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Santa Rosa Junior College CEQA Services
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Representative Elements

  • Supplemental EIR for the SRJC Petaluma Campus Phase II project that included six new buildings and the renovation of approximately 21,000 assignable square feet of existing buildings.
  • Initial Study for the new Doyle Library, a modern 98,000 assignable square-foot library facility to serve the main SRJC campus’ 35,000 students.
  • Complete CEQA process for replacement of the Doyle Student Center Building.
  • Environmental review for several projects at the SRJC Shone Farm facility.

Project: Santa Rosa Junior College CEQA Services

Client: Sonoma County Junior College District

Brelje & Race has prepared numerous environmental documents for the Sonoma County Junior College District related to Santa Rosa Junior College (SRJC) projects. The SRJC has continued to grow and expand its facilities, academics and certificate programs, keeping pace with demand in Sonoma County. Brelje & Race has provided CEQA services ranging from Notice of Exemption to Environmental Impact Reports for many of these projects.