What's New?



April 29, 2005 I have put a guest book on the website. Please feel free to sign it and give me input as to what you would like on the website.
March 10, 2005 I have started to work on a bios page. If you have a photo and a bio of a relative that you would like to post on the web site, please let me know.
February 26, 2005 Our site has a new volunteer. Her name is Mary Giles and she is typing and uploading Obituaries. She has completed 49 at this time. Please take a look at all of her hard work.
February 12, 2005 I have had several requests from visitors for more township maps. I have uploaded them. Take a look.
February 5. 2005 I have been busy cleaning up the web site, checking on links. I have added a Map Index page where I will link to individual township maps of Adair County.
January 29, 2005 I have added more photos and an index page in order to navigate to them.
January 22, 2005 I have added a "School" page with two links, a "What's New?" page, and a "Post Card" page with a link to it. I have made a new index page with a photo and links.
January 17, 2005 I have added a photo page with three photos of early residences of Adair County.
January 2, 2005 I have been checking links and doing other site maintenance. I also have been checking the other Iowa GenWeb sites in order to better know my job.
December 25, 2004 I received notification that I was approved to adopt this site. What a great Christmas present to myself. I am very excited about being the new coordinator!


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