“The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu”

April 15 – 29, 2007

Machu Picchu

Machu Picchu is one of the most revered sacred sites of the world. Most tourists take the train all the way from Cuzco to Machu Picchu in the morning, take a walk, take pictures, eat lunch, then return to Cuzco in the evening. The first year that Allan told Jorge he wanted his group to stay nearly a week, his office thought it might be a mistake. It is no mistake!

Come, dream the ancients, dream the magic, and dream the possibilities of transforming your life—
with Allan Hardman at Machu Picchu, Peru.

Go here for itinerary and registration details.

( Page 4 of 7 )

A small bus takes us from Aguas Caliente up the switchback road to our
destination— the sacred “Lost City of the Incas,” high above the Urubamba river.
The gateway welcomes us, and invites us to deepen our experience
and personal transformation in this special place.

It is difficult to take it all in at once. It is so alive,
we feel it pulsing beneath our feet.

So we walk higher. How much can we see? How much awe can we bear?

Throughout our journey, we are blessed with the company
and spirit of Jorge Luis Delgado, our guide, shaman, protector, and friend.

Constantly, the stonework of the Incas brings us to the question:
“How did they do that?” And the answer: “It is impossible,
and it is here right in front of us.”

In the grandeur of the place, we surrender our need to “know,”
and come to peace with what is. It is a lesson we take home with us


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