Temperature distribution in inner shell of double walled chamber subjected to radiation heat transfer

Craig Boyak, PE

Engineering Services providing
Insight & Analysis for your Understanding & Gain

ANSYS, Pressure Vessels, Furnaces
Stress & Thermal Analysis

Home - The Next Step

Engineering                            Pressure Vessels
     ASME Sect VIII, Divs 1 & 2 expertise
     Vessel component design
     Nozzle loads
     Vessel rating services
     HX tube sheets
   Structures & Mechanics
     Steel; AISC & AISI
     Welding; AWS, ASME
        Stress & displacement
        Heat transfer
        High temperature behavior
        Risk Assessment
        Spreadsheet Solutions
        Finite Element Analysis
        3D Modeling & Visualization
     for refinery use
     for high temperatures
    Event simulation
    VBA programming/
    MS Office automation

This is the website of Craig Boyak, a registered professional engineer in the states of California and Washington.  It is an expansion of my marketing effort to gain a wider exposure to those seeking services I can provide.

I work either independently or as part of teams in the areas described in the left panel to address the basic questions, "Will it work?" or "How can it work better?" or eventually, "Why did it break?" or break so soon?  You can click on the area of interest in the left panel to go to pages that show more detail.

I live in the San Francisco area and have been on my own since 1994 assisting local, domestic and foreign engineering and fabrication firms and refineries in their questions.  I have excellent problem solving skills, a strong hands-on background and a practical sense of analytic methods.  See my resume for details of engineering experience.

I'm just getting myself on the web so this is only the beginning of what I hope to be an expanding experience, both in who I contact as well as what I make available.  Please bookmark this page and stop by to check the progress.  A list of useful links that assist me in my work is made available for you.

If you have a question for me please take a moment and send an email.  And keep those cards and letters coming!

Contact Information
    by fax      - (510) 524-1838
    by phone - (510) 524-1838


contact email address - CBoyakPE@sonic.net

"An engineer is someone that can do for a nickel what any damn fool can do for a dollar."