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WINERY and vineyards
Windsor Oaks Winery and Vineyards
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Project: Wastewater Treatment Facilities and Vineyard Development

Client: Windsor Oaks Winery and Vineyards

Windsor Oaks Winery & Vineyards contracted with Brelje & Race to upgrade their 42,000-case wine production facilities by designing new process wastewater collection and treatment systems. These facilities replaced an existing facultative treatment pond, which was then converted to a fresh water reservoir for irrigation storage and recreation.

Brelje & Race prepared plans and specifications for construction of the new facilities including excavation and embankment construction for treatment ponds, subsurface and above ground piping, screening and lift station improvements, mechanical equipment, instrumentation and electrical systems. Brelje & Race also prepared the application for waste discharge requirements for the Regional Water Quality Control Board, and provided assistance during the bidding and construction phase of the project.

Brelje & Race also assisted Windsor Oaks with engineering and permit acquisition for mass grading to re-contour and replant 145 acres of hillside vineyards. The project involved moving approximately 750,000 cubic yards of soil and required preparation of grading, drainage and erosion control plans for 9 individual vineyard blocks and access roads. Other services included performing hydrologic and hydraulic analyses of all vineyard blocks and their watershed areas, developing mitigation measures to eliminate detrimental downstream effects, and coordinating with regional, state and federal agencies regarding Section 401 and 404 Permit and Streambed Alteration regulations.