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Andrew, ChrisopherHER MAJESTY'S SECRET SERVICEViking 1986 "The making of the British intelligence community. The first comprehensive study of the emergence of one of the world's major intelligence organizations. 619 pages. 1st NF/VG $15 Order Form
Andrew and MitrokhinTHE SWORD AND THE SHEILDBasic Books 1999The Mitrokhin Archive and the secret history of the KGB ----a definitive work! Photos, title and credits in gold on spine, 700 pages. $10 Order Form
Aubrac, LucieOUTWITTING THE GESTAPOUniv. of Nebraska 1993Account of author's participation in the French resistance in Lyons, France during the WWII. Photos, 235 pages. 1st VG/VG $8 Order Form
Battle, HellenEVERY WALL SHALL FALLHewitt 1969The author's story of her arrest after being caught helping an East German man attempt an escape. After intensive interrogation, and being found guilty she served a four year prison sentence. 318 pages. 1st F-/VG SIGNED AND INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOR $18 Order Form
Christman, AlTARGET HIROSHIMAUSNI 1999Deak Parsons, the Manhatten Project and the creation of the Atomic bomb. 1st F-/F- $18 Order Form
Clausen, Henry C. and Bruce LeePEARL HARBOR: FINAL JUDGEMENTCrown 1992The author was a special investigator for Secretary of War Stimson who submitted an 800 page top-secret report that "would have torn apart the government of the U.S." due to our ability to read the German and Japanese codes. Photos, maps, app., 485 pages. 1st F/F- $15 Order Form
Cookridge, E.H.GEHLAN-SPY OF THE CENTURYRandom House 1972Reinhard Gehlan first served as Hitler's chief intelligence officer against the Soviet Union. His second boss, in the same capacity, was the CIA. Photos, 402 pages. 1st NF/VG $12 Order Form
Costello, JohnDAYS OF INFAMYPocket 1994 "MacArthur, Roosevelt, Churchill-how their secret deals and strategic blunders caused disasters at Pearl Harbor and the Philippines." Photos, app., glossary, 448 pages. 1st F-/VG+ $15 Order Form
Davidson, Lt.-Gen. Phillip B.SECRETS OF THE VIETNAM WARPresidio 1990The author's experiences as the chief U.S. military intelligence officer in Vietnam (MACV J-2), a position he held from May 1967 until May 1969. Glossary, 214 pages. 1st F-/F- $15 Order Form
Dulles, AllenTHE SECRET SURRENDERHarper 1966The author guided the top secret Operation Sunrise which brought about the Nazi surrender in Italy. Photos, maps, 268 pages. 1st VG/VG $12 Order Form
Fane and MooreTHE NAKED WARRIORSUSNI 1995The Story of the U.S. Navy's Frogmen. Fane's blow-by-blow account of UDT operations in World War II and Korea is the classic frogman story told by a legendary commander. 20 photos, 308 pages. USNI reprint F-/F- $25 Order Form
Ford, CoreyDONOVAN OF OSSittle Brown 1970 "The story of William J. Donovan, and his place in history as the instigator and organizer and director of America's first formal agency for organized intelligence and unorthodox warfare." Photos, app., 366 pages. 1st NF/VG $12 Order Form
Forsyth, FrederickTHE ODESSA FILEVikingBy the author of "The Day of the Jackal ". A story of intrigue with ODESSA, the secret organization responsible for protecting the identities of former members of the SS in and out of Germany since shortly before the end of World War 2. Novel, 337 pages. 1st VG+/VG $15 Order Form
Guest, Capt. FreddieESCAPE FROM THE BLOODIED SUNJarrolds 1956The incredible escape of the author, a Chinese Admiral and others from Hong Kong to Chung King 1200 miles away during WWII. Photos, map, 192 pages. F-/VG $15 Order Form
Hohne, HeinzCANARIS: Hitler's Master SpyDoubleday 1979A definitive biography of an elusive, mysterious and paradoxical German spy chief and a panoramic view of Nazism. Admiral Wilhelm Canaris was the chief of the Abwehr (German military intelligence) during Second World War. 29 photos, notes, 703 pages. 1st VG/VG $12 Order Form
