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Welcome to our large on-line inventory of New, Used, Out of Print and Rare Paperback Military Books: Submarine and U Boat, Naval, Aviation, World War 1, 2, Korean War, Vietnam War to present day conflicts. Also listed are Ballantines Illustrated History of World War Two book series.To see other hardback: Submarine and U Boat, Naval, Maritime, Aviation, World War 1, and World War 2 Military Books go to the Book List links in the left sidebar. To receive our FREE Military book list update notice just submit your email in the right sidebar. FREE U.S. POSTAL SHIPPING IN THE U.S.A.! - NOTE: MINIMUM ORDER FOR
PAPERBACK BOOKS IS $20.00. Ordering is easy, just use our quick
"Order Form".
SUBMARINE and U BOAT BooksAnderson NAUTILUS 90 NORTH Voyage under the North Pole, photos
$3 Beach SUBMARINE Story of Harder, Trigger, Seawolf, Wahoo and
other U.S. subs in WWII. $4 Beach AROUND THE WORLD SUBMERGED The first around the world
underwater voyage of the U.S. nuclear submarine U.S.S. Triton,
pictures, diagrams, large 6" x 9" $10 Beach RUN SILENT, RUN DEEP Well known story and basis for the
movie, novel. $4 Beach COLD IS THE SEA A story of suspence beneath the Arctic ice
cap, novel. $3 Bekker DEFEAT AT SEA The German Navy in World War Two.
$4 Bekker HITLER'S NAVAL WAR German Naval forces prepare for WW II,
photos, maps. $4 Blair SILENT VICTORY The U.S. Submarine Against Japan in World War II.
Extra large 6" x 10" size, photos, maps, charts, 1071 pages.
$15 Buchheim U-BOAT WAR Award winning photo journal of the author's
U-boat experiences during WWII including many patrol photos on board
U-96. Extra large 8" x 10" size, photos. $15 Busch U BOATS AT WAR Report of WW11 German U-boot warfare,
charts. $4 Calvert SILENT RUNNING WW2 War patrols of USS Jack. Photos,
maps, large 6" x 9" $10 Campbell SUB ZERO A mission to prevent a shift in the world
balance of power, novel. $2 Clancy SSN USS Cheyenne dispatched on a 3rd World War submarine
combat mission, novel. $2 Clancy SSN Strategies of nuclear submarine warfare, photos,
maps, ill., large 6" x 9" $6 Clancy HUNT FOR RED OCTOBER The basis for the movie. $2 Dissette GUERRILLA SUBMARINES U.S. subs supply Filipine guerilla
forces in enemy held territory during WWII. NOTE: NEVER PUBLISHED IN
HARDBACK AND IS OUT-OF-PRINT $10 Doenitz MEMOIRS: 10 years and 20 Days WWII memoirs of the
Commander of U boats. $6 Dunham SPY SUB True story of a top secret mission in the
Pacific. $3 Enright SHINANO USS Archerfish sinks the Japanese aircraft
carrier, photos. $5 Fluckey THUNDER BELOW USS Barb in WWII. Large 7" x 10" size,
photos, maps, diagrams. $10 Galantin TAKE HER DEEP U.S.S. Halibut in World War Two, photos,
app. $5 Gallagher X-CRAFT RAID World War 2 mission to sink the Tirpitz.
$6 Gallery U 505 The Battle of the Atlantic Uboat warfare and
capture of U-505. $6 Gallery THE STORY OF THE U505 Large 8" x 10" size Museum of
Science and Industry 34 page brochure on the U-505. Photos,
diagrams, cutaway drawing, interior details. $6 Gallery CLEAR THE DECKS Command of an anti-submarine escort
carrier in WWII. $5 Gasaway GREY WOLF, GREY SEA German U-64, U-124 and Cmdrs. Schulz
and Jochin Mohr. $7 German High Command U BOAT COMMANDERS HANDBOOK Official WWII
guide to commanders as translated from German. Photos, charts, large
5" x 7", NEW condition $12 Grider WAR FISH WWII submarine service on USS Wahoo and USS
Flasher. $7 Gugliotta PIGBOAT 39 Story of US submarine S-39 in WW II.
Photos, maps, large 6" x 9" $10 Hardy U.S.S. MUDSKIPPER A sub Captain's plan to destroy an enemy
train, novel. $3 Harris NAVY TIMES BOOK OF SUBMARINES A political, social and
military history. Photos, diagrams, large 6 "x 9" $10 Henrick DIVE TO OBLIVION Secret WW2 experiment creates a cold war
conflict, novel. $2 Henrick COUNTERFORCE The silent deep chase is on to prevent
nuclear holocaust, novel. $2 Henrick THE GOLDEN U BOAT An SS officer salvages the Nazis secret
weapon, novel. $2 Hickam TORPEDO JUNCTION U boat war off US east coast, 1942,
photos, maps, $5 Hirsch KILLER SUBS Nine stories of undersea warfare. $4 Holmes DOUBLE EDGED SECRETS Submarine service intelligence
division. $3 Holmes UNDERSEA VICTORY Volume #1 1941 - 1943, and Volume #2
1943 - 1945 both volumes for $10 Hoehling LAST VOYAGE OF THE LUSITANIA The liner sunk by U-20
during WWI. $3 Homewod FINAL HARBOR U.S.S. Mako hunting IJN warships in the
Pacific in WW2, novel. $3 Hoyt U-BOATS OFFSHORE Hitlers World War Two strike against U.S.
east coast, photos. $4 Kurson SHADOW DIVERS Discovery of sunken Uboot U-869, photos,
diagram, large 5" x 7" $7 Lavo BACK FROM THE DEEP Story of USS Squalus and USS Sculpin.
