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The Woolgatherers Wool Carding Mill

The Woolgatherers Wool Carding Mill is located in Montague, a quarter mile south of the Shepherd’s Dream Production headquarters. The mill was assembled in the winter of 2001/2002 by Montague shepherd, Patrick Holland. The equipment was purchased from Mt. Jefferson Woolen mill in Oregon when its doors closed the April before.

In February of 2002, the carding mill began carding hiqh quality wool batting, which is the primary ingredient used in the Shepherd’s Dream woolbed. Patrick began buying all of his wool from individual domestic woolgrowers at a premium. The EcoDomestic Wool Project, which was co-founded by Eliana and Patrick is a collaboration which seeks to help build the infrastructure for reviving and stabilizing our domestic wool industry. This involves establishing a standard and identity for domestically produced wool in the marketplace.

Shepherd’s Dream is proud to use such a fine product in our wool-filled bedding items.

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