“The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu”

April 15 – 29, 2007

“Back to Cuzco, Tipón, The Cave, Relax”

( Page 6 of 7 )


Now that we are acclimated to the elevations, we return to Cuzco,
at 11,000 feet above sea level. The plaza is surrounded by restaurants,
coffee shops, and stores. Visitors from all parts of the world mingle here,
enjoying this bustling city.

All of our travel is three star and above— safe and comfortable, with
breakfast included every day. Our Hotel Ruinas is a block from
the plaza and other wonderful neighborhoods.

-- While in Cuzco, we visit Tipón, the Incan Water Gardens
near a remote village in this high valley.

A ceremony with the water allows each one of us to honor our selves
and our journey, and cleanse ourselves with its purifying essence.

The nearby site of Saqsayhuaman offers us an optional day trip near Cuzco.
You might choose instead to shop the many street vendors’ booths,
relax with a gourmet meal, or simply sit in the plaza and enjoy your leisure.

"Allan, my experience in the cave was the critical turning point for me,
moving me beyond words, visualization, feelings and knowing
into some other space I can not begin to describe. Wow."

Daniel E., New Mexico

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