Health and Sleep

WOOL – the fiber that heals
Effective for immediate relief in muscle spasms, trauma conditions, bed sores, arthritic symptoms, asthmatic conditions, allergies, heart disease, insomnia, major and minor aches and pains. The list is infinite. For almost every ailment, wool as a major influence in your sleeping environment will be of great assistance in supporting the healing process and maintaining good health.
We have a growing anthology of enthusiastic responses to the effects of sleeping on wool. >> See Customer Comments
Embracing Wool
The experience of sleeping next to wool can be most suitably described as being lovingly embraced. A quality of comforting influence unmatched by any other kind of fiber. Wool warms to the human body immediately, but without overheating. Overly moist conditions (profuse sweating), is immediately dispersed by the wool’s active coil-like fiber. It’s resilient quality reduces stress points to the skin and bones.
Polytechnic of Wales tested and documented that persons sleeping under a wool comforter experienced the most optimal sleeping conditions, compared to down, cotton and synthetics. |
The wool environment provided the optimal temperature and ‘non-humid’ conditions, and it was noted that while sleeping under wool, the heart rate was consistently normalized, in most cases lowered to its optimal pulse. The body instantly feels the impulse to relax, when influenced by the wool fiber. This profoundly healing influence will free the body’s inner resources for deeper layers of healing.

Shepherd’s Dream has developed the essential elements to provide a complete bed of wool. According to Ann Wigmore in her autobiography "Why Suffer - How I overcame Illness and Pain Naturally"
“...I heard later about another of the methods my grandmother used when I was first entrusted to her care, in her effort to build my strength. At sheep-shearing time she would have the matted wool taken from a sheep intact. She would wrap me in this, and for three days I would be a sort of mummy with just my head protruding from the fleece.
This rather unusual treatment completely stopped my fits of coughing. She attributed special value to the oil of the wool, oil you could feel but could not see, though it did not make your hands greasy. This surface oil made it impossible for even a driving rain to reach the body of the sheep. "Something comes from the wool that helps sick human beings," she would say. She would often place it on an open sore or a wound, underneath the bandage.”

Grandma's Wool Therapy
See more about medicinal scarves>>

Environmental architect Carol Venolia
sleeps on the wooly bed.
She writes:
Dear Eliana and Dreamers,
At last I am writing the letter I’ve been dreaming of sending you! After a long search, I am finally sleeping on a bed that isn’t fighting me.
When I first bought my wool mattress and topper from you last year, there was an immediate improvement in my life. I’d been sleeping on an aging mattress that probably had dust mites and mildew; I had trouble sleeping on it, and I awoke each morning sniffling. You may wonder why I tolerated this, but it took me a while to find a mattress I wanted to buy.
My first night on my new Shepherd’s Dream mattress was different: I fell asleep easily, slept soundly, and awoke with clear sinuses. I was delighted!
However, as you know, I didn’t adjust to the firmness of the wool mattress, and I often awoke with lower back stiffness.
Enter the latex padded slats. I am so grateful to you for working out the latex slat system and telling me how to install the latex on my bed. I found it easy to glue the latex to my bed’s wooden slats, and there was no lingering odor.
The feeling of my bed in now radically different. I look forward to going to bed, I fall asleep even more easily, and I awaken without stiffness.
I love my wool mattress and the latex slats. Thank you for your wonderful products. Your ongoing efforts to make the wool sleeping system the best it can be, your warmth and generosity, and your ongoing commitment to fostering responsible, community-minded business.
Thanks for the best sleeping environment I’ve ever had! ....Carol Venolia

The Woolbed is best for our children
Here are a few testimonials from appreciative parents:
Our 8 month old baby boy slept for 14 hours straight yesterday, after we surrounded him in our new wool comforter from Shepherd’s Dream for the first time. Until now, he was waking up every couple of hours. This was the first time he slept through without waking up!
— Anthony Vardaro,
Windsor, CA
Dear Eliana & company,
I thought I'd give you an update on the crib mattress I purchased last fall.
It arrived the same day my husband finished building my son Jacob's crib.
Thank you for custom sizing it for us, it fit perfectly.
When I unpacked
it, my 7 month old son crawled over to the mattress, put his cheek down and didn't move for about half an hour. I checked it out too, and told my
husband when he came home from work how comfortable it was. He gave me a what-ever-you-say-dear look and went on with his routine.
About two hours later I was playing with Jacob when I heard my husband exclaim 'hey, this really is comfortable!' I turned to see my husband lying comfortably in Jacob's crib. Since then Jacob has been sleeping much more soundly. If I had known the key to getting my baby to sleep through the night was a wool mattress, I would have ordered one long ago.
The pillow and neck roll I ordered for myself have helped greatly with my back problems. Jacob also enjoyed playing with your lovely hand decorated box. We are currently in a transitional period in our lives as far as housing, but as soon as we find a place for ourselves, a mattress for my husband and I will be our first major purchase. Keep up the good work!
— Lara Lotze,
Kasigluk, Alaska