Photos, large 6" x 9" $10 Lockwood SINK'EM ALL Story of US submarine Pacific wafare by
ComSubPac, map, ill. $8 Lott USS BOWFIN Covers design details, construction,and history
of USS BOWFIN SS-287. Publ. by Leeward. Large oblong format,
photos, ill., charts, cutaway drawings, diagrams, $12 Lydon U-BOATS OF WORLD WAR I NEW condition, large 6" x 9"
$10 Macintyre U BOAT KILLER Anti U-boot warfare and sinking of
Kretschmers U-99. $4 Maas THE TERRIBLE HOURS Squalus, the greatest sub rescue in U.S.
history. $4 Maritime Museum Brochure USS PAMPANITO WWII patrols, museum
restoration. Photos, map, $3 Mason THE U-BOAT MENACE The Atlantic war, photos, maps, diagrams,
charts, 5" x 8" $6 Mendenhall SUBMARINE DIARY USS Sculpin and USS Pintado. Photos,
maps, large 6" x 9" $10 Noli THE ADMIRAL'S WOLFPACK Doenitz and his gray wolves in WW
11. $4 Ott SHARKS AND LITTLE FISH Famous novel of German U-boot
warfare. Large 5" x 7" NEW $7 Peillard LACONIA AFFAIR Sinking of Laconia by U-156 in WWII.
Map, ill. $6 Preston and Batchelor THE FIRST SUBMARINES Primarily WW 1 types,
large pictorial size format with illustrations by Batchelor. Photos,
ill., charts, diagrams, large 8" X 11" $10 Raymer DESCENT INTO DARKNESS: Pearl Harbor, 1941 A U.S. Navy
salvage divers memoir, photos. Large 5 x 7" NEW $10 Robertson NIGHT RAIDER OF THE ATLANTIC Otto Kretschmer and U-99.
Photos. $4 Roscoe PIGBOATS US Submarine Operations in World War Two. Ill.,
app. $6 Ruhe WAR IN THE BOATS USS Crevalle during World War 2. Maps,
large 6" x 9" $10 Savas SILENT HUNTERS German U boat commanders of WWII. Photos,
maps, large 6" x 9" $10 Schaeffer U-BOAT 977 Uboat escape to South America after WW11.
$4 Schratz SUBMARINE COMMANDER USS Scorpian war patrols. Photos,
maps, large 6" x 9" $10 Simpson LUSITANIA The passenger liner sunk by U-20 during WW1.
$3 Skipper SUBMARINES IN THE PACIFIC Highlights of USS Sailfish and
Cavalla. Photos, map. $3 Sontag BLIND MANS BLUFF A history of American submarine
espionage, photos. $4 Sontag BLIND MANS BLUFF Same as above in large 5" x 8" format.
$7 Smith DIVE, DIVE Stories of US submarines in action in WW11.
$3 Stern U.S. SUBS IN ACTION Covers design details,
construction,and history of US Submarines. Publ. by Squadron Signal.
Large oblong format, photos, ill., charts, diagrams, silhouettes
$12 Stern U BOATS IN ACTION Covers design details, construction,and
history of German U-boats. Publ. by Squadron Signal. Large oblong
format, photos, ill., charts, diagrams, silhouettes $12 Thomas EMERALD DECISION A shocking WWII secret weapon is again a
threat, novel. $2 Verne TWENTY THOUSAND LEAGUES UNDER THE SEA novel $1 Von der Porten GERMAN NAVY IN WWII The German Navys operations
in WW2, photos. $3 Vyborny DARK WATERS NR-1, the Cold War's secret U.S. undercover
nuclear submarine. Photos, app., large 6" x 9" $8 Warren and Benson MIDGET RAIDERS Frogmen and X-craft story,
diagrams, maps, photos. $5 Weir BUILDING AMERICAN SUBMARINES 1914-1940 Photos, charts, map,
large 6" x 9" $10 Weir FORGED IN WAR American submarine construction 1940-1961.
Photos, maps, diagrams, extra large 7" x 10". NEW condition.
$12 Werner IRON COFFINS World War 2 Battle of the Atlantic as told by
the Capt. of U953, ill. $4 Whinney U BOAT PERIL Anti-submarine commanders war. Photos,
maps. Large 5" x 7" $5 Yokota SUICIDE SUBMARINE Story of IJN human suicide torpedoes, the "Kaiten" weapon. NOTE: NEVER PUBLISHED IN HARDBACK AND IS OUT-OF-PRINT. Photos. $10 NAVAL BooksBekker DEFEAT AT SEA The German Navy in World War Two.
$4 Bekker HITLER'S NAVAL WAR German Naval forces prepare for WW
II, photos, maps. $3 Bryan AIRCRAFT CARRIER WWII story of the USS Lexington in the
Pacific war. $3 Bucher BUCHER: MY STORY Story of the capture of USS Pueblo.
$3 Busch HOLOCAUST AT SEA Story of the German battleship Scharnhorst
in WWII, map. $5 Cortesi VALOR AT SAMAR The battle at Leyte Island, photos, maps.
$3 Dailey JOINING THE SEA WAR: 1939-1945 Photos, map, charts, ill,
large 6" x 9" $10 Detmers THE RAIDER KORMORAN The exploits of a German mystery
ship in WW II. $15 Donovan PT 109 John F. Kennedy in World War II. $3 Fahey SHIPS AND AIRCRAFT OF THE U.S. FLEET 8th ed. 1965 Photos,
lists. 6" x 9" $10 Forester SINK THE BISMARCK Epic story of the destruction of
Hitlers mightest battleship. $3 Fuchida MIDWAY Japanese account of the battle that doomed Japan
in WW11, photos, maps. $5 Gallery CLEAR THE DECKS Command of an anti-submarine escort
carrier in WWII. $5 Hara JAPANESE DESTROYER CAPTAIN As told by Captain Hara, photos,
$15 Hoehling LAST VOYAGE OF THE LUSITANIA Liner sunk by the U Boat
U-20 during WWI. $2 Helm ORDEAL BY SEA USS Indianapolis sunk by Japanese I-boat
I-58, photos, crew list. $3 Hoyt RAIDER WOLF Voyage of Wolf and Capt. Nerger 1916-18.