Howarth, DavidWE DIE ALONEMacmillan 1955The story of Jan Baalsrud, the sole survivor of 12 man team that set out to sabotage a German airbase used to deploy attacks on Russian convoys in 1943. Photos. 1st VG $10 Order Form
Hutton, StephenSQUADRON OF DECEPTION: The 36th Bomb Squadron in World War TwoSchiffer 1999Here at last is the exciting, detailed story of the U.S. Eighth Air Force's only Radar Countermeasure squadron that flew from England duing World War II. This book tells of the men of the elite 36th Bomb Squadron and the special operations they flew in modified B-24s to jam the German radar which controlled the fighter and flak batteries. Here too is the story of the men behind the scenes who sought to develop an extension of modern air warfare into the electronic arena and keep ahead of German scientists in the "War in the Ether." This chronological account gathered from secret records, personal diaries, and interviews with the "Old Crows" describes the night missions with the Royal Air Force and the daylight missions with the Eighth. The first jamming mission on the morning of D-Day "contributed materially to the success of the landings on the beachhead." Later missions during the Battle of the Bulge involved trickery, ingenious deception, spoofs, and tank communications jamming. Here now is the story of how this secret squadron saved many Allied lives during World War II. 330+ photos and illustrations, app., 215 pages. 1st VG+/VG $28 Order Form
Kemp, PeterUNDERWATER WARRIORSBrockhampton 1999Midget submarines are an important but relatively little-known part of the history of submarine development and use. During WWII midget submarines were used extensively and effectively in raids against seaborne, harbor, and land based targets __ a subject that is throughly covered in this study. 75 photos, line drawings, charts, app., 256 pages. 1st NEW condition $20 Order Form
Krasnov, VladislavSOVIET DEFECTORSHoover Press 1986The KGB MOST wanted list. Chart, 264 pages. 1st VG $15 Order Form
Layton, Pineau and Costello "AND I WAS THERE": PEARL HARBOR AND MIDWAY-BREAKING THE SECRETS Morrow 1986 A detailed account of the background of the secret radio intelligence war against Japan that began in the 1920s. Layton served as the Pacific Fleet's intelligence officer throughout the war. Photos, maps, 596 pages. 1st VG/VG $18 Order Form
Lord, WalterLONELY VIGILViking 1977The Coastwatchers of the Soloman islands operating deep behind Japanese lines in 1942-1943, and the submarines and planes that helped support them. Photos, maps, 272 pages. BCE reprint VG+/G $10 Order Form
Mangod and PenycataTHE TUNNELS OF CU CHIRandom 1985 "Recreates a remarkable campaign in the Vietnam War, a unique battle fought inside a 200-mile labyrinth of underground tunnels that the VC dug just north of Saigon." Photos, diagram, 294 pages. 1st F-/VG+ $18 Order Form
Masterman, J. C.THE DOUBLE CROSS SYSTEM IN THE WAR OF 1939-1945 Yale 1972 Uncovers the complex story of the double-cross system from its origins through the last years of WWII. App., 203 pages. NFVG $10 Order Form
Moszkiewiez, HeleneINSIDE THE GESTAPO: A Jewish Woman's Secret WarMacmillan 1985 Biography of a twenty-year-old jewish woman who was recruited into the Belgian Resistance. She was able to infiltrate the Brussels Gestapo Headquarters as an office clerk and pass important information to the Resistance saving many lives. Her skills and missions became increasingly risky to the point of killing a senior Gestapo officer in cold blood in a public park. It is an inspiring true-life war thriller of a woman's will to survive against all odds. 8 pages of photos, 189 pages. 1st VG/G $8 Order Form
Mountbatten Vice-Adm Lord LouisCOMBINED OPERATIONS: THE OFFICIAL STORY OF THE COMMANDOSHMSO 1943 A record and account of some of the amphibious combined operations and of the Combined Operations Command. 155 pages. VG $10 Order Form
