Royal Society Jazz Orchestra, big band swing, swing, 1920s jazz, traditional jazz, san francisco bay area

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Here is a sample list of the wonderful songs we play in the San Francisco Bay Area. If you would like to hear
sound samples of our award-winning music, visit the Audio Samples page.

... R e p e r t o i re ...

Musical Styles include 1920s Jazz, 1930s and '40s Swing and Big Band, Dixieland, Vintage Jazz,
Traditional Jazz, 1950s-'60s Rat Pack Style, Jump Swing, Waltzes, Latin (rumba, tango, samba, cha cha)

1920s jazz, 1930s swing, 1940s swing, trad jazz, traditional jazz, dixieland, san francisco swing
1920s jazz, 1930s swing, big band, san francisco jazz, san francisco swing, san francisco big band

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Royal Society Jazz Orchestra
P.O. Box 750663, Petaluma, CA 94975 Telephone and FAX: 707-765-2055