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Astronomy 102, Spring 2003

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A102 Review Problems

2003 March 17

These problems are not due as homework. They are here for your own studying purposes. Solutions will be posted in one week.

  1. Chapter 14, Question 8 in the text.

  2. Chapter 14, Question 11 in the text.

  3. Chapter 14, Question 13 in the text.

  4. Chapter 14, Question 16 in the text.

  5. Given what we have learned about the interstellar medium and where stars form, consider the following. Spiral galaxies, like our own, have a lot of cool gas (including both atomic and molecular galaxy). There is another type of large galaxy known as an Elliptical galaxy. Such galaxies usually do not have much cool gas. How would you expect the colors of stars seen in an elliptical galaxy to differ from stars seen in a spiral galaxy, and why?

Last modified: 2003-March-17 , by Robert A. Knop Jr.

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