Cooper Brook Falls Lean-to to Maine 15 near Monson (100 Mile Wilderness)

Monday, September 9 -- Cooper Brook Falls Lean-to to Logan Brook Lean-to -- 11.7 miles

Left Cooper Brook Falls lean-to about 7:30. Had problem with socks/feet all morning -- irritation under forward part of foot. Switched socks several times, finally back to dirty pair. Taking off liner socks didn't work. Over Little Boardman Mtn. with some nice views including obvious foliage. Very dry here. Sun out around 9:30 -- humid and around 80°. Lunch at Mountain View Pond 11:30 to 12:30. Hiked off and on with two guys from Boston. Long steady uphill in afternoon to Logan Brook Lean-to at about 2500 feet. Beautiful brook just below shelter. Got there around 4:45. Much cooler by stream. Two guys and OB were at shelter. Had fire after dinner with much bad male camaraderie.
rocky trail
Rocky trail
Mountain View Pond
Mountain View Pond

Tuesday, September 10 -- Logan Brook Lean-to to east branch of Pleasant River -- 12.7 miles

Left Logan Brook about 7:30 with two guys-- up to summit of White Cap by 8:30. Stayed for a while. Two more ups and downs in a.m. -- down off second (West Peak) was very steep and not in good condition. Sunny and hot (80 degrees+) -- lots of haze in the air due to forest fires north of trail. Heard frequent helicopters. Stopped for lunch at Tappan Campsite 11:45 -12:30. Another steep down, then arrived at Newhall Lean-to about 1:30. Watered up and talked over plans for remainder of the day with two guys. They decided to stay, I decided to push on. Descended through pleasant hardwoods to east branch of Pleasant River. Notable pines and other trees in the area. Pleasant River was supposed to be first major ford. Supposed to be knee-deep, but I crossed stepping in the water once. Made pleasant camp by river near ford. Had interesting chat with thru-hiker Flash who was camped nearby.

Wednesday, September 11 -- East branch of Pleasant River to Cloud Pond Lean-to -- 11.3 + 0.3 miles

Up early -- nice dawn on river. Off about 7:30. Uphill over some steep talus slopes to Chairback Mountain at 9:30. More ups and downs to lunch spot at stream near West Chairback Pond. Hiker earlier had told me there was 100% chance of rain, and she was right. It started raining heavily about 11:30, just as I was starting lunch. Was with OB; he took off for Cloud Pond Lean-to, and I followed at 12:30. Afternoon was long slow wet windy slog up and down steep rough slopes and across exposed ridges, with occasional thunder in the distance. Finally arrived at Cloud Pond Lean-to about 4:30. Was able to dry out, although bag did get a bit wet. OB was at shelter, also thru-hiker from Minnesota and thru-hiking family of four from Virginia. Temp in high 40s at bed time with wind still blowing. Blustered all night -- diminishing showers.

Two guys from Boston
Two guys from Boston at White Cap summit
East branch of Pleasant River
East branch of Pleasant River

Thursday, September 12 -- Cloud Pond Lean-to to Little Wilson Stream -- 12.3 + 0.3 miles

Weather still gray at dawn, but winds were down. Got late start and left about 8:00. Weather clearing through a.m., much cooler (in 60s). Long downgrade off Barren Mountain ridge, with nice view from ledge. Another ford at bottom (Long Pond Stream) was no problem. Upgrade after lunch (45 minutes) through hardwood forest -- lots more birch leaves down. Weather was sunny and brisk. Afternoon long grind -- the day was hard on the feet as boots never really dried out. Passed Wilson Valley Lean-to and crossed railroad track mid-afternoon. Mid-late p.m. up through a beautiful mossy spruce forest and along several slate ridges. Camped by Little Wilson Stream.

Friday, September 13 -- Little Wilson Stream to Maine 15 near Monson -- 6.8 miles

Shower woke me up shortly after 5:00 a.m. Tapered pretty much off. Left about 7:15. Little Wilson Falls attractive but little flow. Over misc. ledges, past ponds. Occasional sun but weather mostly gray. Ran into OB again at Leeman Brook. Shower near end of morning. Out at road by 11:15. (Off trail rest of day and overnight.)

Slate ridge near Monson
Slate ridge near Monson

Snowbird reappears at Monson
Snowbird reappears at Monson with a beard

Email sent to my mailing list on Sept. 13

Moving south from Maine 15 >>