For important on-line ordering information, please visit the Check-out page.  French Weapons, completeDescription | Part # | Price/Cart | Options (only sold with foils above)- add prices indicated to cost of foil | Heavy pommel, 150g | w/336 | | Heavy pommel, 170g | w/336X | |
For electric versions of the above weapons, please consult our general fencing page.
Figure-8 foils, completeDescription | Part # | Price/Cart |
Note: The above weapons come with ambidextrous leather grips. Right of left handed leather grips are available at no extra charge; please specify.
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Italian Weapons, complete Featuring hilt pieces by Tom Rockwell (USA) and Negrini (Italy) False ricasso weapons allow the fencer to have an Italian hilt, but still use the common French style blades. At the time of this writing, there have been no commercial forges producing true-ricasso (“Italian”) style blades for about five years. These weapons are NOT USFA competition approved without alteration.
Description | Picture | Part # | Price |
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