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Shepherd’s Dream live/work downtown Montague project...

includes 3 adjoined yet independent structures and garden parcel. The largest is a 2-story, 110 year old, 3200 sq. ft. refurbished brick structure which includes both woolbed operations and residence for management team of the woolbed manufacturing company.The Shepherd’s Dream wool bed company is, after 22 years of evolution as a design and manufacturing company, the cornerstone of all aspects of the overall project.

The second structure, approx 1400 sq. ft., will include both a food preparation and public eating facility as well as a residential apartment for its manager. This is now in the process of being remodeled for this purpose and will be completed in early 2005. It will begin as a vegetarian cafeteria for all participants in the project. This will include employees and the families of the wool carding mill in town, the Shepherd’s Dream bed frame builders, Shepherd’s Dream wool bedding operations team, the cafe food preparers, and Lilly’s Organic Farm participants.

The third structure includes a residence for the wool mattress maker and a store front annex to expand, featuring both additional wool products and food and self care products. Included in this (downtown) project is a master plan for the development of two additional 500 sq. ft. residences, greenhouses, landscaping, outdoor eating and additional wool bed production area in the undeveloped rear portion of these 4 downtown lots. Included in the project is an additional one third acre parcel across from city hall and park for future development as to the needs of the project.

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