$4 Hoyt GAMBIER BAY Escort carrier and the Battle of Leyte Gulf,
photos, map. $4 Hough DEATH OF THE BATTLESHIP Story of battleships HMS Repulse
and Prince of Wales. $4 Hough THE FLEET THAT HAD TO DIE Russian and Japanese Battle of
Tsu Shima in 1905. $4 Ito THE END OF THE IMPERIAL JAPANESE NAVY Told by the Japanese,
photos, maps, app. $7 Johnston QUEEN OF THE FLAT-TOPS Aircraft carrier Lexington in WW
2. $3 Jones ADMIRAL ARLEIGH (31 knot) BURKE Naval commander of two
world wars, ill., maps. $4 Jones DESTROYER SQUADRON 23 Combat exploits of Arleigh Burke's
Gallant Forces during World War Two. Extra large 7" x 10" size.
$10 Keating THE MOSQUITO FLEET PT boats in World War II, maps.
$10 Kennedy PURSUIT The chase and sinking of the battleship
Bismarck, map. $4 Krancke POCKET BATTLESHIP The German pocket battleship Admiral
Scheer. $7 Landsborough BATTLE OF THE RIVER PLATE Pursuit and sinking Graf
Spee, photos, maps. $6 Leasor THE SEA WOLVES An assault on a German spy ship in World
War Two. $3 Lord A NIGHT TO REMEMBER The Titanic story, diagrams, passenger
list. $3 Lord DAY OF INFAMY Pearl Harbor attack against the U.S. fleet.
$3 Lott BRAVE SHIP BRAVE MEN USS Aaron Ward and KamIkaze attacks at
Okinawa in WW2. $4 Macintyre U BOAT KILLER Anti U-boot warfare and sinking of
Kretschmers U-99. $4 MacLean HMS ULYSSES A British convoy escort takes on a German
Cruiser, novel $2 McKie PROUD ECHO/THE SURVIVORS Story of the Houston and Perth in
the Sunda Strait. $7 Mohr SEA RAIDER ATLANTIS WW2 mystery Ship 16, the Atlantis as
told by an officer. $5 Morison THE TWO-OCEAN WAR US Navy in WW 2. Comprehensive photos,
maps $5 Newcomb SAVO The Pacific fleet night battle off of Guadalcanal.
map, app. $3 Newcomb ABANDON SHIP The USS Indianapolis disaster. $4 Newcomb ABANDON SHIP The USS Indianapolis disaster. Photos,
large 5" x 7" $7 Pearl ADMIRAL BULL HALSEY The naval career of one of WWII's top
commanders. $4 Peillard SINK THE TIRPITZ The attack on Germany's super
battleship, photos, maps, app. $6 Pitt ZEEBRUGGE 1000 men against Germany's U Boat base in WW I,
photos, map. $5 Pope GRAF SPEE The life and death of a German commerce raider,
photos. $5 Potter THE BREAKOUT Scharnhorst and Gneisenau English channel
dash. $3 Powell DEATH IN THE ATLANTIC Last voyage of the Graf Spee. Map,
$4 Prange AT DAWN WE SLEPT Untold story of Pearl Harbor, photos,
charts, app., large 6" x 9" $7 Prange DEC. 7 1941 Day the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor,
photos, large 5" x 7" $7 Reeman THE LAST RAIDER WWI commerce raider disguised as a
merchant vessel, novel. $2 Reeman A PRAYER FOR THE SHIP Britains quick moving Motor Torpedo
Boats, novel. $2 Robertson CHANNEL DASH The German fleets escape through the
English Channel. $4 Robinson NIMITZ CLASS US carrier stalks a rogue submarine armed
with nuclear weapons $2 Rogge GERMAN RAIDER ATLANTIS Germany's deadliest WW11 raider
told by her Captain. $7 Roscoe TIN CANS US Destroyer Operations in WW 2. Comprehensive,
ill., diagrams, map. $7 Sanders A NIGHT BEFORE CHRISTMAS Sinking of the troopship
Leopoldville. $8 Schofield THE RUSSIAN CONVOYS The Murmansk convoys, photos,
maps. $4 Simpson LUSITANIA The passenger liner sunk by U-20 during WWI.
$3 Smith PEDESTAL The convoy that saved Malta. Photos, maps, charts,
app, large 6" x 9" $10 Smith THE US NAVY IN WW II Comprehensive, 1128 pages, photos,
maps. $8 Stanton IN HARM'S WAY Sinking of USS Indianapolis in World War
2, photos. $3 Stafford THE BIG E The story of the aircraft carrier Enterprise
in WWII. $4 Taylor BATTLE IN THE ENGLISH CHANNEL Scharnhorst and Gneisenau
channel dash, map. $3 Taylor GREAT SEA BATTLE OF WWII 3-volume box-set including;
Battle in the English Channel, H.M.S. Hood vs. Bismarck and Battle of
Midway Island. Box set of 3 books - $7 Thomas COUNT LUCKNER THE SEA DEVIL Luckner and German Raider
Seeadler in WW 1. $4 Toland INFAMY: Pearl Harbor and its aftermath, photos.
