SMB Technik GmbH is a German company located in the city of Mannheim. The company was started in 1987 by Mr. Gert Transier. The philosophy of the company was to produce high quality beverage bottling machines aimed at industries having micro biologically sensitive and oxidation sensitive products. The products in this category are, primarily, beer and wine. Filling equipment that meets these criteria can easily fill other less problematic beverages such as water and soft drinks. Further, the company recognized a need of quality equipment for the small to mid-sized producer. As such, SMB Technik GmbH has limited their production to machines having a maximum of 40 valves.
Mr. Transier brings to SMB Technik GmbH a lifetime of experience designing and constructing equipment for the beverage industry. He was originally hired by the German beverage equipment manufacturer Winterwerb-Streng (WST). By the time Mr. Transier was in his twenties, he had earned his German Journeyman Machinist accreditation and was in the design department of WST. Within his career at WST, he was in charge of design for many years and eventually was head of all production. At its height, WST was a company that employed about 600 people. In the mid 80's, Mr. Transier decided to form his own company which became SMB Technik GmbH. In 1989, SMB Technik GmbH purchased the technological information (patents & drawings) from the bankruptcy of WST. This formed the basis of technology for the current SMB Technik GmbH machines. Since that time, SMB Technik GmbH has continued to produce innovative designs to meet the demanding needs of the modern beverage packaging industry.
SMB Technik GmbH is a family business. Mr. Transier's oldest son Roger is also a trained and experienced machinist in the beverage machinery industry. As time progresses, Roger Transier is learning the business aspects of the company and will, eventually, take it over.
SMB Technik, Inc.is a sales and service company for SMB Technik GmbH. SMB Technik, Inc. is owned and operated by Larry Langbehn.