North, Lt. Col. OliverUNDER FIRE: AN AMERICAN STORYHarper Collins 1991 North, the man at the center of the controversy called Iran - Contra, details what he did and why he did it. Cast of characters includes Ronald Reagan, George Bush, William Casey, Bud McFarlane, John Poindexter and others. North also describes his long military career and special assignments. SIGNED BY OLIVER NORTH. 1st. Photos, app., 446 pages. VG+/VG+ $25 Order Form
Olsen, JackAPHRODITE: Desperate MissionPutnam 1970Story of a top secret mission to save London from German rockets with a near-suicide mission resulting in the death of Joe Kennedy, Jr. Photos, map, 328 pages. VG/G $10 Order Form
O'Neill, RichardSUICIDE SQUADS OF WORLD WAR II A comprehensive study of suicide-type operations and weapons used during WWII by the Axis and Allied forces including midget submarines, human torpedoes, explosive motor-boats and KamIkaze aircraft. Photos, profusely illustrated, charts, extensive diagrams, glossary, maps, 296 pages. NF/VG $20 Order Form
Paul, DorisNAVAJO CODE TALKERSDorrance 1973 The Navajo Indians who rallied to America's call during World War II, to perform a unique and vital duty - that of devising and employing a secret code using their native tongue, a code which proved totally indepecipherable to the enemy and this story is immortalized in this fascinating work. Photos, 170 pages. 1st VG/G $12 Order Form
Perrault, GillesTHE RED ORCHESTRASimon and Schuster 1969 "The notorius spy ring the Germans called Die Rote Kapelle-"The Red Orchestra"-that operated within the very highest circles of the German General Staff from 1941-1944. Photos, 512 pages. 1st VG+/G $18 Order Form
Persico, Joseph E. CASEYViking 1990The lives and secrets of William J. Casey: from the OSS in WW II to the CIA. Photos, 601 pages. 1st F-/VG $15 Order Form
Pirie, AnthonyOPERATION BERNHARDMorrow 1961The story behind the greatest forgery of all time - $100,000,000 in counterfeit notes. Photos, 266 pages. 1st VG/VG - $15 Order Form
Reimann, ViktoGOEBBELS: The Man Who Created HitlerDoubleday 1976The story of Hitler's Propaganda Chief: how Goebbels rose through the ranks of the Nazi party; how he seized control of all avenues that shape public opinion - the press, the arts, education, and how he wielded personal power once he gained it. Photos, notes, 352 pages. 1st NF/VG $10 Order Form
Russell, LordTHE SCOURGE OF THE SWASTIKACassell 1954A truthful and accurate account of German war crimes compiled from evidence given, documents produced at war-crime trials, statements of eyewitnesses and war-crime investigation commissions. Photos, ill., 259 pages. 1st G+ $15 Order Form
Shawcross, WilliamSIDESHOW: KISSINGER, NIXON AND THE DESTRUCTION OF CAMBODIASimon and Schuster 1979 "The first full-scale investigation of America's secret war against Cambodia." Photos, endpaper maps, 467 pages. VG/VG $15 Order Form
Sontag and DrewBLIND MAN'S BLUFF: The Untold Story of American Submarine EspionagePublic Affairs 1988After 6 years of research veteran investigative journalist Sherry Sontag and New York Times reporter Chris Drew reveal stories of American tapping of Soviet communications cables in the Barents Sea, the true story of the legendary Hughes Glomar Explorer, a CIA-built excavation vessel, new evidence about the loss of USS Scorpian and much more. Stretching from the years following WWII to present day spy operations of the Clinton Administration. Photos, 352 pages. NF/NF $15; ANOTHER COPY VG condition without a dust jacket $10 Order Form
Speer, AlbertINFILTRATIONMacmillan 1981 "How Heinrich Himmler schemed to build an SS Industrial Empire." App., 384 pages. 1st F-/F- $15 Order Form
Stephan, JohnHAWAII UNDER THE RISING SUNUniv. of Hawaii 1984Japan's plans for conquest after Pearl Harbor-the most ambitious and far-reaching Japanese operation of World War II. Map, 228 pages. 1st NF/NF $15 Order Form