$3 Tuleja CLIMAX AT MIDWAY Battle that changed the course of the
Pacific war, photos, map. $3 Von der Porten GERMAN NAVY IN WWII The German Navys operations
in WWII, photos. $4 Waters BLOODY WINTER Escort convoy warfare and the Battle of the
Atlantic, photos. $3 Woodward BATTLE FOR LEYTE GULF The IJN in one the greatest naval
battles in WWII. $4 Woodward THE SECRET RAIDERS The secret raiders from official
reports, diagrams, app. $5 Woodward TIRPITZ Germany's super battleship and the Battle of
the Atlantic, photos, map. $4 Zacharias SECRET MISSIONS The US Nsvy espionage officer who
predicted Pearl Harbor. $4
AEROSPACE and AVIATION BooksBach A GIFT OF WINGS Bach's experiences in military and civilian
aviation, ill. $2 Barker THE THOUSAND PLANE RAID The bombing of the city of
Cologne, photos. $5 Blankenship TIGER TEN Flying Tigers downing Jap Zeros for hire,
novel. $2 Boyington BAA BAA BLACK SHEEP Pappy Boyingtons WW2 Black Sheep
Squadron. $4 Bradley FLYBOYS Story of nine American pilots shot down in th
Pacific, photos. $3 Brennan HEADHUNTERS 1st squadron / 9th cavalry - Vietnam 1965 -
71 $3 Brickhill REACH FOR THE SKY Story of WWII British ace Douglas
Bader. $4 Caidin RAGGED, RUGGED WARRIORS P-40 Flying Tigers against the
Zero in the far east. $4 Caidin THUNDERBOLT P-47 with the 56th fighter group in World War
Two, photos. $5 Caidin ZERO Japans air war in the Pacific 1941-45, photos.
$5 Caidin LAST DOGFIGHT Masters of the dogfight in a duel to the
death, novel. $2 Caidin FORK TAILED DEVIL Development and combat history of the
P-38, photos. $5 Caidin TORCH TO THE ENEMY The devastating B-29 Tokyo fire raids
in WW11, photos. $5 Caidin EVERYTHING BUT THE FLAK Flying three B-17 bombers over
the Atlantic to Europe. $2 Caldwell JG-26 Top guns of the Luftwaffe, photos, app.
$5 Campbell THE BOMBING OF NUREMBURG Photos. $4 Carpenter WE SEVEN Story of the space program and Mercury 7
astronauts, photos. $4 Charpentier GLOBAL WARRIOR Capt. Jeudwine, DOS OBE DFC. Large 6"
x 9", photos, maps. $7 Cortesi OPERATION BISMARCK SEA Allied airforce against the IJN
fleet in `43, photos, maps $5 Daniels AIRCRAFT OF WW I AND WW II Details 110 aircraft, 3-view
color silhouettes. $4 Ethell ONE DAY IN A LONG WAR Most intense full-scale air attack
in Vietnam, photos. $3 Exupery WIND, SAND and STARS Aviation adventure . $1 Fonck ACE OF ACES WWI combat memoirs of Capt. Rene Fonck,
charts, line drawings. $4 Forrester FLY FOR YOUR LIFE Story of Stanford Tuck, Englands
greatest WWII ace. $4 Fuller THE GHOST OF FLIGHT 401 True story of flight 401
$2 Galland THE FIRST AND THE LAST Luftwaffe WWII fighter commander.
$5 Gallico THE HURRICANE STORY Airplane that saved Britain form the
Luftwaffe. $4 Gann THE AVIATOR Basis for the successful movie, novel.
$3 Gibbons THE RED KNIGHT OF GERMANY Baron von Richthofen flying
ace of WWI, ill. $4 Gibson ENEMY COAST AHEAD Dam Buster Raid, Moehne and Eder in
Ruhr, Germany. $5 Goerner THE SEARCH FOR AMELIA EARHART Story of the downed
aviatrix. Photos. $2 Hammel ACES AGAINST GERMANY The American fighter Aces speak.
$4 Harkey PIONEER BUSH PILOT: The story of bush pilot Noel Wien.
ill. $3 Harvey AIR WAR VIETNAM From air rescue missions to shooting down
Migs. $3 Heilmann I FOUGHT YOU FROM THE SKIES German fighter pilot's
story. $3 Heller CATCH-22 The basis for the well-known movie, novel.
$2 Helmericks THE LAST OF THE BUSH PILOTS Flight in the Arctic.
$4 Hempsall 435 TRANSPORT SQUADRON Photos, large 6" x 9"
$8 Hersey HIROSHIMA Six of the Atomic bomb attack survivors.
$1 Hess PACIFIC SWEEP P-38s in the 5th and 13th fighter groups in
the Pacific. Photos, app. $5 Hough and Richards BATTLE OF BRITAIN Aerial battles in WWII,
large 6 x 9", photos. $7 Hoyt McCAMPBELLS HEROES Air group 15, known as the fabled
fifteen, photos. $5 Infield BIG WEEK! US Air Force bombers vs. Luftwaffe Feb. 1944,
photos. $3 Inoguchi THE DIVINE WIND The story of KamIkaze pilots, app.
$4 Irving DESTRUCTION OF DRESDEN The World War 11 fire storm
bombing missions, photos. $5 Johnson THUNDERBOLT A USAAF fighter ace with the 56th in WWII,
photos. $5 Johnson WING LEADER Story of Battle of Britain ace, Jonnie
Johnson. $4 Johnson FULL CIRCLE Tactics of air fighting 1914-1964.
$3 Julian BATTLE OF BRITAIN Britain during the Blitz, photos.
$3 Knebel NO HIGH GROUND True story of the first atomic bomb
mission. $3 Kuwahara KAMIKAZE Told by a KamIkaze suicide pilot in training.
$4 LeVier and Guenther PILOT Epic career of a leading test pilot.
$3 Lovell and Kluger APOLLO 13 The story of the aborted Moon shot.
