Scheduling and Paying for Readings

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When I listen to your channelings, I am blown away. They seem to open up my heart center. [Your channelings are] a modern version of the ancient Incan whistling vessels explored by Daniel K. Statenkov.”—James J.


"The best reading I had was yours. You have access to so much more information then regular psychics have. Just using Tarot cards seems a bit limited in comparison. I was really impressed with your power, ethics, understanding and kindness." —Genevieve


“You were dead on with what you told me.”

“Remember that reading you gave me five years ago? After that reading, two physical issues I had went away and never came back.” —C.J.


“I'm still amazed at how my body has reacted positively to that [spiritual] healing from you back in May. It was slow to show up but it seems to be a steady improvement! I'm truly impressed!”

I always feel so safe and comfortable with you.

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Adventures of the evolving spirit
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Scheduling and Paying for Readings

This page has information on how to schedule and pay for my readings. If you are here to pay for a reading, thank you very much for the privilege of doing a reading for you. I know that it will be helpful on a deep spiritual level. Please recommend me to others if you are happy with the results, and feel free to call me any time for future readings.

For information on what my readings are like, see Psychic Readings and Intuitive Animal Readings.

Scheduling a Reading

To make arrangements for a reading, contact me by email at and we can take it from there.


My rate is listed below. For your first reading of an hour or more, I give you an additional 15 minutes for free in addition to your purchased time.

I normally do one- or two-hour readings. I require payment in advance. After we have scheduled the reading, you can pay through PayPal.

Payment Options

I accept cash, check, and PayPal (which accepts credit and debit cards). If you want to use PayPal, use the button below. PayPal will notify me, and I will get in touch with you. Thanks!

Length of Reading

Related Pages

How I Can Help You

What to Expect in a Psychic Reading

Preparing for a Psychic Reading

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