Knight of Luna scroll

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Knight of Luna scroll

12/20/00 11:17:37 AM

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The following scroll was recovered from a sarcophagus in the Cragson Mines, near Fort Barduk, Furyondy:

Fireseek 18, CY 589                                                                         KM

  Memoirs of Kerethor Mowandel, Order of the Knights of Luna

 We have traveled many leagues, and here in the Cragson mine complex, do we rest.  It is said that Furyondy’s strength will be able to hold off Iuz’s hordes.  I am hard-tested to believe it, given what I have seen on the war front.  We are here because we follow a quest, a quest I fear we will not complete.  As I write, I lay wounded, near the slain body of our cleric, Beryl, who served the cause faithfully, and defended our party from the orcish incursion.  I do not know when the orcs will return, but for now I remain one of two survivors of this now futile quest.  Paranor, the scout has suffered injury as well, although I fear he will not make it to Celene to bring word of our disaster.  I choose to send him off, though, for news quickly brought could be vital to repelling the orcish invasion.  He walks a dangerous road I pray he will complete.

I do not have in my possession the fabled staff Forestthorn, as was my charge.  My wisest guess would place its whereabouts somewhere in these mines, as Relethor related to me before the orc strike took his life.  Why the Knights brought it to such a place puzzles me, although if its powers were true, I can see how it would’ve been useful against these minions.

Not long after our joyous discovery of Forestthorn, the orcs came.  By the dozens.  An orc of large size and obvious skill wielding a two-headed axe tore the staff from our possession…

I leave the following pages here in the hope that some manner of light or goodness finds them and is able to pass this message on to Ormalus Kegellin, in Celene.

Yours Faithfully,

Kerethor Mowandel