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Shepherd's Dream World Woolbed Project

Paralleling the development of the Shepherd’s Dream wool bed company, has been an ongoing intention by its founder, to develop a nonprofit organization to distribute a felted woolbed that would have world wide application for protecting and nurturing humans in various extreme conditions and can be considered the most basic architectural shelter for humanity (environmental disasters, refugee migrations, third world poverty conditions, and other medicinal and emergencyapplications).

This idea has grown out of the understanding of the healing nature of the wool fiber, especially in its most simple form, washed, carded and felted. Wool protects from all extremes of heat, cold, moisture, resists mildew and fire, and has amazing longevity. Wool as a medium is found world wide, and this project can be expanded to include the implementation of local cottage and communal industry in various parts of the world, particularly in the places it is most needed, both for protection as habitat, and for local economic reasons. The intention is to develop this within the total project as a self sustaining entity, drawing on the facilities of the overall project.

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Pure and natural wool-filled bedding for better sleep!

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