Stevenson, WilliamA MAN CALLED INTREPIDHarcourt 1976The secret war, the authentic account of the most significant secret diplomacy and decisive intelligence operations of World War II. Photos, 486 pages. F-/VG $12 Order Form
Tremayne, JuliaWAR ON SARK: The Secret Letters of Julia Tremayne A personal account of the German Occupation of the Channel Island of Sark from 1940 to 1945. Photos, maps, 208 pages. 1st NF/VG+ $10 Order Form
Tully, AndrewTHE SUPER SPIESArthur Barker 1969The sinside story of America's biggest, most secret, most powerful spy agency. 256 pages. UK edition VG/VG $10 Order Form
von Lang, JochenTHE SECRETARYRandom 1979The story of Martin Bormann and his influential relationship with Hitler. Photos, app., 430 pages. 1st F-/F- $12 Order Form
Vyborny and DavisDARK WATERS - An Insider's Account of the NR-1, the Cold War's Undercover Nuclear SubmarineNAL 2003Operating alone and unarmed on the bottom of the sea, the U.S. Navy's smallest nuclear-powered submarine is one of its biggest weapons. Tied up at a pier, the boat with the bright orange sail looks absolutely minuscule, innocent and out of place beside its big brothers, the fleet's huge missile-carrying and attack submarines, but it can dive deeper, stay down for a month, and accomplish missions far beyond the capabilities of any of them. The ship has been cloaked in mystery. It wasn't commissioned or given a name, and even today it is hardly known beyond a select fraternity of sailors and scientists. They simply call it the NR-1. "Dark Waters: An Insider's Account of the NR-1, the Cold War's Undercover Nuclear Sub" is a thrill-a-minute book of submarine adventure, imminent danger, personal bravery, technological wonder and historic discovery. It will be a proud addition to the shelves of readers who love stories of the sea, history and intrigue. Photos, app., 243 pages. 1st NEW condition $20 Order Form
Wechsberg, Joseph ed.THE MURDERERS AMONG USMcGraw-Hill 1967Simon Wiesenthal, as a survivor of Mauthausen concentration camp, has been responsible for the investigative information that has brought 1000 Nazi war criminals to justice, including Adolf Eichmann. Photos, 340 pages. F-/G+ $12 Order Form
West, NigelM.I.5.Stein and Day 1982 "The true story of the most secret counterespionage organization in the world." Photos, 365 pages. F-/VG+ $12 Order Form
Wilkinson, BurkeBY SEA AND BY STEALTHCoward-McCann 1956 "Stirring accounts of surprise attack by sea during World War II." Details some of the most striking and brilliant attacks by sea in WWII by special underwater commandos. Photos, maps, 218 pages. 1st VG/G+ $28; ANOTHER COPY G+ condition without dust jacket $18 Order Form
Williams, Eric THE WOODEN HORSEHarper 1949The author and two others successfully escaped Stalag Luft III prison camp during WWII. 255 pages. VG/VG $12 Order Form
Winterbotham, F WTHE ULTRA SECRETHarper and Row 1974The Enigma and the British cryptographic team organized to penetrate the Nazi secret codes during WWII. 199 pages. BCE reprint VG/VG $10 Order Form
Wolfert, IraAMERICAN GUERRILLA IN THE PHILIPPINESSimon and Schuster 1945Lt. I. D. Richardson, a member of the famous " expendable" motor torpedo boat squadron 3, became involved in the guerrilla movement on Leyte and was primarily responsible for the radio network that was General MacArthur's light back to Leyte. Map, 301 pages. 1st NF/VG $12 Order Form
Woodward, BobVEILSimon and Schuster 1987The secret wars of the C.I.A. 1981-1987. Photos, 543 pages. 1st F-/VG $12 Order Form
Zacharias, Adm. Ellis M.BEHIND CLOSED DOORS: THE SECRET HISTORY OF THE COLD WARPutnam 1950Adm. Zacharias' report based on documents, interviews with diplomats from both sides of the Iron Curtain, political exiles, atomic scientists, secret police, etc. 367 pages. VG/FAIR $10 Order Form
Zu Putlitz, WolfgangTHE PUTLITZ DOSSIERWingate 1957A startling and fantastic revelation of diplomatic espionage in WWII. 252 pages. UK edition VG/G $10 Order Form