$3 Lyall WAR IN THE AIR Royal Air Force in World War 2. Photos.
$4 Marvicsin MAVERICK Hueys and Cobras in Viet Nam. $3 Mason CHICKENHAWK 1000 helicopter missions in Viet Nam.
$3 Middlebrook THE BERLIN RAIDS British R. A. F. Bomber Command
Winter 1943 - 1944. Large 5" x 7", photos, maps, app. $8 Middleton THE SKY SUSPENDED The turning point of WWII.
$3 Miller CACTUS AIR FORCE Fliers that saved Guadalcanal.
$4 Mooney THE HINDENBURG The Zeppelin Hindenburg, photos
$3 Morrison POINT OF NO RETURN The B-29 bombing war against Japan,
photos. $4 Nelson THE FIRST HEROES Story of the Doolittle Raid, photos,
map. large 6 x 9" $7 Nichols ON YANKEE STATION The Vietnam naval air war, ill., maps,
app. $3 Okumiya ZERO Japans air war in the Pacific. Photos, maps,
charts, $7 Parton AIR FORCE SPOKEN HERE General Ira Eaker and the WW11
command of the air campaign. Extra large 8" x 10" size photos,
tables, 557 pages. $8 Rich SKUNK WORKS The legendary government secret development
group. Large 6" x 9" $7 Reynolds THEY FOUGHT FOR THE SKY Combat pilots and aerial
battles in WWI, diagrams. $4 Rickenbacker RICKENBACKER Rickenbackers autobiography, photos.
$3 Ross THE U-2 AFFAIR High altitude espionage and a captured US
pilot. $3 Rudel STUKA PILOT Germany's leading wartime pilot with 2530
missions. $5 Sakai SAMURAI World War Two Japanese fighter ace with 64 kills,
photos. $5 Scott TIGER IN THE SKY Story of General Robert Scott's military
career. $3 Sims THE ACES TALK Stories of great fighter missions from WWI
and WWII, photos. $4 Sims THE GREATEST ACES Top R.A.F., Luftwaffe and U.S.A.F.
fighter pilots, photos $5 Skinner RED FLAG Air combat for the 80s, photos. $3 Smith 633 SQAUDRON RAF pilots dangerous strike behind enemy
lines, novel. $2 Smyth THE ERROLL BOND STORY Famous aviator of Canada, photos.
Large 6" x 9" $7 Taylor HIGH HORIZONS The United Airlines Story. Photos, map.
Large 5" x 7" $7 Thomas ENOLA GAY Atomic Bomb development and Hiroshima mission,
photos. $3 Toland THE FLYING TIGERS P-40 fighters in China against the
Japanese, photos. $3 Toliver and Constable HORRIDO! World War 2 fighter aces of the
Luftwaffe. Charts, ill., $5 Trotti PHANTOM OVER VIETNAM True story of the air combat in
Indonesia, ill. $3 Warner THE SACRED WARRIORS Story of the Japanese death squadrons,
photos, app. $5 Wilford WE REACH THE MOON 64 page color photo album. $3 Wolfe THE RIGHT STUFF US astronauts and the space program.
$3 Yeager and Janos YEAGER Autobiography of Yeagers aviation
career, photos. $3 WORLD WAR I Military BooksPitt 1918-THE LAST ACT Story of the last year of World War
I, photos. $4 Hockley THE SOMME One of the bloodiest battles in history, maps,
photos. $3 Toland NO MANS LAND 1918-the last year of the Great War, photos.
$3 Tuchman THE ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM Historic espionage operation
during WWI, photos. $3 Tuchman THE GUNS OF AUGUST Story of the first days of World War One. $3
wheels army group, maps. $3 Almasy WITH ROMMEL'S ARMY IN LIBYA The author's 1st hand
experience of serving with Rommel in the Sahara. Photos, large 5" x
8" $6 Ambrose BAND OF BROTHERS E Company, 506th Regiment, 101st
Airborne. Photos, maps, large 5" x 8" $6 Astor A BLOOD-DIMMED TIDE Battle of the Bulge bythe men who
fought it. Photos, map. $3 Astor CRISIS IN THE PACIFIC Battles for the Phillippine Islands
in World War 2. Photos, maps.$3 Astor OPERATION ICEBERG Invasion and conquest of Okinawa in World
War II. Photos, maps. $3 Astor THE GREATEST WAR Vol. 3 Battle of the Bulge to Hiroshima,
photos, $2 Balkoski BEYOND THE BEACH 29th Infantry Division in Normandy,
photos, maps, app, 6" x 9" $10 Blair MACARTHUR The story of General MacArthur in WWII.
$2 Blumenson KASSERINE PASS Epic battle between Rommel and Patton
in Africa. $4 Bosworth AMERICAS CONCENTRATION CAMPS Japanese internees.
$3 Bradley A GENERAL'S LIFE Autobiography of Gen. Omar Bradley.
Photos, extra large 6" x10" $7 Breuer STORMING HITLERS RHINE The Allied assault: Feb.-March
1945, photos. $4 Breuer DROP ZONE SICILY 1st airborne strike of fortress Europe,
photos, map. $4 Brown THE LAST HERO Bill Donovan and the OSS in WW2. Photos,
maps, large 5" x 7" $6 Brown SECRET WAR REPORT OF THE OSS World War 11 military
intelligence, photos $3 Budiansky BATTLE OF WITS Codebreaking in WW11. Photos,
diagrams, large 5" x 8" $7 Bullock HITLER - A STUDY OF TYRANNY Biography of Adolph Hitler.
$2 Burgett CURRAHEE! 101st Airborne Screaming Eagles division at
Normandy, photos. $3 Carter THOSE DEVILS IN BAGGY PANTS The 82nd airborne division in
WW 2. $3 Chapin MILK RUN POW 1944: An American Flier in Stalag 17-B.
