[Weapon Parts] [Blades] [Jackets/Knickers] [Mask/Gloves] For important on-line ordering information, please visit the Check-out page. 
WeaponsDescription Specify RH or LH | Part # | Price | Cart |
Note: Children's weapons are made with smaller sized guards and grips, and will have #2 length blades unless otherwise specified. #0 length blades may be available.
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Weapon Parts Description | Part # | Price | Cart |
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Blades Description | Part # | Price | Cart |
Note: blades will be #2 length, with French tangs and 6 x 1 mm threads, unless otherwise specified in special shipping instructions.
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Jackets and KnickersDescription | Pictures | Part # | Price |
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Masks, Gloves and MiscellaneousDescription | Part # | Price | Cart |
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