Lookee, more notebook pix. This time from an intimidating college math class. Here we have a frustrated mage with some appropriate lyrics, a more cheerful pic of me riding a creature that could be called a quadratic, two pix of a dog critter I saw in the smudges on the chalkboard [before and after another erasing changed his head], and a goofy little cartoon expressing how tough fractions can be.
Random drawings from the math notebook. Very random; I felt like drawing and that's what I got. The eyeball at the bottom looked like it needed something, so I put it in a frame and added an artist to the scene.
More notebook randomness, and an interesting little montage of my [mental] reactions to getting two quizzes back. I'd expected the math one to be extremely bad, since I really hadn't known what I was doing at the time, but it turns out that I got absurdly lucky and aced it. Woo-hoo. Then I went to chemistry and it was the opposite. Sucks.
A few silly doodles and some pix of teeth, one of which grew a face around itself. It needed something along those lines. The circled set is what Rarr's teeth look like; see why he unnerves people? Oh, and that line on the left was pink. I scanned the page in grayscale because the rest is plain click-pencil gray, and that tends to sprout odd dots of color with our scanner.
Faaaces, of varying levels of goofiness. And a few stick-figure-types, who are being even sillier. It was near Halloween; what can I say?
The opening pages of my chemistry notebook had good stuff in the margins. The song at the bottom is a fun little ditty I heard from a friend, and had stuck in my head. I've decided the two stick figure guys singing it are stylizations of two characters from a story that never really went anywhere, who I haven't drawn in a while. On the left is Liaz, and on the right is Rab. Also known as Liazolt Akayli and Rabtevion Ttarsi. Huzzah for fun names!
For quite some time I've admired artists who can manage the "silhouette shots" where details in clothing aren't needed. When done right, it can look very cool indeed. I'd been meaning to sit down and try do it, so I finally did. The result was a tad underwhelming, but not too horrible. Mayhaps I'll try again sometime.
Yay, random critter! With wings! I suppose Sundao here is something along the lines of a dragon-ferret. I like ferrety types. And dragons, of course. Goes without saying.
This was a Christmas present for my parents; the colored version is currently displayed on the fridge. It's a popup card, an elaborate version of something I've been doing for years when making cards. See the crease in the paper? When you open and close the card, the gryphons' beaks move. This one is quite an improvement over the dorky birds I used to draw.
Huzzah! A new character! She'd probably get along well with Prabu, the fem with the cybernetic leg and hand. The main difference is the technology level. Ked here (Kedricte Riosse Tak) has a cybernetic arm that isn't solid; it's essentially a hand and a couple of segments held in place by way of tractor beam / electronic telekinesis / whatever-ya-wanna-call-it. This makes for an absurdly wide range of motion that no conventional joints can match. Much fun. The writing on the side is all the details about her that I've come up with so far. The two faces at the top right came from another page; the left one prompted me to draw all the stuff on this page, and the right one I just like.
And now, for some random experimentation with clothing styles, not all of which are entirely serious. Here we have everything from an idea for digitigrade-foot shoes to a token cheesy trenchcoat and ominous cloak.
Once upon a time, I wanted to learn to ink pictures. Now-upon-a-time, I still do. I tried. I was decidedly underwhelmed. I didn't dare ink the picture at the top left; I like it too much. Sigh. Ah well, I'll figure it out eventually. Practice, practice, yadda yadda blah blah.
Now I've always maintained that I get picture ideas from strange places, but this is the first time I found inspiration for a drawing in the title of one of my own poems. And no, the poem "Where Penguins Fly" doesn't have anything to do with penguins flying down a street somewhere. I just thought it'd be fun to draw. It's sure confusing Rarr and Kohn, the two characters who ended up in the scene. I may end up putting this in the story I'm writing now. Just for fun.
Another random notebook pic: it's a tyjex posing on a rock.
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