Welcome to my trophy room where I have collected those humble awards that others have seen fit to bestow upon me.
OK, lets get one thing straight right now - I have never received an award for my actual generalship. Something about rolling a 1-6 at a critical moment, too many elephants, not enough practice, the sun was in my eyes... However, I have received a modest number of awards for other of my stellar qualities at the tournaments I have attended...
This was awarded to me for courage at my first DBM tournament. (I
cant help but think of the cowardly lion: for... COURaaage...)
I wasnt running my Medieval French yet as it still had to be built.
Instead I ran Dave Lauermans Mycenaean Greeks - fast knight
chariots and Pike (I) and (X). Didnt do to badly either,
scoring 24/40 following a fairly typical pattern for me: 1st
game 0/10, 2nd 5/10, 3rd 10/10, 4th 9/10. As you see, I cleverly
placed myself in the lower reaches of the Swiss-pairing early on and
then cleaned up later!
This was awarded for sportsmanship. Normally one would think that
French chivalry would be neutralized by French arrogance, but at least
for one tournament the chivalry must have been transcendent.
Awards for best-painted army.