The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu

We have no Peru journey scheduled at this time

“The Welcome of the Andes and Willka T’ika”

Peru is a place of great power and magic. The dance of the light at high altitudes, the love that comes from the land itself, the warm people, and the incredible mysteries left by the Incas combine to change the visitor’s perspective forever. Explore magical places with magical names-- our journey begins in Cuzco, and continues into the Sacred Valley of the Urubamba River, through Yucay, Pisac, Ollantaytambo, and ultimately to Machu Picchu, queen of the living ancients of the Andes.


Go here for itinerary and registration details.

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(Almost) All photographs by Allan Hardman

Airport Arrival
After our flight to Lima on the coast of Peru, we fly to Cuzco,
where Allan and our guide Jorge welcome us to the Andes.

As our bus reaches the top of the pass that signals our entry to
the Sacred Valley, we stop to honor the invitation from Peru and our hearts.
We use a traditional coca leaf ceremony to set our intent for our “Journey of the Spirit.”

“Thank you so much for your daily teachings, inspiration and absolute faith in Peru.
You are just blowing me away -- you are so masterful."

—Thomas P., California

Perhaps, in the face of such natural beauty and awe,
you realize that all of your fears and worries are so very funny. . .

. . .and your witnesses easily join you in your merriment.

In the afternoon, we arrive at beautiful Willka T’ika, our headquarters for a
week exploring in the Sacred Valley. Native rustic luxury, created for just for us!

The beautiful organic gardens are humming with happy insects
and hummingbirds. There is so much to explore!

Seven chakra gardens are hidden throughout Willka T’ika,
along with a wonderful tea house, solar heated soaking tubs, and the walking spiral.


“Allan, I don’t know how you found Willka T’ika, but I am sure glad you did!
What a jewel! Carol made us feel like we were visiting her home.”

The meals are a delightful surprise. Fresh from the garden,
lovingly prepared, and enjoyed with your new family.

If you are lucky, Allan’s friend Angelica will be waiting outside the gate,
to offer you beautiful and inexpensive silver jewelry made by her father
(also available in the Joydancer on-line store).


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