Large 5" x 8" $7 Chuikov THE BATTLE FOR STALINGRAD Siege of the Russian capital,
map, photos. $7 Churchill THE GATHERING STORM- Vol. 1 The pre-war years, photos,
maps. $3 Churchill THEIR FINEST HOUR- Vol. 2 The Battle of Britain,
photos, maps. $3 Churchill THE GRAND ALLIANCE- Vol. 3 Pearl Harbor and the Allied
war effort, photos, maps. $3 Churchill TRIUMPH and TRAGEDY- Vol. 6 From Normandy to the
A-bomb. $3 Clark BARBAROSSA The Russian-German conflict 1941-1945, photos,
maps. $6 Clinton GIVE TERRY A BONE Nazi occupied Holland, photos, large
5" x 8", SIGNED $7 Collins IS PARIS BURNING? The German retreat from Paris, photos.
$2 Congdon COMBAT: PACIFIC THEATER IN WORLD WAR TWO $2 Craig ENEMY AT THE GATES The Battle for Stalingrad, photos,
maps. $6 Crisp BRAZEN CHARIOTS Allies fighting Rommels crack Afrika
Korps. $4 Davis MARINE-THE LIFE OF CHESTY PULLER Winner of five Navy
crosses. $3 Downing THE DEVILS VIRTUOSOS Story of Hitlers generals and the
Wehrmacht, photos. $4 Farago PATTON-ORDEAL AND TRIUMPH Biography of General Patton.
$3 Farago THE LAST DAYS OF PATTON Pattons final year. $3 Fest THE FACE OF THE 3RD REICH Portraits of Nazi leadership,
photos. $3 Fisher THE WAR MAGICIAN Story of Jasper Maskelyne and his magic
gang, photos. $4 Fitzgibbon 20 JULY The plot to kill Hitler, photos. $3 Flower THE BLITZKRIEG From the invasion of Poland to Greece and
the Middle East. $4 Flower VICTORY AND DEFEAT The collapse of Germany and the
assault in the Pacific. $3 Foley COMMANDO EXTRAORDINARY Otto Skorzeny and his Nazi commando
troops. $5 Forsyth ODESSA FILE SS plot to re-establish Nazi power, novel.
$2 Friedrich BLOOD AND IRON von Moltke family in Germany from
Bismarck to Hitler, large 6"x 9" $5 Garfield THE THOUSAND-MILE WAR The Aleutian campaign.
$4 Gavin ON TO BERLIN Genaral Gavin's account of Airborne combat in
WW 2, maps. $3 Gehlen THE SERVICE Nazi spy who served the US Army, CIA and West
Germany, photos. $3 Gilbert AUSCHWITZ AND THE ALLIES Report on the secrecy of
Auschwitz in WW2. Large 5 x 8" size, photos, maps. $6 Groueff MANHATTEN PROJECT The making of the atomic bomb in World
War II. $4 Grunberger THE 12-YEAR REICH A social history of Nazi Germany
1933-45, photos. $3 Guderian PANZER LEADER Tank warfare as written by the German
Chief of Staff, maps. $6 Gun HITLERS MISTRESS Story of Eva Braun from diaries and
letters, photos. $3 Harel HOUSE ON GARIBALDI STREET Eichmanns capture. $2 Hart THE GERMAN GENERALS TALK Interviews with the German high
command. $4 Hastings DAS REICH 2nd SS Panzer Division in France. Photos,
maps, $4 Hatch GEORGE PATTON The whole report of General Pattons career.
$3 Hechler BRIDGE AT REMAGEN Capture of the Ludendorff Bridge
across the Rhine, photos. $3 Hinsley CODE BREAKERS The inside story of Bletchley Park.
Photos, diagrams. Large 5 x 8" $7 Hohne ORDER OF THE DEATHS HEAD Nazi SS study, maps, charts, app.
$7 Hohne CODEWORD: DIREKTOR Red Orchestra spies in the Nazi High
Command $3 Houston HELL ON WHEELS - The 2nd Armored Division. Large 5 x 8"
size, photos. $10 Hyde ROOM 3603 B.S.C. intelligence operations in WWII, map,
photos. Large 5 x 7" $5 Hymoff O.S.S. IN WWII Americas first espionage service before
the C.I.A., photos. $3 Ichinokuchi JOHN AISO AND THE M. I. S. Japanese American's in the
Military Intelligence Service during WW2. Large 5 x 7" photos, map.
$7 Irving TRAIL OF THE FOX Rommel and the Afrika Corp in WW11,
photos, maps. $4 Irving TRAIL OF THE FOX Rommel and the Afrika Corp. Large 5 x
7" size, photos, maps. $7 Jewell ed. ALAMEIN AND THE DESERT WAR Monty and others, color
photos. $5 Jungk BRIGHTER THAN A THOUSAND SUNS History of atomic bomb
development. 5" x 7" $5 Kahn THE CODE-BREAKERS The story of cryptology and intelligence
work in WWII. $4 Keegan SIX ARMIES IN NORMANDY From D-Day to Paris. Large 5 x 7"
size, photos, maps $6 Kerr THE SECRET OF STALINGRAD The bloodiest battle in WWII.
$4 Lamont DAY OF TRINITY Story of the A-bomb development and
testing, photos. $4 Lawson THE UNITED STATES IN WORLD WAR TWO Photos. $2 LeVien THE VALIANT YEARS Winston Churchill and England in WW 2,
maps. $2 Lewin ROMMEL AS MILITARY COMMANDER Leader of the Afrika Korps,
photos, maps. $4 Lord THE MIRACLE OF DUNKIRK The WWII rescue. Large 5 x 7" size,
photos, maps $6 Lucas DAS REICH Military role of the 2nd Waffen SS Division.
