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Earn Credits

Earn Credits for wool bedding and how EWE can help to transform the Industries

Customer Referral Credit System:

All customers are eligible to earn credits towards wool-filled bedding. Here's how it works:

After you receive your first Shepherd's Dream product you can call or email Shepherd's Dream to initiate yourself into this program and you’ll be given a member number upon request. You may also request some of our company business cards to give out.

Your referred person must identify themselves as a referral when they order, and supply us with your name and member number. Shepherd’s Dream tracks your total referred sales and you can access this information by phone or e-mail. (Bed-frames are not included in the credit total. )

For example, if someone you refer to us orders a queen wool surround, you’ll have earned enough credit for a free sleep pillow and neck roll. If someone orders a complete Woolbed system, you’ll have earned enough credits for a free wool comforter. Or, you can let the credits build up and earn enough credits for anything you’ve wished for. And while you promote the wool bedding, you are empowering the NEW INDUSTRIAL REVOLUTION to begin.

To get started on this program, call during regular business hours, or email us:

Shepherd's Dream - South
140 S.11th St.
Montague, CA 96064

Email Shepherd's Dream (US)>
Phone: 1-800-966-5540
or 530-459-3180


Shepherd's Dream - North
Box 3843
Steinbach, Manitoba, Canada R5G 1P9

Email Shepherd's Dream (Canada)>
Phone - 1-866-552-0617

I believe in direct marketing as a tool for world change. — Eliana Jantz

...I believe that one of the most important forces for world healing will come through a transformation of the world’s industries. We, at Shepherd’s Dream are a group of inspired individuals who are dedicated to using our experience, skills and abilities for this important process.

We are bed makers. Since 1982, we have been evolving the design, fabrication techniques and the material sources for the healthiest beds in North America - wool being the primary ingredient. We have been collaborating directly with our local woolgrowers since 1993.

Three years ago, a carding mill was built in Montague, California - a monumental effort by shepherd Patrick Holland in order to supply quality wool batting for the all wool mattresses we make. The mill cards the highest quality wool batting we have ever worked with. It represents a positive new direction for the ailing domestic wool industry. Truth be told, most wool mills in the country have closed down and the sheep population has diminished by 90% since 1950.

Also, see information about our wool supplier in Canada>

Our goal is not only to keep the wool industry alive, but to see it thriving. With a little bit of coordinated effort, this can happen! We are also direct marketers and communicators. As we learn about all aspects of the product we make, we pass that information on to EWE, and you in turn can support companies like Shepherd’s Dream through purchasing these products. We’re calling this the "New Industrial Revolution" and it needs EWE to be a part of it.

As direct marketers, we do not wholesale our product. This takes a lot of pressure off of the ‘manufacturing ’ end of what we do, and allows us to maintain very high product standards. Our focus remains on using only the healthiest ingredients from the healthiest domestic sources made in our cottage industry workshops by wool artisans who love what they do.

We seldom use paid media advertising, and if we do, it is to provide contact information as a service to the public who needs to know that this kind of product is available. Word of mouth is our best advertising - thanks to EWE!!!

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Pure and natural wool-filled bedding for better sleep!

U.S.Toll Free: 800-966-5540
or call: 530-459-3180
Canada Toll Free: 866-552-0167

Email Shepherd's Dream US >
Email Shepherd's Dream Canada >

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Site design by Sherry Mouser