“The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu”

April 15 – 29, 2007

“Aguas Caliente, gateway to Machu Picchu”

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At last! We bid a fond farewell to Willka T’ika and the Sacred Valley,
and enjoy the amazing train ride down the Urubamba River gorge to the
little village of Aguas Caliente (“Hot Waters”-- there are hot springs for you),
and the base for our explorations of Machu Picchu.

In the Sacred Valley, the Urubamba is wide and slow— here
it boils its way east, down the narrow canyon, on its way
to the jungle and its meeting with the mighty Amazon.

The main street, in front of our hotel, is for pedestrians only, there are no cars.
The train is the only way to get to Aguas Caliente and Machu Picchu.

In the evening, the streets fill with locals and visitors, searching
out the best wood-fired oven pizza, or gifts for back home.

“It is hard to say what part of the trip was the most important to me. . .
the wonderful teachings from Allan and our shaman guide, Jorge Luis,
the great food, the awe inspiring sites, or the sweet sweet friendships
I developed on the journey. Thank you! Thank you!

The traditional market at Aguas Caliente is filled with
local weavings and crafts, and an endless variety of $7 t-shirts.

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