Large 5 x 7" size photos, maps $7 MacDonald COMPANY COMMANDER Classic of WWII infantry combat in
photos, 5" x 8" $7 Majdalany THE BATTLE OF CASSINO The Liri valley, photos
$4 Manvell THE MEN WHO TRIED TO KILL HITLER The 7/20/44 attempt on
Hitler's life, photos. $3 Mason HITLER MUST DIE The story of the attempt to kill Hitler,
photos $3 Masterman DOUBLE CROSS SYSTEM Nazi spies turn into double
agents. Large 5 x 7", app., $5 McKie LAST ROUND AGAINST ROMMEL Battle of the Normandy
beachhead, maps, photos. $4 Megellas ALL THE WAY TO BERLIN 82nd Airborne's most decorated
officer, maps, photos. $3 Merriam THE BATTLE OF THE BULGE The last Nazi offensive, maps.
$4 Miller STORY OF ERNIE PYLE One of the most recognized World War
11 celebrities, photos. $2 Mosley HIROHITO Emporer of Japan in the Second World War.
Photos. $3 Muhlen THE INCREDIBLE KRUPPS Story of the gigantic German
munitions empire. $2 Nathanson THE DIRTY DOZEN WWII story and basis for the
well-known movie, novel. $2 Nutting LAWRENCE OF ARABIA Biography , photos. $2 ODonnell THE BUNKER Hitlers last days and suicide. $3 Olsen SILENCE ON MONTE SOLE Nazi massacre of Italians.
$2 Pash THE ALSOS MISSION Special team formed to capture German
atomic weapons. $5 Patton WAR AS I KNEW IT Memoirs of General George Patton.
$3 Pawle SECRET WEAPONS OF WW 11 Secret story of the surprise
weapons, photos. $5 Peers BEHIND THE BURMA ROAD Secret OSS guerilla force against
the Japanese. $3 Pitt THE EDGE OF BATTLE Epic of 3 men in desert combat with the
Afrika Korps. $3 Pitt CHURCHILL AND THE GENERALS Churchill and military staff in
WW 11, ill., maps. $3 Posner MENGELE The story of the notorius Nazi doctor, photos.
$3 Popov SPY COUNTER SPY A sensational WWII espionage story.
$3 Prange TARGET TOKYO Story of the Sorge spy ring, photos.
$3 Prange AT DAWN WE SLEPT Untold story of Pearl Harbor, photos,
charts, app., large 6" x 9" $7 Reid ESCAPE FROM COLDITZ Story of the "great escape".
$3 Reynolds RAID AT DIEPPE Dress rehearsal for D-Day, maps.
$4 Rhodes MAKING OF THE ATOMIC BOMB Comprehensive, photos, large
6"x9". $10 Russell THE KNIGHTS OF BUSHIDO Japanese P.O.W atrocities in
World War II. $5 Ryan THE LONGEST DAY History of D-Day invasion, photos.
$3 Ryan A BRIDGE TOO FAR The bridge at Arnhem, photos. $2 Ryan A BRIDGE TOO FAR The bridge at Arnhem, photos. large 6 x
9". photos. $5 Ryan THE LAST BATTLE Siege of Berlin, the last Nazi stronghold,
large 6 x 9". photos. $5 Salisbury THE 900 DAYS The siege of Leningrad, photos, maps.
$3 Schellenberg HITLERS SECRET SERVICE As told by the German spy
chief. $4 Schroter STALINGRAD Epic report of the German 6th army in
Russia, map. $10 Sherrod TARAWA The bloody invasion of Tarawa island in the
Pacific, maps, app. $4 Shirer THE RISE AND FALL OF THE THIRD REICH A massive study,
1599 pages. $4 Shulman DEFEAT IN THE WEST Germanys battles as told by Hitlers
generals, photos. $5 Snyder HITLERS ELITE "Profiles of the Reichs most notorius
henchmen," photos. $4 Speer INSIDE THE THIRD REICH A detailed account of the Second
World War, photos $3 Speer SPANDAU: THE SECRET DIARIES Memoirs, photos $3 Stewart GIVE US THIS DAY True story of the Bataan death march.
$4 Stevenson A MAN CALLED INTREPID A superspys decisive operations
in WWII, photos $2 Summersby EISENHOWER WAS MY BOSS As told by Eisenhowers aide.
$8 Thompson BATTLE FOR THE RHINE 38 Allied divisions against the
Siegfried Line, photos. $5 Thompson 85 DAYS Savage battle to take Antwerp from fanatical
Nazi forces, photos, maps. $3 Toland RISING SUN Japanese Empire 1936-1945, photos $3 Toland INFAMY The Japanese attack against Pearl Harbor, photos
$3 Toland LAST 100 DAYS End of the Nazi Reich, photo, map.
$3 Tregaskis INVASION DIARY Blow-by-blow account of the invasion in
Sicily and Italy. $3 von Luck PANZER COMMANDER The 7th and 21st Panzer Divisions in
WW 11, photos, $4 von Mellenthin PANZER BATTLES Account of tank warfare in WW II,
photos, maps. $6 Weglyn YEARS OF INFAMY Internment of 112,000 Japanese civilians
in WWII. Photos, maps, large 6 x 9". $7 Werner FIGHTING BACK Jewish resistance in WWII. Large 6 x 9"
size, photos, maps $6 Werth RUSSIA AT WAR 1941-1945 The definitive history of the
Second World War Nazi - Soviet eastern front warfare. Large 6 x 9"
size, 1100 pages, maps $10 Werth RUSSIA AT WAR 1941-1945 The definitive history of Nazi -
Soviet eastern front warfare. $4 Wheeler IWO The savage invasion and battle for Iwo Jima,
photos.$4 Whitcomb ESCAPE FROM CORREGIDOR Gripping true escape story of WW
11. $4 Whiting 48 HOURS TO HAMMELBURG One of Patton's boldest missions,
maps, photos. $3 Whiting CANARIS Admiral Canaris and the secret service in
Germany, photos. $3 Whiting IWO A searing account of one of historys bloodiest
battles, photos, maps. $4 Wiesenthal THE MURDERERS AMONG US The famous Nazi war criminal
investigator. $2 Williams THE WOODEN HORSE Three men escape from Stalag-Luft III.
