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The O.W.L. Foundation's

Groundwater Management Plan Information Page

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The Ailing Russian

Time to think about the health of Sonoma County's largest source of so-called "surface" water.

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SR Urban Water Management Plan Shows Foreknowledge of Water Crisis

A graph that appears in the "Executive Summary" of Santa Rosa's UWMP, shows planners predict the resumption of massive groundwater pumping to make up for SCWA inadequacies.

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April 25, 2004

Groundwater recharge areas

In 1975, Sonoma County's prime groundwater recharges areas were plotted on a map.

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posted May 14

How to sustain groundwater

What if Sonoma County could do in 2003 what Santa Barbara County did in 1994? Read this important study to find out how.

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How bad is it?

Take a look at this graph from Rohnert Park's own hydrological study and compare for yourself.

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posted May 19

RP Demands Groundwater Plan

Rohnert Park, just like Penngrove, demands a groundwater management plan. And why not? Many counties have already done it. Not doing it could create a catastrophe greater than an energy crisis.

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posted May 12

West County Water Woes

Two excellent letters by knowledgeable geo-environmental professionals who live in the west county. Read them to understand why so many people in the Sebastopol area are angry.

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Many useful links in the library. Click above.

Sonoma County Water Coalition

Position Paper on the Water Resource Element

Has your group joined yet?

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posted May 17, 2004

Groundwater Overdraft: The Facts

The south Santa Rosa plain is suffering a serious groundwater overdraft and has been for a very long time. Water officials in Sacramento warned local politicos of this problem 20 years ago! Local governmental politicos have long ignored the question of sustainability of groundwater resources in the Santa Rosa Plain. Why? Because the available information provide ample cause for serious concern. Steve Carle, a local Ph. D. geohydrologist, explains with ample lines of substantiation.

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posted Dec. 7, 2003

Pundits: Groundwater Can Be "Renewable But Finite Resource"

The "W" in O.W.L. Foundation stands for "water resource protection". So what does that mean?

It means everything you find in an important White Paper issued by the Groundwater Resources Association of California.

This White Paper offers a sensible solution to all our groundwater problems in Sonoma County. This document is an absolute must read!

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posted July 25th

Water and terrorism?

It should come as NO surprise.

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SCWA: Don't Count on Eel Diversions

The September 8 Water Advisory Committee (WAC) meeting was a somber affair. Representatives of Sonoma county and Marin County water contractors fumbled around in stunned silence as the import of Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA) General Manager Randy Poole's letter hit home. Water from the Eel River will be cut back, way back due to a victorious lawsuit against SCWA by the Friends of the Eel River.

No more increases in water supplies means no more growth, for at at least a year and maybe longer---maybe forever.

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posted September 9, 2003


Most people have never heard of the Sonoma County Water Agency (SCWA), yet it may be the most powerful entity in the County.

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O.W.L. Foundation


Support your O.W.L. Foundation

Download DWR's "Draft Guidebook for Implementing Senate Bill 610 and
Senate Bill 221"

Groundwater, Inherently Invisible, is Disappearing

Two geohydrologic studies and hundreds of reports from well owners throughout Sonoma County raise the alarm of groundwater overdraft.

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posted November 10, 2003

John King's 2003 letter to 20 agencies and local governments.

This letter provides crucial background information on where the water went and why we are not able to refill our underground reservoirs.

Critical Overdraft of Groundwater Supplies & Loss of Recharge Lands

Judge breaks water contracts

A Federal judge in New Mexico rules that existing water contracts between a water agency and cities can and must be broken to save the Rio Grande Silvery Minnow. All other western water agencies go into shock and awe.

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posted June 26

Germans and French Could Sell Your Own Water Back To You

European multi-national corporations, mostly German and French-owned, are the first in line to own water in the United States and sell it back to American citizens.

This is not some nightmare scare tactic, it's called privatization and it's coming to a tap near you.

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posted August 11, 2003

Got Water?

SSU students Paige Phillips and Shannon Gordon profile John King

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