The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu

April 15-29, 2007

“The Sacred Valley, Pisac and Ollantaytambo”

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We adventure out from the beautiful gardens of Willka T’ika,
into the Sacred Valley of Peru for the day.

We meet some of the locals along the way.

And perhaps stop for a lesson in using local plants and minerals for dyeing wool.

Always there is time to shop for reminders of this beautiful land and its people.

Our goal for the day is the sacred site at Pisac, high above the valley.
At the Gateway we enter a world of mystery and magic.

Here in Pisac we dream with the ancients, learn about Andean mythology,
and do ceremony to purify ourselves and our intent.

Our stop at the famous Pisac market reveals a world in a separate reality.
We absorb the aliveness and presence of the people and the place.
That night, back at Willka T’ika, a drumming fire ceremony helps
us to release old agreements and limiting beliefs,
and prepare for the tomorrow.

Another day in the Sacred Valley takes us to Ollantaytambo,
Allan’s favorite site and the most astounding in the Valley.



Everywhere we go, the stonework of the Incas amazes.
It is impossible (no metal tools, no wheels) and yet here it is, everywhere.

The magnificent terraces of Ollantaytambo rise to the walls of a temple,
made of pink granite quarried from a mountain across the river.

At the temple, we have our opportunity to experience
the energy of this ancient and sacred place.

”Words don't seem to tell the essence. Allan, I am extremely appreciative of the opportunity to have had you as our guide on this fantastic voyage. I look forward to many others. Even Peru again! Thank you very much." Randy S., Florida


A Market woman displays a local weaving, after Allan buys it for the
Joydancer Store.
Perhaps you find one that is perfect for you here, too.

At the end of a powerful day, we make our way back to Willka T’ika,
for an organic home cooked dinner, evening class,
and deep sleep in the fresh mountain air.


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