“The Sacred Valley of Peru and Machu Picchu”

April 15 – 29, 2007

“Lima, Celebration, Home”

The magic of Peru and its people, the alchemical energy of the group and Allan’s inspiring guidance combine with your dedication
and intent to heal old wounds and open your heart. You will return home different. New. Powerful and Radiant. A Joydancer.

Go here for itinerary and registration details.

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We fly from Cuzco to Lima in the morning, and have the day
to explore this misty coastal desert city of 8 million people.
A stop appropriate to our journey is “Lover’s Park,” where
we can enjoy the many quotes and inscriptions
devoted to Love in its tiled walls.

Standing over the ocean at the end of a pier, the Rosa Nautica Restaurant
beckons us to come for a celebratory dinner, before we catch
our midnight flights home to our many destinations.

We share a final meal together, and honor the growth and experiences
we have shared on our wondrous journey together. We know that
we are returning home with a new love in our hearts,
and a happiness that nothing can ever take away from us.

What could be more fitting than sharing a song of gratitude,
for Peru, each other, for our teacher Allan and guide Jorge Luis,
and for all that we have become. We return home
as Spiritual Warriors, as Joydancers, dancing in Joy with Life!

Go here for itinerary and registration details.

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