"Allan's teaching encompasses the entire spectrum of spiritual work -- from that place beyond space and time, beyond human concepts, to the very personal and mundane. The door he has opened for me is huge. I am forever grateful to him." Hal F., California "I am sure you've heard it before, but I still want to make sure that you know how wonderful you are. Wonderful person, brilliant teacher. I am totally fascinated with your power. It's from the very bottom of my heart." Julie R., California "Since your workshop on the Mastery of Love I keep asking myself how many ways can I say "I Love You"…to myself, to my partner, to my body or to my Life? Thank you so much! I spent this morning reading beautiful love poems by Rumi and Hafiz." Gail M., California "I so love to watch how natural you are in the giving of your true self. You are a clear mirror for me, and I honor your commitment to life, your devotion to the Divine source of all, your wisdom and your passion." Beverly B., California "How many ways can I say "I Love You" to myself, to my partner, to my body, or to my Life? Maybe today is a good day to read some beautiful Rumi or Hafiz love poems to the Beloved." Gail M., California "Your loving kindness and understanding is awesome. You are such a gifted healer and teacher and I am so grateful to have been a part of this journey and to be learning from you." Maribeth D. "I keep doing my personal work to see people in love instead of anger or fear. Amazing stuff when you keep showing up and face each day's challenges and graces. I have had quite a few moments of grace lately. I am feeling so blessed." Mary Ann G., California "Allan, you are a blessing in my life, and I enjoy the often-humorous presentation of your teachings -- you're doing a wonderful job! Divine, indeed." Gay M., Ohio "I would like to thank you from the bottom (top) of my heart for all the wisdom & clarity you make available and for being the connecting link between the thousands year old Toltec tradition and the present." M.K. "You have a way of holding the perfect piece and offering it at the perfect time. On more than one occasion, your way of speaking the truth opened doors for me into new ways of being. Allan, your teachings on the inner warrior were especially helpful in cultivating a strength I didn't even know I possessed. I am grateful beyond words." Beth K. "It seems to me that Allan is both a powerful Toltec shaman and a sensitive, insightful therapist rolled into one loving, warm human being -- the best of both worlds. Allan's zest for life shines through all of his doings with a playful, spontaneous sense of humor. This was my second Power Journey with Allan, and once again he displayed an uncanny "sixth sense" to lean on/push his journeyers just enough -- and to back off with loving support when our resistance was strong/unyielding. In support of this, All Fourteen seekers on this journey made what I would call significant, or major breakthoughts -- this in four days of work. All fourteen of us bonded in love, support and compassion with each other -- and this I attribute to the safe, adventuring and loving space that Allan enveloped us in. Along with our willingness and desire. After just two Journeys with Allan, he has become a major part of my support system. I love Allan, and feel wrapped in the warmth and power of his love. The love, kindness, warmth, energy, opening I feel in journeying with Allan stays with me -- and grows. That's a key for me. Were I to experience 4-5 days of joyous, deep adventure into love and power and then have it quickly fade -- that would still be an incredible journey: A taste. But Allan's energy stays and grows in me. This is truly wonderful ! If you desire a journey into the unkonwn with a kind, sensitive, powerful and daring Toltec Master, try hooking up with Allan Hardman; he's hard and soft, all rolled into one delicisou bundle of energy. Thanks so much, Allan, for all your love." James H. "I want you to know that I'm sitting here full of tears, my reaction to the truth of what you wrote and the love with which you wrote. I am thankful to know you. I am guessing that my deeper question to you in my message was something like, who are you. And you have answered, and I am deeply touched." Anne H., California "With don Allan there simply is no hyperbole. There is simplicity, love ... knowledge, love ... understanding, love. Humanity shines more brightly in all of us in the light of his teaching." Bob F., United Kingdom "Allan, although we have never met, I just love your e-mails and appreciate all that you do. Just wanted to say how very much this message ("Try it, and if you don't like it, change it!") has helped to keep going, trying to change my life/dream, take that leap of faith. Thank you. I hope to someday meet you in person." Nancy P. "So many times I have been told to surrender and trust myself to the silent knowledge and the words would come to me. So many times I have said to you that I feel love, but no words come to me to express it. And you said to me "they will." You were right. They did. Thank you so very much for believing in me when I didn't. With all my love and gratitude that you have taught me to feel." Jasmine G., California "This is not easy at times but I can never go back now, why would anyone????? Thank you don Allan, a light in my dark." Leon M., Montana "Allan, it is my great good fortune to have chosen this apprenticeship. I thank you, don Miguel, all of your lineage for the help you give me to search for my freedom and for a peaceful, loving, happy heart" Linda J., Nova Scotia, Canada "I can't thank you enough for all the love and transformation you held so I personally could walk through a huge doorway into this beautiful space I am now." Emily P., California "I am listening to Stevie Wonder singing about building his "Castle of Love". This makes me think of you, the way you touch so many people with Love and kindness." Carole G., California "I feel more of a peace about myself and the future. I don't pretend to know precisely how it will look but I feel stronger in my capacity to be responsible for my own experience. I sense that my level of expectation has gone lower and my sense of possibility has risen." Randy S., Florida "Thank you for the wonderful birthday present you gave me. You took my rambling epistle and distilled it to its very essence and fed it back to me with loving care and gentleness. Blessings upon blessings I send to you." Dianna N. TestimonialsLove Stories and TransformationsBlatant Hyperbole |
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