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Astronomy 102, Spring 2003

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A102 Review Problems

2003 February 20

These problems are not due as homework. They are here for your own studying purposes. Solutions are available in PDF format.

  1. Chapter 12, Question 16 in the text.

  2. Chapter 13, Question 15 in the text.

  3. Suppose that nuclear fusion at the center of the sun were to suddenly stop, but was replaced by some new, non-nuclear way of generating energy (unknown to modern physics). Additionally, suppose that this new energy source generated exactly the same amount of energy as nuclear fusion currently does. Would we be able to tell the difference, and how?

  4. Why does nuclear fusion take place only at the center of the Sun, and not in the Sun's outer layers?

  5. Chatper 13, Question 4 in the text.

Last modified: 2003-March-17 , by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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