$3 Wilmot STRUGGLE FOR EUROPE The best and most comprehensive
history of WWII in Europe yet published. Large 6 x 9" size, maps,
app. $10 Wilson THE D-DAY QUIZ BOOK Provides answers to many details of
the invasion. $2 Young ROMMEL-THE DESERT FOX Legendary leader of Germanys Afrika
Korps. $5 Zeiger THE CASE AGAINST ADOLF EICHMANN The Nazi final solution
in WW2, photos. $2 Zieser THE ROAD TO STALINGRAD Epic story of the German 6th Army on
the Russian front. $7 BALLANTINES ILLUSTRATED HISTORY of WORLD WAR II SeriesBallantines Illustrated History of World War 2 series has 154 volumes to the set which were issued with series numbers in their respective category groupings. Large 5 x 8" size format, most contain photos, maps, line drawings, charts, etc. pertaining to the subject of the title. Ballantine books have been out-of-print for many years and are priced according to their condition and scarcity, all range from very good or better condition. Inquire for further information. WEAPONS SERIES: #1 U Boat $6 #4 Me: 109 $6 #16 Waffen SS $6 #18 Barrage $8 #21 T-34 Russian Armor $10 #22 Suicide Weapon $8 #23 Hitler's High Seas Fleet $10 #32 German General Staff $10 #34 Chindits $12 #35 Condor Legion $12 #42 Midget Submarine $12 BATTLE SERIES: #10 Pearl Harbor $5 #11 Leyte Gulf $6 #12 Okinawa $7 #20 Midway $8 #23 Bir Hakim $10 #28 Argonne 1918 $10 #31 Zeebrugge; 23 April 1918 $12 WAR LEADER SERIES: #13 Mussolini $6 #16 Churchill $7 CAMPAIGN SERIES: #4 France: Summer 1940 $5 #24 The Winter War: Russia Against Finland $8 HUMAN CONFLICT: #2 Lidice $12 #3 Death Railway $12 POLITICS IN ACTION: #6 Hitler Youth $12 KOREA, VIETNAM and COLD WAR Military BooksAnderson BAT 21 A fight for rescue and survival in Vietnam.
$2 Anderson THE GRUNTS Bravo Company, Vietnam. $2 Baker NAM Vietnam in the words of the soldiers, glossary.
$2 Banks, ed. MODERN TANKS- An Illustrated Guide. 120 color and b+w
photos, 5 x 7" hardback. $5 Bolger DRAGONS AT WAR Gulf War. Photos, maps, app. $2 Bowden BLACK HAWK DOWN A story of modern war, photos.
$2 Caputo A RUMOR OF WAR American experience in Vietnam.
$2 Carhart IRON SOLDIERS Armored 1st division in the Persian Gulf,
photos. $2 Cohen and Mitchell MEN OF ZEAL The Iran-Contra hearings, large 5
x 7", photos. $2 Ericson CHARLIE RANGERS 75th Infantrys six man hunter-killer
teams, photos, app. $2 Gettleman ed. VIETNAM History, documents and opinions on a major
world crisis. $2 Hammel THE ASSAULT ON KHE SANH The assault near the Laotian
border. $2 Herr DISPATCHES The best personal journal about the Vietnam War.
$2 Hoyt THE PUSAN PERIMETER The Korean War, 1950, photos.
$2 Jennings MOUTHFUL OF ROCKS Modern adventures in the French
Foreign Legion. $2 Jorgenson MIA RESCUE LRRPs in NVA-infested jungles of Cambodia.
$2 Jorgenson ACCEPTABLE LOSS Infantry soldiers perspective, photos.
$2 Kissinger NUCLEAR WEAPONS AND FOREIGN POLICY $2 Lee FORCE RECON COMMAND 3rd Force Recon Company in Vietnam
1969-70. $2 Leppelman BLOOD ON THE RISERS Airborne in Nam, photos.
$2 Mangold THE TUNNELS OF CU CHI Underground battles with the tunnel
rats, photos. $2 Marshall THE BATTLE FOR BIRD 1st Air Cavs of an LZ, photos
$2 Morris WAR STORY The true story of the Green Berets. $2 Murphy DAK TO US Sky soldiers in south Vietnam's central
highlands. $2 Norton FORCE RECON DIARY, 1969 One of the most highly skilled
units in Vietnam, photos. $2 Palmer SUMMONS OF THE TRUMPET History of the Vietnam War.
$2 Ridgway THE KOREAN WAR As told by General Ridgway, photos, maps.
$2 Santoli EVERYTHING WE HAD Vietnam, photos, glossary $2 Saffer COUNTDOWN ZERO G.I. victims of atomic testing. Large 5" x
7" $5 Sasser ONE SHOT-ONE KILL US combat snipers in WW 11, Korea,
Vietnam and Beirut. $2 Terry BLOODS Vietnam told by black veterans, photos. $2 Westmoreland A SOLDIER REPORTS The Generals memoirs of 40 years
of service. $2 Uhl G.I. GUINEA PIGS G.I.s exposed to toxic radiation and
herbicides, photos. Large 5" x 7" $5 Zumbro TANK SERGEANT Vietnam from inside a tank, photos
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