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Our story in a tiny nutshell
1984 - to present time

A family in Chili begins a futon company using Eliana's instructions.

Shepherd’s Dream began as the work of Eliana Jantz in 1984. Initially inspired by the Japanese cotton futon which had newly emerged in North American circles, Eliana began to promote this simple and healthy alternative to the more typical North American bed options through local workshops, do-it-yourself mail order instructions, and eventually by the inception of Jantz Design futons.

Eliana’s dissatisfaction with commercially grown and processed cotton batting led to her collaboration with one of the first California based organic cotton growers and an Oakland garnetting mill to make their first certified organic cotton batting. Eliana has provided consulting services and handmade natural fiber bedding products to pure and natural bedding seekers ever since.

A few years later, wool batting, with its comforting and life promoting properties became available to Eliana, spurring accelerated development of ever healthier sleeping environments. This also led to an increasing involvement with and support of the North American wool production industry.

Eliana, getting to know her suppliers.

Eliana initiated the still successful Pure Grow Wool Program with Sonoma County Woolgrowers in 1993, developing a criterion of sustainable and responsible wool production practises.

Jantz Design and The Natural Bedroom in Sebastopol, California.

In 1994, Eliana sold her interest in the re-named Natural Bedroom to pursue a deeper study of healthy living and creating.

The Shepherd's Dream Team in the beginning
— Levi, Eliana, Logan & Sarah

Three years later Shepherd’s Dream was born, inspired by the spirit of three young assistants, Sarah, Eliana’s daughter, Logan, an inspired artist and Levi, her son.

During its early formation period Shepherd’s Dream was sustained in great part by its philosophical underpinnings, its experience and contacts of the previous 10 years, and outstanding collaborations during its infancy.

> See philosophy and mission for more. <

One of the most significant collaborators was Patrick Holland, who in the winter of 2001/2002, purchased, transported, and re-assembled a wool carding mill of significant quality and capacity.

The Woolgatherers Carding Mill, now located in Montague, California, began producing high quality, clean wool batting of wide width capacity and varying thicknesses in February of 2002 and continues to do so. This exceptionally high quality wool batting is used to make the Shepherd’s Dream wool bed system with wool that is purchased directly from northwest woolgrowers. It’s founder, Patrick Holland, 59, passed away on Fathers Day of 2004, leaving behind a legacy which will benefit many people with the gift of wool.

The same winter the mill was built (2001/2002), another wonderful collaboration began with Eliana’s sister, Janet, who lives in Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada with her husband Tim and children, and began the Canadian arm of Shepherd’s Dream wool bedding, using Canadian produced wool. See Steinbach operations >

It is Patrick Holland and the Woolgatherers mill that aided Eliana in finding home base for Shepherd’s Dream wool bedding operations, a quarter mile down the road from the mill, in a historical building in downtown Montague.

The ideal ‘live-work’ space which Eliana had been searching for since the early part of 1999 became a reality for Shepherd’s Dream because of the inspiration and help of another significant collaborator, Bob Davidson, who, as an architect and builder with substantial experience in creating and building sustainable community, offered his total support to the Shepherd’s Dream re-location process.

This included the refurbishing of the 110 year old two story, live/work, brick building in downtown Montague, 6 miles east of Yreka, California.

Before Remodeling

The downtown project has now grown to include a cafe, annex, three living spaces and a wonderful garden parcel. >> See How Montague became Home of the Woolbed >>

After Remodeling

We, the emerging and growing Shepherd’s Dream family are feeling right at home here in Siskiyou County. We sense an optimism here within our day to day community and look forward with growing excitement to the unfolding of our vision for a fulfilling, healthy, sustainable and creative life together.

We invite you to come and visit. >>

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Pure and natural wool-filled bedding for better sleep!

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