Karen Fogg
 Bob Von Feldt 

We invented this art form in 1979 just by chance.  It was one of those great
  accidental discoveries that's still as  popular and maybe more refined and
 collectible with age.,...( like us! ) after this many years we think everyone has
 to have seen it before...but every year there are new admirers of our product.

I am the creator and designer of the individual pieces and I do all the engraving.
Our boxes are ever-changing,...one thing leads to another and it goes like that
year after year.  We always wonder why we didn't think of that idea before.

Most recent are the depression glass toothpick holders,...they make 
a great little box,...and twice the collectible appeal.  
 ( I didn't know such a thing existed!)
 We have been cutting back on the number of shows we do each year and 

2003 will be the lowest total of shows in 20 years

My husband Bob can always be seen selling at the shows these days. 
 He helps with parts of the business as well but as we slow down on the 
shows,.. he has some golf games to catch up on and a Lionel Train set to build.
We are pretty busy selling on the internet and that's the direction things will
 go in 2003.  It's a new world with the internet,...I used to hire sales reps 
just to cover some of the US... and now every place is as close as the keyboard!

We live in the beautiful wine country in Northern California.  Sorry,.. 
but we don't have a showroom at this time,... maybe in the future.
Thanks for looking!
Karen Fogg


We started this business with a bang in 1979 and after many years we 
realized we didn't want to work day and night so we chose to
 do a few select
Art Festivals every year.

    We travel all over California and sometimes Reno and Las Vegas.
     Check our 
2002 Show Schedule.

Once in awhile we run into a customer that bought from us
  in the early years and they still love the box they have.

  Sometimes people have been looking for us to show up at a festival 
for years,.... hopefully this site will make our LENS BOXES
more available to them and those that are out of state.

Since we started this business we've had almost every one of
mine and Bobs children and grandchildren work with us. 
   The young ones especially like to help do the festivals.
They're really lots of fun for them and yes,...there's an abundance
of true junk food, lots of
activities, music, and magic!

Our Helpers

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Michael Fogg

Our grandson, Michael has helped with our business since he was four
 years old.  He can set-up and run the booth alone and he knows how to do
 just about everything for our business including a little engraving.
At this time he is one of the few that knows how to run
one of the most complicated machines we own.    

Michael has done many, many, Art Festivals with us from 1990 to the
 current ones.  He is known by a lot of the artists because he's watched booths,
 and gotten drinks and food for them when they couldn't leave their booths.
   They have watched him grow up over the years.
For awhile we did home-study with him and he just traveled along.  Part 
of  his home-work was to make a report on where he'd been that month.  
   He always drew pictures,.....you  could  see  the  progress  of  the  
Atlantis  Hotel  in Reno, Nevada

Michael goes to the festivals now he usually works for the Harvest 
Festival food booths and helps us run the show, set-up, and break down.

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Dave Fogg

Brian Fogg

Steve Fogg

I'm sure you've seen these guys at a show or two...(more
Foggs). This is my son
 Jeff and his three sons,  (my grandsons), Dave, Brian, and Steve.  All have   helped in every part of the business.   The boys and Jeff ran some  of the
    festivals for us in 2000 and will probably be seen at the
2002 Festivals.
Jeff has taken over and ran more responsible parts of the
    business, in the early years.  
David and Brian each have run the booth for us and Stevie does a great job wrapping and packaging items as they're sold.
Stevie also can engrave a decent spider web!

Our Watchdogs

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( They watch us work! )
We take them with us where ever we go,...... they love the glass elevators in hotels.

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