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Site Development
Skyfarm at Fountaingrove
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Project: Skyfarm at Fountaingrove

Client: Andremer Developers, Inc.

Skyfarm at Fountaingrove is a subdivision located in the hills of northern Santa Rosa. Consisting of 157 custom-designed single family residential lots, and ranging in size from approximately one to over two acres, this development includes hundreds of acres of common open space.

Skyfarm is being developed in several stages. For Units 1 and 2, which are nearly complete, Brelje & Race provided the following services: Improvement plans for storm drains, sanitary sewers, water mains and appurtenances, streets, erosion control, and sewage lift stations; Final maps for each unit; Topographic survey; Boundary survey; Construction staking; and Lot monumentation.

Brelje & Race coordinated with several agencies including the City of Santa Rosa, Sonoma County Water Agency, and California Department of Fish and Game.