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Letter of Recommendation

Dear wool batting user,

From one batting user to another, I’d like to heartily recommend Patrick Holland’s wool batting. It has been a great and unexpected pleasure in my 10 plus years of manufacturing wool-filled bedding to find such competence in a field which has suffered such a decline in North America. We have been using Patrick Holland’s wool batting in everything we make since it has become available this past winter.

Patrick is consistently attentive and vigilant to our needs, always going the extra mile to make the product the best it can be. He chooses his wool sources carefully, and includes in his criteria that all the wool he buys is skirted (belly and dung tags are removed). He has been exploring which breeds give the best kind of wool for a batting application. He then mixes the various breeds of wool fleeces according to best batting result. His fulfillment time is always expedient.

Patrick with expert help has built a fine woolen mill in Montague, California, which is put together without shortcuts. Patrick’s first concern is always the quality of the batting.

If you are looking for wide batting that can be adjusted for your needs that is clean and consistent, with a high level of resilience and you appreciate great service and a very fair price, you are looking at the best source I have found in Patrick.

With best regards,

Eliana Jantz
founder of Shepherd’s Dream
Home of the Woolbed
140 So. 11th. St., Montague, CA 96064

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