.
I am so glad he came. He's become a trade show veteran by now, and of course, he did a great job. Infinite thanks to Raul for his special effort to be there in my time of need. Friends don't come any better than Raul.
Once again this year we were privileged to present the great John Jorgenson and his quintet in concert. Their music was phenomenal, and a highlight for me was when Raul, John's longtime friend and music cohort, joined him on stage for a couple of guitar duets.
On Friday afternoon I was coming out of the elevator at the Austin Hilton, on my way to the ballroom, carrying a large (22x28) picture of John Jorgenson for the event that night. Coincidentally, John had just arrived, and was at the front desk checking in. The desk clerk asked him for a picture ID. "How about this?" asked John, indicating the billboard-sized photo of his face, as I held it aloft. "That'll do," said the clerk, as if it happened every day.
At the both each day, Richard Gilewitz was on hand with his own brand of guitar wizardry. His appearances at our booth are always welcome, as he is beginning to feel like one of the family. Frequently our trade show highlights feature a picture of Richard playing at the booth, but this time he turned the tables and took a picture of me (above) watching him play. How he was able to take this picture and play guitar at the same time, you'll just have to guess.

The trade show was busier than last year's summer show in Indianapolis, but still much more laid back than the winter show. I had some good business meetings, and still had time to play banjo with the boys from Saga. Those guys really know how to have fun at a trade show, and still promote their fine instruments in the process. Thanks to Richard Keldsen for letting me sit in.