"Following Your Impulse" TACOallan: Here is something that I have been observing lately. It may take a bit to describe it: The impulse to take an action arises in me, from an idea or insight, or excitement about something. My Story Teller starts running it through the maze. And as we said, the action never comes out the other side. TACOallan: One of the favorite stories we tell ourselves is that we don't know how something will turn out, and we have to know before we can act. So we wait, until we know all the possibilities, and how to control the outcome. TACOallan: Including the guilt about hurting other people, or making them angry, or disappointing them, etc. TACOallan: Now, here is what I am seeing: TACOallan: Everything that I need to "know" in order to manifest that which arises in me is contained in the impulse that arises, and without resistance it will manifest itself. Camellia: Do you have an example? TACOallan: Yes. I met a statute of Jesus at a workshop I taught in Portland, Oregon a month ago. And I knew that I wanted that same statue in my garden. TACOallan: Immediately my Story Teller started with "You will never be able to afford it. It is a dumb idea. Forget it," etc. "It is just a fantasy." TACOallan: I did not believe the Story Teller, because I believe that everything I need to "know" about how to manifest that statue in my garden is contained in the original impulse to create it here. TACOallan: I said "yes" to the impulse. I found the sculptor. He offered me a great price, invited me to visit, and the action began. TACOallan: Then the next day someone who had been at the workshop sent a donation to "Allan's Jesus in the Garden" fund, spontaneously. TACOallan: She wrote, "When I saw the light in your eyes when you described your dream I knew you would make it happen, so I want to be the first to contribute." TACOallan: It is a bronze Jesus, about 7 feet tall, that smiles at you when you look into his loving eyes. { : > ) TACOallan: I am already 1% of the way to my $ goal! TACOallan: Saying Yes to Life as it arises in us, puts us in the flow of Life, and that Life IS us. CAMELLIA: Are you saying then, to take action on any idea that arises in us? That the idea wouldn't arise if we weren't meant to take action on it? TACOallan: Yes, although of course, Camellia, "any" idea could lead to trouble. We do need the wisdom of discrimination, but yes, if it is in us, then it is ours. CAMELLIA: So how do we distinguish between the judge and discrimination and a genuine desire to take action? TACOallan: Ah, Camellia, good question. And that discrimination results from the work of clearing and cleaning the channels of communication, inside and out. Tortilla: I hesitate often, I am afraid of making a mistake. TACOallan: The Judge will tell us "no, wait, be sure." TACOallan: Life says "Yes." TACOallan: If we are indeed Life, then we are saying "Yes" to ourselves. Life is leading Life in the manifestation of Life. Tortilla: Wow. TACOallan: There is no "NO" in that. The nature of Life is YES. TACOallan: How could LIFE possibly not want me to have Jesus in my garden? CAMELLIA: I get the words. I just don't get how to apply it to my life. TACOallan: I understand, Camellia. It is only by continuing to clear the channels that the words will make sense in your heart. The words can only be a description of a goal, but not actually the map to get there. TACOallan: The map is in your recapitulation, your awakening, and your learning to love yourself... AND the Personal Power that you reclaim in the process. TACOallan: It is really more of a journey than a destination. And you are on that journey, all of you reading. Me too. TACOallan: I had a head start. So I can look back from my place on the journey and describe what it seems like I did to get here. Make sure that you don't stop to worship at the signs I put out, but simply use them to guide you if they are useful. Camellia: Does the path ever end? TACOallan: I like to believe that it widens and widens, until the path is the no path, or the path that is everything. Camellia: Thank you, TACOallan. Tortilla: Yes, thank you. TACOallan: My pleasure. Thank you all for being here. |
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