Greatwall Colleges

Maps of the Keep
Orc Point Primer
Map of Greatwall
Tour of Greatwall
Greatwall Colleges
Old Faith
Knight of Luna scroll

12/20/00 01:38:33 PM

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You are adventurer # to sojourn these pages.

Greatwall has a number of Universities and Colleges to suit the fine ladies and gentleman who wish to pursue a scholarly course of life.

The individual Colleges are explained below, and any inquiries can be made at the College Town help center north of Mertylmane's road.

Berethor's Linguistic Academie
: Students looking to gain instruction in the tongues of the Elvish, Dwarvish, Gnomish, and Halfling races are welcome!  Excellent professors, low tuition, and we use phonics!  Coming soon...Orcish!

The Bubbling Cauldron: A famed school of alchemy and herbalism, headed by Myra the Prodigious, Master Alchemist.  Classes start this Fireseek.  There is a lab fee of 1 paladin, 1 wheatsheaf, 1 knight, 1 sheridan and one common per semester - and the resulting metallurgical phenomenon of a coin will knock your socks off!  If you are looking for "certain" hallucinatory herbs, go elsewhere, we don't carry any, nor do we know anything about them.  We swear.

The Eye Scrying: Greatwall's school of divination magic [with a symbol of a large tear containing a scryed image].  We specialize in the art of magical information gathering.  You must be a law-abiding individual with good intent to be received into the school.  We have ways of knowing this, so if you are a criminal seeking the art for unlawful or evil uses, you need not apply.  Also, don't bother breaking in, our premises are well-surveyed.

The Green Field Academie: Turn that dirt patch into a prosperous, fruit-bearing Garden of Meaden.  We will teach you ways to cultivate, nurture and produce award-winning crops.  The only College not located in College Town. We specialize in hop-farming, and other grains, and fruit orchards.  No stuffy classroom walls, classes are conducted almost entirely outside in the fresh air. 

The Harp and the Portrait: Founded by a harpist and painter, the school has grown in reputation throughout the civilized Flanaess, encompassing many painting techniques. Our music instructors have traveled all over the Flanaess and have a diversified repertoire.  Aspiring students plan the annual T.H.A.P. Richfest Faire, and perform and display their works there.

The Heartstone: An exacting professor hand-selects applicants with which to share his mineralogical and geological acumen.  There is a waiting list.  If you are a dwarf, you may meet with the professor beforehand for a personal interview - please apply in-person at the front desk.

Laughton's Tower of Astronomy: Crowned by one of Dagileo's far range viewing glasses - the fravig - the tower offers courses in study of the heavens, celestial bodies, the controversial new "Soliocentric" theory, as well as the softer, more nebulous sciences, such as astrology and of numerology.  Don't miss public viewing nights in the planetarium, where new students can share their heavenly knowledge with enthusiastic neophytes, and see those wishes upon a star come true!

Rumors of Redryk:  Redryk was a famous skald from the Ice Barbarians who sought knowledge about the foes he and his clans faced.  After a long and fruitful career he moved here to Greatwall, but died on the famed Hellfurnaces expedition of 584 CY.  A quest to retrieve his body and body of work is underway, as well as a possible resurrection.  The college honors Redryk' study of  monstrous abominations, and for a hefty fee, you can too.  Only serious monster-hunters need apply.

Tales of Giants:  This large building, fit for a Firbolg, has one!  Wundyl Heapsreamer shares his giant-lore with paying, dedicated students.  Are you one?  Not for the squeamish or faint of heart, Wundyl believes in experiential learning.  Students must be prepared to wear armor to class twice weekly.

Mascal's Mathematics and Infinites: Puzzled by numbers?  Considering a career as an engineer?  Don't let the hazard of a miscount throw off your entire blueprint.  We'll crunch the numbers for you, and then teach you how to do it yourself.  We offer courses in adding and subtracting, tricky multiplication and yes, even longhand division.  Soon, we are expanding our course selection to include measuring geometric objects ( y'know like squares and circles).

The Paladin's Value Merchant School:  Learn how to haggle with those who would sell you your own shoes!  We start with basic coin identification, all the way through running a complex, multi-tiered marketing system.  All you supply is your interest, and well, yep, you guessed it, the tuition fee.  It is not negotiable since you don't know how to haggle properly yet.  But by the end of the course, you'll be able to sell two-wheeled self-powered vehicles to fish!  We guarantee it!

Toadstool University : This prestigious and interesting college began when an eccentric wealthy noble hired adventurers to bring back tasty funguses from the forests and underground.  Still backed financially by the noble family, the college enrolls many students from a wealth of backgrounds and races. TSU is its nickname, and the Fighting Spores are its mascot.  If you don't enroll, you're not a fungi (or something like that...)

The Zoological Society - Insects, avians and mammals are what we study at the zoological society.  Imagine spending numerous hours cataloguing and studying animals!  Smell the strange odors that mammals give off!  Enjoy taking copious notes about creatures habits, body shapes, and body parts!  Feel the pleasure of feeding and taking care of animals who have no concept of who you are!  Imagine no further - just enroll in the Zoological Society today!  We are actively seeking volunteers...