“The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu”

April 15 – 29, 2007

More Machu Picchu

We invite you to experience these sacred places and the teachings of Allan Hardman, and our shaman guide, Jorge Luis Delgado.
Enjoy fire ceremonies, quiet meditations, jungle hiking, fine dining and shopping -- and the ultimate: Rainbows at The Guardian of Machu Picchu.
Become one with the wisdom held in these high places, let it change your dream, and take it home with you in your heart.

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We may never know why Machu Picchu was built on this remote ridge top,
nor how the ancients shaped and moved these stones in such perfection.
They had no iron tools, and no wheels.

This journey is scheduled just as the rainy season is ending, and
before the summer tourist season has begun. The mountains
are alive with orchids, singing their joy to Life.

We walk to the Sun Gate, the original entrance to Machu Picchu when
the site was connected to the rest of the empire by the Inca Trail.
Along the way, a ceremony invites you to leave behind an agreement,
a belief, or relationship that limits your personal transformation.

The view from the Sun Gate trail shows the “impossible”
site the Incas chose for their city.

I have lived at Machu Picchu most of my life, and I invite you to come visit me.
I look forward to sharing my home with you— brothers and sisters in Spirit.”

Llama Baby, Machu Picchu.


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