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One Person's Response to My Channelings

“All of your channelings have helped me a great deal with personal issues that I was trying to solve...I suppose many people face similar situations through their life, but listening to your recordings has made it easier and faster for me to understand and overcome them. The greatest difference is that I used to feel like life was trying to tell me something when I was facing some kind of trouble, but I didn't understand what it was, so I felt impotent and uncertain, and now I actually know why I'm facing the problem and how to solve it. or at least, if I don't, I know I will find help in one of your channelings, a book, family, friends, strangers, etc.” —ML

Mystical lighting in a dell in Yellowstone. portfolio2 portfolio3 portfolio4


When I listen to your channelings, I am blown away. They seem to open up my heart center. [Your channelings are] a modern version of the ancient Incan whistling vessels explored by Daniel K. Statenkov.”—James J.


"The best reading I had was yours. You have access to so much more information then regular psychics have. Just using Tarot cards seems a bit limited in comparison. I was really impressed with your power, ethics, understanding and kindness." —Genevieve


“You were dead on with what you told me.”

“Remember that reading you gave me five years ago? After that reading, two physical issues I had went away and never came back.” —C.J.


“I'm still amazed at how my body has reacted positively to that [spiritual] healing from you back in May. It was slow to show up but it seems to be a steady improvement! I'm truly impressed!”

I always feel so safe and comfortable with you.

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Adventures of the evolving spirit
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Much of the information in my channelings is new and unique, presenting different, more loving and compassionate ways to look at yourself and the world. You can gain greater clarity about your purpose in life, your relationships, and your relationship with money. In addition, when you listen to my channelings, you receive healing energies that open you up to greater possibilities.

The albums on this page are from a series of channeled events I held in 2009. Although certain themes arose in different ways throughout the year, each evening’s topic stands on its own. You can purchase the digital album for one evening, a bundle of any three albums of your choice, or a bundle of all albums for the entire year.

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Loving Yourself Like No Other
Price: $9.99
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Our relationship with ourselves, and how to improve it. Includes a unique guided visualization for deep inner healing, and part one on channeling.

Relationships in the New Age
Price: $9.99
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Jesus sheds light on relationships and why we are here from a spiritual perspective. Includes part two on channeling.

Turmoil and Plenty: Being Abundant in Uncertain Times
Price: $9.99
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The Council speaks on energies pouring into this planet that we can use to raise our own vibrations and self-expectations. They provide a unique mini guided visualization you can use any time and any place to renew your awareness of your connection with All.

How To Be Wrong and Still Be Right
Price: $9.99
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We all make mistakes or do things we wish we hadn’t. What can we do to make the best of those times?

Eating Enlightenment
Price: $9.99
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A discussion of our food and information on how the way in which it is grown and prepared affects our food and us at an energetic level.

The Role of Spices in Our Cultures and Lives
Price: $9.99
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Spices contain their own kinds of healing energies that address specific human needs. Find out how in this channeling.

Price: $9.99
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The people of Atlantis had their own issues to deal with. Many of those issues have echoed throughout everyone’s lives from ancient times down to the present day.

Mu and Lemuria Today
Price: $9.99
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The speakers for the Angelic Realm describe how the people in each civilization on this planet are working through both the world’s core idea and their civilization’s own core idea. Includes a ten-minute guided visualization that you can use to connect with other lifetimes and other selves, which the speakers for the Angelic Realm call “the greater planar existence of ourselves.”

Why Are You Here?
Price: $9.99
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We are each vital and irreplaceable, and we are all connected to everyone and everything else. A guided visualization is provided for coming more into alignment with our soul’s purpose.

Our Animal Companions
Price: $9.99
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Metatron speaks on our animal companions, their roles in our lives, why they are with us, and what they have to offer.

How To Be Lucky!
Price: $9.99
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Metatron speaks on our animal companions, their roles in our lives, why they are with us, and what they have to offer.

Dimensional Realms: Finding Our Place in the Multiverse
Price: $9.99
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Metatron and Seth speak as a combined entity on the topic of dimensional realms—what they are, what purpose they serve, and how to learn to use them to improve your life.

Spirit Possession
Price: $9.99
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Jesus speaks about spirit possession and lost souls.

Portable Chakra Balancing Kit
Price: $9.99
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Dimensional Realms: Finding Our Place in the Multiverse
Price: $9.99
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Metatron and Seth speak as a combined entity on the topic of dimensional realms—what they are, what purpose they serve, and how to learn to use them to improve your life.


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